This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

203rd Sitting 23/08/2019

We had the room setup as usual but didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG or Magnetometer.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about one hour Liz began to speak...

‘I have a large saucepan and into that saucepan is being poured all different mixtures, food from different sources, different people and I guess that saucepan is like our mind which is constantly being fed from a variety of different sources, coming from different people, from different countries, different receptacles and this one mind that is filled with the products of many, many minds we call our mind and we feel it is unique to us but in truth it is constantly flowing into and receiving from multiple other sources. So we can truly say that our mind and mentality is a hybrid, a mongrel. It's what we do with the mixture that makes us unique, how we filter it, how we order it, how we digest it, ruminating on the contents of our mind. We add in some way our own understanding, our own amalgam, our own secret ingredient which we call our own original thought. Our own understanding will bind the contents with our own unique sauce. From our experiences, from multiple encounters, from multiple lifetimes there comes that condiment that we call our own original thinking, we add to the mixture this unique flavouring which binds us all in a way that is unique to us. This condiment, this unique flavouring is a sauce that has been wrung from the deepest recesses of our memories, of our experiences, we may call our life experience, our understanding, our personal wisdom. It's a bit like a magic wand that binds all these ingredients, all these many food stuffs into something flavoursome, digestible, something we can use. And this condiment, this special flavouring will have the tang of either acid, it may be bitter, it may be sweet, it may be salty, tearful and at any one moment that flavour can be tarnished because the outlook, the learning, the direction of our thinking, the manner of our thinking, of our original thought, our essential modus operandi, our essential way of being, of seeing, of feeling the world, of understanding is contained in that essence and it can change, we can modify it because our awareness allows us to taste the end product, the product of our digestion, of all this mental content and we can choose to modify this essence, this condiment that binds the experiences. We can choose for this condiment to be sweet, light, happy in flavour. We can choose for it to be rich, deep, concentrated with a strong and heavy flavour. We can choose for it to be bitter, acid, sour, making us feel retched, leaving a burning taste. It can be prickly, hot, spicy, making us feel irritable. So that same content of our mind from multiple sources can be bound in many different ways depending on the condiment that we choose, from our source of our own original thinking and life experience but we are not a slave to fortune, we are not bound to one lifetime experience, we are not bound by one pattern of original thinking, we can choose and modify the filer we use, the sauce that we add to bind the ingredients. So what we feed ourselves every day from the multiple inputs, what we absorb can be changed by us to feed us, to nourish us in the direction we wish to grow so like an alchemist we can turn the grossest of material into spun gold, into delicious and nourishing food stuff. So like a master chef from minute to minute we can ask ourselves what flavour do we want to achieve in our thinking, in our life. Do we want sweet and happy, do we want strident and spicy and noisy, do we want bitter, do we want salty, do we want bland and tasteless? And when we know what we want, like the alchemist we can use our repertoire, our deep inner thinking, experience, to change, to bind in a particular way all that input so it becomes palatable to us in just the way we need it to best serve us’

‘It is said that man cannot live by bread alone, by every thought, by every word, by every deed but by the love of spirit. But we exist on many levels, the mental, emotional, spiritual as well as the physical are all part of our being, they all work together. So the food that nourishes your body may be modified by the food that nourishes your mind, the food that nourishes your spirit. So be aware that every thought, every inspiration, every spiritual inclination is added to the daily input of food for your physical body, the bread, the vegetables, the fruit. And that these nourishments from the other parts of you bring that condiment, that essence that can transform the physical fluids from base metal to gold so that from the body full of ailment you can become a shining body, a delight. So now that healing of the body is facilitated by the healing of the mind, the thinking, the spirit and the emotions. From spirit you have the ability of mastery so go to the highest level of your inner being to the spirit that guides you, the spirit that inspires you. Say 'breathe in me the breath of God...' so all my thoughts and all my feelings and all my physical body will be blessed and I will shine on the darkest night and I will be healed of all that ails me... Thank you for listening’

Me... ‘Thank you, lovely message’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

Then we recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself surrounded by white lilies. It was like a field of them but three dimensional and they were touching a bank of white cloud above Liz. There were hands reaching down to Liz and pulling her up to a higher level, an element of ascension and she felt wonderful people around her, people she recognised that had passed over, a feeling of great love and connection. What came out of this feeling was that there were higher levels you could go to but there was also the level of staying with the comfort of those loving links that you have forged in life and that was okay to rest with that or you could go beyond, it was all possible...

I started off with fields of sunflowers but in the centre was a clearing and a swing with a child being pushed back and forth by a mother. As I watched this it had a hypnotic effect on me and I soon found myself floating in darkness but I saw cracks in the darkness and something going on through those cracks like another reality. A white mist came down and I felt I should hold out my arms and move forward and I came to a huge shining chalice on a pedestal. It had a warm liquid inside it so I washed my hands in it then my face then picked it up and poured it over me which felt good and made me feel tired. I saw a bed so laid down on that then felt it moving forward. I sat up and saw I was flying through a white cloud and felt I wanted to go up or down to get out of the cloud. I went down but it was dull and grey so went up and came out in the sun but the sun was a sunflower which made me think of the fields of sunflowers and I found myself back there. The mother and child were gone so I sat on the swing and enjoyed the sunflowers around me...

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...