This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

218th Sitting 12/03/2020

We had the room setup as usual and didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG or Magnetometer.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did our Rainbow Bridge Exercises then continued on into the session...

After 35 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I’m seeing a great rain falling... The rain falling, we think of as external to us, something that happens outside us, without us and yet we create the outer world. Our combined thoughts, our combined impulses create the world we see, we are creators. We create a golden meadow of flowers with our golden thoughts, our internal state directs the external world. We don’t realise the extent to which our combined thoughts are creating the clouds, the rain, the storms, the fires, the famines, the wars. When a group of people has grown up as victims, as slaves of a system, working every day, resenting the low paid work, resenting the life of surfs, of hard labour, their combined thoughts in this reality they think has been imposed on them in which they’re powerless, their combined thoughts are dark, their combined thought are of rebellion, are of setting fire to the fields they labour in, flooding the field they’re labouring in, destroying the fields they’re labouring in. In their anger, in their resentment, in their despair they create an external world in which plagues and famines come, clouds come, rain falls, forms deluges, or drought comes creating fires devastating the landscape, bring embodiment to their despair, to their anguish. The world, nature, the outer world mirrors an inward world of turmoil, of anger, of resentment, of clouds, of darkness, but when in our inner world we create a meadow of serenity, we create a pool of great beauty, we create feelings of wonder, feelings of love, feelings of tenderness, of togetherness, of a deeper connection. We create a velvet midnight sky full of stars, we create a sunlit meadow, we create an azure blue sky, free of clouds, we create a moist and humid atmosphere in which plants grow, in which we can dance, in which we can create songs of great lyricism, of great beauty, in which we can raise our voices. We can create an atmosphere which is like heaven in which we can rejoice and that is a mirror of our inward world, of our inner world. So, in cultivating that inner world we help to create an outer world that echoes, that manifests. We don’t realise the extent to which even in our imagined powerlessness we have power to create. The outer world is not separate from you, is not independent of your thoughts and feelings, of your inner world, your emotions, scenarios, stories. You create a story within and that story is told on the outside, that story is told and it is retold by many souls with whom you share that story and that creates your outer world. Beware of your thoughts, beware of your emotions, beware of your inner world, cultivate it like a garden, like the garden of paradise and it will manifest in the Earth as a paradise. Paradise is not lost, paradise can be reclaimed with your songs, with your stories, with your rejoicing in your inner world. Allow yourself the luxury to create an inner world of great beauty. When a sufficient number of you have created and shared such a world with your songs, with your stories, with your dramas, with your plays, with your eloquence, with your manual creations, with you embroideries, with your artefacts, with your beautiful creations then you will realise the Earth and your physical reality in its full potential in its full splendour, your own creation. Be the world you wish for...’

‘I have great feathers in my hair, like a peacock. I mirrored the adorned birds that manifest in my poems, that manifest in my works of art. I dress myself; I imitate my own creations; it was my attempt to bring life to the world I created inside. Many mocked me... Edith Sitwell, you called me... I sit with those others who created with me, we create still, we’re still learning how to create. Many have lost the art, many have lost the courage to truly create, to allow the eccentricity, to allow themselves to indulge in their dreams, in their daydreams, to clothe themselves in their own inner reality manifested in the outward image they project into the world, the closeness of your dreams. Shaw is on my right; Christopher Lowe is on my left. Many of us in libraries, in theatres. We have our own exhibition, our own deliverances, our galleries. You influence, dancing through your minds the lives, our creations are still with you. We encourage, we weave a tapestry to match the best, cloth to adorn your dreams, to facilitate your own creations, to help them to scintillate. There is much dearth, there is much shabbiness in the renderings of many. Many are afraid to depart from the material, external world as it is manifested. Many do not trust their own internal world; they merely are derivative in their creations and the lowest common denominator of the external world, the appropriate, the creations of the multitude, of the common denominator. They try not to shine or excel or individualise. The peacock tries to make his dance, his show unique. It has to be unique; his survival depends on it. In a mollycoddled system where you depend on others, when you depend on the state or society for your terms of reference, you become a cipher, you become a nonentity, you become Mr Norm and your creations will be derivative, will be unoriginal, will be dull, moribund, they will not survive. Dare to be exceptional, dare to break the bounds, to go that one step further, to create something completely unique to you. Your own absolute internal experience of the world seen only through your eyes; you own expressed experience. Not that mouthed by others, not what you are told is your experience, what is truly, truly yours and yours alone. How it tastes to you, how it impinges on your eyeball, on your ear socket, at your finger tip, beneath your feet, in your dreams, your deepest desires, your strongest fears, the whispering which you alone are party to. No one has the thoughts, the feelings, the sensations that you have. Cherish them, honour them, experience them, welcome them, acknowledge them, be conscious of them and shape and mould them so they are perfect expressions of a world, your intent, your desire, your ideal. Remember and cherish the best and allow those to mould a paradise’


‘A bitter orange can be used to make sweet marmalade and bitter experience can be transmuted into wisdom, into sweet forgiveness and understanding and compassion. Transmuting base metal into gold was the work of alchemists, each of us is an alchemist and in possession of the philosopher's stone. Our errors and transgressions, our misdeeds, our sins of omission and commission, our dark thoughts, our obsessions, our twisted paths, our dark deeds all are grist for the mill, capable of transformation into the sweet marmalade, into the gold stone that eventually becomes the polished diamond. When a human has the courage to take hold of the bitter fruit, his life has yielded and acknowledged and accepted and tasted the acid of this fruit. Then conscience can conjure up the way of reparation, the way of transformation, of transmutation. So many bad deeds have been turned around into a life that blossoms into good deeds. There are many whose lives are honoured, who started with dishonour. Great saints like Miloeaper transformed their anger and hatred and their destructive magical creation into pure harmonious works and acts, great beneficence, having seen the bitterness and error of their ways the bitter fruit that was being yielded by their misdeeds, by their hatred, by their anger. So have the courage to taste the texture of the fruit you’re growing with your life and if need be transmute and transform the bitterness to that which tastes sweet and good because the fruit you yield with this life now you will carry with you when you cast off the physical skin of this life into the larger arena of a life that does not end but continues and will you want to continue tasting the bitterness of the fruit or will you want to taste the sweetness and the fragrance of a perfect and ripened fruit? You all have the choice... I speak on behalf of the fair-haired one known as Mr Savile; he speaks of the Seville oranges... he’s full of remorse’

‘Thank you to all our friends, they’re wrapping up the show in a garland of flowers like a wreath... blessings, this is our showcase, our showcase of extraordinary characters’

‘Still seem to have Mr Jimmy Savile, a mixture of pride and contrition... a strange mixture, bombast and remorse... a strange mixture of good and bad...’

During the session Liz had seen an Edwardian looking man with whiskers around his face, she had a feeling he was a scientist.

Liz was feeling back with it and we recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself in a meadow of daisies with a wonderful sense of gold and a feeling of happiness being in this space. It was full of children like fairies flying around doing acrobatics and cart wheels, a sense of creativity and freedom. She felt the importance of play-acting, creating theatre and the power of that to shape and create a world and these children were able to do that, to create a reality, a theatrical reality that mirrored things in the world but was instructive...

I started off floating over damp sand and saw a pair of slippers walking across it, making foot prints. Then I saw barefoot prints going in different directions. I heard people laughing and playing, both grownups and children, then started to see them, all going in different random directions. Then they organised themselves into a ring, holding hands and dancing around the slippers. They made different shapes as they did this, a square, a triangle and then a star which made me fly up into space and I as looked at the sun and the planets I thought at first they looked disorganised, moving in different directions then saw that they were organised as the planets were circling the sun and the moons were circling the planets but I also got the feeling that the sun was also circling something else, I couldn’t see what it was but just felt the whole solar system was circling something greater...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...