This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

209th Sitting 25/10/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 7.50pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I felt a fuzzy touch on the top of my head during the opening prayer and this continued on and off during the session.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 25 minutes Liz reported seeing eyes looking at her then after another 15 minutes started to speak...

‘I got this strong impression of grey like a velour fabric and I've just been holding on to it, feel the connection with Grey Wolf and another grey who is with me. I feel the connection in this sense because the grey came through with a feminine, a sense of a female presence, but I think what I am wanting to say... the male and the female are one, two parts of a pod, two parts of a psyche separating out into the different genders, they are united peas in a pod. At the higher levels differentiation doesn't exist in the same way, the whole being incorporates both, it’s gender neutral in the sense that the male and the female don’t separate out they are part and parcel of the same being in which all those fragments are united, one whole and this is the significance of the right and the left brain two different ways of being in the world, two different perspectives. At a higher level they come together into the one, the holographic image, every part contains the whole. This polarisation in the physical world is a fabrication of the divided self by the way the incarnating spirit decided to differentiate, a fabrication allowing a particular form of generation, an idea for the creative production of further beings. One pathway chosen excessively and leading to an entrapment in two identities differentiated for the purpose of generation but an artifice, an artifice of the creative mind but leading to entrapment because of the limitation and the developing brain. When the function of the brain predominates and this way of viewing the world, this way of creating identity leads to dysfunction and consciousness lies beyond the brain for it is only a mediator but the conscious life becomes entrapped in the being that is functioning purely from the chemistry of the brain and losing touch with the whole of its conscious being. This leads to great battles and wars and dissonance between the sexes and within the individual, embattlement, leading to the many fairy tales, the many fantasies, the many stories, the many archetypal tales, Grimm’s fairy tales, the sleeping beauty, the witches, the crones, the giants, the wizards, the wicked witches, the star children, the demonic deformed males, Rumpelstiltskin, the frog prince, all aspects of the human psyche in one male or female predominant role, these fantastic figures play out, act out from the historical, political planes within the social framework, they externalise into human society, into the terrible and transgressive models that predominate in human society and discriminate unfairly and empower one sex over another and create tyranny until these errors in the human psyche are corrected. Until consciousness within each human expands to beyond these confines there will be no healing of human society. These errors in thinking, defining self, stand in the way of integration, stand in the way of evolving the evolution of the individual, stand in the way of the evolution of human society, the civilisation. The present civilisation is based on a false apprehension of the human self, it has to be understood that the body, the physical body is borrowed from the earth, nothing on the physical plane belongs to the individual entity, it’s all transitory, passing, the consciousness incorporates and goes beyond and the phenomena of the physical world like dreams or illusions dissolve, including the human body, including the human misapprehending identity. The true being, the soul, consciousness goes way beyond. The opportunity to access this totality is given moment by moment but bypassed and at death this opportunity opens up but is most often bypassed, familiarity with the totality of being has to be cultivated, has to be reconnected with here and now in order to be secured, in order to be stabilised with the totality of our conscious being to stabilise in full consciousness requires the exercise of attention, requires the exercise of patient persistence because the habit of self-deception and the illusory nature of false identity has predominated for so long and with such consensus but only an act of will or an act of grace can liberate the human being from the falsehood of gender identity. Great mystics and saints spoke of our mother-father God and our sweet mother Jesus because they recognised that the totality of being contained both male and female, beyond archetypes, containing all archetypes but beyond the beyond. Grey Wolf shows me the vastness of heaven, the vastness of the psyche that goes beyond, the great wild spaces for exploration, for being. True love goes beyond the male or female, goes beyond attachment to the human form. Great love lies in the realms of great consciousness, the ultimate creative act in which the one divides to become two. This mystery is beyond human conception and the posing of it in binary form, again is the manipulation of the human psyche, the binary brain, an attempt to comprehend, but is as yet incomprehensible to the divided brain. For those grappling with truth it may often have to be taken on faith but the many are one and the one is the many’

‘I have the image of a can of worms and the picture of a fisherman. He uses the can of worms to catch the fish. I feel I have opened a can of worms’

‘Somebody’s repeating again that many are called, few are chosen’

‘It has to be noted in the evolutionary principle that there is often overproduction. We notice it in the generation of seed, in the surplus DNA, the genetic medium, an overproduction of base pairs, surplus material. We call this hedging our bets. There is purpose in this design, it is a natural outcome of chaos which allows that flexibility to be creative, to develop, to adapt, to change, to evolve. An element of randomness, of random generation is inherent in the evolutionary design principle in which we operate, the probability window, the plasticity of consciousness. Every nook and cranny is filled, is tested, developed in the fullness of time. There will come a time when the fully developed human will be a true creator in turn, when true knowledge will supersede understanding then you will stand over and not under creation, until such a time you will continue in the fallacy of the differentiation of the sexes and the divided brain... thank you for listening’

‘Lupus, lupus, lupus, is that the name for wolf?’

Long pause...

‘I was just asking for a message for you Nick and someone came and wanted to put a school scarf round your neck, I tried to see what colour it was and it seemed like it was an orangy yellow and red stripes and a school cap, then the same person wanted to put some slippers on your feet and they were like fluffy ducks, ha, ha... I don’t know if it was your grandmother but it was somebody who wanted to look after you... as if you were still a school boy’

Me... ‘I did get an image of my mum earlier on, could have been her possibly?

‘Yes, perhaps she was there, it felt like a nurturing presence, wanted to wrap you up...’

Liz now felt back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz started off with tulips, a Dutch connection. It was a muddy area with a red brick wall and took Liz to a river bank. Across the river was a wonderful landscape, trees, shrubs and hills that went on and on, expansive, something to explore. Liz wanted to get over there and saw a silver metal bridge that turned into a rainbow but she knew she could fly across and turned into a brown speckled bird like a hawk or owl. She flew over the landscape, on and on, a wonderful sense of freedom. Then she came to a place that connected her with men that had passed over, she felt their powerful presence, many men that had been in her life and had loved but some of them hadn’t known Liz completely as she was and it felt like it was an acceptance now. They were in a circle and beyond that Liz was drawn to the women in her life that had passed over. There was a particular woman she didn’t know who seemed to be from a fairy tale and she led Liz to a castle where she was shown fairy tales in which women have appeared and men have appeared, those two archetypes, the male and the female, situations like when the woman is locked in a tower and the man has to climb up by her hair and the wicked step mothers and the sleeping beauty who was awaken by a prince. Liz was taken to a castle like an astronomer's tower or a lighthouse with a diamond multifaceted light that contained all the rainbow colours, all the facets, like a hologram where the whole is there but every part of it contains the image of the whole. Looking out over this landscape Liz could see the overview, she saw everything all contained in the one, she saw all the parts and acknowledged them but at the same time could see they were all parts of the one. This was where Liz wanted to stay, this point of true seeing where you see many in the one and the one in many...

I started off seeing a red door so opened it and went through. I found myself going down a spiral staircase. It was very dark at first then lightened up and I saw I was in a giant glass test tube making my way to the bottom on this glass spiral staircase. I tried to see out and saw I was in a huge laboratory and was being held by a mad professor who looked like Einstein. He said how did you get in there? And I told him about the red door. Then he asked did I close the door behind me? And I told him I'd left it open. He didn’t seem very pleased and said he needed to do some experiments then poured some liquid into the test tube. I thought I was going to drown but the liquid was like a cool mist. Then he lit a Bunsen Burner and held the test tube in the flame. I thought I was going to be burned alive but again it felt OK just a bit warm. Suddenly I found myself outside the test tube with the professor who was now the same size as me. He asked me what had I learnt from this experience? I said I'd learnt not to go through red doors and he said no you haven’t, what you have learnt is when you are exploring and see something like a door you should always go through it and know that you will never get hurt however scary things may look while you are in other realities because you are not part of that reality, you are just exploring and experiencing it and can always go back to your physical reality. It’s always good to explore and to learn new things wherever you are so if you see a door or a portal go through it and engage with all that you discover with no fear...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...