This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

167th Sitting 24/04/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise.

About ten minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak.

Her voice was very quiet, sometimes just whispering and some of what was said didn't come out on the recording...

'I've got this man Francis with me again... long black curly hair, a bit of a beard and in something that looks like black velvet, pantaloons and long jacket... with a quill pen standing at a bench or table, writing poetry, smiling, pleased to be here... something to do with mustard seed, a connection with the Buddhist story (Kisa and the mustard seeds) Francis is saying that bereavement is an illusion because he's pleased to say that he's still alive although dead many years ago'

'Yes, it's fear that makes us cling to so small a space... fighting illness, fighting death and there is so much further to go. Paralysed by fear we cling to the Earth instead of rejoicing in the launch into the new untold adventure. I sailed the seven seas only to come back to me. You who feel the illusion of clinging to a dead horse's tail... meanwhile the living horse canters on'

'Eggshells... this fabric of our lives, our ambitions, our hopes. It's like we are treading on eggshells, thin fragmenting skin. Underneath is the clear and endless waters, there's such freedom and we can breathe in there. So, this clinging to the eggshell reality, the fabrication, fabrications of the activities, of the ambitions, of the menial task, all eggshell thin, fragmenting all the time, so careful not to crack, to maintain the perfect shell, perfect protection against the terrifying deep within the egg and in the egg within that yoke the new born bird is waiting to hatch out, to fly free'

'Struggling to keep all the children wrapped in swaddling when they are writhing and kicking to get free...My freedom was at the bench with pen in hand'

'Take heart that those things of you that are the spirit endure, the rest is like dust to the wind, don't let mire entrap you, the burdens, they are only burdens when you give them credence. Don't take them seriously, take them lightly, tread lightly. Rejoice in the spirit, comfort yourself with knowing that all that is of the spirit endues and is not forgotten'

'Mary was my spouse... Tangible evidence, we brought oranges from Spain'

'I have a cat, she's white, Kitty'

'Though I was an adult, my soul's an adult now, I see as a child where everything is wonderful, with a miracle, is beautiful. I sit and wonder, work out calculations, just appreciations, so peaceful here. The puzzling hasn't gone, it's contained in an ocean of wonder, an ocean of appreciation. Christ helped me'

'Termite... '

'I have a nun, she took a vow of obedience and it freed her to be that feather in the breath of God, to go beyond, freed her from the prison of self, into the service of all and with that came the knowledge of all'

The music CD ended.

'I have the name Griselda'

'Thank you all, blessings'

Liz felt back with it and then we discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off walking through a muddy river valley, there were beautiful irises there. She came to an estuary and turned right to a wonderful broad beach where she had been before and in the distance was a white pearl bridge going out to sea. There were many white goats on the beach and one came up to Liz and let her get on his back then galloped off towards the bridge and over the bridge. There were lots more people and animals crossing the bridge, a wave of people and some were invisible. The bridge was made of pearl and there were iridescent peal lights above like rainbows. Liz came to the other side and there were wonderful women dressed in white looking like angels holding out their arms, rejoicing, waiting to greet her. They were spiritual beings and took her with them further inland into woods where they had treehouses and they were dancing. They then found themselves in a large white room and they were conjuring up light energy while dancing. They were working with the light to build light into their bodies, to radiate and contain more light and were welcoming Liz as part of this activity. They were stressing the importance of building up more light in our bodies and were working with Liz to do that in the Earth plane...

I started off in front of a huge old terracotta pot. I held my arms out to embrace it then noticed two more people who held onto my hands and there were two more people next to them and Liz was opposite me making up a circle of six. The pot then started to melt and turned into liquid mercury sinking to the floor like a large round mirror. We all looked into it and I sensed we would all see something different. I saw two hands coming out of the mercury then growing into a hooded person who then removed the hood and I saw it was a lady with long hair. Then I noticed two wings and saw it was an angel. I felt she had a message for me and she said 'A whisper is more powerful than a hundred fireworks' she said I should listen out for whispers and not to try and analyze everything too much, just let it happen, just accept it and it will allow other things happening. You can block things by being too analytical. Try to forget what's happened in the past and accept new experiences as they happen. She then melted and sunk back down to the floor...

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

166th sitting 03/04/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Patrick is not sitting with us any more so it was just Liz and me.

I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise before continuing into the session.

After about 30 minutes I sensed light behind me.
Then I heard a click coming from a cupboard to my right.
My legs felt fuzzy/static from feet to knees.
Then I saw bright blobs moving across my vision from right to left, this continued for about five minutes and I could see them with eyes open or closed.

Liz started to speak as the second to last tune was playing...

'I've got the name Bill and some obscure name that sounds like a plant beginning with L... could be like lysergic acid... tried asking Bill if he has a message and I'm seeing football players in different colours and stripes on the soccer field, some sort of game, scoring... the word score'


'I heard someone saying how can we hold our head up... I don't know if this is an expression of a sense of shame or a moral directive or both... a fine line'

'William is giving me a sense of worldly wisdom... it's a bit of an ill-fitting cloak that he's trying to put around me. Sense of an ill-equipped ship, setting off without the sufficient stores or equipment for a voyage... The higher you strive, the higher you aim, the worse the fall, falling from grace. Lessons learnt with age, youth can be very ambitious, stretch its wings and leap ahead and outrun all the others but with muscles ill prepared not fully tested from the tournaments of life, they can be damaged quickly, stretching too far and the tendons snap. That mellowing that comes with experience and resignation often associated with the older person with experience, but to be able to sit back and hold your head up and to have acceptance is a good thing. Over ambition in any form can make us ruthless. People who get in our path can become like collateral damage as they're shoved aside, relegated to sidelines so we can succeed. To tread the path doing as little harm as possible is a good axiom for being able to live with your head held high at the end. Things that preoccupy us and assume such importance, tomorrow have disappeared, cannot be found, the horizon changes. To put all one's energy into those things that are ephemeral is to hold on to illusions, like trying to hold on to a melting snowflake'

'Today I have feathers in my hair... and the wolf cub is waiting. I have great aims and great hopes. Who will challenge me, let them dare. I'm bristling with bones and I'm a defeated man because I didn't see the whole picture. I pursued a dream and the hoards came after me, they stopped me in my tracks, put fetters in my way, the land was blocked and taken from me. There was nothing I could do. If I saw the slaughter much suffering ensued from my vision which was not to be, which was ill framed in that time, I clung to something when the indications were to shift, to let go and I would not. I led many into disaster, suffering myself and others for which I am ashamed. A noble warrior knows when to retreat before the storm and the animals disappear and the wolf cub cowers and hides and survives. So, I say to all of you who are driven by your schemes your plans your visions your desires your motivations to see them with the eyes of great age and wisdom and to see them against the backdrop of the many other dreams and visions that surround you and see how it will end, how it can fair because a dream and a vision can withdraw and go underground and surface again at a later time like a woven thread. The wise man, the skilful man knows how to wait for his time, timing is everything, he knows how to be patient, everything has its time. And I see a time coming when the land will be universally shared, when all men will be brothers, when justice and peace will be written in the hearts of all men. There will be no need for law courts, no need for peace troops to enforce peace, it will be written into the nature of human beings to want to live cooperatively and share. That time is coming. The fight is on the inside, peace and brotherhood cannot be forged by war and weapons but only by the inner struggle to unlock the heart, to unlock that chained and bound in the heart. I have come from one who knows the pain, the fighting phantoms with the sword, with the gun, with the arrows, with the war paint to bring about peace and truth. The irony. Now I've had to learn to sit still and do very little and in doing this I have seen how things truly are and I have opened myself to true vision. I have seen all the possibilities. In seeing all possibilities I can be strategic, I know which way the feather falls, I know how the puff of breath from my mouth affects the curtain on the wall allowing it to shift just a fraction. How much more skilful, how much more strength is in me now that I sit still and see truth and to act from this place of wisdom or not to act will keep me in a place now where I can hold my head up high seeing all places and all points of view simultaneously... thank you friends for letting me share'

Me... 'Thank you friends'

'I feel that William must have become a Quaker'

Me... 'Were William and Bill the same person?'

'I think so'

'I've got a girl here, looks not Chinese but Balinese or Philippine... she is young with flowers in her hair, in a sarong, I think she's carrying something on her head... May Ling... a sister, she who was treading lightly on the Earth, a sense of delight, feel her surrounded by little lambs, little children. May Ling showing me a vast mountain, volcanic, very rich and fertile. She is dancing now, sense of a disappearing pageant, the most beautiful blue sky. I feel her happiness in the culture which is fertile and in which she's able to tread lightly like a butterfly, easily and joyously. She's holding her hands in a gesture of gratitude for the universe for its abundance and she is saying they are having good times. This is a female at one with her environment, with her body, with the universe, living in joy. This is May Ling. I have raffia sandals on my feet, slippers. My skin is dark but not too dark, golden. I am warm and plump and I feel like the mother of many, like a termite'

'I'm trying to tell if this is a different person, different experience... I'm just feeling these different women, different lives. Trying to see if it's the same society, different angle. The feeling I get, I feel the presence of these different women being part of a culture where being a woman is important, is valued and in that time a very integrated culture, I sense they were feeling happy and fulfilled and deeply connected with their female role of being female and being part of an abundant, natural and fertile world. It is benign, that’s a good feeling... thank you for sharing that, something we've lost but hopefully can regain. Thank you May Ling and the termite'

'Sense somebody... Stanton, standalone... this man has shoulder length hair and he feels like a Quaker... William Standon... it's like he's got a fringe, plain dressed, perfect britches, shirt, brown. He is fairly young, he is saying... What is this life if full of care if we have not time to stand and stare... he's on a farm in the countryside, sleeves rolled up but not too busy to stand and stare'

'Keep seeing somebody smoking a pipe... I think it might be my dad with the pipe, he's going to wait for me, he says another 30 years or so but he'll be there, that's great news, he may help'

'All these friends, all there and glad to be helping in ways that they can... now I'm just saying thank you all for your presences, for sharing, for being with us and wanting to communicate, bridging the gap. I think we've come to the end of our session now... goodbye and thank you'

Me... 'Thank you'

I put a tune on as Liz came back.

Liz had forgoten most of what had happened in her Rainbow Bridge exercise. She remembered being on a bridge like the Seven Bridge, a large metal construction. It was full of rainbows reflecting in the structure. Somebody came to meet her and took her through a door leading into a tunnel like a corridor with laboratories and she had the feeling of being led down a side track to the main thing, taking her off the rainbow bridge. That was all Liz could remember...

I found myself standing on a sandy beach wearing flippers, snorkel and goggles. I was about to go down to the sea when I thought this was just a visualisation and I didn't need these things so took them off and went into the sea without them. I went under the water and swam around for a while then the scene rotated 180 degrees with the sea bed now above me. I decided to go up and push my way through it to see what was on the other side. I burrowed through the sand and came out in a dessert. Standing on the hot sand I saw a pyramid in the distance and wanted to be there then found myself standing next to the pyramid and climbed up to the top. There was a beam of light coming down from the sun and I held up my hand to reflect the beam down into a hole at the top of the pyramid. The beam of light became a solid metal bar which I then slid down and into the pyramid. The bar then became like a cork screw as I spiraled down to the floor of the pyramid. I got the feeling that the pyramid was going to fill up with water and I saw my flippers, snorkel and goggles on the floor so put them on then found myself back standing on the sandy beach...

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise...