This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
202nd Sitting 03/08/2019
Daisy, one of the original sitters in the Mercury Circle, was in the country and visited us for an experimental sitting. She has sat a couple of times with Robin Foy in Spain recently so we decided to sit as the ‘Scole inspired’ Mercury Experiment with the intent that we would all work as mediums. Liz sat where I normally sit and was in control of the music and light, I sat in Liz’s place and Daisy sat between us to my left. We used the Mercury Light music CD...
As soon as we entered the garage to sit Daisy commented that the energy felt the same as in Robin Foy’s seance room.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.00pm, turned off the light and put the music on.
We all did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
Liz... ‘I have someone called Rudolf or Rudy... showing me packing cases and boxes’
Liz... ‘I have a strong feeling of Travis, it’s the hair...’
Daisy... ‘He was saying that... he was showing himself younger and then older and he’s saying that he doesn’t have to colour his hair’
Liz... ‘Oh right, ok, it was almost like a toupee, ha ha... I felt he was standing to my left’
Daisy... ‘He’s got such a shiny face, shiny light face’
I thought the atmosphere in the room had changed, it started off dull but was now brighter and flashy.
Daisy felt it was dense.
Liz saw a few dim shapes.
Daisy was starting to see blobs.
Liz and I saw this too.
I saw them as white, Daisy saw them as greenish.
Liz saw dim flashes... then diagonal energy waves.
I saw a flash to my right.
Daisy felt tingling in her arms and hands.
Liz saw bright lights and shapes in the dark, she said it looked a bit like feathers on a bird.
Daisy said it was fuzzy.
My arms suddenly felt cold.
Daisy's left leg felt cold.
Liz thought it had gone dark again.
Daisy felt someone near.
I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music.
Daisy... ‘Hello... Hello friend’
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz/Daisy... ‘Good evening, welcome friend’
‘Once again, we come into you room and we try to blend all energies, we are so grateful for your presence Daisy as it has helped this circle’
Daisy... ‘Thank you’
‘We are working at producing some form of phenomena in this room but as we sit we also concentrate on bringing forward words that will help you all to understand the world that you live in and the greater world that surrounds your world for you are merely one part of so much more. This physical world is for you a playground in which to exercise your consciousness, allow your consciousness to develop in many ways. There is so much in your physical world that helps you to grow and we try to help you to understand this. Each time you sit in a physical séance such as this you are adding to the love of your world for in sitting in friendship you are bringing together, drawing to yourself more of our love, more of that what creates peace and harmony in a physical world yet at the same time there is within your world pockets of darkness, energies within your world that fight against the love but the light will always win, will always dissolve the shadows. Negativity is merely a temporary state and you as spiritual beings can bring so much more love into your world’
Daisy... ‘Thank you for your kind words, may we know who you are? Do we know you?’
‘We are in tune with this circle, we form a chain that connects this circle to the larger consciousness, the consciousness with which you are a part. We can stretch back to that what you would describe as the source of consciousness, but do not think of yourself as something separate for you are a part of us, we all exist as one, helping each other, connecting to each other. Your view of the physical world is a limited view but as you develop yourself you will feel that connection with the larger consciousness’
Daisy... ‘Thank you’
‘All life is consciousness and consciousness is evolving. The love you feel within your heart is that what drives you forward, that keeps you evolving. When you feel love in your heart you know you are connected to us. There are times when you feel confusion and frustration in your life and this is a signal to you to slow down, to take a pause, step back from life, allow yourself to reconnect with your true self. See each day as a challenge, each situation that is brought to you can create difficulties or can create harmony in your mind. It is your choice how you deal with that situation and how you deal with it will result in a feeling within yourself. Try to keep that feeling positive and you will know that you are succeeding in your physical lifetime’
Daisy... ‘Thank you for that message’
‘Thank you, please now replay your music for a while, thank you’
Liz turned up the music.
Liz... ‘I keep seeing Winston Churchill’
Me... ‘Has he got a message for us?’
Liz... ‘He’s just blowing his trumpet like an elephant... he’s cheering’
Daisy... ‘He is a good friend of Mr. Foy’
Me... ‘Yes’
Liz... ‘He’s waving a flag’
Daisy... ‘For Bexit, ha, ha...’
Liz... ‘It’s a Union Jack’
I was seeing a few pin-prick lights.
Daisy... ‘Yes, they said they are bringing more physical phenomena, they are working on it’
Liz... ‘As you said that I got the feeling of bricks and mortar’
Liz felt energy around her throat, a drawing feeling.
Daisy felt this too as if it was being stretched.
Daisy felt like she was going deaf, everything was echoey. She felt tears coming out her eyes.
I thought the atmosphere looked milky.
Daisy had pulling from her neck and solar plexus. She felt light.
My arms were cold again.
Liz... ‘Just got an image of Travis with castanets on his ankles, a Spanish connection’
Daisy... ‘They are supposed to be on your hands Travis, ha, ha... Trust you’
Liz... ‘He’s stomping... jangling them... perhaps he can do a Red Indian dance with castanets on his ankles’
Liz... ‘He’s wiping his spectacles; he’s taking them off and looking up to the sun. The connection with the sun seems very important, the solar source, energy from the sun. It's like there’s a direct beam of light from the sun to his eye’
(Afterwards Daisy told us about seeing a field of sunflowers recently and how they always turned to face the sun. She thought this had a connection to Travis as we all placed a sunflower on his coffin at his funeral last year)
Liz... ‘I can see yachts...’
Daisy could feel the presence of Tob and Joan. She was drifting off and started coughing...
Me... ‘Welcome friend... If you wish to speak, you’re very welcome’
Daisy asked for a bit of red light.
Liz put it on dimly and turned down the music.
After about five minutes Daisy began to speak...
‘Well hello Nick’
Me... ‘Hello, you’re very welcome... I can hear you very clearly’
‘It’s good to be here’
Me... ‘Yes, good to have you here... are you somebody I know?’
Me... ‘I thought you might be’
‘We’re trying to feel... you know what energy... you know you still have the energies from long, long time ago’
Me... ‘Yes, I understand that’
‘I just popped in to say hello’
There was what sounded like a couple of taps on the voice recorder microphone which came out on the recording and I remember seeing a flash of light where the voice recorder was but didn’t mention it at the time.
Me... ‘Yes, can you give us your name please?’
‘It’s Colin’
Me... ‘It’s Colin, oh right... well, welcome Colin... what’s it feel like to be communicating in this way?’
‘It’s very strange... I don’t normally come to talk, I just impress’
Me... ‘Yes... what have you been doing since you past from the physical world?’
‘Oh this and that... I help when people call on me’
Me... ‘You help when people what? Sorry?’
‘When people call on me’
Me... ‘Oh, when people call on you, yes, oh right, you can hear their calls can you?’
‘Oh yes, yes, yes...’
Me... ‘Did you find the spiritual world to be much as you expected it to be?’
There was no answer as Daisy had lost the control and was now coming back and after a few minutes was back with us and asked for the light to be turned off and the music turned up again.
Daisy said she had felt there were so many faces and they were changing quickly like flicking through a book. There was Tob and Joan and many more standing behind her and superimposing their faces on her. She could hear Travis saying just let go.
Liz thought she could see Daisy’s face changing shape and lengthening as if many faces were coming through.
I didn’t notice this from where I was sitting.
Daisy saw colours in the glass dome, like holographic rainbow colours.
Liz got the name Betty.
Daisy’s nose and throat were tingling.
The last tune played on the CD. Daisy thought she was back at Shoreham in the Mercury Circle with Joan as it was ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ the same tune we used to use.
We then recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...
Daisy was walking over the bridge with Liz and me in front of her and she could see bright lights on the other side. We got to the middle and waited. Daisy wanted to go on but we wanted to wait for the lights to come to us. Daisy saw a lot of our spirit friends and more that she didn’t recognise...
Liz found herself in a field of daffodils, bright yellow, then it was a hay field and there were a lot of people there tossing the hay around with pitch forks. The sun was shining and it was like making hay while the sun shines. Liz felt Travis was there as Little Boy Blue. Beyond that was the blue sea and yachts and this feeling of being in the boats. Blue felt very important then suddenly in the foreground was an enormous bluebird of happiness and Liz felt he was singing for Daisy and had been created by Travis...
I started off walking over the bridge, it was dark but ahead of me I saw light so kept walking towards it as it got lighter and lighter. I then saw white birds like doves flying around and I saw that I was now wearing white robes. I put my hands out and a white bird landed on each hand. Then I noticed white lights moving around in front of me like spheres and gazed at them for a while and when I looked at my hands again the birds had gone and I now had a bright white ball in each hand...
Liz then did the Healing Exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...