This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
207th Sitting 10/10/2019
We had the room setup as usual. Liz wasn’t wired to the Mind Mirror EEG but we had the Magnetometer working.
I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
I felt light touches on my right hand, then a pressure on my palm and it later felt like my hand was gently squeezed.
I felt a pressure on my left arm near the elbow.
I suddenly felt very cold from the waist up.
Liz was getting hot and then getting cold.
She was feeling her mum and dad around.
Liz was in and out of sleep for about one hour then began to talk...
‘I’m seeing a bird, pink and blue, a small bird. It's identifying itself; I think it’s just showing me that birds have meaning, they inhabit the spaces in our consciousness, between the worlds, they bridge two worlds, a multiverse. I asked how it can be true that the dead can appear sometimes in the form of birds... they can project their consciousness into the small apparatus, a virtual bird. It's a well-known trick in the Shamanic world for a dreamer to move his consciousness into a bird form’
‘I sensed... connecting with the magnetometer...’
‘You are not to dismiss these signs that come to us from the other world into this world, fleeting though they may be, it behoves us to credit them with a meaning, a meaning unique to our self. Colours are also important; colours indicate our connection where in our consciousness they lodge these birds. Hold on to these fleeting symbols that vanish almost with the rapidity of dream disappearance but don’t get too hooked up on them, let them speak to you, listen and hold them in that reservoir of mind space, allowing them to connect you with your own significant experience, memories. Hold their significance in a special place in your mind, they are not to act on, they are not to believe or disbelieve, their importance is for you uniquely and they connect you with the numinous worlds, the internal worlds. They project into the outer world of the physical to remind you, they are reminders of your connectiveness with those other episodes, those other vibrational levels in you. They are not intended to influence your pathways in the physical world, your choices, your experiences, they are merely resonances that help you to connect with your own larger consciousness and those in spirit who are close to you. They want to remind you of their closeness of their continued presence in your life, in your manifold lives’
‘I have Candace Pert who I think wrote the book Molecules of Emotion... The connection with the birds is the importance of the emotions in our quality of being and that birds have an uplifting effect often on our emotional state and that those in spirit who love us and are connected with us and wish to uplift us, bring us happiness, lift our mood, bring us joy, impinge on our emotions, may choose to manifest in the form of a bird who captures our attention by imposing their presence on us in a physical world in a seemingly meaningful way. This is a natural way for our dear ones in spirit to try and raise our spirits, to bring us happiness, to convey their care for us. The bonds of love survive multiple lifetimes, multiple experiences in the Earth plane, they continue through many dimensions, they are part of our orchestral being and it’s natural that those bonds of love should be twanged to resonate, keeping us tuned in to our greater reality, our greater community of loving beings and love. Love is in a bunch of flowers, love is in a bird, love is where you look for it, those beautiful things that capture your attention, twang those resonant threads and bonds of love that glue you in the matrix of being that connects you to your totality’
‘Glory be to dappled things as the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, for a thatch is the Kingdom of Heaven made and our life on Earth is also the Kingdom of Heaven’
‘I’ve got the name John Le Mesurier, and mellitot... an image of daisies... get a strong sense my dad is there’
‘I’ve got a strong sense of the cross, reaching up, the vertical connecting us to our Heaven and our Earth and the horizontal reaching out of that energy, that healing into the world, those two directions, that cross of light is an important stabilising symbol to connect with, a light from Heaven down through our crown centre right down through our legs and feet into the Earth and then the horizontal bit of that energy in us then reaching out through our arms spread either side, extending out into the world, that light then breathes out into the world. Breathe in, draw that light from the Heaven down, down into the ground through our feet, we breathe out extending our arms out the side like a bird, that light spreads out at the left and right equally. Perfect balance of energies. In-breath you draw the vertical, out-breath the horizontal. On that symbol of the cross we should end...’
Liz was now feeling back with it.
We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...
Liz started off walking in beautiful soft, powdery sand, so soft that her footsteps filled up again as she walked. She was walking towards a familiar sea with islands in it and felt there was a person either side of her, she felt it was her mum and dad. There was a large boat like a galleon and Liz’s mum and dad were leading her up a wide gang plank. The boat now looked more like an ocean liner and seemed empty. They set off in it and found themselves at Arran looking at Holy Island. This was where Liz was conceived and her mum and dad were very happy there, it was a place that connected them all. Liz stretched over to Holy Island and the cave with her mum and dad. There was great significance with this as Liz felt they had all had a lifetime that connected them with that cave. Liz saw a coin with a Roman head on it and there was a connection with a spring, with water, she remembered there was a healing spring by the cave. She had slept in the cave and had dreamt about looking for it. Liz felt that in the spiritual life her mum and dad could now see the bigger picture and appreciated her direction and wanted to help now...
I was sitting in the séance room and noticed a kind of mist coming into the room through the walls, floor and ceiling. Within this mist I could see glimpses of people, I saw arms coming through the walls and shapes like people walking round the room. The glass dome in the centre of the room started glowing, lighting up the room and the people formed a circle around it, linking hands and seemed to dance round it. I noticed I had risen above them and was viewing all this from the ceiling. I looked towards where Liz sat and saw changing coloured lights coming from her, blues, purples and greens. I stayed there watching this for a while then sunk back down into my chair...
I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...