This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

232nd Sitting 28/01/2021

We had a Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I tuned in and soon felt myself controlled.

The communication began...

‘Try to imagine your life devoid of feeling, devoid of emotion. Think of yourself as merely playing a part that has been written for you. You follow your lines; you learn your lines and you re-enact something that has already been created by something else. You are no longer the creator; you are merely acting that what has been created before you. Imagine if all life was like this, there would be no meaning, there would be no point in living. You as a piece of consciousness are a creative spirit, you are constantly creating, making something new, making something which has not been, that has not existed in the past. Your physical world may appear to be fixed and yet you have the power to change that world. It is merely a projection of your understanding. Change your understanding and that what you see, that what you touch will also change. You have that power within you and you are all using that power but you do not realise, you do not fully understand how life works and how life continues to work at the point of death from this physical universe. For at that time nothing has changed, you are still a creative spirit creating your reality using that what you understand, building on that understanding, enabling you to create something new, something more suited to that what you have become’ 

‘When you think of life beyond the physical world, your thoughts conjure up unusual conditions, alien conditions. But why should this be? If you are creating now and you create after your physical life then that what you experience must be the same, must follow on. Your understanding will not change until you put the effort in to change that understanding yourself. Put that effort in a positive direction and your world will become a brighter, kinder place, more colourful, wider, more complex’ 

‘Once you have left the physical world as you understand it, you will not realise that a change has been made for your life continues. The world you will now live in is still your creation but your memory can bring you back to the Earth. What you will understand as now is not so fixed for you will find yourself connected to so much more. You will feel the impact of the physical life but the details will fade. You will be given the opportunity to relive episodes throughout your life but your main concern is how you can grow, how you can increase your understanding in a positive way. There are many that will help you for they too are growing, are increasing their understanding and by helping you they are helping themselves. This is how all of life works. The more help you give, the more help you receive and everyone benefits. You as a creating spirit will continue. You will see opportunities presented to you and you alone will choose. As you adjust to a new environment you will better understand all those opportunities and you will select that what is most appropriate for a more positive understanding’

‘The words we give you will help you to understand but you yourself use that what you have, that what you have created within yourself to see the truth in all what we say, and know that truth. And to know that truth you have to experience that truth, we can only advise. We can only give you what we feel will resonate with you. Live life to the full, explore every avenue presented to you with a smile upon your face. Life is for living; life is to be enjoyed. When you lose that smile you have lost that connection to your true self. Step back and consider what has affected you to take that smile away and you will see it as just one blip in a world full of beauty. Turn and face that beauty and you will feel yourself recharged, that smile will return and those around you will also benefit. Stand tall in a world of confusion and you will see the sun. Stoop and all you will see is confusion. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your wonderful experiment’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then tuned in and after a few minutes began to speak...

‘Saying grandson... It’s your grandad I think, just getting this feeling he’s coming, he’s showing himself as quite old, 70s, 80s, feeling his hands are wrinkled, maybe arthritic. His face feels broad but wrinkled and I feel a slight stoop. Giving me the image of a cup of tea, good strong brown tea in a white cup and saucer, at home and comfortable. He's come with a gardening image, little seeds springing up like watercress in a large seed tray. Getting an impression of a round table with a cloth on it, he’s brushing crumbs off the cloth, he wants to put something else on the table like a jigsaw puzzle, something he wants to do with you, some game he played. Getting the sense of Dinky cars. But there’s something he wants to play on the table, it’s time to get down to some play. I’m seeing match sticks. The cloth on the table is red checked. Got the word dahlia again’ 

This sounds like my dad’s dad. There was a table in kitchen used for eating and playing board games. I can’t remember if it was round or oblong. He did do gardening and grew vegetables and fruit as well as flowers. I can’t remember exactly what he grew but it probably included watercress and dahlias.

‘He’s showing me something quite strange, it looks like a long ice crystal, or could be something like a piece of rock wrapped in cellophane, but it’s long. It could even be a long jet of water coming out of a hose pipe but frozen in time. Could be a crystal or something that’s thick and viscus that’s flowing. Could be candle wax. It’s connected me with the pull on a bell, like a church bell, a long dangling piece of rope but why is it looking shiny?’

‘He’s giving me the sense of a dog’s lead, I'm seeing a dog with a large fluffy tail, baring it’s teeth like a snarl’ 

They had dogs but I don’t recall one with a large fluffy tail.

‘I'm just asking why is he here and what does he want to say to you and he’s saying he’s just loving being around, just potting around here, just hanging out with you’

Me... ‘Do you know which grandad this is?’

‘Let me ask him, he’s showing me a bicycle and scooter, I think it’s your mother’s father but at first I thought it was your father’s father. I'm getting the feeling of a house like a castle; I think it’s your father’s father’

Me... ‘It does sound more like my father’s father to me’

‘He’s showing me something that looks like a black rubber sheet, something you’d put down on the ground, maybe in a garage or a shed, or by the back door but it’s quite large. Something someone has put down to do some work on or cover the floor, a non-slip insulating mat. He’s giving me the sense of a big garage, lots of tools. He’s put an image into my head of an old rusty lawn roller at the back of the garage stuck in a corner’

This sounds to me like he’s trying to show Liz the pit he had dug in the garage to be able to work underneath the car. I mentioned this to Liz afterwards and she said she did have a feeling of a pit in a garage but didn’t mention it thinking it a bit too sophisticated to have in a private home garage so didn’t mention it. This highlights the importance of saying everything you get but at the same time we don’t know what’s coming from spirit or coming from our imagination.

‘I'm seeing an envelope, not sure what’s inside it? When I asked that question I saw coins. Victorian coins’

I used to collect old coins and I remember grandad looking out for old coins in his change, especially Victorian coins.

‘I got a flash of books, Rupert Bear books, from that period, children’s books. Whether they kept books at home or he read to you or he bought you a book, I'm not quite sure, it just flashed into my mind, children’s books. Like large annuals, bumper books. He’s giving me the feeling of little feet running around, a happy feeling of children being in the house. I don’t know if he showed it but he liked having you around, something he enjoyed but I don’t know if you realised that or whether he showed it. I’m seeing a Hornby train set, an engine, green and yellow. I’m getting sweets wrapped in cellophane like spangles, candy sweets. He’s giving me these impressions, just wants to share some memories with you so you know it’s him. Feeling him with a sleeveless pullover’

I remember children’s annuals upstairs that belonged to my dad and his brothers when they were kids. He used to have a jar of cough candy sweets which I sometimes ate but didn’t really like them.

‘He wants to go to the tunnel, like going down a long tunnel, it’s very dark, a sooty feeling. I’m sensing a grave with daffodils or spring flowers on it, which had a connection with the tunnel, it reminded him of the tunnel. He’s giving me the image of the flowers, bursting out into the light. I wonder if what he was showing me, the long ice crystal, was to do with the silver cord that linked him to all that he was showing and then it’s like he burst out into the spring. It's like he can still reconnect and potter in all that past’ 

‘I asked him what about the present, can you show me anything that Nick has been doing currently? and he just popped in the name Clorisa and a sense of a school desk, of studying. Something with speakers, like a radio. A small pot of paint and a brush. I’m seeing bottles of milk. Got the image of being just a hair breadth away, something about hair. I’m seeing a dark suit on a hanger, it’s like a suit you might have worn at a funeral, don’t think it’s black, more like navy’ 

I spend a lot of time sitting at my computer desk which has two speakers on it. Clorisa or the paint pot and brush don’t mean anything to me. I have cartons of oat milk but not bottles and I don’t have a suit.

‘Giving me a sense of a jar of marmalade, the old-fashioned jars, Robinsons, with a golliwog’ 

I used to collect the golliwogs from the marmalade jars and I have a vague memory of gran knitting a golliwog.

‘Getting a sense of tiles, black and white tiles, Victorian tiles like on a pathway or bathroom’

I can't remember this.

‘When I asked him what he’s doing now he just gave me the sense of watering the flowers’ 

‘Getting a strong sense of orange, the family connection, all the photographs. He just wants you to know the family is still strong, it’s still there just a hair breadth away but in consciousness it seems like a distance. It's like in a dream, when you come out of it it’s very hard to reconnect, to remember the dream, difficult to hold the connection, I think he’s finding it difficult. But it's like he’s holding a burning torch, just wants you to know that he’s there. I'm just getting this feeling of love and don’t know if that’s something he would have expressed when he was alive. That feeling is much more real now, he just wants to pat your hand and connect. He's got distant now, I'm feeling your grandmother there. She's got longer hair, looking younger and slim, very different feel about her, she feels purposeful. It's like she’s put on a pair of goggles, she’s doing her racing car, super speed, super efficiency. I'm just seeing driving down the roads and the country side going past fast. She’s connecting with you again with that, I think she was with you when you were in America, she’s showing me those long journeys with the countryside going past fast, big landscape, empty roads, that feeling of freedom. I’m seeing cactuses like in Mexico but I know you didn’t go to Mexico’

Me... ‘There were some in Arizona when we went there’

‘That would be it, those hot dry areas’

‘Got a sense of silver, silver clouds, it’s those words Hi Ho Silver, the cowboy thing, the Lone Ranger. I don’t think she never went to America but she would have loved to go and was there with you. I can’t imagine that grandparents live precariously through their grandchildren but they tune into the things that they appreciate, they enjoy to see you enjoying, and they encourage you in the things that you are doing that they most tune into’

‘Getting an image of marrows in the garden. Washing on the line dancing in the breeze. The birds being fed’

‘I was trying to see if they could make me aware of what they are doing in their spirit life but I just get the sense of exploring, adventure, and that’s your grandmother. She’s a force of nature pulling him to go with her in some of these explorations but he’s still pottering a little bit, he’s being drawn towards going a bit beyond now, expanding his horizons but she’s already been doing that. Seeing a hot air balloon, being able to go high so that you can see everything, get an overview, a panorama. As you do that you are dropping all the ballast in order to go higher. As you do that more and more you get the feeling of that possibility of exploration, that sense of your horizon expanding and I think that’s what they are doing’

Gran was certainly more of an adventurer than grandad. He would have preferred to stay at home.

‘I’ll say thank you to them... I asked or something from your grandfather that you would recognise with him and I just got a rather complicated looking medallion or medal, it looked like something from an officer class or police force, I don’t know if you’ve got something of his like that. It looked quite intricate, quite ornate not just a simple one. Thank you, God bless both of you and happy journeys’

Grandad gave me his war medals and also some from gran’s father who was a policeman and won medals in swimming competitions.

Liz felt back with it and I did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

231st Sitting 21/01/2021

We had another sitting with Zoom.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer and again included asking for information about the process of dying and what happens after we die.

I soon started to feel myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘All enquiries will be answered for we can sense your frustration. There is a fine line between your understanding and that what we can give to you. You base your understanding on the life that you lead and that what you have experienced, you are limited by what you can experience and yet a part of you is playing another part, another role in your development and is outside of what you perceive to be yourself. This part of you can relay information to you, it is up to you to how you interpret that information. We as a communication can bring through answers. Clear your mind of all preconceived ideas and allow a new understanding to come through. The physical world is a brief experience, a brief passing of experiences, and yet it builds up within yourself a form of understanding which enables you to move on’

‘At the moment of death, you lose contact with your physical world, you regain contact with that what is outside of yourself. You have always been connected to that what is outside of yourself but for the first time in your physical memory you will have full control of your living consciousness, that what lives within you, that what motivates you, that what gives you the passion to develop yourself, to become something better and to help others. You reach a new state of mind and you see life from a new perspective, a perspective new to you at that point in time. Your memories are fading, your physical memories are fading. You are becoming more than you have ever been before and yet you feel the same. At this time, you are presented with various situations which help you to adjust, help you to adjust to a new environment, an environment of feeling, and environment of thought. That urge to do something better, to improve yourself is at its strongest at this point in time. You are given the opportunity to look at yourself as a physical being, see what you have done, see the pathway you have trod and the interactions with others and your effect on others and on the environment in which you have lived. Each day is seen from a new perspective, a perspective of possibilities, possibilities that were taken and those that were missed. You pay particular attention to those possibilities that were missed. We know that you will soon be back, soon be a part of the physical world once again and you want to do better, you want to be more aware, more aware of the possibilities that are presented to you. You as a physical being can do no wrong and you will understand this. You will feel good about yourself for you will know that you have completed once again a physical lifetime and your history has been recorded. Another stepping stone has been taken as you move forward in life. There is nothing to fear, nothing to confuse you, everything seems simple in what you understand as a spirit world, a non-physical world. You are pure consciousness with a task in your mind and when you are ready you will be helped to choose a new journey, a new physical journey that will help you to grow even more, to complete a new step. Do not worry about how you lead your physical life for you are looking at it from your own physical perspective. When you see it from a spiritual perspective you will be pleased, you will be grateful for the opportunities that have been given to you and you will know that this is an ongoing experiment. Make the most of your life while you hold the physical form and know that you will return a better person, playing your part once again in a constant evolving world’

‘Your greater self never grows tired, for the greater self is life itself and motivates you through the darkest of days. When your physical body grows weary the greater self is supporting you, giving that urge to stay alive. Help one another, love one another, play your part to make this world you live in the most beautiful world you can imagine, for that is what it is, you have merely closed your eyes to the true light of life... Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your experiments’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

I felt back with it then Liz tuned in...

‘A small man came forward in a rather baggy brown suit with a microphone and he’s dancing around, being a little bit of a comedian. The suit he’s wearing has got large squares on it, not very bold but in a faint white weave, because he’s small it feels a little bit large on him but I feel he’s on a platform. I'm seeing a car connected with him, I don’t think he was driving himself, it feels like a taxi, a large black car. Getting a feeling of Travis there and Daisy. I’m thinking that this is Colin Fry I'm seeing but I want confirmation that this is him. As I'm asking, he’s showing me a book, could be a bible, it’s like he’s holding it and the pages are open, he’s been ruffling through it. Actually, as I’m seeing it looks like an A to Z or an almanac of some sort, a reference book to find a place, that’s why the taxi is there’

As Liz was relaying this information it made me think of when Colin Fry did a trance demonstration at Three Bridges Spiritualist Church. I told Colin the week before that I would be going with my brother and his wife and he asked if I would pick him up from his house on the way which I did. I was a taxi driver at the time and picked him up with my taxi. It was white not black but was a large estate car. Not being familiar with the area he directed me to the church. You could say Colin was being an A to Z. Also, I’m pretty sure there was a bible on a lectern in front of Colin when he was doing the trace demonstration. There’s a good chance Travis and Daisy were there that evening as they lived in the area and always attended Colin’s trance evenings when they could. I’m not sure what colour suit he wore that evening but I remember getting to his house early and he came to the door with no trousers on just the jacket saying he wasn’t quite ready yet which I found funny at the time.

'I'm just getting an image of an older woman, I don’t know if it’s his mother or somebody else but she’s got grey or whitish hair, a slight Victorian feeling about what she’s wearing, a black cardigan and a white blouse with a lacy collar. I think she’s a grandmother or a great aunt. I'm seeing a bag which makes me think of my grandmother, that’s a Catholic connection, connection with a convent'

‘I'm asking if it is him can he give me some information that you will recognise. As soon as I say that I am getting an image of a top hat upside down with money going into it, don’t know if it’s a collection thing or just something funny. Just popped an image in my head of a goldfish bowl with goldfish in it. I keep coming back to the microphone, if it is him it’s almost as if they want to sing a song like a karaoke or something, like old fashioned songs, Widdicombe Fair just popped into my head and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all, old songs. I don’t know if this was something this person did or would like to do but it’s like encouraging people to join in like at a Christmas party, a gathering. Giving me the sense of a puppet on a string’

When Colin did his trance evenings at his place, he didn’t charge but there was a biscuit tin that was handed round for people to put what they wanted in. It’s possible that Liz misinterpreted a biscuit tin for an upside-down top hat with money going into it. Then she interpreted it as a fish bowl. If Liz had just said ‘I am getting an image of something with money going into it, like a collection’ That would be good evidence. This shows how a medium’s interpretation can change the message into something else. At Colin’s séances we used to sing old fashioned songs at the start to build up the energies but we never sang the two songs Liz has mentioned. Again, these could be the songs Liz associates with old fashioned songs. 

‘I'm asking for a more serious contact; I want to know that I’ve got a real contact and he’s come up behind me with more serious garb on, his reverend garb, but there’s a part of him that wants to turn the dog collar into a cravat, almost like he’s dressing up as the gentleman with the top hat again, he doesn’t want to be very serious, he’s urging me to lighten up’

About ten years ago Liz and I saw Colin doing a clairvoyance demo in Brighton. This was the first time I had seen Colin for about ten years and I was surprised to see he had become a Spiritualist Minister and was dressed up as a reverend. This was something he would never have done when I first knew him as he didn’t like the idea of Spiritualism being a religion.

‘Now there’s the top hat being tapped with a magic wand as if your dad is around but I can’t see him. I’m being shown indigestion tablets and getting the word dyspepsia. I’m being taken back to Andy Pandy, post war early television. Got the name Sally’ 

I can’t think of any connection with indigestion Tablets or Sally.

‘I'm feeling your dad’s here and he was just handing me Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum’

I can’t think of any connection with my dad and Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum.

Afterwards Liz remembered that during a meditation in the week she felt Colin come through and asked for a sign that it was him. She got the word 'Spearmint'

‘Seem to be going back to the 1950s, see an old gramophone, one of those old pieces of furniture gramophones, dark brown wood, plays His Masters Voice records, 78s. Got an image of chairs like you’d get in a church hall or village hall, very simple chairs that you stack, connected with meetings, gatherings’

This isn’t ringing any bells for me.

‘This lady is still here and she does remind me of my grandmother, I didn’t think it was at first but it could be. I get the feeling from her that this sort of stuff would have been the fires of hell. Taboo. It's that Catholic feeling, burning of the books. I’m still seeing Colin Fry and I think he’s brought her through for a reason. It goes very deep and is possibly one of my blocks, that fear of excommunication, fears that are there because this area is taboo. Colin did come through when I was doing a session earlier in the week and he showed an image superimposed on himself of Jesus with the crucifixion, the crown of thorns. It was that image of the suffering side of mediumship, the persecution side. I think that’s why he’s giving me that feeling of lighten up, you’ve got to have some fun with it because there’s been a lot of heavy stuff associated with mediumship and a lot of suffering. It's been closet stuff, it’s had fear associated with it. That's why he brought a levity to his performances when he did it in church halls and spiritualist centres, he kept it light. Too much solemnity reminds people of the fiery furnace. Fears that are in the human soul because of that background that many people have, fears that these areas are taboo. The art of performance. Mediumship is a form of counselling for the soul’

‘I'm getting a sense of a grey elephant, maybe Joan is around too’

‘I think they are drawing my attention to the Christmas gifts, that part of the mediumship, the gifts they put out for children at Christmas, you told me it was one of those that hurt Colin’

Me... ‘Yes, that’s right’

When Colin was doing a Christmas Tree Séance one of the materialised spirit children opened up one of the presents brought by a sitter which was a toy that lit up when being played with. The child did play with it and the light that shone caused the ectoplasm to shoot back into Colin causing haemorrhaging. He later showed me the scare on his stomach. 

‘You’re tampering with energies but you have to know what you are doing. You have to be tough; you have to toughen up because it’s not all plain sailing and the frail human form is opening itself up to energies it might find difficult to connect with. It's like the communion wine I'm seeing, having communion, communion with spirits, communion wine, communion with Christ, the blood and the body of Christ. You have to connect at the highest level, you have to take that on. If you become a vehicle for light, for Christ then healing and all things are possible but you have to prepare the way for opening that light, accumulating that light, connecting to that light. That's key, that’s fundamental if you want this form of mediumship which we are working towards. Preparation is all important to be a vehicle to accommodate these energies, to transmit, to be a transducer for the energies, it’s as if spirit can only go so far. Miracles can happen, do happen but the more robust manifestations of physical mediumship require much preparation and attunement which is why it doesn’t happen overnight. Just put Stuart Alexander’s name in my mind. I know Colin was a carpet layer and he’s showing me the carpet laying. To come out of that into the front view facing audiences is a big step. But it’s that absolute connection, and it’s a two-way process, they can come so far forward but the work has to go on here and it’s that build up the commitment and trust but when it happens it’s like a light that suddenly switches on but it’s like in building, before you can switch on the lights the circuitry has to be put in, the electrician has to put all the wiring in and test it and certify it safe otherwise you can get fires or blow fuses or get electrocuted. So the circuitry has to be connected up to the mains supply and when it’s all tested and certified then you can flick the switch. An amazing light, and there’s a lot behind the scenes. The house buyer goes in, flicks on the light, doesn’t realise all the work that’s gone on beforehand. Sometimes it’s generations of work, background to the electric power supply but that’s just an analogy allowing the spiritual powers to manifest through the human body at full blast, with full power, not in a dim way that so often happens. Counselling for the spirit is good, is necessary, serves a purpose but the manifestation of full phenomena is another issue. That's serious stuff and behind the frivolity, the fun aspect of it, there’s a lot of work going on in the background and a lot of suffering behind it, generations, it’s in the human psyche because it can create in some wonder but in others fear and when people are afraid, they attack and the forms of attack are many, disbelief, persecution, disempowerment, accusations of fraud, not always possible to protect the medium from these forces, from the fears generated by phenomena but if you are willing and ready, we are ready to work with you. You have to be aware of the process and the blocks to the successful wiring, your own fears of making that connection. Who was it said our greatest fear is not that we are small and insignificant but that we are great and powerful? You have the keys to the gates and the choice to open the gates, it’s yours and you alone can know if you have truly made the choice. We watch and test the water, we have our dip stick to test the degree of commitment, to test the readiness for the full wiring, the redness for the installation of full electricity in your human house. But every little step along the path if not in your lifetime, the work you do progresses to beyond, but the time is coming when these miracles will be seen again and will transform belief, transform the current human paradigm. A time is coming and there will be many, the wiring of the human house is part of the plan, little by little, one generation to the next, the infrastructure has begun and will carry on. Thank you for your attention’

Me... ‘Thank you’

‘We are still at the stage of morse code you understand, ha ha... we haven’t got to the real optic fibre connection, ha, ha... That’s The Diamond for you’

Liz was in fits of laughter.

I’m not sure if Liz just found what was said funny or there was some influence from Colin as he would sometimes break out in fits of laughter for no apparent reason when he came back after a séance.

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

230th sitting 16/01/2021

We had a Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did an opening prayer and asked for information on the dying process, the conditions we find ourselves in and what life is like in the spirit world.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘Each day of your life brings new forms of evidence for you are walking in a world full of synchronicities. You notice these synchronicities in your life and you find they will help you for you have begun to develop, you have started a pathway of investigation and we wish to help you, we wish to give you that support but we do not wish to interfere with your free will. You have to make your own way, you have to decide, you have to create a picture in your mind and build on that picture yourself. We join with you in your life, in your discoveries and we add to the enthusiasm in your mind to continue to move forward, continue to unravel the secrets of your own world. There was a time when life was simple but your world has become a place of complications. Each person in your world adds to those complications until they realise their true selves. You have understood this and are working at unravelling those mysteries. One by one you walk a predetermined pathway and yet as you walk you also live a physical life. Leave yourself open to our worlds. Live a physical life and a spiritual life, keep one foot in each reality and you will pick up those subtle reminders throughout your life that will encourage you to keep on moving forward, to keep on discovering more. Only you can interpret that what you discover and, in that interpretation, you will begin to unfold a truth, a truth for you. There is no need to compare that truth with the truth of others for you know, you know what is true and what is false. Use your own mind to create your own way of understanding. We can help and we will help but as you grow you draw closer to yourself, your true self, that what has given you the opportunity to live a physical life, and that what you will return to when the time is right. There is nothing complicated about the circle of life and when you do find complications irritating your mind cast them aside, keep your mind focused on that what is simple, that what is easy to understand for as you develop, you will find it easier to be both in the physical world and the spiritual world, for both states are natural to you. It is only your world that has taught you to stay firmly fixed to the physical world but your true self knows that your part is being played in both worlds simultaneously. Listen for our words, watch for the synchronicities in your life and keep your life simple. The physical world was designed for you and you fit that world like a glove, but when you become unbalanced, when you cling to the physical, that world becomes a world full of complications, a world full of questions, a world full of misunderstandings. Balance your spiritual life and physical life and you will become a whole person... thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your interesting experiments and we will speak again’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

We had a short break as Liz lost her internet signal and had to move into another room.

Then we started again and Liz tuned in to see what she could get...

‘I’ve got an elderly gentleman, might be your grandfather. He’s got a greyish look about him; hair is grey, he is slightly stooped and he has a pleasant face but it’s slightly sunken, I’m seeing him in about his 80s, bushy eyebrows, lips fleshy, ears sticking out a little bit, a squarish face, nose quite large. I think it’s your grandfather on your mother’s side but, that’s what I'm feeling. He’s got a withered look about him, a gardener feeling but he had a slightly worried air about him, I felt him before we started, a very clear feeling he was there. He’s saying something about tunnels and I immediately get the feeling of tunnel vision. He appeared when I asked about the dying process and what it meant, what it felt like. He’s saying it was a bit of a shock in a way, he’d had tunnel vision about that, about the afterlife. It took him a while to acclimatise, I think he felt worried about leaving. I get the feeling of him with his cabbages and the things he was used to, the physical things. I think the image he had of heaven was choirboys singing, he’s putting that image into my head of a row of choirboys singing but there he is with his greenhouse, the same person. It's great but it took him a while to understand because it wasn’t what he expected, the image he had of an afterlife was holier somehow, wasn’t so ordinary. I'm asking him if there was anything that was different but he’s saying he’s getting the idea from us, that there’s more to it than that. It's like he’s been playing with the same sort of setup, doing the same things but he’s now beginning to feel that there’s more to it. I think he’s aware of your dad around, he’s giving me the image of the bluebird of happiness and the sunshine above him. He’s been quite content. It's the what-ifs, what if you change? I’m saying to him ‘how would you want to change?’ he’s just saying ‘for the better’ I’m saying ‘what would be better?’ I immediately get an image of an elephant; I wonder if Joan’s around? ‘what would be better is to learn more about what there is to learn’ I think he would like to learn more about this communication, being able to communicate with this world and I think he is getting help but I sense there is a part of him that’s being reluctant to make changes. But it is time, he’s getting a bit tired of digging the same soil, it’s been very lovely but he feels that there is more to it and he’s wanting to understand. The image of a camel has just popped into my head, a beast that stores up a supply of water, sustenance, can be safe in difficult places because it can carry what it needs, it stores. That's a hopeful image, he’s got the reserves in him to do all sorts of things, that’s a confidence to do that, he’s just realising that that’s possible, there are things he can do, ways that he can grow, places he can go to that he hadn’t anticipated, outside of his normal range and experience. It's as if his expectation of what’s possible has held him back from exploring further. It's still a little bit of a disturbing thought to think that you can go to these places and have adventures, venturing out of the familiar routine and landscape and I think he’s become aware that he’s stopped himself from doing that but he’s having some help with that now. Just got the name Freddie. I’m getting an image of Joan, a golden lady, lady with golden hair. I'm feeling that his character and personality gave him a certain reluctance to explore these things and to go outside his comfort zone. It's like an inner battle with him at the moment, he really wanted to speak and express his concerns for breaching his normal constraints. I feel he’s grinning, it’s a good feeling but it wasn’t that easy, a little bit of a battle for him but it’s been stimulated by his contact with us. He just wants you to know that his love is still there, if he goes forward it won’t mean he’s letting go of that, and it won’t mean that he’s not going to be around, he needs to know that himself but he can’t lose his contact with you, with the family, with his past life, he’s not quite ready for that. It's like the sun’s up there and he’s saying sunny days ahead, a feeling of hopefulness. He’s giving me a feeling of him sitting with a tankard of beer, a comfort zone feeling, not wanting to let go of all that yet but a feeling that the time has come but he doesn’t have to let go of it. I'm saying to him in my mind ‘you can go backwards and forwards, you don’t have to totally let go of one thing to flow into another’ he’s with your grandma as well and it’s like he feels slightly alone in all this, it’s his battle or conflict at present. He's just giving me this feeling of a female presence; she feels serene and stable and he’s feeling this urge for change, a sense of difficulty. She’s just there carrying on with all the normal things, keeping everything running smoothly, but he’s wringing his hands and furrowing his brow. It's like Mole in Wind of the Willows when he emerges from underground and sniffs the air and feels spring in the air and feels slightly torn about leaving his home but the urge of the sun above him and the fresh green fields is calling him and he ends up in the new adventure with his friends but his home was calling him back all the time. He’s feeling serener himself now, he’s a lovely man, I feel he’s got it off his chest, back to his normal self now. Just going to ask Joan and Freddie if they are there to help with his education and council. I’m getting an image of an earth worm or a snake. That's interesting as it was the snake that was the temptation in the Garden of Eden with the tree of knowledge, almost like an analogy there for the feeling for him that knowledge is a dangerous thing, going outside your comfort zone is like shaking the foundations of reality, going against the ordained. The taboo on knowledge and enquiry, I'm asking why, now this is interesting because you were talking earlier about the simplicity, of things being easy and it is because the path of knowledge and enquiry leads to transitions, developments, leads to development of the mind and consciousness and has in our history created problems where independently individuals have diverted from the path, from common sense and you need to know that those who are helping you, are helping you towards wholeness and integrity and not leading you on a wild goose chase. These are the temptations of the human mind. Can you trust your spirit guides? Can you trust your human guides? And this is where the individual responsibility comes in, discern the path for each one, each individual path it leads to harmony, wholeness but just as a river changes its course, to re-scape the landscape, to make new inroads, new environments, changes, so that human life can make new turns, new transitions, creating new pathways, new experiences. The Earth has been moulded and modelled over millennia and so the human soul is shaped, moulded and modelled through millennia and the asking of questions and questioning is part of the process of making the changes. You question whether the path you are on is the best path, or the place you are in is the best place or whether the knowledge you have is the full knowledge, correct knowledge and in doing this you create the opening for change, the remodelling of the landscape of your soul. This process continues after death, so don’t be surprised that turmoil in the soul can go on after death but just as in life there’s help and the possibility to make the changes after death, this is also the case. But existential crises that occur in life also occur after death because the soul doesn’t stop in its education, in its experiencing, and the consciousness in an individual soul can choose to resist the questioning and the changes because of the discomfort. Creation is a process involving energetic change, movement from one state to another. This requires will power, false effort, and in the process there can be chaotic fluctuations, instabilities before things settle down. This is the nature of creation and in the emerging consciousness of the process this leads to the arising resistances because the well-worn path, well-worn pattern is easy, is simple, is well tried. The new pattern is unknown yet, subject to fluctuations, subject to instabilities before it settles down. This leads to what some term anguish in the soul, the danger of leaving one state for another but it is an inevitable process. The evolutionary cycle that was setup in the beginning operates at all levels and this is where those who are further along the path, who have seen beyond the limitations of the human mind are able to help and it is in those higher forces and intelligences that you can place your trust. Ask and you will receive’

I felt that it was my grandad on my father’s side who was communicating as the character coming through felt more like him. Also, there was a mention of tunnels which made me think of tunnels he had at the end of his garden used in the war to shelter during air raids. Afterwards I emailed a picture of him to Liz and she confirmed it was quite like him but she saw him older. I thought this was an excellent communication which slowly morphed into what was more like a trance communication and I noticed Liz’s voice change as if she was being controlled. The impression I got was that the communication started coming from my grandad as he was on Earth but as it went on it slowly changed to his higher self or true self with the spiritual wisdom that comes with that. 

‘I had a name just then, Gloria’

Me... ‘We’ve had that before haven’t we?’

‘Not sure, but I’ll say thank you’

‘Just got a Phillip and as I say the name Phillip this is someone known to me, do you know a Phillip?’

Me... ‘I can’t think of one at the moment’

‘I feel this is someone known to me, I know he’s been around before, he’s a very good person, he’s been in our sessions before, I'll ask him if he wants to say anything... He just put in my mind, he wants me to give Paul his love, he was a school friend of his and lived with us for a while. He said he’s been watching both of our spiritual progress. I feel Gloria was connected with him. He's showing me a patterned sleeveless jumper, flower pots and pottery with a smile, taking great pride and joy in the everyday things, the joy and simplicity of normal activities. But something that came through earlier with you was the possibility of being in the two worlds at once, the higher level and the mundane, to have a foot in both worlds, he keeps on with the words biblio or biblia, the bible was very important to him, I think he went to China to sell bibles, he was part of a church that’s very prominent in China. He just says to me tell Paul I love him, I think he wants Paul to know this and he’s looking out for him and he’ll be there for him, as a friend is a friend for life and life beyond. He also wants me to give his love to Susie. He's saying he’s very comfortable with our séances, he came through, it’s not something he would have contemplated when he was alive but he’s felt very comfortable, it’s like he can see the light, he’s giving me a sense of a strong light with you too... Thankyou Phil...’

Liz thanked all the communicators for coming through.

I then did a closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

229th Sitting 07/01/2021

We had another Zoom meet-up.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘There is always value in a communication, in all communication. Someone will benefit, someone will find something of interest that will spark in their minds a thought, a thought about the larger reality, the bigger picture. You all live your individual lives in your physical world, you find all that you need in your physical world and yet a part of you can sense that there is so much more. Treat each day as a new adventure, treat each day as a new beginning and as that day unravels make the most of all that you see, all that you come across, all of the situations that are presented to you throughout that day for they have been given to you as a gift. Treasure that gift, learn from that gift and pass that gift onto others. There is much that you can do to improve your world, to brighten your world, to raise the vibration of your world. You yourself are connected to every part of that world and every being that exists in your world. The way you react to situations can be felt by everybody within that world and beyond that world. You are a part of consciousness and as consciousness you spread your wings throughout all of life. Nothing is hidden from you; nothing is disconnected from you. What you do now sends ripples throughout all of consciousness. Create positivity in your life and that positivity will be felt. Do not let those situations and those people around you dim that positivity. You are in charge of your life; you choose how to react. Make those choices with love in your heart, understand how each person in your world is also working towards raising the vibration in your world in their own way, making mistakes, learning from mistakes and growing. You cannot judge another person for you are not that person. All mind has its own value to life and each person in your world contributes to that value’

‘Many words have been said throughout your world, many changes have happened as a result of those words. Choose your words carefully, consider the meaning behind each word you utter for that is what you are giving to one another. You may feel it is merely words but the feelings travel throughout your world, they contribute to the growth, the raising of vibrations throughout your world. Those words that you hear, put your own feeling on those words, do not let the words drive you for you are in charge. If you allow worlds to affect the way you think you have lost that connection with yourself. Always be one step ahead of yourself, prepare yourself, set aside your beliefs and fears, and see everybody as a part of something greater. Understand that they are working at creating positive energy. Words can be misunderstood, life can be misunderstood, look for the good in all situations, stay positive and remember to play you part. You have all been given a great opportunity to better yourself and better your world. Make your life joyous by joining hands with all who you meet, creating friendships and understanding. There are many levels of understanding, try to keep yourself raised to the highest levels. Keep your thoughts pure and your heart open and those around you will feel your energy, your positive energy. You cannot be harmed by words when you see them as interpretations of love. Love can be found in all things, in all situations and if you look for that love you will not be hurt... Thank you, thank you my dear friend’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

I soon felt back with it and then Liz started to tune in... 

‘I’ve got this gentleman, a sailor, quite elderly, late 70s, very vital but a wrinkled face, creased face, a bit like Popeye the Sailor Man. He reminds me of Bill, maybe connected with Bill? Maybe someone you’ve met? He’s singing things like ‘What shall we do with the drunken sailor’ in a blue stripy uniform, wants to do a jig, happy nautical person, grey hair, feels as though he’s tanned but he’s showing himself pale. Barrels of rum, boats, rowing boats, fishing. In the Navy, a capstan, large mechanical apparatus on a bigger boat. I feel he’s also connected with Travis or knows Travis. He’s saying garage. A feeling of long hair that’s been cut off like a plat, connection with a barber, a barber’s sign. He’s being playful, got Long John Silver with a wooden leg, pirates. He’s a kind person, I feel I know him. There’s a lady connected with him, Dahlia or Delia, a lady that got left behind, a very nice lady. The sea was very important in his life, the open sea and the waves, a self-sufficient person. He’s singing ‘All the nice girls love a sailor’ He didn’t like to be pegged down, it was a relationship he could dip in and out of. He’s popping phrases into my head, there’s plenty more fish in the sea. I’m getting a name like Roy. I’m sensing a massage, don’t get hooked up. He's sensing the vastness of the spirit world and it’s reminding him of that sense of adventure and open space on the sea, the lure of foreign lands. Sailor Sam. Telescopic vision looking into the distance, telescope. Keep coming back to the lady, the softness, the petticoats, there was that element but he didn’t want to get hooked into that, but he appreciated that. The thing that really held him was the distance, keeping his freedom. Now he's got that but it’s as if he’s slightly cut adrift’

Sounds like a nice chap but nobody I recognise. Roy was mentioned and is the name of a long-time friend of my dad but he doesn’t in any way fit the description.

‘Now I’ve got somebody coming forward, brown overalls, got the name George, somebody different. Grey curly hair, brown grocers coat like a store manager, a sense of packets of corn flakes, grocery store. Seeing a till, counting up the pennies. Don't know if this is somebody you can connect with or a store where you worked?’

Me... ‘I can’t place anything at the moment’

‘Connection with newspapers. A nice man, magpies, feeding birds. Could be symbolic, black and white, somebody who had strong opinions, left and right, right and wrong. Somebody who had a Protestant work ethic, having to earn your bread and butter. Paper doilies on plates, strong commitment to the home, supporting a household. Liked to see lads being brought up the right way, knowing how to earn their pocket money, earn their living, not take things for granted, help the family, that was him, leaving school early to work. Getting a sense of bicycles against the shop, boys' bikes’

The only thing I can think of is the newsagents where I did a paper round as a boy and we all lent our bikes against the shop when collecting the papers but I have no memory of the guy who ran the shop unfortunately.

‘Getting a radio and the name Teddy, radio broadcast, like the little radios you had just after the war, battery operated, dials and knobs, getting the words testing, testing, testing... Just asking if anybody was trying to come through and I got a jokey The Queen of Sheba’

I wonder if Liz got Teddy wrong and it’s actually Freddy? Freddy used to come through each week in the Mercury Circle and would always announce himself with ‘Radio radio...’ I also remember him jokingly saying things like ‘testing, testing...’ He would definitely say the Queen of Sheba as a play on words, Queen being the name of the rock band he sung in and his character was camp like a queen.

‘My feeling is it’s your dad, I’ve got leather buttons, brown leather buttons, the sort that look like chestnuts, conkers. He’s wanting to put spectacles on to look more closely, finding it difficult to focus. He's got the Christmas and holly out of the way, settling down to something a bit more serious. He's brought me back to the Christmas dinner, and socks. Piano keyboard, wanting to play it, saying something funny like the Raj of Kapoor. The importance of having music in your life, music as a way of sharing, communicating, expressing. The black and white notes, the black and white, the minor key, to be able to express sadness in the minor keys, associate the minor keys with that more spiritual searching, longing, the sadness, the deeper emotions. Image of Polly Parrot, a parrot just repeats things, with the piano you can create things, speak your own... vary, a parrot can’t play the piano. He’s got his hat and a magic wand, he’s tapping his hat with the magic wand, reminding me of Sooty and Sweep, Harry Corbet, izzy wizzy let’s get busy, and then Sweep comes along and does something silly, the magic goes wrong. He’s put into my head Grange Hill, a drama on TV, I don’t know if you ever watched it?'

Me... ‘I never watched it but I know what it is’

‘Children that were difficult, bullying, antisocial. He’s saying girls have problems as well, girls can be subjected to bullying and can have nasty experiences, rough and tumble. He's giving me an image of putting all these experiences into a pot and stirring it. Cook it all up, boil it so it’s all mixed up then you just pour it onto the earth, let it settle and get digested into the earth, it all goes back to feed the earth, grist for the mill. I'm still feeling that keyboard, very prominent, he wants to emphasize it. Getting the colour violet, connected with higher spirituality, crown chakra, third eye, imagination. Loosen up the keyboard, he’s urging you to get back into music, to improvise, let rip, to play, to encourage your creativity. Oh, for the wings of a dove’

‘I don’t know if your dad could be sarcastic at times but he’s going back to the parrot in the cage, pretty Polly, pretty Polly...’

Me... ‘Yes, he was sarcastic’

‘Yes, because he often seems to make sarcastic comments, it’s his form of humour but he’s very perceptive really. He's a bit of a heavy dude really, he’s got a strong character’

‘I’m getting brown wrapping paper in connection with you, that you wrap parcels in, don’t know if it’s of any significance to you but I'm just seeing it being unrolled?’

Me... ‘I do use that sometimes’

I have been sending off and receiving a few parcels recently.

‘The association I'm getting is wrapping up candlesticks’

I haven’t done that.

‘This may be a link with Brenda’

Brenda has been sorting out a lot of dad’s stuff, some of which she has been wrapping up and sending to places but not candlesticks.

‘Did they have a little dog? Was Brenda thinking of getting a dog?’

Me... ‘No...’

‘I’m just seeing a dog, white, quite small, long hair, looks like a lady’s dog... He’s taking me to an image of train sets, like Hornby, ones that are quite realistic’

My brother had Hornby train sets when we were young.

‘Is there French windows in Brenda’s house?’

Me... ‘Yes French doors’

‘I’m with him there, feels like a living room or lounge, French doors going onto the garden’

This describes the room where he passed. It’s a back room but does look like a living room and the French doors lead out to the back garden.

‘Just get the feeling he’s wanting her to know he’s still around. Did they ever grow things in their garden?’

Me... ‘Only flowers and shrubs’

‘I was getting a feeling of cabbages, green veg’

Me... ‘Years ago my Dad grew things like that, not the latter years’

‘He’s giving me the image of a mop head. I'm feeling he’s much more comfortable now, much more relaxed, settled, energy feels smoother. I think he had a rough ride the last few years and he’s needed some healing time to feel easy again, at peace, resolve all the bits of his life, all the memories, all the different associations and to be there with it and to visit but without it jarring, without it pulling at his heart strings in the same way. It’s like he’s accepting, coming to terms with it and even enjoying the sense of adventure and freedom, the sense of being able to watch and interact and the possibilities. I wonder if he brought through this elderly sailor that came at first, his experience’

‘Getting that name Dahlia again and I don’t know if it’s a woman or flowers. Has Sarah been doing anything with dahlias?’

Me... ‘Not that I know of but I can ask her’

She tells me she hasn’t.

‘I’ll say thank you to him, unless there’s anything else he wishes to say... he’s given me kittens. That reminds me of a song my gran used to sing... two little kittens that lost their mittens all on a winter’s day. He says we need to go and have some tea...’

Liz thanked all of our friends for coming and for the communication.

She then did a closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...