This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

210th Sitting 21/11/2019

We had the room setup as usual but didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG or Magnetometer.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge then continued on into the session...

After about 20 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I’ve got the name Daphne again and a sense of delphinium blue connected with her. Daphne reminds me of a dragonfly, an ephemeral being with wings. It's as if I’m in the realm of fairy tales, like seeing a queen but with wings, webbed like a diaphanous... Another name comes to mind is Diane... This is like being in fairy land, the snow queen, I feel this is to do with the children, to be rescued, to be saved... She’s saying we have to save the children, save them from the hunters but who are the hunters? These are the large commercial interests, these hunters, they are the business men, the wealthy. They set up the schools and the academies, thought machines, human factories. The children have to be set free...’ 

‘I see the moonshine and the sunshine and the starlight, the many natural forms of light that are being hidden by the separation. These daily and nightly diaphane forms of light, not just pretty objects, they’re essential for human development, they’re guiding lights. We have made a travesty of natural light by introducing too much artificial light into our lives which operates at a frequency which isn’t conducive to the human frame’

‘I have the colour yellow... when children play with buttercups, shining the buttercup under the chin, do you like butter? That yellow is an important colour of the spectrum, the colour of sunlight, essential for growth...’ 

‘We are holding our children to ransom, slave labour and they pay the ransom for their education, in order to enslave them for the rest of their lives to pay for it. It's a consumer driven child rearing practice. Children being turned into a commodity to maintain the standard of living, the social framework, the economic framework which is in many ways unnatural and contraindicated for the proper evolution of the human soul. In order to grow the child has to liberate himself from this bondage, this ransom which cannot be paid except in blood and toil’

‘Isis is weeping tears for her children of the sun... she says set my children free...’

‘I’m seeing a spotted dog like a dalmatian, slightly puppyish, quite big... keep getting the feeling of a Walt Disney type film... I think the connection with Walt Disney and the fairy tales and stories is the need to feed the children with fantasy, with imaginative stories, the creativity and magic of storytelling’

‘Jamie... said the name Jamie Hamilton...’

‘It’s almost as if I was driving in a tractor... a long brown tube open at the top like a silo... what I was seeing was almost like a ribbed, brown medicine bottle... an L like in an L plate’

‘Got the name Elsie’

‘Casandra... Casandra has a connection with the camels and the three wise men and the star on the way to Bethlehem, the babe in the manger. It’s the Christmas story. Pointing to the new birth, I see the Christmas holly, the tree, the evergreen. There is a longing on the old gnarled faces of the shepherds, of the old men, like carved out of wood, for the birth of this new being, for the child. It is a mystery in the heart of creation, the embryo, the creation of something new, the development of new life, new possibility, new potential. Out of the old gnarled wood comes a new shoot... I have the letter Y for yellow. They brought yellow gold; the child must have gold’

‘Wherever two of three are gathered in my name I am there in the midst of them. That was the Christ promise, the child promise. We battled against many demons, many odds, many oppressors. They fortified ourselves to yield to the child in the centre. Is not easy for the embattled man, for the warrior, gnarled, battle hardened like the old trees in the wood to yield, to allow the new growth, to kneel before the birth of the tender child. Is not easy for the wizen, battle hardened warrior. He must lay down is sword, his fears, his trident. He must kneel before the child, must embrace this naked mewling being. This is not easy for the battle-hardened warrior. He knows he must give up his lance and his sword, his points of view, his direction. He must become a soft lap for the child. To give up the struggle, to give up adversity, to give up transgressions, to give up pain, to give up survival is not easy. If it were easy, we would have won by now, we would have reformed. But for those who wish to recapture the innocence of childhood, for those who wish to approach the child, wish to kneel before the babe, that wish, that longing for innocence, for reform, will initiate with the pathway, progress of those changes necessary in laying down the arms, laying down the weapons, laying down the obstructions, the fortress gates, the barriers to approach. Life's lessons will begin and one by one the armour will be torn away. Embrace these lessons for they are there to enable, to aid path of return, of reform. In order to progress there has to be a measure of destruction of the old defences, destruction of all that obscures and prevents the return, the turning around, the ability to become a soft lap for the child, to yield. It is not easy for the warrior to lay down his arms but the desire for change, the desire to be rid of the fight, the desire to approach the new life, the desire to worship at the crib of the new born will initiate the path and the way for laying down the arms for armistice, for surrender’

‘The roots of the tree grow deep into the earth and the sap that is drawn into the old edifices, into the old gnarled trees is still sufficient to facilitate the new green growth and the tender shoots growing green will feed new sap into the old gnarled trees and the old gnarled trees will turn into the fresh young tree growing and all is one and all is as it should be and this is all the cycle of life, the cycle of growth, all is as it should be. Allow the path that has been set for you are truly already on that path’

‘I think this was from Mary and I say thank you... She jokingly addressed herself as Mary Queen of Scots... Scottish Mary’

Liz was now back with it and we recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself in a wood of bluebells and ransoms with lots of shining water around like a marsh. She was aware of gossamer winged beings like angels or dragonflies coming down towards her through the trees and felt they had rainbows in their wings. They danced around her and Liz wanted to join them and felt herself doing backward somersaults. They were going faster and faster and Liz felt she was being encouraged to increase her vibrational rate. Then they all took off and it was like ice skating over the trees, going into a fairy land. Liz asked these beings what she should do and found herself sitting on a very plain wooden chair but sitting back to front...

I started off swimming in a black void and then became a baby still swimming in this void. Then I was myself again sitting in a chair at the top of a grassy hill. The chair had wheels and started rolling down the hill and then I was on skis skating across snow on the hill to a frozen lake and continued skating across that. The ice melted as the hot sun came out and I was now back to swimming coming to the edge of the lake where I climbed out and continued walking in the same direction in a straight line. I had the impression there were people behind me and looked round to see hundreds of images of me retracing my path so far, like stills from a film. I decided to walk backwards to see what would happen and the images began appearing in front of me but they were translucent and when I looked beyond where I had stopped they continued in that straight line but there were also others going off from that point in different directions but these were less clear. I got the impression I was seeing my probable futures and actuated past events...

Once again we noticed a few similarities between our experiences and with some of what came through later.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...