This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

206th Sitting 19/09/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘I have this shape like a ziggurat, a pyramid with steps... white birds flying around... it’s like a light bulb going on... layers of an onion peeling off and every layer is a layer of mystery, a mystery at every layer, every step of the path, like the heart of the onion, even there you come to no end, a series of layers, of steps with no end in sight, endless questioning, endless mystery unfolding one layer at a time, one step at a time, like looking through a microscope, the resolution changes with the magnification, but the limitations of the microscope and determined by the wavelength of light. With your frail sensory apparatus, you do not know the ultimate resolution of light. Beyond the onion of your physical reality is yet another larger onion in which it is contained and beyond that yet another onion in which that is contained, an infinite succession and an infinite regression. For you the knowing is one step at a time, one layer of the onion at a time and patience is the key, enjoy the journey, enjoy the progression, allow yourself to be entertained by the universe of infinite probabilities’

‘Everything speaks to you, every small thing you encounter is a mystery, the stone, the pebble, the butterfly’s wing, the hair on your head, dust in the air, the clouds in the sky. Each and everything you encounter contains endless mysteries. Enjoy, allow those mysteries to talk to you, to teach you. Each has a tale to tell, a story, the story-line comes from the voice of the infinite into finite time. Remember it is not the flute that makes the music but the player who plays it, the musician who breathes into it, who breathes into it the breath of life. When you receive your stories, when you allow the object of your contemplation to speak to you, to tell you its story and you tell that story and know it is the voice of the infinite, it is the voice of the creator revealing to you one mystery at a time and in the human realm the story is a vehicle for the expression, the out breathing of the infinite into time, into your temporal space. Be still and listen, be still and know the mystery that I am’

‘I seem to have Agnus and Ouspensky...’

‘There’s a story of the sailor, he set out in his boat on the sea looking for land and overhead there flew a flock of wild birds, they were ducks and they were flying in a direction opposite to where he was heading so he turned his boat and followed them because he thought that the ducks would be making their way to land where they could feed, if he followed the ducks he would find his way. So he turned his boat and followed the ducks and sure enough he came to land at the reed beds, the singing reed beds where the ducks fed and he was safe, unlike the mariner who shot the albatross, who shot those symbols in the sky that could guide, he respected and followed the birds and the moral of the story is respect and honour those guides that are sent to you, those symbols, those signs and don’t shoot them down, don’t despise them and don’t reject them. Honour them using your logic to determine what they mean, unravel their meaning and let them lead you home, lead you to where you want to go. The ducks for this sailor are metaphors, dream images, signs, tokens, synchronicities, phenomena but come from deep in the universal consciousness to answer his questions, to guide him, to unpeel that next layer of mystery, that next step he should take, the way home. Pay attention, pay heed to the ducks’

‘Silver... like in a chess game, like the light of a steed, of a lance playing a game of warfare, of power, supremacy. Learning the lessons of war, of conquest. Daisy strewn turf, each daisy a life plucked, conquistadors...’

‘That’s it, the Salvation Army, that’s the one that counts, those are the battles worth fighting, the battles for the human soul. Those are the ones I'm fighting now. I learnt my lessons’

‘When we said many are called but few are chosen, this is the story of those who hear the true battle cry and there are many that fight in the wars of the Earth and the human wars. Many soldiers, many who take up arms, many who follow the crowd, but the true trumpet is playing a rally to the true army of spirit. Many are called, that trumpet sounds for many, for all but few respond, few hear it, most ears are attuned to the Earthly trumpet call, to the drums and the banners and the slogans, the cannon fire, they do not hear the heavenly choirs calling you to the work of spirit, to the salvation of souls. Few there are who hear the call, even after many lifetimes of fighting in the folly of Earth battles but when those who hear respond, we call them the chosen ones because we can draw them closer to us, we can summon them at will, we can inspire them with the spirit, with the holy spirit. We can raise them up, we can set them on the path which is onwards, the path of progression. Once they are chosen there is no turning back’

‘I had Marilyn Monroe, the name, and I just felt she wanted to say that what she wanted was love, she didn’t really want to be an icon. She didn’t really care about her face, she wanted to be loved for the face she had before the world of fame. She didn’t want to be on a chocolate box’

‘Earlier I had a face that looked like Mrs Thatcher, she was gesticulating... I think she wanted me to tell Boris something... I said she should tell him herself...’

‘Just got the Yeoman of the Guard which I think is a Gilbert and Sullivan opera...’

‘Muswell Hill, the May story-line, song of the nightingale... I think it’s Mum and Dad there... showing a pathway strewn with petals... I think they are just letting us know that those who love us are always there, protecting us, wanting our path to be sweet’

The music CD ended.

‘I’ve got Brenda again... and Davis’

Liz sat for a few minutes with her mind empty... she got a sense of being in Spain, mountains, Catalonia, the Billy Goats Gruff, on the hillside over the river, the greener grass, get to the greener grass. The rocks in the mountain had deep black and purple lines in them.

Liz was back with it and thanked everyone for being there.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off with tulips. She was reaching out over the bridge and sensed her Mum and Dad there. There was a loving white horse that came towards her and Liz wanted to ride it and for it to take her to higher levels. It was a bit like Pegasus and took Liz to a reed bed where there was someone Liz knew who had died, Claude with white hair, a bit like a wizard and he was welcoming her to the world of art and poetry and stories. He told her it wasn’t the reed that made the music, it was the player. He said everything you look at has a mystery, and the importance of stories, they are our connection to the great mystery, a way of conveying a layer of mystery that was beyond us...

I started off hearing the words ‘tread carefully’ and then saw stepping stones in shallow water. I carefully walked over them not wanting to look up and felt quite wobbly and out of balance. I sensed a person each side of me and they took my arms steadying me as I walked. Then it went dark, I couldn’t see anything so stopped but they still urged me forward and I found I could still step on the stepping stones without seeing them. I had started with shoes on but was now barefooted and could feel the stones which were warm and then they turned to warm sand and I noticed the people each side of me had disappeared but I now felt more stable. I could hear children running around and sensed one coming up to me so I held out my hands and a pair of glasses were placed in them which I put on and could then see again. I was on a sandy beach and I saw an open chest full of gold coins and a pirate ship out at sea but the pirates were returning to the ship having put the chest on the beach. I then saw a line of people walking past the chest. They looked poor with tattered clothes and each person took one coin from the chest and smiled...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...