This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

48th Sitting 16/10/2014

We were back after a few weeks off and had the room set up as usual.

At 8.30 we started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz found herself by a large blue lake, it felt like Scotland. There was a rope bridge which led to an island but Liz decided to swim out to the island. It was sand and grass with some animals on it, goats, sheep, and gazelles. The bridge was wicker on the other side leading to the land where there were beautiful structures, places of worship and Liz saw lots of butterflies and moths. Somebody with a white donkey was waiting to greet her. He wore a robe, a monk and gave his name as Patrick and let Liz sit on the donkey. He took her to their palace which was beehive like huts with an enormous cave under the ground. A lot of cream white wool robed monks and priests were sitting in a circle, chanting for the replenishment and renewal of the earth. Liz felt she was part of it as she listened and watched for a while. Then she turned herself into a moth and flew back to her side…

My visualisation took a while to get going then I became aware of a giant drip of water hovering in front of me. I could see images inside the water and decided to close my eyes, hold my breath and push my head into it. I then opened my eyes and found I could still breathe. I felt a swirling sensation encircling me as everything began to expand until I found myself standing in a new landscape. Everything looked reddish and baron like the surface of Mars. There was a river with steaming water and a bright chromium bridge which I crossed and met a monk or priest like character wearing black robes and something dark over his head as I couldn’t see his face. He held out a cushion with two keys placed on it offering them to me. When I picked them up he said ‘Hold them to the light’ There was a sun in the sky which I found I could look at without being dazzled so I held the keys up to that then started to see lots of different faces appearing in the sky. The music was ending at this point and he said ‘Go now’ Instead of moving I just shook my head and the water around it disappeared leaving me back where I started still holding the two keys…

I then did the opening prayer and put the music back on.

I was getting colder.
Liz had an itchy nose.
I had a bright blob in front of me.
Liz thought the atmosphere was looking mottled.

I was getting even colder and it felt like a breeze was blowing over my legs.

I got some words and names…

‘Patrick… Raymond… Class of ’48… Mrs Higgins or Higginbottom’       

Liz felt her mouth being opened and then a sense of light around her.

I had a fuzzy feeling on my left leg and felt something in my hair.

Liz sensed a dark wave coming across her and felt like she was being pulled backwards.
It felt to her like she had suddenly woken up to this sensation, like entering another reality.

Liz said some inspired words…

‘The grey doves that nestle in my breast… want to hold them… warm in my heart… I’ve tied knots in my belt, a cord belt, to remind me, a kindness…’

I felt light touches around my left ear.
I had a fuzzy feeling on my right foot.

Liz had an image of a black crow.
I asked if it brought a message and she said…

‘Starlight… Corby…’

I got very cold suddenly.
Liz was also cold.

Liz then reported a sensation of warm liquid being pulled from her right ear.
She was also getting vibrations in her back like she had experienced for the first time last Monday in the Mercury Light Circle.

Liz got an image of a long knotted cord again.

I asked her what the knots represented and she said…

‘Something to do with penitence and remembering… remembering the faults and correcting them, to perfect, bringing them to mind in order to transmute them to do better next time… to bring to mind all the impediments… nurse things that stand in the way with kindness and simplicity… and to sincerely wish to change… and the harshness, the cold helps to bring it to mind, knots to sharpen, to resolve… When things are easy and comfortable the incentive to change isn’t sharp… When things are difficult and uncomfortable the resolve sharpens…’

Liz continued…

‘I’ve got an image of great legs like the long man, great giant, it’s like a doorway, it’s like the long man, these figures carved out in the hillside, the guardian, the human gateway…’

The music ended and I noticed some small lights around Liz just after I leant down to turn off the CD player.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.