This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

31st Sitting 24/04/2014

All three of us turned up and we all sat in the same places and set the room up as usual.

At 8.30pm we did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz found herself on stepping stones like separate flag stones leading down to a lake. There was a short wrought iron ornamental bridge going over the lake to what looked like an enchanted forest. Liz walked over the bridge and found the flag stones continued on the other side leading into the forest. There were lots of small animals like deer and fairies or multi coloured nymphs. She saw a unicorn which changed into an artist, an old man with white hair who looked familiar to Liz. He led Liz through the forest where she saw moths, dragon flies and rainbows everywhere. They came to a large cave which was his studio with paintings all around it and they sat at the entrance of the cave looking out at the forest and all the animals, snakes and plants. He told Liz the plants were for healing and the animals showed them which plants were useful. He was advocating watching the animal’s behaviour and that this could be Liz’s place to live in. It was a place of deep healing. He also affirmed that Liz was correct when she felt the snake energy and a connection with Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing after rescuing an adder in her own woods. He also confirmed that her woods were very powerful and were to be used for dream incubation and healing…

Rich met a bearded man on the bridge dressed in white. Just behind him was Rich’s gran who had passed about seven months ago. He sat with her next to a lake…

I started off on a pebbly beach. The atmosphere was dark and grey and there was a mist coming off the water. The bridge was white and delicate looking with posts along each side. As I crossed the atmosphere got lighter and I noticed green plants intertwined around the posts each side of me. I met several ladies dressed in white with sparkly jewels in their hair. They had white lambs with them who were eating the green plants. There was no communication but they acknowledged me being there and I stayed and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere…

I did the opening prayer then put the music back on…

I had a pressure on my forehead and the fronts of my legs were cold.
Liz felt warm.
It seemed to be getting lighter each side of me and my right hand was tingling.
Rich had cold feet.

Liz had a pressure on the left side of her face. She felt the atmosphere was darker and denser between her and Rich.
On Liz’s right side she had what felt like a curtain blowing towards her. She was seeing it and lightly feeling it.

I had a pressure around my right ear and right side of my face.
I had a tingly feeling in my hair particularly on the right side.

Liz sensed something in the middle of her vision. It looked like an elephant’s tusk curved down and up towards her throat. It came closer and into her throat.

Liz got the name ‘Larry’ (she got the same last week)
She was seeing a dim torch light moving around.

Liz got the number ‘one’ it was spelt out to her, then she got ‘uno’

The atmosphere seemed dense and thick to me.

Liz got the sense of rose bushes growing and branching out between her and Rich.

Rich and I heard a ‘boing’ noise, a bit like a guitar string being plucked. We get a lot of muffled sounds from next door so it could have been that but it was a noise I’ve not noticed before and the recorder picked it up. It’s at 6 seconds on this clip…

I had lots of cob web type tickles down the right side of my face.

Rich picked up the smell of perfume.
Liz then also got a smell which she described as flowery.

I got the feeling the room was expanding… or I was shrinking.
Rich was cold all over.
Liz got the feeling everything was woolly. Then she saw a sheep’s face in front of her munching away!!!

I had a fuzzy feeling on my right hip.
Liz’s left arm and hand had ‘pins and needles’
I felt a touch on the back of my left leg.

There was a click a bit like a camera shutter picked up on the recording. None of us noticed it at the time. It’s at 6 seconds on this clip…

Liz saw a reddish burst of light.
I had a pressure on my right foot and a blocked nose.
I felt a touch on my nose and at the same time saw a reddish flash in front of my face.

Liz saw the letter ‘Z’
Rich got a fleeting image of a Roman in profile.

It was time for us to pause the music and sit in silence for a while. This week we increased the time to about five minutes…

Apart from a few clicks near the ceiling we didn’t hear any noises this week and nothing was picked up by the recorder.

Liz saw a face, a young man with wavy light coloured swept back hair and high forehead.

I put the music back on.

I had a big bright blob in front of me.
Liz had an occluded feeling like something was over her face.
She felt a breeze.
I had a touch on my right knee.

Liz got the name Dorothy.
She had the feeling of something running down her like wet mud.

Liz drifted off during the last tune and got a semi dream image of people on a hill top. They were putting lights on different hills making a link-up of lights like beacons. She suddenly became aware of what they were doing and felt it was important to keep the connection and the light going. An analogy of all the different circles that sit and are connected by light.

Rich drifted off at the end and had been on and off all evening.

The atmosphere felt very harmonious and peaceful.

The music CD ended and Liz did the healing exercise followed by the closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

30th Sitting 17/04/2014

We had new member ‘Rich’ join us this week and he sat to Liz’s left and to my right.
So we now have Liz in the west seat, Rich north and me in the east.
Otherwise all was set up as normal.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz found herself on a muddy river bank full of bulrushes and reeds. There was a bridge to her left but she didn’t want to go over that, choosing instead a shorter bridge to her right. It had no sides and seemed to be made up of wooden pallets. She crossed it and on the other side were wonderful fields full of yellow rape. She saw a grey dapple mare which she rode across the fields to a large nursery school complex, like a farm school. The children were very happy dancing and blowing bubbles, some dressed as fairies in cream dresses. They took Liz into the school where she met the teacher who gave her the feeling of Joan. She had 40’s style short blonde hair and blue dress. Liz felt the children were convalescing but they were full of joy. When it was time to return Liz found a giant dragon fly which flew her back to the muddy bank…

Rich went across his bridge and met a shepherd with a crook. He got the feeling he was an old friend…

For me the sky and water was very blue and there was a cool breeze. As I started to cross the bridge it felt as if instead of going forward I was ascending up into the sky which then changed to a yellow colour and the breeze got warmer. I met some black African looking children who were followed by adults carrying bags of oranges. They asked me to taste them. They were delicious, sweet and juicy and they gave me a couple of bags to take back to my side…

I did the opening prayer then put the music back on.

Liz was soon seeing blue/white blobby shapes moving around.
Rich saw them as well and could also see a mist in the room.
I could see a light mist each side of my vision.
Liz then noticed a few dim flashes.

My fingers were feeling charged and tingly.
Rich had a tingly feeling on the back of his head.

Liz saw white shapes flitting past.
Both Liz and I felt cold in front of our legs.

Rich was still seeing blue/white blobs and for a fraction of a second saw a face in one of them. It looked like a photo negative.

The atmosphere looked mottled to me.
Liz saw a dim light sweep down from the ceiling, and then she reported starbursts around the room.
Rich was cold around his neck.

I thought the room was looking lighter, I saw a few blobs and a pin-prick light to my right near the ceiling.
Liz described the atmosphere as a reddish dark.

It suddenly looked dark for a few seconds to me like a shadow had gone over me from behind into the room.
Liz felt a presence to her left.
Rich felt someone to his right and said it had gone very dark in that area.
Liz and Rich both felt someone was standing between them, they both reported tingly heads.
Liz said ‘I wonder who it is’
Then Rich heard in his mind ‘It’s me…’ followed by ‘You know me…’
Rich saw a light flash on and off between him and Liz. He thought it might be his guide.
Liz got the name Larry.

Rich was getting a whiff of damp sawdust.
Liz and I both reported touches in our hair.
Then I felt a light touch on the back of my right hand.
I noticed a lot of mist to my right and had touches on my right ear.

Liz felt she had someone to her left again. A tall slim man with a pointed beard, French or Spanish, a seafarer.

I felt warm on my face but my feet were freezing.
The room looked misty to me.
Liz thought it was dense and dark.

I picked up a smell. It was plant like, a bit like fresh leaves.

The American/Indian tune was playing and Liz felt overshadowed by her owl like friend. Then she sensed a middle aged stern Indian with a large feather headdress.
I felt somebody to my right. It looked bright and misty and I had a cold fuzzy feeling down my right side.

We reached the point where we pause the music for about two minutes and listen for any noises.

Rich and I immediately heard two clicks; there was a noise like a gurgly stomach that we all heard. We thought it was one of us but no one owned up to it and there were several more thuds, clicks and taps. None of them were very loud but you can just hear them on the recording…

Liz saw a few dim torch lights moving around while we sat in silence and I thought the room looked misty.

I put the music back on.

I noticed the atmosphere went darker as soon as the music started playing again.
I felt cobwebs over my face.
I picked up a smell like matches being struck.

Rich drifted off for a bit.

I had a big bright blob in front of me.

Liz felt a pressure and felt there was someone to her left again.
She felt pulling from her abdomen.
She saw a beaked nose and felt this person was Mediterranean. She got images of the Great Fire of London and a hobby horse; she got a map of the world and a globe. She felt this person was something to do with exploration. She got a spyglass and a telescope and then Magellan the 16th century Portuguese explorer.

The music came to an end.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

29th Sitting 11/04/2014

We were back with the Mercury Experiment this week after one week off as last week we had a ‘Liz in the cabinet’ sit instead.

We set up the room as usual and continued to sit without any luminous tabs in the room like we had last time. We both feel luminosity in the room interferes when trying to discern visual phenomena and will continue to sit without it until such a time as we get communication asking us to replace it.

At 8.30pm we started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz started off by a lake covered in water lilies with lots of flowers and shrubs around it. Liz could see an island in the middle of the lake and an ornamental wrought iron bridge which led to it. She crossed the bridge to the island where she saw a pagoda, like a temple. There were ladies with children blowing bubbles and one lady came out of the temple towards Liz. She had a large square shaped headdress and led Liz through the temple to a court yard. At the back was a very old man who looked Indian with a turban on his head. He was half naked wearing a loin cloth and invited Liz to sit down. He gave Liz a snake skin saying the significance was that she would shed many skins; this was part of the process. He then gave her an amulet to wear which was a shark’s tooth saying this was for courage. He was very warm and reassuring and Liz felt he was part of our team. He bid her farewell and Liz borrowed a parasol from one of the ladies to fly back to her side…

I started on a warm dry sandy beach. I couldn’t see across to the other side as it was too distant. All I could make out was a streak of brilliant white along the horizon. The bridge was narrow and a bit flimsy. It seemed to be swaying side to side as I made my way over it. Then I met a very large, tall American Indian. He was bare chested and had a full feather headdress that went down both sides of him. I felt he was a member of our team and he gave me a feather from his headdress saying ‘peace’ and went on to say I must trust the them (the team) not to worry as they’ve got it all in hand. All we need to do it let what happens happen and he was very reassuring. I then thanked him and returned to my side…

Interestingly we both met someone we felt was part of our team who gave us something and we got a reassuring message from them…

I did the opening prayer and put the music back on.

It now looked lighter in the room to me.
Liz felt like there was someone in front of her.
I had a pressure on my forehead and was very yawny.
Liz felt touches in her hair.

It was now looking lighter to my left.
I was getting touches in my hair and also a tickly feeling down the right side of my face.
I had a bright blob in front of me.
Liz reported fizzy flashes.
I saw various lines of light coming and going which seemed to be forming a V shape.
Liz saw this as well but described it as branches of a tree.

Liz was now seeing round shapes moving around the room.
We both reported a lot of activity and movement in the room like fleeting dim torch lights.
Liz had a pressure on her forehead.
It was now looking lighter and misty to my right and felt cold in front of my legs.

Liz was seeing the V shape again but she now perceived it as a pair of giant wings.
I felt a breeze in front of my legs and a few seconds later Liz also noticed a breeze in front of her legs.

I felt a tickle on the toes of my right foot, my legs felt fuzzy and I felt a tug on my left trouser leg.
Then I felt a fuzzy tickle under my right foot.
I was still getting tickly sensations down the sides of my face.

Liz was getting hot.
My legs were getting warm and my nose was becoming blocked.

Liz thought the atmosphere felt dense and looked dark but she was aware of vague large shapes, impressions, blobs and lines.
We both thought the room looked grainy.
I was aware of white wispy bits coming from the sides of my vision.
I felt a touch on the front of my right leg and then a breeze over my feet coming from my right.

Liz was getting the impression of an owl and began to get overshadowed by it feeling she was flying over planes.

We got to the point on the music CD where we pause the music for two minutes and sit in silence listening for sounds…

As we sat in silence my vision was filled with a bright blob.
I heard a couple of faint clicks in front of me and Liz was getting a few clicks in her ears.

I put the music back on.
We both sensed the atmosphere getting thicker and denser again.

I had a prickly feeling in both hands.

Liz got the impression of a half moon and then a walrus moustache.
Then she saw an old Viking with a large walrus moustache smiling at her which made her think of a friend she’d known many years ago called Treebeard. She saw him by the healing book and in her mind she was talking to him. She had nursed him when he was very ill and she felt he was in need of light and healing now so sent it out to him.

I had drifted off a couple of times during the last couple of tunes and at one point woke up feeling like an egg was coming up my throat into my mouth which made me feel sick for a few seconds until the feeling left me.
I also got a vision of somebody closing a window in the wall behind where Liz was sat.

The music CD came to an end and Liz did the healing exercise then the closing prayer and our closing down exercise…