This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

212th Sitting 12/12/2019

We had the room setup as usual and used the Magnetometer but not the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 40 minutes Liz began to speak...

As she started, I saw large bright blobs in front of me, then I drifted off to sleep and when I woke the room looked very black and Liz was coming to the end of the communication.

‘Got an image of a barrel rolling... the name Doug... got a riot of images, sumo wrestlers, large people... I've got a strange smell of rubber, rubber burning... Doug’s taking me to the volcano... feeling of terror, souls being rescued, maybe by the Maori, wrestlers, sacred ground... can see a lot of boats... seeing my shoes are melting... It’s an angry mountain... keep getting the word canasta, sense of rivers, streams trickling down, cool water...’

‘Different indignities of the flesh at times... mortality... you can either live five feet under or five feet above, each way is a different perspective and the down under perspective drags you down into the level of the indignity of the flesh but the five feet above lifts you to a perspective where you observe without becoming attached. Gravity tends to pull us down, close to the Earth plane. Gravity holds things together, creates a sense of density, of mass, weight but the soul flies free as in dreams, it immerses itself in matter but it can levitate itself beyond and above and keep the bigger perspective, helps us to avoid the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. And there never was a time when I was not and there ever is a time when I am. True relationship is soul to soul and that union, that bond can never be broken because souls can never die, souls continue, souls grow together, grow into something even more refined, even more amazing. The coming together of souls, that union of souls is the ultimate ecstasy of being. In your relationships don’t dwell on the trappings, on the personality, on the outward positions, relate to the soul. Hear the song of the soul, the vibration, look beyond the clothing, look beyond the flesh and blood, look beyond the deeds and words and confusion, tune in to the soul, the inner spark, that what gives humanity its humanity, the human being inside the shell, the human being in swaddling clothes waiting to be born. When you recognise another soul and you peer beneath the surface and make contact you become real and the other becomes real and in that shared reality you find union. The sharing of union is a gift but each has the capability of bestowing one another and many others and in each contact of soul to soul reality is enhanced, the realisation, the beginning of enlightenment, the beginning of becoming fully human. To become fully human is to fulfil our destiny on Earth, a fully realised human being. When the threshold of fully realised human beings is reached there will be a turning point in the evolution of the human race. In that day there will be no more hunger, no more war, and the lion will lie down with the lamb and the swords shall be turned into ploughshares and on that day humanity will become as one and a true reflection of the creator. The humanity that will inherit the Earth will understand the inner workings with the Earth and will respect and cherish the secret workings of the Earth, and the heavens will be known and will be honoured. It was prophesied that the child will be born, would lead man back to the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Eden that had been guarded by the fiery angels. That man came to show them love of one's neighbour as oneself, to reveal how man could find the love of the living God in his own soul, to realise the love of the living God in the soul of his neighbour. That teaching has spread in the Earth plane. Those who listen and hear the message of the child that is born, the soul is naked. Those who hear and who listen and who understand can transform themselves to become like the child again and grow into the full human and return through the fiery gates to the Garden of Eden. That was meant as your rightful heritage. The wise men followed the star. The sun, the moon, the stars are the luminaries that guide human existence in the Earth plane. Those lights dim as they are compared to the light of the communion of souls our reminders, faint reminders. Their brightness in the dark serves to beckon, to remind, to help us remember where we are heading, first to the crib of the child, the new born then following the child to re-inherit our heritage, the Garden of Eden, the Heaven on Earth, that is the true meaning of Christmas... thank you for listening, love and blessings to everyone’

Me... ‘Thank you’

Liz sat quietly for a while and had a feeling there were a lot of people that she knew who had died that loved what had been said, it was like it was for them and very important. A shared message, a communion of souls.

We then recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself in front of a brick wall and decided to walk through it into a water meadow of irises. It was beautiful and the water was pure and clear. She walked through it to a clear lake and swam to a boat and was then holding onto a rope cradle being pulled along by the boat. A woman in a blue cloak was steering the boat and she took Liz onto a grassy back where she was lifted up and embalmed like a mummy, cocooned in white bandages like a chrysalis that was going to immerge...

I found myself in front of a fence and it was as if I was painting it from right to left. To my right the fence looked new and fresh and to my left it was dark and lifeless. It was as if I was putting life into the fence. I wasn’t using paint but it was some sort of energy coming down my arm from my stomach onto the fence. I wondered where I was getting this life-giving energy from and looked up at the sun and saw a connection with that, then I saw a connection with the moon, and the Earth and some trees. I then saw my higher self and saw most of the energy was coming from that in huge bubbles, like bubbles of information, one at a time and I saw rainbow patterns on them. I tried to see more and saw my higher self merge into something bigger but I could see no further than that...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

211th Sitting 05/12/2019

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG and we had the Magnetometer switched on.

I did the opening prayer at 8pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 40 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I’m just seeing an old school teacher of mine, Mr Whare, Mrs Smith... just aware of dominos, children's games, being shown the value of those things as teaching and training aids that help the brain development... have the sensation of something golden in connection with Mrs Smith, golden opportunity, gold... we are here to help and facilitate the growth of others, sharing our experience, our knowledge and skills, recognising in others a potential and encouraging and teaching is a great blessing. We all benefit with our interaction with others, with the sharing and encouragement we give to others on their journey at any point in their life. Mrs Smith is showing me the white rabbit, it’s the encouragement to explore, to take a journey. Encouragement of imagination is very important, to learn, to recognise the unusual, the anomalies, the strangeness, to accept and not reject unusual experience, to follow the path less trodden. Too often out of fear you confine children and others into straitjackets to make them conform to expectations, common normality. We clip their wings, this causes distortion and unhappiness, of conflict. We need to cherish the uniqueness of every child, of every person even when they don’t fit in to our paradigm into our consensus reality view of what is good, what is valuable. The unruly boy may be a blessing in some particular pathway in life. He may not sit in the classroom tidily doing his sums, behaving, he may need adventure, stimulation beyond the conventional wisdom of the classroom setup. There are captains who have chased the whale, astronauts who have walked on the moon, mountaineers who have climbed Everest, divers who were sent to the bottom of seas, women who have won the Olympics, women who have died fighting for causes but further the interests of humanity. These maybe the ones who wriggle in their seats, who do not behave according to the norm. Cherish their individuality for they may have hidden depths, they may have a pathway to tread, it is not yours or mine, they may have gifts to give. Beware of our attachment to false idols. Arithmetic may be fine for the few but its value may be best appreciated on the race course. There has to be fun in learning, it has to be joyous, enjoyable, not a sedentary chore which children hate. Give me the man and I will show you the child in him who has suffered from wrong education, from the education of harms. Show me the child in the adult and I will show you how to set that child free. Liberty, equality, eternity not competition. Fun, but not competitive fun that boosts the winner and diminishes the looser. Everyone has value, everyone who reaches their full potential is the winner. Encourage everyone to reach their full potential so all may be winners in the game of life. Learn to stand independently, learn to stand in your own truth, the truth of who you are as an individual. Don't be afraid to stand alone for in your uniqueness you shine for the benefit of others... I thank Mrs Smith’

Me... ‘Yes, thank you Mrs Smith, a very interesting talk’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself by a river with a bridge straight ahead, a steel bridge like Meccano and she reached out over it to those in spirit including the people responsible for the Mind Mirror, Max Dade and Geoffrey Blundell. She wanted to feel their presence and felt they were pleased with what we were doing. Liz also thought of Harry Edwards and realised that all of them had been involved in healing. It was the use of the Mind Mirror and biofeedback that was connected to hospitals and healing and Liz felt the importance of the spirit work we are doing is to do with healing...

I started off riding a push bike but I wasn’t moving, the ground beneath me was moving, I was stationary. I was on a large sphere, reddish colour with a surface like the moon. It turned beneath me and would spin in different directions as I turned the handle bars. I had a feeling I was surrounded by something else and rose up out of myself going through another sphere like frosted glass. I found myself on another bike on this sphere and could see my other self below me on the smaller sphere and whatever direction I turned the handle bars the other me did the same. I felt there was some sort of magnetic field connecting us. I again felt I was surrounded by something else and this time rose up and went through a third sphere like a straw net and found myself on another bike. I could see through the holes in the net and saw the other me’s below me both duplicating what I was doing and again felt a magnetic connection. I went to the side of myself and observed everything as a 2-dimensional diagram, three circles with a line connecting the three bikes which were drawn as triangles. I then saw what looked like an Einstein like professor sitting at a large wooden table looking at the diagram while writing down mathematical equations. Then I became the professor and I rubbed out the centre circle and put my head through the diagram. When I opened my eyes I saw a scene of chaos and confusion with different images and noise coming at me rapidly. I took my head out of the diagram and redrew the inner circle and everything felt calm and peaceful once more...

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

210th Sitting 21/11/2019

We had the room setup as usual but didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG or Magnetometer.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge then continued on into the session...

After about 20 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I’ve got the name Daphne again and a sense of delphinium blue connected with her. Daphne reminds me of a dragonfly, an ephemeral being with wings. It's as if I’m in the realm of fairy tales, like seeing a queen but with wings, webbed like a diaphanous... Another name comes to mind is Diane... This is like being in fairy land, the snow queen, I feel this is to do with the children, to be rescued, to be saved... She’s saying we have to save the children, save them from the hunters but who are the hunters? These are the large commercial interests, these hunters, they are the business men, the wealthy. They set up the schools and the academies, thought machines, human factories. The children have to be set free...’ 

‘I see the moonshine and the sunshine and the starlight, the many natural forms of light that are being hidden by the separation. These daily and nightly diaphane forms of light, not just pretty objects, they’re essential for human development, they’re guiding lights. We have made a travesty of natural light by introducing too much artificial light into our lives which operates at a frequency which isn’t conducive to the human frame’

‘I have the colour yellow... when children play with buttercups, shining the buttercup under the chin, do you like butter? That yellow is an important colour of the spectrum, the colour of sunlight, essential for growth...’ 

‘We are holding our children to ransom, slave labour and they pay the ransom for their education, in order to enslave them for the rest of their lives to pay for it. It's a consumer driven child rearing practice. Children being turned into a commodity to maintain the standard of living, the social framework, the economic framework which is in many ways unnatural and contraindicated for the proper evolution of the human soul. In order to grow the child has to liberate himself from this bondage, this ransom which cannot be paid except in blood and toil’

‘Isis is weeping tears for her children of the sun... she says set my children free...’

‘I’m seeing a spotted dog like a dalmatian, slightly puppyish, quite big... keep getting the feeling of a Walt Disney type film... I think the connection with Walt Disney and the fairy tales and stories is the need to feed the children with fantasy, with imaginative stories, the creativity and magic of storytelling’

‘Jamie... said the name Jamie Hamilton...’

‘It’s almost as if I was driving in a tractor... a long brown tube open at the top like a silo... what I was seeing was almost like a ribbed, brown medicine bottle... an L like in an L plate’

‘Got the name Elsie’

‘Casandra... Casandra has a connection with the camels and the three wise men and the star on the way to Bethlehem, the babe in the manger. It’s the Christmas story. Pointing to the new birth, I see the Christmas holly, the tree, the evergreen. There is a longing on the old gnarled faces of the shepherds, of the old men, like carved out of wood, for the birth of this new being, for the child. It is a mystery in the heart of creation, the embryo, the creation of something new, the development of new life, new possibility, new potential. Out of the old gnarled wood comes a new shoot... I have the letter Y for yellow. They brought yellow gold; the child must have gold’

‘Wherever two of three are gathered in my name I am there in the midst of them. That was the Christ promise, the child promise. We battled against many demons, many odds, many oppressors. They fortified ourselves to yield to the child in the centre. Is not easy for the embattled man, for the warrior, gnarled, battle hardened like the old trees in the wood to yield, to allow the new growth, to kneel before the birth of the tender child. Is not easy for the wizen, battle hardened warrior. He must lay down is sword, his fears, his trident. He must kneel before the child, must embrace this naked mewling being. This is not easy for the battle-hardened warrior. He knows he must give up his lance and his sword, his points of view, his direction. He must become a soft lap for the child. To give up the struggle, to give up adversity, to give up transgressions, to give up pain, to give up survival is not easy. If it were easy, we would have won by now, we would have reformed. But for those who wish to recapture the innocence of childhood, for those who wish to approach the child, wish to kneel before the babe, that wish, that longing for innocence, for reform, will initiate with the pathway, progress of those changes necessary in laying down the arms, laying down the weapons, laying down the obstructions, the fortress gates, the barriers to approach. Life's lessons will begin and one by one the armour will be torn away. Embrace these lessons for they are there to enable, to aid path of return, of reform. In order to progress there has to be a measure of destruction of the old defences, destruction of all that obscures and prevents the return, the turning around, the ability to become a soft lap for the child, to yield. It is not easy for the warrior to lay down his arms but the desire for change, the desire to be rid of the fight, the desire to approach the new life, the desire to worship at the crib of the new born will initiate the path and the way for laying down the arms for armistice, for surrender’

‘The roots of the tree grow deep into the earth and the sap that is drawn into the old edifices, into the old gnarled trees is still sufficient to facilitate the new green growth and the tender shoots growing green will feed new sap into the old gnarled trees and the old gnarled trees will turn into the fresh young tree growing and all is one and all is as it should be and this is all the cycle of life, the cycle of growth, all is as it should be. Allow the path that has been set for you are truly already on that path’

‘I think this was from Mary and I say thank you... She jokingly addressed herself as Mary Queen of Scots... Scottish Mary’

Liz was now back with it and we recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself in a wood of bluebells and ransoms with lots of shining water around like a marsh. She was aware of gossamer winged beings like angels or dragonflies coming down towards her through the trees and felt they had rainbows in their wings. They danced around her and Liz wanted to join them and felt herself doing backward somersaults. They were going faster and faster and Liz felt she was being encouraged to increase her vibrational rate. Then they all took off and it was like ice skating over the trees, going into a fairy land. Liz asked these beings what she should do and found herself sitting on a very plain wooden chair but sitting back to front...

I started off swimming in a black void and then became a baby still swimming in this void. Then I was myself again sitting in a chair at the top of a grassy hill. The chair had wheels and started rolling down the hill and then I was on skis skating across snow on the hill to a frozen lake and continued skating across that. The ice melted as the hot sun came out and I was now back to swimming coming to the edge of the lake where I climbed out and continued walking in the same direction in a straight line. I had the impression there were people behind me and looked round to see hundreds of images of me retracing my path so far, like stills from a film. I decided to walk backwards to see what would happen and the images began appearing in front of me but they were translucent and when I looked beyond where I had stopped they continued in that straight line but there were also others going off from that point in different directions but these were less clear. I got the impression I was seeing my probable futures and actuated past events...

Once again we noticed a few similarities between our experiences and with some of what came through later.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

209th Sitting 25/10/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 7.50pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I felt a fuzzy touch on the top of my head during the opening prayer and this continued on and off during the session.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 25 minutes Liz reported seeing eyes looking at her then after another 15 minutes started to speak...

‘I got this strong impression of grey like a velour fabric and I've just been holding on to it, feel the connection with Grey Wolf and another grey who is with me. I feel the connection in this sense because the grey came through with a feminine, a sense of a female presence, but I think what I am wanting to say... the male and the female are one, two parts of a pod, two parts of a psyche separating out into the different genders, they are united peas in a pod. At the higher levels differentiation doesn't exist in the same way, the whole being incorporates both, it’s gender neutral in the sense that the male and the female don’t separate out they are part and parcel of the same being in which all those fragments are united, one whole and this is the significance of the right and the left brain two different ways of being in the world, two different perspectives. At a higher level they come together into the one, the holographic image, every part contains the whole. This polarisation in the physical world is a fabrication of the divided self by the way the incarnating spirit decided to differentiate, a fabrication allowing a particular form of generation, an idea for the creative production of further beings. One pathway chosen excessively and leading to an entrapment in two identities differentiated for the purpose of generation but an artifice, an artifice of the creative mind but leading to entrapment because of the limitation and the developing brain. When the function of the brain predominates and this way of viewing the world, this way of creating identity leads to dysfunction and consciousness lies beyond the brain for it is only a mediator but the conscious life becomes entrapped in the being that is functioning purely from the chemistry of the brain and losing touch with the whole of its conscious being. This leads to great battles and wars and dissonance between the sexes and within the individual, embattlement, leading to the many fairy tales, the many fantasies, the many stories, the many archetypal tales, Grimm’s fairy tales, the sleeping beauty, the witches, the crones, the giants, the wizards, the wicked witches, the star children, the demonic deformed males, Rumpelstiltskin, the frog prince, all aspects of the human psyche in one male or female predominant role, these fantastic figures play out, act out from the historical, political planes within the social framework, they externalise into human society, into the terrible and transgressive models that predominate in human society and discriminate unfairly and empower one sex over another and create tyranny until these errors in the human psyche are corrected. Until consciousness within each human expands to beyond these confines there will be no healing of human society. These errors in thinking, defining self, stand in the way of integration, stand in the way of evolving the evolution of the individual, stand in the way of the evolution of human society, the civilisation. The present civilisation is based on a false apprehension of the human self, it has to be understood that the body, the physical body is borrowed from the earth, nothing on the physical plane belongs to the individual entity, it’s all transitory, passing, the consciousness incorporates and goes beyond and the phenomena of the physical world like dreams or illusions dissolve, including the human body, including the human misapprehending identity. The true being, the soul, consciousness goes way beyond. The opportunity to access this totality is given moment by moment but bypassed and at death this opportunity opens up but is most often bypassed, familiarity with the totality of being has to be cultivated, has to be reconnected with here and now in order to be secured, in order to be stabilised with the totality of our conscious being to stabilise in full consciousness requires the exercise of attention, requires the exercise of patient persistence because the habit of self-deception and the illusory nature of false identity has predominated for so long and with such consensus but only an act of will or an act of grace can liberate the human being from the falsehood of gender identity. Great mystics and saints spoke of our mother-father God and our sweet mother Jesus because they recognised that the totality of being contained both male and female, beyond archetypes, containing all archetypes but beyond the beyond. Grey Wolf shows me the vastness of heaven, the vastness of the psyche that goes beyond, the great wild spaces for exploration, for being. True love goes beyond the male or female, goes beyond attachment to the human form. Great love lies in the realms of great consciousness, the ultimate creative act in which the one divides to become two. This mystery is beyond human conception and the posing of it in binary form, again is the manipulation of the human psyche, the binary brain, an attempt to comprehend, but is as yet incomprehensible to the divided brain. For those grappling with truth it may often have to be taken on faith but the many are one and the one is the many’

‘I have the image of a can of worms and the picture of a fisherman. He uses the can of worms to catch the fish. I feel I have opened a can of worms’

‘Somebody’s repeating again that many are called, few are chosen’

‘It has to be noted in the evolutionary principle that there is often overproduction. We notice it in the generation of seed, in the surplus DNA, the genetic medium, an overproduction of base pairs, surplus material. We call this hedging our bets. There is purpose in this design, it is a natural outcome of chaos which allows that flexibility to be creative, to develop, to adapt, to change, to evolve. An element of randomness, of random generation is inherent in the evolutionary design principle in which we operate, the probability window, the plasticity of consciousness. Every nook and cranny is filled, is tested, developed in the fullness of time. There will come a time when the fully developed human will be a true creator in turn, when true knowledge will supersede understanding then you will stand over and not under creation, until such a time you will continue in the fallacy of the differentiation of the sexes and the divided brain... thank you for listening’

‘Lupus, lupus, lupus, is that the name for wolf?’

Long pause...

‘I was just asking for a message for you Nick and someone came and wanted to put a school scarf round your neck, I tried to see what colour it was and it seemed like it was an orangy yellow and red stripes and a school cap, then the same person wanted to put some slippers on your feet and they were like fluffy ducks, ha, ha... I don’t know if it was your grandmother but it was somebody who wanted to look after you... as if you were still a school boy’

Me... ‘I did get an image of my mum earlier on, could have been her possibly?

‘Yes, perhaps she was there, it felt like a nurturing presence, wanted to wrap you up...’

Liz now felt back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz started off with tulips, a Dutch connection. It was a muddy area with a red brick wall and took Liz to a river bank. Across the river was a wonderful landscape, trees, shrubs and hills that went on and on, expansive, something to explore. Liz wanted to get over there and saw a silver metal bridge that turned into a rainbow but she knew she could fly across and turned into a brown speckled bird like a hawk or owl. She flew over the landscape, on and on, a wonderful sense of freedom. Then she came to a place that connected her with men that had passed over, she felt their powerful presence, many men that had been in her life and had loved but some of them hadn’t known Liz completely as she was and it felt like it was an acceptance now. They were in a circle and beyond that Liz was drawn to the women in her life that had passed over. There was a particular woman she didn’t know who seemed to be from a fairy tale and she led Liz to a castle where she was shown fairy tales in which women have appeared and men have appeared, those two archetypes, the male and the female, situations like when the woman is locked in a tower and the man has to climb up by her hair and the wicked step mothers and the sleeping beauty who was awaken by a prince. Liz was taken to a castle like an astronomer's tower or a lighthouse with a diamond multifaceted light that contained all the rainbow colours, all the facets, like a hologram where the whole is there but every part of it contains the image of the whole. Looking out over this landscape Liz could see the overview, she saw everything all contained in the one, she saw all the parts and acknowledged them but at the same time could see they were all parts of the one. This was where Liz wanted to stay, this point of true seeing where you see many in the one and the one in many...

I started off seeing a red door so opened it and went through. I found myself going down a spiral staircase. It was very dark at first then lightened up and I saw I was in a giant glass test tube making my way to the bottom on this glass spiral staircase. I tried to see out and saw I was in a huge laboratory and was being held by a mad professor who looked like Einstein. He said how did you get in there? And I told him about the red door. Then he asked did I close the door behind me? And I told him I'd left it open. He didn’t seem very pleased and said he needed to do some experiments then poured some liquid into the test tube. I thought I was going to drown but the liquid was like a cool mist. Then he lit a Bunsen Burner and held the test tube in the flame. I thought I was going to be burned alive but again it felt OK just a bit warm. Suddenly I found myself outside the test tube with the professor who was now the same size as me. He asked me what had I learnt from this experience? I said I'd learnt not to go through red doors and he said no you haven’t, what you have learnt is when you are exploring and see something like a door you should always go through it and know that you will never get hurt however scary things may look while you are in other realities because you are not part of that reality, you are just exploring and experiencing it and can always go back to your physical reality. It’s always good to explore and to learn new things wherever you are so if you see a door or a portal go through it and engage with all that you discover with no fear...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

208th Sitting 17/10/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 7.55pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise and then continued on into the session.

I experienced a few light touches during the session.

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘I have a feeling I have Grey Wolf with me, I can feel his claws in my hands. Grey Wolf is overshadowing me’

Me... ‘He’s very welcome...’

‘Covers vast territory, keeps in touch with the vastness, it’s that sense of perspective, seeing the larger picture, the woods, the trees... He’s saying we’re lost in the morass, the everyday... go for the blue sky, go for the wilderness, go for the vast space, get in touch with that... He’s grappling around, reminding me of how he grappled, the thorny problems, knots... being forced to face the great night sky with the stars, the vast wilderness of snow, forest, ice mountains, released in the morass. The insignificant mental toil that so absorbs the human mind, the stories, the justifications, the intrigue. Howling the wolves, howling my song to the stars, to the moon. My whole heart sings and this is a different noise... the song of the heart, feeling, centring that song. There is your lifeline, the lifeline that takes you to where you belong, to your meaning, to your soul’s purpose in this life beyond the story telling and trivia. When you howl to the moon and sing your song you listen for the echo, the reverberation. The heavens sing back to you. You join in cacophony, laughing with all of creation, not alone, never alone though alone. The loneliness is what we feel but the loneliness brings you to your community and belonging, the choir of creation, the whole heart, the healing of the heart. Mine was a wounded heart, my heart burst and only then did my heart learn to sing... I learnt the meaning of forgiveness; I learnt the meaning of atonement and atunement. I could acknowledge my transgressions without self-loathing, I could see the larger framework, the whole field in which my journey began and continues still. No obligation to finish or end, just a continuing journey full of wild joy...’

‘I can feel my Auntie Sophie...’

Liz was feeling cold.

‘I had the name Richard...’

‘I seem to be in a dream with lots of people, different people, faces...’

Me... ‘Anybody you recognise?’


‘Somebody’s telling me he’s annoyed; he would have changed the date for his appointment if he’d known... he says... would have done something different if I’d have known...’

The music CD ended.

‘I feel this creeping feeling over my hair... strong electrical feeling, top of my head...’ 

‘Sense of a tortoise, a turtle...’

‘I was going into a dream then, someone wanted to pull a curtain across, felt like somebody in a hospital bed’

‘Got an image of a wheelbarrow, somebody in an allotment’

‘Somebody coming through on a unique radio band, loud and clear... getting a sense of wind generators... alternative technology... seeing tectonic plates, explosions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions... they’re saying it’s not too late, someone’s trying to hold on to the larger picture... Got Grey Wolf again... not too late’

‘Seem to be some army types, air force... a fish’s tail, amphibian, amphibian vehicle, sea serpent...’

‘I was concerned, wondering if I should hold on to the woods and I sense there’s a larger picture, to hold on to it, be patient, there’s a reason for it’

‘Experiencing a bit of pain in my left thigh...’

‘Cleverly disguising the true origin of what’s being said... I'm asking why?... too controversial... bellicose being, bellicose...’

Liz kept yawning.

‘I think I’ll say goodbye to everyone, it’s too slow’

‘Got the name Terence Rattigan’ 

We thanked everybody for coming and I noticed the room then went very dark.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off walking in silver sand going towards a hot air balloon. Somebody helped her in and encouraged her to throw out all the ballast as it rose up in the air and into the stars. The ballast was all Liz’s current concerns. The balloon landed on green grass and Liz was watching all sorts of people going past, different people all doing the best they could with what they had. Liz was being told that we all have our imperfections and blemishes but we’re all doing the best we can and that we have to learn to accept and not to judge one another but to encourage them...

I was floating in mist and my hands were held by two people either side of me. As the mist cleared, I saw that I was part of a huge circle of people looking like silhouettes all linking hands. I noticed the people were merging into one another as the circle got smaller and finally the two people either side of me merged into me. I was now standing on a mountain looking down on a busy city. There were thousands of cars and people rushing around which seemed such a contrast to me on this mountain in the clean air on my own and the crowds of people in all those car fumes rushing around trying to make a living. I wondered why they did this every day and realised they were all living with fear and believed they had to work like this to look after themselves and survive whereas if they lived with love they could care for one another and share with each other and everybody would benefit...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

207th Sitting 10/10/2019

We had the room setup as usual. Liz wasn’t wired to the Mind Mirror EEG but we had the Magnetometer working.

I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

I felt light touches on my right hand, then a pressure on my palm and it later felt like my hand was gently squeezed.

I felt a pressure on my left arm near the elbow.

I suddenly felt very cold from the waist up.

Liz was getting hot and then getting cold.
She was feeling her mum and dad around.

Liz was in and out of sleep for about one hour then began to talk...

‘I’m seeing a bird, pink and blue, a small bird. It's identifying itself; I think it’s just showing me that birds have meaning, they inhabit the spaces in our consciousness, between the worlds, they bridge two worlds, a multiverse. I asked how it can be true that the dead can appear sometimes in the form of birds... they can project their consciousness into the small apparatus, a virtual bird. It's a well-known trick in the Shamanic world for a dreamer to move his consciousness into a bird form’

‘I sensed... connecting with the magnetometer...’

‘You are not to dismiss these signs that come to us from the other world into this world, fleeting though they may be, it behoves us to credit them with a meaning, a meaning unique to our self. Colours are also important; colours indicate our connection where in our consciousness they lodge these birds. Hold on to these fleeting symbols that vanish almost with the rapidity of dream disappearance but don’t get too hooked up on them, let them speak to you, listen and hold them in that reservoir of mind space, allowing them to connect you with your own significant experience, memories. Hold their significance in a special place in your mind, they are not to act on, they are not to believe or disbelieve, their importance is for you uniquely and they connect you with the numinous worlds, the internal worlds. They project into the outer world of the physical to remind you, they are reminders of your connectiveness with those other episodes, those other vibrational levels in you. They are not intended to influence your pathways in the physical world, your choices, your experiences, they are merely resonances that help you to connect with your own larger consciousness and those in spirit who are close to you. They want to remind you of their closeness of their continued presence in your life, in your manifold lives’

‘I have Candace Pert who I think wrote the book Molecules of Emotion... The connection with the birds is the importance of the emotions in our quality of being and that birds have an uplifting effect often on our emotional state and that those in spirit who love us and are connected with us and wish to uplift us, bring us happiness, lift our mood, bring us joy, impinge on our emotions, may choose to manifest in the form of a bird who captures our attention by imposing their presence on us in a physical world in a seemingly meaningful way. This is a natural way for our dear ones in spirit to try and raise our spirits, to bring us happiness, to convey their care for us. The bonds of love survive multiple lifetimes, multiple experiences in the Earth plane, they continue through many dimensions, they are part of our orchestral being and it’s natural that those bonds of love should be twanged to resonate, keeping us tuned in to our greater reality, our greater community of loving beings and love. Love is in a bunch of flowers, love is in a bird, love is where you look for it, those beautiful things that capture your attention, twang those resonant threads and bonds of love that glue you in the matrix of being that connects you to your totality’

‘Glory be to dappled things as the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, for a thatch is the Kingdom of Heaven made and our life on Earth is also the Kingdom of Heaven’

‘I’ve got the name John Le Mesurier, and mellitot... an image of daisies... get a strong sense my dad is there’

‘I’ve got a strong sense of the cross, reaching up, the vertical connecting us to our Heaven and our Earth and the horizontal reaching out of that energy, that healing into the world, those two directions, that cross of light is an important stabilising symbol to connect with, a light from Heaven down through our crown centre right down through our legs and feet into the Earth and then the horizontal bit of that energy in us then reaching out through our arms spread either side, extending out into the world, that light then breathes out into the world. Breathe in, draw that light from the Heaven down, down into the ground through our feet, we breathe out extending our arms out the side like a bird, that light spreads out at the left and right equally. Perfect balance of energies. In-breath you draw the vertical, out-breath the horizontal. On that symbol of the cross we should end...’

Liz was now feeling back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz started off walking in beautiful soft, powdery sand, so soft that her footsteps filled up again as she walked. She was walking towards a familiar sea with islands in it and felt there was a person either side of her, she felt it was her mum and dad. There was a large boat like a galleon and Liz’s mum and dad were leading her up a wide gang plank. The boat now looked more like an ocean liner and seemed empty. They set off in it and found themselves at Arran looking at Holy Island. This was where Liz was conceived and her mum and dad were very happy there, it was a place that connected them all. Liz stretched over to Holy Island and the cave with her mum and dad. There was great significance with this as Liz felt they had all had a lifetime that connected them with that cave. Liz saw a coin with a Roman head on it and there was a connection with a spring, with water, she remembered there was a healing spring by the cave. She had slept in the cave and had dreamt about looking for it. Liz felt that in the spiritual life her mum and dad could now see the bigger picture and appreciated her direction and wanted to help now...

I was sitting in the séance room and noticed a kind of mist coming into the room through the walls, floor and ceiling. Within this mist I could see glimpses of people, I saw arms coming through the walls and shapes like people walking round the room. The glass dome in the centre of the room started glowing, lighting up the room and the people formed a circle around it, linking hands and seemed to dance round it. I noticed I had risen above them and was viewing all this from the ceiling. I looked towards where Liz sat and saw changing coloured lights coming from her, blues, purples and greens. I stayed there watching this for a while then sunk back down into my chair...

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

206th Sitting 19/09/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘I have this shape like a ziggurat, a pyramid with steps... white birds flying around... it’s like a light bulb going on... layers of an onion peeling off and every layer is a layer of mystery, a mystery at every layer, every step of the path, like the heart of the onion, even there you come to no end, a series of layers, of steps with no end in sight, endless questioning, endless mystery unfolding one layer at a time, one step at a time, like looking through a microscope, the resolution changes with the magnification, but the limitations of the microscope and determined by the wavelength of light. With your frail sensory apparatus, you do not know the ultimate resolution of light. Beyond the onion of your physical reality is yet another larger onion in which it is contained and beyond that yet another onion in which that is contained, an infinite succession and an infinite regression. For you the knowing is one step at a time, one layer of the onion at a time and patience is the key, enjoy the journey, enjoy the progression, allow yourself to be entertained by the universe of infinite probabilities’

‘Everything speaks to you, every small thing you encounter is a mystery, the stone, the pebble, the butterfly’s wing, the hair on your head, dust in the air, the clouds in the sky. Each and everything you encounter contains endless mysteries. Enjoy, allow those mysteries to talk to you, to teach you. Each has a tale to tell, a story, the story-line comes from the voice of the infinite into finite time. Remember it is not the flute that makes the music but the player who plays it, the musician who breathes into it, who breathes into it the breath of life. When you receive your stories, when you allow the object of your contemplation to speak to you, to tell you its story and you tell that story and know it is the voice of the infinite, it is the voice of the creator revealing to you one mystery at a time and in the human realm the story is a vehicle for the expression, the out breathing of the infinite into time, into your temporal space. Be still and listen, be still and know the mystery that I am’

‘I seem to have Agnus and Ouspensky...’

‘There’s a story of the sailor, he set out in his boat on the sea looking for land and overhead there flew a flock of wild birds, they were ducks and they were flying in a direction opposite to where he was heading so he turned his boat and followed them because he thought that the ducks would be making their way to land where they could feed, if he followed the ducks he would find his way. So he turned his boat and followed the ducks and sure enough he came to land at the reed beds, the singing reed beds where the ducks fed and he was safe, unlike the mariner who shot the albatross, who shot those symbols in the sky that could guide, he respected and followed the birds and the moral of the story is respect and honour those guides that are sent to you, those symbols, those signs and don’t shoot them down, don’t despise them and don’t reject them. Honour them using your logic to determine what they mean, unravel their meaning and let them lead you home, lead you to where you want to go. The ducks for this sailor are metaphors, dream images, signs, tokens, synchronicities, phenomena but come from deep in the universal consciousness to answer his questions, to guide him, to unpeel that next layer of mystery, that next step he should take, the way home. Pay attention, pay heed to the ducks’

‘Silver... like in a chess game, like the light of a steed, of a lance playing a game of warfare, of power, supremacy. Learning the lessons of war, of conquest. Daisy strewn turf, each daisy a life plucked, conquistadors...’

‘That’s it, the Salvation Army, that’s the one that counts, those are the battles worth fighting, the battles for the human soul. Those are the ones I'm fighting now. I learnt my lessons’

‘When we said many are called but few are chosen, this is the story of those who hear the true battle cry and there are many that fight in the wars of the Earth and the human wars. Many soldiers, many who take up arms, many who follow the crowd, but the true trumpet is playing a rally to the true army of spirit. Many are called, that trumpet sounds for many, for all but few respond, few hear it, most ears are attuned to the Earthly trumpet call, to the drums and the banners and the slogans, the cannon fire, they do not hear the heavenly choirs calling you to the work of spirit, to the salvation of souls. Few there are who hear the call, even after many lifetimes of fighting in the folly of Earth battles but when those who hear respond, we call them the chosen ones because we can draw them closer to us, we can summon them at will, we can inspire them with the spirit, with the holy spirit. We can raise them up, we can set them on the path which is onwards, the path of progression. Once they are chosen there is no turning back’

‘I had Marilyn Monroe, the name, and I just felt she wanted to say that what she wanted was love, she didn’t really want to be an icon. She didn’t really care about her face, she wanted to be loved for the face she had before the world of fame. She didn’t want to be on a chocolate box’

‘Earlier I had a face that looked like Mrs Thatcher, she was gesticulating... I think she wanted me to tell Boris something... I said she should tell him herself...’

‘Just got the Yeoman of the Guard which I think is a Gilbert and Sullivan opera...’

‘Muswell Hill, the May story-line, song of the nightingale... I think it’s Mum and Dad there... showing a pathway strewn with petals... I think they are just letting us know that those who love us are always there, protecting us, wanting our path to be sweet’

The music CD ended.

‘I’ve got Brenda again... and Davis’

Liz sat for a few minutes with her mind empty... she got a sense of being in Spain, mountains, Catalonia, the Billy Goats Gruff, on the hillside over the river, the greener grass, get to the greener grass. The rocks in the mountain had deep black and purple lines in them.

Liz was back with it and thanked everyone for being there.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off with tulips. She was reaching out over the bridge and sensed her Mum and Dad there. There was a loving white horse that came towards her and Liz wanted to ride it and for it to take her to higher levels. It was a bit like Pegasus and took Liz to a reed bed where there was someone Liz knew who had died, Claude with white hair, a bit like a wizard and he was welcoming her to the world of art and poetry and stories. He told her it wasn’t the reed that made the music, it was the player. He said everything you look at has a mystery, and the importance of stories, they are our connection to the great mystery, a way of conveying a layer of mystery that was beyond us...

I started off hearing the words ‘tread carefully’ and then saw stepping stones in shallow water. I carefully walked over them not wanting to look up and felt quite wobbly and out of balance. I sensed a person each side of me and they took my arms steadying me as I walked. Then it went dark, I couldn’t see anything so stopped but they still urged me forward and I found I could still step on the stepping stones without seeing them. I had started with shoes on but was now barefooted and could feel the stones which were warm and then they turned to warm sand and I noticed the people each side of me had disappeared but I now felt more stable. I could hear children running around and sensed one coming up to me so I held out my hands and a pair of glasses were placed in them which I put on and could then see again. I was on a sandy beach and I saw an open chest full of gold coins and a pirate ship out at sea but the pirates were returning to the ship having put the chest on the beach. I then saw a line of people walking past the chest. They looked poor with tattered clothes and each person took one coin from the chest and smiled...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

205th Sitting 10/09/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 8pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

About 15 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘We love the gardens of your Earth, the places where humans cooperate with plant life and insect life to create a place of harmony and beauty, a cooperative environment, and the farmsteads, smallholdings where people and animals and plants live in harmony, serving each other, mutually caring and admiring and cooperating. And you will observe how many of the scientific advances have stemmed from scientists like Mendel in his garden working with the pea plants and finding out the laws of inheritance. Such places allow the human spirit to tune in to the deeper workings, the creative forces that underpin your physical world. In a garden where it is claimed Newton observed the apple fall and developed his theory of gravity. Many scientists, many great thinkers have been moved and inspired as they sit in nature and allow the secret information inherent in every aspect to reveal itself to them in moments of quietude and reflection and contemplation. These wonderful places that you create, these gardens, these places of harmony and quietude, of perfect harmony and colour, of thought and emotion and design, places of love, where your love and appreciation of nature has been allowed to create, has been allowed to develop. These places are holy places, places where our connection, the connection with spirit and matter, the connection with spirit and the human mind, the interconnection of different vibrational levels where a thinning of the barrier between the worlds can manifest, where communication can take place. Treasure these places, these are the places that are the true temples, more so than the buildings. These are the places where you can meet with spirit, where we can mutually benefit each other. And the ancients created these places, places of power, they became the places of power because of the love and the thought and the emotion and the intent, the design. These are the places to be in’

‘Kilbride and Kirkcaldy... I have these tartans... I sense there is a church at Kirkcaldy with a shamrock, a connection with Ireland’

‘We have been watching these islands, these islands are blessed, there is a reason why men went to these islands. The pure combination of natural forces and factors combined to make a power vortex, a pyramid of prayer possible. A purity of intent could be focused in the simplicity of life, of a natural, harmonious, simple life, for that is what those who traveled to these islands sought. A simplicity of life that allowed for the direct connection with source. The island dwellers knew the powerful points of the compass and the energies associated with the rising sun, the midday sun, the setting sun, the waxing and the waning of the moon, the planetary configurations and they became aware of the energies associated with the natural bodies of the physical world, planets, the stars, the energies of the water, the energies of the trees, the energies of the rocks, the combination of the energies, the juxtaposition of the heavenly bodies. This awareness was refined and sharpened by the island dwelling. This fine tuning to the natural power sources has been corrupted by the modern technological rise of alternative power sources which interfere with the direct senses of the Earth and Heaven energies. To refine those senses and reawaken them it is necessary to go to quiet places, to the islands, to the wildernesses. In these places direct contact may be better obtained if the fears associated with the wilderness, with the wild, associated with isolation, associated with direct contact can be allayed because there is a resistance and a fear in the human heart from an atavistic past which makes it difficult for many to surrender to nature, to the natural world. Many feel safer in houses, in communities to keep out the wolf, to keep out the wild beasts, to keep out the forest, the storm, the tempest, the torrents, the thunder and lightning, the forces that are feared. How is it that nature which should be your friend has become your enemy that you need to tame and control and pacify. For you have in your hearts the torrents, the gnashing of teeth, the blood lust, the thunder, the lightning, the crashing, the violence, the tornadoes. You have this emotional turmoil in your own hearts and you see this projected in nature. It is your fear of your own turbulence, of your own power of destruction that you fear, that you see mirrored in the elements, in the forces of nature. Were you to be still and at peace and in love with yourself and the Earth and all beings you would have nothing to fear’

Me... ‘What do you think has caused all these fears to grow within ourselves?’

‘The realisation of the unlimited power of destruction that we have. The realisation of the devastating nature of some choices that we can make. The realisation that the power of life and death can be in our hands. We fear that power because we know that we could use it for ill, we could use it unwisely. The knowledge that we have often done so, the knowledge and the gilt and the shame of the destruction and havoc that we have been capable of, that we have caused has created those fears in us. We fear ourselves; we fear the devil in us but we project it outwards onto the world so the world is peopled with the phantoms of our own inner turbulence, projections of our own inner demons. We project them onto nature, we project them onto each other, we see them manifesting in the wars and the famines, all of which are avoidable but which continue almost like a video projection of our own inner state, our group consciousness and that is why the purification of each one of us, the purging of these inner demons, the transformation, the quieting, the pacifying, the healing of each one of us helps to shift the balance with a more... we reconnect with the purity in us and with nature. The more we connect in love with the natural world and with each other, the more we strive for peace in our own hearts and find the way to love, find the way to empathy and understanding, to healing the wounds, to repairing the damage, to facing the truth within us, in our own nature, to acknowledging and healing, to stop blaming, putting the blame outside, to stop projecting but to own, to acknowledge, to repent and to repair. For each one of us who heals and repairs, who heals and atones, who comes back into perfect harmony, for each one of us is a stepping stone to Heaven on Earth, to restoring the balance to goodness, to peace on Earth, to our reconnection with our self, with our divine and spiritual self. So each one who finds their way to their inner wilderness, to their inner island, to their place of sanctuary, of quiet, of peace, of reconnection and dwells there in contemplation and prayer, for each one of us that heals their soul and reconnects with spirit in full consciousness is shifting the balance, is helping the evolution of all. The threshold will come like a mounting wave so that more and more will find the way, more and more will find the way of peace’

‘The power of the connection with source, with spirit, with the highest principle is such a magnetic pull that the urge towards good, the urge towards love and kindness is inevitable. Once that connection is firmly made, it is like kindling a fire once the spark has taken, all the dross of the many lifetimes and incarnations will slowly burn away, fall away like ashes, will slowly be discarded and purified. Once that connection is made the fire in the soul will begin to burn with the flame of purification that will help to bring to light, to reveal, to show up all the dross, all the impediments, all the infirmities, all the fears, all he baggage that has created the heaviness and the turmoil and once it is seen and cast in the flames it will be transformed into the pure light of goodness. The will to adversity, to victimisation, to destruction will be transformed into the will of enlightenment. But that contact must be made and held and there will be a time for every soul making this contact that has been known by the saints as the dark night of the soul because when that contact with light reveals the ugliness within there is shame, there is remorse, there is self-hatred, self-doubt, but this is a temporary, necessary phase. By acknowledging the ugliness of sin, the ugliness of the mistakes and the wrong choices and the delinquent pathways that we have been on for so many years, by acknowledging and repenting and asking for absolution, by wanting to reform, to reshape, by letting go of all of that with remorse and with tears the new state of worthiness and acceptance will arise. For every soul that casts off the cloak of fear and devilry, negativity, hatred, for every soul that casts off the dark cloak that has imprisoned that soul for lifetimes, for every soul that sees the terrible prison that such a cloak that they have worn for so long has created and cast it off a new baptism in spirit takes place like a child, like a babe born to a new life naked and helpless, the soul cries out to source and the support and the protection and the love of source reaches out to the new found soul and there is no turning back, that soul can only move onwards to peace, to goodness, to love, to beneficence and slowly, slowly the last remnants, the rags, the tatters of that old encumbrance of a cloak of darkness is dissolved in the light. But remember that the habits of many years and lifetimes may not be cast off overnight. Patience is necessary to allow the slow unpeeling, the slow recognition, yet another layer to peel off, yet another tatter to unpick, to cast into the flames. For some this can be a sudden and fast process, for others this is a slow and laborious process but for every soul who has turned to the source this process is assured’

Me... ‘Do you think the human race is moving in the right direction to achieve all this?’

‘The direction is inevitable, the timing is equivocal, the timing is not fixed, there is always a probability envelope which is shifting but once the arrow has been fired it will find its true course even though it wobbles on the way. This is the arrow of creation, of evolution, of the thought and the intent behind that creation. There is only one way to go and that is towards light, towards the source, returning to the source. There is nowhere to go but home which is where you have always been and where you always are. There are many paths but they all lead home. There is no need to fear, there is nothing to fear. There is nowhere to go to be outside the love of God’

‘There is a poem by Herlderlene which may answer your question... ‘The lines of life are various; they diverge and fuse like footpaths and the mountains upmost ends what here we are elsewhere a god amends with recompense, eternal peace and truth’

‘Have no fear that this world, this physical universe was made by beings with love and is held in love and that is the ultimate truth. Humans at the present time are like children who have lost their way, who cannot find the mother’s breast, but when they have found the mother’s breast again they will drink and be at peace. This is the paradox of the created beings developing consciousness but the process of the path to enlightenment has its growing pains and as a human being those nightmares and fears, and the stumbles and falls, and the knocks are part of the growing process just as the toddler, the child burns his finger in the fire, has knocks and bruises, breaks a limb, falls down, climbs and falls, climbs and falls until he learns the way, the safe way, the correct way. So it is with every aspect of the growing human consciousness, there will be difficult times, times of pain and distress, the growing pains, but there will come a time of peace for every soul, and just as with the child the stages of growth are longer for some than for others but every child who survives will grow to become an adult and every soul will struggle to learn the lessons of life, will grow to enlightenment. It is the only way, that was the arrow, that was the thought, the loving thought at the centre of the created world, that is the direction of your evolution. There is nothing to fear, you are held in the hand of God, you are held in the consciousness of higher beings, of a higher consciousness that sees the way as the parent sees for the child the way it is to go’

‘I have the name Gordon...’

The music CD ended.

‘Just had the name Mary Whitehouse...’

‘I’ve come back to the rose garden... that’s a good point to end with the power of the garden as a place of sanctuary’

‘I think I have Phil Demayo’

‘It’s strange but I think they wanted me to say... many are called but few are chosen... I'm now being shown, like in Darwin’s Evolution, the survival of the fittest... I don’t know if that is what they are meaning but you could see it in terms of the path of martyrdom or Jesus’s pathway himself, that was not for everyone, the sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb...’

Liz had sensed a very high presence with us tonight, people around her and a very inspirational woman, she saw her face.

Some of what Liz received went against the grain of what she believed or wanted to believe up to now and she found it hard to bring it through and felt she was blocking some of it.

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz was going down a narrow muddy farm track between hedges but she knew she was going towards somewhere beautiful and came to a cliff top with steps going down to the sea where there were mountainous islands like off the coast of Scotland or Ireland. Liz went down the steps then realised she could just fly out to the islands and flew to a very bright place with lots of white and gold light. A familiar male figure was there, youngish with long blond curly hair, blue eyes, a wide face, kind of country face but also educated and he was in a shining white robe. He gave Liz a hug like an old friend and Liz saw him as an old man at the same time with grey hair. He was part of a farming community on the island, very peaceful like a monastic order and he was sharing the love of this simplistic, natural life...

I got the phrase ‘let go of all the loose change’ in my mind then saw coins falling down in a waterfall and into a lake. They were shining gold coins and the surface of the lake was shining gold. I put my hands in the lake and they were gold when I took them out, then I wiped over my face with my hands and that became gold. I decided to jump in the lake and underneath the gold it was clear water and I looked at all the colourful fish and plant life under the water and thought how natural and beautiful it was. I looked up and saw it was raining and the gold was disappearing, then I swam to the surface and saw how beautiful the scenery was around the lake. It made me think that the gold represented the material things and money we all want to possess and how temporary that was whereas the real treasures are the natural beauties of the Earth which is peaceful and harmonious and free to share for everyone...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

204th Sitting 29/08/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 7.50pm, turned out the light and put the music on,

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

About 15 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘Wherever two or three are gathered in my name I am there in the midst of them. It's sufficient for just two or three to meet together for the presence of spirit to manifest. Whatever you ask in the name of spirit will be brought to you, will manifest. Have no doubt, be certain of this, this is the truth, this was promised, this was promised by Christ who was connected to the source. He said I and my father are one’

‘So it is sufficient for us two to meet here with spirit and for all that we ask to manifest. As we let the scales of doubt and insecurity fall from us, we will realise the presence of spirit in our midst and our strong connection. And as we trust and grow in confidence of that connection our contact will grow stronger, more direct, more immediate. Allow the scales of disbelief, of confusion, of doubt, to fall away. Be sure of this one thing, wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. And whatever you ask in my name shall be granted. Ask and you will receive’

‘So be sure when you enter this space, you’re plugging in to a high voltage source. That connection is immediate. Trust in the power of that connection’

‘I have here the image of the lotus, the lily, transducing light, opening for the lotus born, the roots deep in the mud, connected to the earth, transmuting the dross of the earth into the wondrous flower with the white open petals absorbing and reflecting the light, transducing light, light energy, reflecting out into the world the light of the source, of the sun, of the one being. The lotus born one is with you now’

‘You have asked for physical mediumship to be developed, have you doubted that this is possible? You have the lotus born with you. When your doubts like the sequels and scales of the bud of the lotus have fallen away your full power and potential will open. Whatever you ask in my name will be granted unto you; this is the promise. Do you doubt?’

Me... ‘I sometimes think that we need more people for physical phenomena to happen in this room’

‘Wherever two or three are gathered together in my name I am there in the midst of them. Your connection with spirit is enough, what stands in the way is your doubt, your confusion, your lack of faith, your misconstrued beliefs. You will find in the history of the saints, in the history of the mystics, in the scriptures, individuals manifesting physical mediumship, manifesting light, manifesting phenomena, increasing the faith of those around them. Were they three, four, five six? They were individuals, individuals plugged in to the source, it is sufficient to plug in to the source. You believe that you need many but that is your belief’

Me... ‘So how do I get rid of that belief?’

‘By strengthening your connection to the source’

Me... ‘How do I strengthen my connection to the source?’

‘By connecting every day, like the flower unfolding to the light, by channelling light. You will find the way that suits you but this must be every day so that connection with the light becomes a habit, becomes a way of life. Breathe in me breath of God. Let that be your prayer. Fill me source of light, breathe in me breath of God’

Me... ‘That’s very interesting because I had a very similar message in my Rainbow Bridge Exercise just now’

‘You are plugged in to the source but your conscious mind dismisses this often, marginalises this experience, doesn’t trust. But when you realise that you are connecting to infinite power, why would you need a room full of people to increase your power when you can make direct connection with the infinite source of power yourself? This is an illusion, of the weakness, in the frailty of your human conditioning that you need a crowd to build up energy. Jesus said as the Christ, wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them and he said whatever you ask in my name will be granted but you need to know that you have that direct connection, you yourself’

Me... ‘I know I have that connection myself because I can sit on my own and can receive communications which are beyond what I would normally say myself’

‘That is the beginning, much more will be granted to you as you realise the strength and power of that connection, and you trust and allow it to come into you fully so this connection becomes a way of life, becomes your axis and when that trust is fully established in you, in your connection, much can be achieved’

Me... ‘Is it wise to keep that connection open during our daily lives or should we close it down’

‘Whenever you wish to open, to make that connection, you can make it and when you wish to live within your normal physical boundaries you can close off, you can shut off that power. But it is like a tap, you know that power is there, you are merely turning the tap off temporarily in order to rest, in order to be conventional, to be average, to be normal. When you want to be superlative, when you want to shine you can open the tap and let that light and that power to fill you and then you will be working for spirit, working with spirit fully, manifesting, and in that time miracles will happen. But the miracles are such that at first you do not even notice or acknowledge them. Their effects however are felt throughout the world’

Me... ‘So if I was talking to somebody in my daily life who I knew was in need of healing, who wasn’t very well, I could in my mind turn that tap on and give them some healing while I was talking to them’

‘Indeed you could and you can be sure that healing will manifest in the fullness of time in whatever way is appropriate and desired by that person. And if that person is not receptive and does not wish for healing that energy will be dispersed and used in other ways, it will not be wasted. With spiritual healing it is important to note that this can only take place when the spirit of the person desires it. There may be reasons why that spirit has chosen not to have healing at this particular point in time. Maybe that certain experiences and lessons are required in order to transduce karma’

Me... ‘Yes I suppose some people learn and grow from suffering’

‘That seems to be the case... When the wild winds blow and chaos reigns in your world, on Earth, in the events of mankind, hold on to that connection with light, hold firm to it as to a pillar, a strong support, an ark. In the times of flood and chaos let that light be as a corner stone, be as a pillar of support for you. By holding firm to that light, keeping that connection frequently with that light you will help to stabilise that storm and the effects of that storm. Rough times are coming, turbulence in the Earth, changes. Your confidence in the light and your connection with the light will help steer a path for you and for those around you and that strong connection will help to steer the Earth plane, the consciousness of mankind through to a quieter and stiller place... Remember that Christ, Jesus Christ was one man but through him the spirit has incarnated in many. The connection he made with light, with the source allowed many connecting with him to connect with the source like a match or a torch he acted as the light bearer, the flame bearer that kindled the spark and the light in many so that there may be many Christs, many manifestations of Christ in the Earth, many of those make that direct connection to the light. The Christ energy is penetrating again into the Earth plane, into the human consciousness so that the Christ energy will manifest in many. There will be many healers, many healings. There will be many manifestations of light, in abundance there will be miracles. The second coming will manifest everywhere, it will be in individuals everywhere, each one connected to the source, the Christ which is the sun, which is the light that governs and directs your life, your consciousness. Be confident that you can make that connection which is your birthright’

Me... ‘Does everybody have the potential to manifest this Christ energy?’

‘The power to make that connection is with each and everyone but the desire to make that connection has to be there, has to be kindled. The need to make that connection is imperative for the evolution of the Earth plane, it is an evolutionary step that is required. And know that the Christ energy is with you and will not leave until each and every soul has passed the threshold, has broken the chains of disbelief, of negation, of darkness, of confusion. A time is coming when the light will be kindled in each and every soul and the transformation of the Earth plane will take place. This was prophesied as a second coming’

Me... ‘Is the Christ energy the same as what some people would call the larger consciousness system?’

‘It is inherent in that system; it is an inherent part of it’

Me... ‘Because not everybody is of the Christian faith, they might have other faiths so they would have different names for it I guess’

‘Absolutely, the Christos is the energy of love, known as love which is fundamental in all spiritual disciplines’

Me... ‘So it is love then is it, the Christ energy?’

‘The Christos is the embodiment of that particular energy’

Me... ‘So love is the answer’

‘The opening of the heart that became to open the heart of man to the love of the god within each man. In truth there is no barrier between man and God so when Jesus said love your neighbour as yourself, this is understood that this can only really become fulfilled when the heart centre is fully open. It's the love of the living God, that desire to unite with the source and with all mankind. To be one, to be both one and many. The depths of that understanding, of the paradox of the one and the many, the many held in the one and the one held in the many. The arising of the desire to unite in many ecstatic religions, in Sufism, Hasidism many of the Hindu, Upanishads, in the Buddhist scriptures of the coming together of the consort, of the master, there is that desire for the beloved, for the friend, for the unification to be one with the beloved, with the friend, with the mother, with the father, with the son. The arising of this desire, the truth, the love, that it kindles in the soul the yearning, this reaching out to lose oneself in the light, in the ecstatic experience of unification with the beloved which is God, which is mankind, which is nature, which is all, which is light. This is the pathway that leads to the opening of the heart and when the heart is open one breaks through into love. Love is... Thank you for listening’

Me... ‘Thank you for your message, given me things to think about’

‘Love and blessings on you and your group of two’

Me... ‘Thank you’

‘Got the name Heidi... keep getting the image of the sheep and the goats, that’s come with Heidi, separation of the sheep and goats, they’re all mixed together’

‘I’m seeing a long pencil case and these very elegant hands holding the pencils. I think they’re writing letters, symbols, more and more... filibuster... don’t know what that is... pedigree... these pencils are drawing and image of chains, chain links going on and on... seem to be leading to a king... thrones the earth, footstool... seeing it like the Billy goats gruff and a big bad troll, managed to bypass and got to the other side on the hill where the grass is sweet and green’

‘Heaven and Earth is like a fairy story but there is no separation of Heaven and Earth but the transformation of human kind on Earth will bring about the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. It's not a separate place to go to, or a separate state, it is the evolutionary pathway, it is what we are heading for in our transformation, it will manifest, it is already, like the germ, the seed, the flower within the bud waiting to unfold... That was the message Heidi wanted to share’

The music CD had finished and Liz was now back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started with a white horse coming towards her and she got on his back. He went through a stony river bed with clear water. Liz felt he could fly but he was happy to stay on the ground. Liz felt there were people on the other side in a net and she was reaching out towards them. Her connection with the horse felt very important like a connection with the Earth and she felt these people were helped by this connection, a loving connection and Liz stayed with that...

I started off with a tall wall in front of me but there was an opening in the wall and I could see a bright colourful rainbow on the other side. I ran down to the opening to get a better look but it closed as I got there. I felt frustrated and walked back to where I was. I felt there was a man with me who took me for a walk alongside the wall and I noticed the wall was getting lower as we walked. It got to a point where it was low enough to climb over so I ran down to it again but it grew in height as I reached it. I ran back to the man who told me he couldn’t see the wall; all he could see was the colourful rainbow and it was me who was creating this wall for myself by my beliefs. All I had to do was get rid of my beliefs and the wall would disappear. He said I was too immersed in the physical world and that was all I could see but if I got rid of my beliefs I would see the spiritual world as well. I asked how do I get rid of my beliefs and he told me that beliefs are caused by fears and if I can find that fear I can work at getting rid of it. He said it could be a fear of the unknown which many people have and not wanting to let go of the physical world because you feel safe in familiar territory. Fears can take a long time to get rid of but when you do it will open up so much more for you to experience...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

203rd Sitting 23/08/2019

We had the room setup as usual but didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG or Magnetometer.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about one hour Liz began to speak...

‘I have a large saucepan and into that saucepan is being poured all different mixtures, food from different sources, different people and I guess that saucepan is like our mind which is constantly being fed from a variety of different sources, coming from different people, from different countries, different receptacles and this one mind that is filled with the products of many, many minds we call our mind and we feel it is unique to us but in truth it is constantly flowing into and receiving from multiple other sources. So we can truly say that our mind and mentality is a hybrid, a mongrel. It's what we do with the mixture that makes us unique, how we filter it, how we order it, how we digest it, ruminating on the contents of our mind. We add in some way our own understanding, our own amalgam, our own secret ingredient which we call our own original thought. Our own understanding will bind the contents with our own unique sauce. From our experiences, from multiple encounters, from multiple lifetimes there comes that condiment that we call our own original thinking, we add to the mixture this unique flavouring which binds us all in a way that is unique to us. This condiment, this unique flavouring is a sauce that has been wrung from the deepest recesses of our memories, of our experiences, we may call our life experience, our understanding, our personal wisdom. It's a bit like a magic wand that binds all these ingredients, all these many food stuffs into something flavoursome, digestible, something we can use. And this condiment, this special flavouring will have the tang of either acid, it may be bitter, it may be sweet, it may be salty, tearful and at any one moment that flavour can be tarnished because the outlook, the learning, the direction of our thinking, the manner of our thinking, of our original thought, our essential modus operandi, our essential way of being, of seeing, of feeling the world, of understanding is contained in that essence and it can change, we can modify it because our awareness allows us to taste the end product, the product of our digestion, of all this mental content and we can choose to modify this essence, this condiment that binds the experiences. We can choose for this condiment to be sweet, light, happy in flavour. We can choose for it to be rich, deep, concentrated with a strong and heavy flavour. We can choose for it to be bitter, acid, sour, making us feel retched, leaving a burning taste. It can be prickly, hot, spicy, making us feel irritable. So that same content of our mind from multiple sources can be bound in many different ways depending on the condiment that we choose, from our source of our own original thinking and life experience but we are not a slave to fortune, we are not bound to one lifetime experience, we are not bound by one pattern of original thinking, we can choose and modify the filer we use, the sauce that we add to bind the ingredients. So what we feed ourselves every day from the multiple inputs, what we absorb can be changed by us to feed us, to nourish us in the direction we wish to grow so like an alchemist we can turn the grossest of material into spun gold, into delicious and nourishing food stuff. So like a master chef from minute to minute we can ask ourselves what flavour do we want to achieve in our thinking, in our life. Do we want sweet and happy, do we want strident and spicy and noisy, do we want bitter, do we want salty, do we want bland and tasteless? And when we know what we want, like the alchemist we can use our repertoire, our deep inner thinking, experience, to change, to bind in a particular way all that input so it becomes palatable to us in just the way we need it to best serve us’

‘It is said that man cannot live by bread alone, by every thought, by every word, by every deed but by the love of spirit. But we exist on many levels, the mental, emotional, spiritual as well as the physical are all part of our being, they all work together. So the food that nourishes your body may be modified by the food that nourishes your mind, the food that nourishes your spirit. So be aware that every thought, every inspiration, every spiritual inclination is added to the daily input of food for your physical body, the bread, the vegetables, the fruit. And that these nourishments from the other parts of you bring that condiment, that essence that can transform the physical fluids from base metal to gold so that from the body full of ailment you can become a shining body, a delight. So now that healing of the body is facilitated by the healing of the mind, the thinking, the spirit and the emotions. From spirit you have the ability of mastery so go to the highest level of your inner being to the spirit that guides you, the spirit that inspires you. Say 'breathe in me the breath of God...' so all my thoughts and all my feelings and all my physical body will be blessed and I will shine on the darkest night and I will be healed of all that ails me... Thank you for listening’

Me... ‘Thank you, lovely message’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

Then we recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself surrounded by white lilies. It was like a field of them but three dimensional and they were touching a bank of white cloud above Liz. There were hands reaching down to Liz and pulling her up to a higher level, an element of ascension and she felt wonderful people around her, people she recognised that had passed over, a feeling of great love and connection. What came out of this feeling was that there were higher levels you could go to but there was also the level of staying with the comfort of those loving links that you have forged in life and that was okay to rest with that or you could go beyond, it was all possible...

I started off with fields of sunflowers but in the centre was a clearing and a swing with a child being pushed back and forth by a mother. As I watched this it had a hypnotic effect on me and I soon found myself floating in darkness but I saw cracks in the darkness and something going on through those cracks like another reality. A white mist came down and I felt I should hold out my arms and move forward and I came to a huge shining chalice on a pedestal. It had a warm liquid inside it so I washed my hands in it then my face then picked it up and poured it over me which felt good and made me feel tired. I saw a bed so laid down on that then felt it moving forward. I sat up and saw I was flying through a white cloud and felt I wanted to go up or down to get out of the cloud. I went down but it was dull and grey so went up and came out in the sun but the sun was a sunflower which made me think of the fields of sunflowers and I found myself back there. The mother and child were gone so I sat on the swing and enjoyed the sunflowers around me...

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

202nd Sitting 03/08/2019

Daisy, one of the original sitters in the Mercury Circle, was in the country and visited us for an experimental sitting. She has sat a couple of times with Robin Foy in Spain recently so we decided to sit as the ‘Scole inspired’ Mercury Experiment with the intent that we would all work as mediums. Liz sat where I normally sit and was in control of the music and light, I sat in Liz’s place and Daisy sat between us to my left. We used the Mercury Light music CD...

As soon as we entered the garage to sit Daisy commented that the energy felt the same as in Robin Foy’s seance room.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.00pm, turned off the light and put the music on.

We all did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

Liz... ‘I have someone called Rudolf or Rudy... showing me packing cases and boxes’

Liz... ‘I have a strong feeling of Travis, it’s the hair...’

Daisy... ‘He was saying that... he was showing himself younger and then older and he’s saying that he doesn’t have to colour his hair’

Liz... ‘Oh right, ok, it was almost like a toupee, ha ha... I felt he was standing to my left’

Daisy... ‘He’s got such a shiny face, shiny light face’

I thought the atmosphere in the room had changed, it started off dull but was now brighter and flashy.

Daisy felt it was dense.

Liz saw a few dim shapes.

Daisy was starting to see blobs.

Liz and I saw this too.

I saw them as white, Daisy saw them as greenish.

Liz saw dim flashes... then diagonal energy waves.

I saw a flash to my right.

Daisy felt tingling in her arms and hands.

Liz saw bright lights and shapes in the dark, she said it looked a bit like feathers on a bird.

Daisy said it was fuzzy.

My arms suddenly felt cold.

Daisy's left leg felt cold.

Liz thought it had gone dark again.

Daisy felt someone near.

I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music.

Daisy... ‘Hello... Hello friend’

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz/Daisy... ‘Good evening, welcome friend’

‘Once again, we come into you room and we try to blend all energies, we are so grateful for your presence Daisy as it has helped this circle’

Daisy... ‘Thank you’

‘We are working at producing some form of phenomena in this room but as we sit we also concentrate on bringing forward words that will help you all to understand the world that you live in and the greater world that surrounds your world for you are merely one part of so much more. This physical world is for you a playground in which to exercise your consciousness, allow your consciousness to develop in many ways. There is so much in your physical world that helps you to grow and we try to help you to understand this. Each time you sit in a physical séance such as this you are adding to the love of your world for in sitting in friendship you are bringing together, drawing to yourself more of our love, more of that what creates peace and harmony in a physical world yet at the same time there is within your world pockets of darkness, energies within your world that fight against the love but the light will always win, will always dissolve the shadows. Negativity is merely a temporary state and you as spiritual beings can bring so much more love into your world’

Daisy... ‘Thank you for your kind words, may we know who you are? Do we know you?’

‘We are in tune with this circle, we form a chain that connects this circle to the larger consciousness, the consciousness with which you are a part. We can stretch back to that what you would describe as the source of consciousness, but do not think of yourself as something separate for you are a part of us, we all exist as one, helping each other, connecting to each other. Your view of the physical world is a limited view but as you develop yourself you will feel that connection with the larger consciousness’

Daisy... ‘Thank you’

‘All life is consciousness and consciousness is evolving. The love you feel within your heart is that what drives you forward, that keeps you evolving. When you feel love in your heart you know you are connected to us. There are times when you feel confusion and frustration in your life and this is a signal to you to slow down, to take a pause, step back from life, allow yourself to reconnect with your true self. See each day as a challenge, each situation that is brought to you can create difficulties or can create harmony in your mind. It is your choice how you deal with that situation and how you deal with it will result in a feeling within yourself. Try to keep that feeling positive and you will know that you are succeeding in your physical lifetime’

Daisy... ‘Thank you for that message’

‘Thank you, please now replay your music for a while, thank you’


Liz turned up the music.

Liz... ‘I keep seeing Winston Churchill’

Me... ‘Has he got a message for us?’

Liz... ‘He’s just blowing his trumpet like an elephant... he’s cheering’

Daisy... ‘He is a good friend of Mr. Foy’

Me... ‘Yes’

Liz... ‘He’s waving a flag’

Daisy... ‘For Bexit, ha, ha...’

Liz... ‘It’s a Union Jack’

I was seeing a few pin-prick lights.

Daisy... ‘Yes, they said they are bringing more physical phenomena, they are working on it’

Liz... ‘As you said that I got the feeling of bricks and mortar’

Liz felt energy around her throat, a drawing feeling.

Daisy felt this too as if it was being stretched.

Daisy felt like she was going deaf, everything was echoey. She felt tears coming out her eyes.

I thought the atmosphere looked milky.

Daisy had pulling from her neck and solar plexus. She felt light.

My arms were cold again.

Liz... ‘Just got an image of Travis with castanets on his ankles, a Spanish connection’

Daisy... ‘They are supposed to be on your hands Travis, ha, ha... Trust you’

Liz... ‘He’s stomping... jangling them... perhaps he can do a Red Indian dance with castanets on his ankles’

Liz... ‘He’s wiping his spectacles; he’s taking them off and looking up to the sun. The connection with the sun seems very important, the solar source, energy from the sun. It's like there’s a direct beam of light from the sun to his eye’

(Afterwards Daisy told us about seeing a field of sunflowers recently and how they always turned to face the sun. She thought this had a connection to Travis as we all placed a sunflower on his coffin at his funeral last year)

Liz... ‘I can see yachts...’

Daisy could feel the presence of Tob and Joan. She was drifting off and started coughing...

Me... ‘Welcome friend... If you wish to speak, you’re very welcome’

Daisy asked for a bit of red light.

Liz put it on dimly and turned down the music.

After about five minutes Daisy began to speak...

‘Well hello Nick’

Me... ‘Hello, you’re very welcome... I can hear you very clearly’

‘It’s good to be here’

Me... ‘Yes, good to have you here... are you somebody I know?’


Me... ‘I thought you might be’

‘We’re trying to feel... you know what energy... you know you still have the energies from long, long time ago’

Me... ‘Yes, I understand that’

‘I just popped in to say hello’

There was what sounded like a couple of taps on the voice recorder microphone which came out on the recording and I remember seeing a flash of light where the voice recorder was but didn’t mention it at the time.

Me... ‘Yes, can you give us your name please?’

‘It’s Colin’

Me... ‘It’s Colin, oh right... well, welcome Colin... what’s it feel like to be communicating in this way?’

‘It’s very strange... I don’t normally come to talk, I just impress’

Me... ‘Yes... what have you been doing since you past from the physical world?’

‘Oh this and that... I help when people call on me’

Me... ‘You help when people what? Sorry?’

‘When people call on me’

Me... ‘Oh, when people call on you, yes, oh right, you can hear their calls can you?’

‘Oh yes, yes, yes...’

Me... ‘Did you find the spiritual world to be much as you expected it to be?’

There was no answer as Daisy had lost the control and was now coming back and after a few minutes was back with us and asked for the light to be turned off and the music turned up again.


Daisy said she had felt there were so many faces and they were changing quickly like flicking through a book. There was Tob and Joan and many more standing behind her and superimposing their faces on her. She could hear Travis saying just let go.
Liz thought she could see Daisy’s face changing shape and lengthening as if many faces were coming through.
I didn’t notice this from where I was sitting.
Daisy saw colours in the glass dome, like holographic rainbow colours.

Liz got the name Betty.

Daisy’s nose and throat were tingling.

The last tune played on the CD. Daisy thought she was back at Shoreham in the Mercury Circle with Joan as it was ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ the same tune we used to use.

We then recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Daisy was walking over the bridge with Liz and me in front of her and she could see bright lights on the other side. We got to the middle and waited. Daisy wanted to go on but we wanted to wait for the lights to come to us. Daisy saw a lot of our spirit friends and more that she didn’t recognise...

Liz found herself in a field of daffodils, bright yellow, then it was a hay field and there were a lot of people there tossing the hay around with pitch forks. The sun was shining and it was like making hay while the sun shines. Liz felt Travis was there as Little Boy Blue. Beyond that was the blue sea and yachts and this feeling of being in the boats. Blue felt very important then suddenly in the foreground was an enormous bluebird of happiness and Liz felt he was singing for Daisy and had been created by Travis...

I started off walking over the bridge, it was dark but ahead of me I saw light so kept walking towards it as it got lighter and lighter. I then saw white birds like doves flying around and I saw that I was now wearing white robes. I put my hands out and a white bird landed on each hand. Then I noticed white lights moving around in front of me like spheres and gazed at them for a while and when I looked at my hands again the birds had gone and I now had a bright white ball in each hand...

Liz then did the Healing Exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...