This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

91st Sitting 27/01/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation…

Liz found herself walking through marshy waterlogged grassland towards what looked like a stony river with water rushing through it from a waterfall. Liz decided to make it a smooth river so it was easier to cross and on the other side found a vast stretch of sand and dunes going down to the sea in the distance. It had a wonderful sense of space. Then coming towards her Liz saw a young man with dark hair and beard carrying a coracle boat. He asked Liz if she wanted to go out in the boat with him and she did so they went out to sea. He put up a sail which looked like a large plastic fertiliser bag and then turned into a proper sail. Liz felt very secure in this boat; it was like a round tub bobbing on the sea. He asked Liz where did she want to go and she thought at first France and then the Islands somewhere but they didn’t seem to be going anywhere just this sense of endlessness, incredibly peaceful. It became dark and the stars were brilliant. Liz wanted to get closer to them and a rope ladder appeared which she started to climb but then realised she didn’t need it, she could just fly to the stars. She felt like there were three or four people holding her as she sailed upwards. It was an adventure, a journey and she wasn’t quite sure where it was going just this sense of mystery, magic and ascension…

I started off visualizing myself walking in a place I regularly walk. There were horses to my left and then I crossed a bridge and turned left. I decided to just watch myself turn left and disappear into the distance while I as another part of myself carried on walking straight ahead which I found very hard to do. It was as if I was stuck and each time I tried to move forward I sprang back like I was on an elastic band. I asked a tree if it could help me and it suggested I just focus on something in the distance and I’ll be there. There was another tree ahead of me which I focused on and then found myself there. I then saw an old white house in the distance and again got there by focusing on it. I was on the roof of the house feeling I wanted to meet somebody when I saw a busy city in the distance so got myself there. People were walking hurriedly in all directions, not stopping, looking like a blur. Then I spotted an old man sitting across the street and joined him there. He looked up at me with kind eyes and told me he couldn’t understand why everybody was always on the move as they were missing everything, their attention was always focused on where they were going and they were missing the passing scenery. I thought this was like what I had been doing. He went on to explain how important it was in life to take in everything you experience and not to keep your attention focused on just the end of each journey…

I put the music back on and we resumed the session…

I soon started seeing moving bright blobs and mists in the room.
It looked lighter to my left.
The room then went a bluish colour.

Liz began to speak…

‘I’ve got golden fleeces… sheep… I seem to be by the church where Sheila had her funeral… these woolly fleeces, it’s something to do with Sheila and feeding the lambs. There’s a spinning wheel, spinning a yarn, a shaggy sheep’s story, tails of light, spinning a yarn and weaving a golden fleece to make a garment of light’

‘Semaphore, sign language, tell it as it is, tell the truth… and that’s sign language, a semaphore’

‘Got the name Christabel’

‘I have pearly gates… I wanted to ask for a clearer indication from someone of what happens when you die to those we love. Where are they now, what happens… The answer is just the difficulty of telling… of semaphore, of signs, but Sheila is referring to the shaggy sheep stories, the pearly gates… Pearl seems to be important; it’s like a nugget of light. It’s as if I’ve woken up on the inside of a cave or cavern but I find there’s a whole world, a whole reality going on. Inside is like a step from the outside but now I’m contained on the inside’

‘A woman with long grey hair, she says her name is Catherine, she’s reminding me of a lady who taught at school’

‘I have a sense of being shown basket weaving; feeding the foxes, but there’s just things to do, creative crafts… A sense of these lovely peaceful ladies serenely busy but in a delightful and creative way, making things, spinning of golden fleeces, working with pearl’

‘I get the feeling the world we create inside becomes our new world when this outside has fallen away. The importance of practising what we delight in… choirs and music, see those strange pictures of angels with harps of gold and pearly gates, it’s the semaphore, images brought to the outside of things in the inside, the music… footsteps in the sand, the colours’  

‘Sheila brought me to that church again and I don’t know if we should have Fred on our healing list… Silver… I get the feeling when you have gone beyond it is very difficult to convey what it’s like. I keep asking for more information, Silver is here… like silver shells and cockle shells’

‘I have a sense of sitting in a meditation circle of people, this silver light pouring down into this clearing and a sense of this incredible energy, magic. These are the holy situations that are difficult to convey because you have to be there. It’s the being there, being there and nowhere else, being there and everywhere. Being where you are, very different from the confusion and mental state we are in on the physical Earth, daily routines and thoughts, so much purer. It’s as if we’ve taken off our head a clamp, headphones that are pouring out chatter and instructions all the time. Suddenly take it off and just drink in perfect peace, presence. Stepping out of a noisy market or theatre into the brilliant light of the sun and the tranquillity of the fields, of the sea, that can’t describe it’

‘I keep coming back to an image of a bubble, it’s like the difference between seeing a bubble from the outside and then suddenly being the bubble inside, experiencing it from the inside’

‘I just get that image of the walls and fences falling away. It’s like a wind just passing over them and they’re just falling away’

‘Caroline, Caroline was going to do something, some sketches, caught up in something else, curtains, curtailed intention’

The music ended.

‘Silver says there will be satisfaction, Satisfaction and that’s the note to end on’

Liz still had the lady with the long grey hair with her, she was saying goodbye and Liz felt sad to see her go.

Once back with it Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

(Two days after this sitting we noticed that it was held one year to the day of Sheila's passing)

90th Sitting 20/01/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned on the music and put the light out.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation…

Liz started off on round blue stepping stones in a spiral that seemed to be going through a water garden where there was a stone fountain. Liz tried to see rainbows in it but then realised she was looking for something beyond that, she wanted to go further. Liz could see some large stretches of water gleaming and made her way over a beautiful wide plaza of flagstones and at the edge it was like a Roman bath. There were steps down to a shallow pool with water lilies. The water was warm and Liz walked into it then swam on her back, it was very peaceful. There were white marble statues of men and women but with flowers. There was one enormous rose with nymphs and fairies. It was about the male and female and as Liz looked at the statue of this flower opening in the centre she could see the sticky pad on the carpel and the stamens and pollen, these sexual organs of the flower, male and female. Liz wanted to go beyond that, she felt this was like an entrapment. She saw that the pool came to the edge of the sea where there were rocks. Liz felt safe in the pool and the sea was getting choppy but she still wanted to go out in it as it was leading her towards the beyond. She started swimming in the sea and sensed a large hand descending from the sky towards her. She was aware of five fingers and asked ‘what is the significance of the number five’ It made her think of finger exercises and practicing on the piano and then she thought of the five planets that are going to be visible just before dawn for the next week. She was told there was always significance in everything. Liz wanted to know what the meaning was and she felt that we are still at a very elemental stage when she was told practicing was important. She asked what we were supposed to be practicing and the answer that came back was love…

I slowly became aware of a huge brick wall in front of me. It went on as far as I could see and I couldn’t see the top but there was a wooden door in the wall which I decided to go through. When I opened it I saw it was pitch black the other side and was unsure whether to go through or not but I wanted to go in and realised it was just fear stopping me so went through and the door shut behind me. I was now in total darkness and had the feeling I was floating upwards. Slowly I started to see vague outlines of shapes as it began to get light. A huge hand appeared and lifted me up and onto the back of what looked like a manta ray but it was flying like a bird. We flew through the air and I began to see more as it got lighter and lighter. There were green fields below us and then we flew over a mountain and swooped down again. I saw something bright shining like a star on the ground and as I thought about it the manta ray landed so I could get off and walk towards it. It was like a huge diamond about three metres across and as I looked into it I saw my face reflected and then saw many more faces inside. I touched it and it wobbled like a jelly but then the music stopped bringing an end to my visualisation…

I put the music back on and we continued our session…

Liz decided this week to just relax completely and see what came through to her.

The room soon started to look blobby and lighter to me.
I saw movement of shapes around my peripheral vision.

I felt a pressure on my right ear.

Liz remained very quiet.

After about 40 minutes Liz announced she had a sense of a cloud full of people.

She then got the words… ‘Radio silence’

Just as the music was ending she said…

‘It’s like a sort of ark’

Liz had been shown writing like text in a book several times during the session and felt she had to repeat what she saw but couldn’t bring it back. It was like a dream quickly fading away. She felt she had a lot of people with her and saw people running towards her including two black ladies.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

89th Sitting 12/01/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off walking through a marshy meadow land. There were lots of rivulets around her and white birds, egrets. The water was rushing past and draining into a large area of shining water that Liz was drawn towards. Suddenly a beautiful ship appeared, wooden with masts but white and gleaming like a heavenly ship. There were steps going up and a man dressed in white welcomed Liz onto the ship. It was a warm welcome and she felt she was a guest of honour as she climbed on. The ship moved off and there was a Napoleonic seaman walking about the deck with a wooden leg who took Liz to the rails and let her look through a long brass telescope and she saw land in the distance. It was an island with palm trees and sand, a thick forest and mountains with volcanos. They came to the shore and the white man and Liz got off and turned into birds, then they were flowing, they didn’t have shapes anymore and then became more like dragons and flew to the volcano. It was like fire inside and Liz knew that these were all the elements, the fire here, the earth, the wood from the trees, water surrounding the island and the air, all the elements there. A person then appeared looking like a Native Indian with one feather in his hair. He was like a guardian on this site and it was as if he said the Earth was angry but Liz knew that wasn’t right, the Earth wouldn’t be angry but it was renewing itself, it was trying to restore itself. It had had enough devastation and Liz felt there was going to be a shake-up. The Earth belonged to these original people and this man said he was one of them. The Earth had been given to them and to be in tune with the Earth you had to understand it…

My visualisation took a long time to get going, I couldn’t really see or focus on anything clearly. I kept seeing vague images like the Statue of Liberty, hands coming and going, birds flying around and then I saw a lady pushing a pram. She was Victorian looking and I tried to follow her but she disappeared out the side of my vision. I then realised I was looking through frosted glass which explained why everything was so vague and unclear. I saw the magician Tommy Cooper who was trying to speak to me. I couldn’t hear him but got the impression he wanted me to say ‘Abracadabra’ so I did and then found myself on his side of the glass and the whole scene looked much clearer, brighter and more colourful. I asked Tommy where I was and he joked that he didn’t know, where would I like to be? Then he told me this is where I will be when the time is right. I decided to explore this place and wanted to get some information. As soon as I thought that I saw shelves of books and Tommy told me that books were how I interpreted information but information is really what we experience and it’s personal to each individual. Books are other people’s experiences; it’s like getting it second hand. Only by getting you own experiences will you build up information. He then told me I had to go back now as my focus was in the physical world at the moment and that’s where I needed to be but I could still come back for brief visits. Eventually I would understand that the greater part of me is already on his side…

I put the music back on and we continued the session.

The room began to look lighter and misty to me.
I kept getting the feeling I was sitting at the back of a church looking up the aisle.

Liz began to speak…

‘Had a rather amicable man smoking a pipe and the word Dundee… it’s as if this man was in the sea… he seems to have sandy coloured hair’

‘Keep coming back to two sisters… got the name Diligence’

Liz was getting very hot.

She continued…

‘I seem to have a lady and a man, Victorian… Uncle Frederick, Freddie… just aware of one pointing a walking stick, it’s actually like a magic wand with a star on it’

‘Seem to be wrapping something up, more like in a basket, like a florist, maybe a basket worker, long reeds or stems… just reminded me of the baby in the bulrushes’

‘Everybody’s war, everybody’s window on the world, everybody’s looking out of the window and there’s like silver tea spoons. I’ve got the feeling of somebody saying we’re all in it together’

‘Badger, a picture like Badger in Wind in the Willows’

‘I’ve got this star, like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, like the magic wand. The star, somebody’s waving it, it looks like fireworks, sparklers… A word like crazy, crazy paving, crazy Jane, crazy’

‘Somebody wanted to be serious but the seriousness formed a ridiculous image like a giraffe’s head and mouth, long neck with a funny expression a bit like a camel’s face, a funny serious, like somebody would say seriously though, seriously though you reap what you sow. It goes back to everybody’s war, we’re all in it together but if you want out you have to look to the star, it’s where your aspirations are’

‘I see it’s the Freddie Mercury star, there’s a lot of forgiveness there, there has to be a lightness of being, can’t be too serious all the time…’

‘I see these deep wells, wells of degradation but actually you can see the star shining in the water there and as you look down into the well there’s that water in the bottom and if you can catch the gleam of light it’s a reflection of the star that can pull you out of the well, call it the well of despondency. Star light… Well as in I wish you well, farewell, I have the story of the three wells… well, well, well. Fair weather may follow you and follow your star’

‘The spiral stairway, these old boots launching off it, going up and up and up breaking out through the hatch at the top into the light. It’s like a light house and the lamp is at the top. Know the way; it’s like a cork screw’

‘Seven… seven cities, seven levels, seven times seven... I get the words take me home, home is the tower, it’s like a seagull in flight, soring, free of gravity, light…’

‘I’m going nowhere and where I always am, I’m here, I haven’t left, I’m home, I was lost and now I’m found’

‘Furlong is a mile in any language but what yard stick can I use when everywhere is everywhere and here. No measuring tool, all places are one place which is here. I sowed the golden grain so we can all reap the harvest. Love in a mist, that’s my flower’

The music ended.

I asked Liz if she had any more to say and she said…

‘Nothing but a jar of pickled herrings’

Liz still felt several people about… Bernadette, a nun in a deep blue robe and she sensed her dad around, it was just a feeling he was there.

Once Liz was back with it she did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise.

I had fallen asleep a few times during the session.
Liz thought she might have dropped off once but remained mostly awake throughout. 

88th Sitting 05/01/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off on stepping stones covered in moss by a waterfall and stream. She followed the stream which ran through a meadow and then a corn field. She was amongst all the beautiful golden corn looking up at the clouds in the blue sky and there was a wonderful sense of happiness in this scene. She saw the water course running through and into the sea where white waves were breaking and rainbows covered the sea. Liz carried on down to the sea and found a boat which she got into but the sea was too rough, she needed it to be calm so she could row out in it. She then made it calm like a deep blue mirror; she could see the fish swimming and the reflection of the clouds and sky. She felt she wanted to be with all this so swam down under the sea and then found herself swimming on her back looking up at the sky, a wonderful sense of ease. Then a hand came down from out of the clouds and plucked up what to Liz appeared to be a little Liz and she was watching all this. This little Liz was held by this hand and taken up into the clouds. There was a wonderful feeling of this presence, of being there in this medium of air and water and cloud. Suddenly coming towards her Liz saw a figure looking like Tom Campbell dressed as Father Christmas. He said… ‘Do you want to see what Christmas presents really are?’ Liz said ‘yes’ as they were racing through the air on a sleigh. He said the presents are the present as in the here and now. He took Liz to a snowy landscape where it was Christmas and the birthing of the Christ, the Christ child and the star. The sky was now starry and the angels were singing. He said that the gold, frankincense and myrrh are the real presents; these are resins from the Earth, all the presents that you need you will get from the Earth and by being present on the Earth you have presence and the birthing of the Christ child was the birthing of presence. For children it’s the magic not the presents in boxes, it’s the magic of presence, being in the Earth with all these elementals, beings and creatures of this manifestation, of nature…

I was aware of a flower slowly opening up from a bud changing from green to bright yellow then I realised that I was a bee and once the flower was fully open I dived in amongst all the stamen and pollen and felt I was becoming one with the flower. I wanted to stay there and kept hearing the flower thanking me for being there. Then I looked up and saw the sun in a clear blue sky and felt the goodness beaming down into this flower. I decided I wanted to visit the sun and took off towards it. When I got there I saw that the sun was made of yellow flowers and I immersed myself into it and felt the living energy of all these flowers. Then I noticed the moon which looked lifeless and cold. I felt sorry for it so took one of the flowers from the sun and flew with it to the moon. When I placed the flower on the moon it lit up as if becoming alive and energized. I then looked at the Earth and saw points of yellow light on the surface but there were also areas of darkness and I got the feeling the Earth needed more yellow flowers because the yellow flowers represented love and the darkness was fear. It seemed like the sun was trying to pour more flower energy into the Earth but it was up to those who lived on the Earth to receive it and fill the Earth with love…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I felt tickles in my hair on the back of my head.

I had several random images of people’s faces smiling and laughing.
Then I got bright blobs coming and going in front of me.

Liz got a pair of big eyes looking at her; they looked like bee’s eyes.

Liz got the name ‘Rebeca’ and then ‘Rivka’  

Then she got ‘Janis’ someone she knew.

Liz got ‘Telegraph… a bunch of roses, cream and white… an image of a squeegee mop’

Liz continued…

‘Got a sense of a wheel, tyre tread like a tractor wheel, large wheel slowly turning…’

‘The word tellurium, it’s of the Earth… cleansing spheres, we need to free our self of the obsessing attachment to the Earth, illusion of the Earth as a world, to be able to experience clearly, to be able to experience the presence, especially at Christmas and the white roses are for purification’

‘This strange image of a man, a working man, a farm hand hiding a star in a dry stone wall, hiding it in the stone. The star is like the sun, all that light, why would he hide it in a dry stone wall which is a barrier, part of our fencing to keep things in, to keep things out, walls, such a strange thing to do. The working man in a Shetland sleeveless jumper and shirt and a peaked cap. A labourer on the fields hiding stars in the walls’

‘I guess what we’ve done with the Earth is we’ve taken what is vast and magical and we’ve parcelled it up, we’ve taken the great presence and we’ve parcelled it up, parcelled it up as little presents, little parcels of land fenced around, walls to keep in the sheep and the sheep that should be feeding in the high mountains and pastures become a commodity. We’ve hidden that light, that magic light, we’ve lost it, it’s got solidified, ossified, fossilized in stone and you won’t find it again until the walls are broken down, taken to pieces bit by bit, take the stones apart. Hard work and that’s the real work for the working man, to dismantle, to undress, to disclose, to uncover, to reveal the star that he’s hidden, the sun, trapped light’

‘I have this penetrating blue sky with absolute joy and very quickly this thin shell like a web, a sticky web, begins to form over it and I have this job to keep clearing it away like a windscreen wiper. Just need constant vigilance… Have to keep going back to that original light, that penetrating blue, the sky, the depth, light, not to let it get obscured, obscuring is the way of the world and it limits the joy, limits everything, but to hold onto the limitless is an act of constant attention, attending to the presence’

‘Got another picture of someone in a frogman’s suit, with a gas mask on, sweeping, cleaning up like sucking up rubbish, quite delicately brushing’

‘I got this image of Mary Queen of Shops… and then I got all the pigs in blankets, all the Christmas cooking and feeding stomachs that are over-fed. Just this sense of displaced values and degeneration of natural creative beings… You can feed joy or you can feed greed, it’s a choice. Many have lost the taste for pure water’

‘Just have this image of a serpent, a serpent has a shiny skin, the scales are like a mosaic and delightful to behold, are beguiling… Many hold on to the tail, the mosaic of myriad patterns, seductive, gleam and shine and forget that the serpent has a sharp tooth. The sharp tooth poisons and the poison spreads and leads to decay and death’

The music ended.

Liz thought she had somebody with her and continued…

‘Carly or Karen, looking up through the trees at the stars, through the roof of the forest, she just wants to give us a star, it’s the Christmas message, the star which is the sun, which is the Christos and to follow the star like the wise men and forget the tinsel… That’s all’

Liz then picked up soft music in her left ear which lasted about a minute.

Once back with it Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

Liz had remained awake this week and apart from about five minutes I remained awake as well…