This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

152nd Sitting 21/11/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise the same way as last week and will continue this way for a while.

Liz met lots of people on the bridge, all people she knew who had died...

I went onto the bridge and saw the other side which looked like the bright blobs coming and going that I often see in the room when we sit. An old man appeared out of this and came up to me with his hands cupped holding some sort of liquid. I put my hands under his and he released the liquid onto them making them glow. I then rubbed my face with my hands and that glowed too as the old man began to laugh and skipped and danced back to his side. There were lots of black crows and white doves flying around and one of each landed on my hands which I moved together as the two birds became one multicoloured bird like a parrot...

I then fell asleep for a while waking up about half way through the music CD.

I sang along to the tunes to keep myself awake.

Just before the CD finished I saw bright blobs coming and going with faces in them including a side view of the head of an elephant.

The room started to look lighter.

Then Liz began to speak...

'I have the image of a spoon... spoon fed, we're being spoon fed'

'These instruments... glasses we look through with our eyes and they give a very partial picture to represent a facet of reality. It's enough for us now but when we awake to be in the peelings to inner layers those eye pieces and instruments fall away. When you have music without the guitar music you hear only a representation of the harmonies apparent on the inner planes'

'Jacqueline Kennedy... I have a gathering outside a church, a Celtic cross...'

'In a physical world there's rushing around, snatching at time, never enough time, clock always ticking. In the inner planes there's always enough time, time doesn't have meaning, things take as long or as short as they need. In the present there's nowhere else to need to be but where you are and that's always for just long enough'

'Duty is an old-fashioned word but its meaning is faithfulness, steadfastness to the task, to the appointed task, to the task that is set which is set by the course of things, to be faithful to one's calling to one's life and to the inner planes. Instruct that calling and that is duty, not imposed from without but resonate from within bringing together the within and without in one seamless confluence of wills, of purpose. Knowing of the course set, being at the helm of one's being'

'I drive my own bus and carry many passengers. The passengers are the presences of all the singing parts of my creation and more of me than is seen. I'm a confluence of wills, of willingness, a confluence of the intentions to intend, to intend a life, to intend a path. Behind any manifestation is the unmanifest and which came first. The dance together, the shadow of the solid under the sun. The sun illuminates and out of its light all manifestations are born. They are born and have their numerous shadows and reflections and images of resonances and they fade and vanish but still the sun shines until more manifest and each has an intention to project further, to manifest further, to continue to rebound, to reflect echoes to the furthest whisper, faint, disappearing but the arrow of intent was written with purpose and the message of that life, that pathway, though the footprint fades, the sea washes the sand, memory is absorbed in the sand rebounding like a boomerang. No matter how far the elastic stretches it returns. We are such stuff as dreams are made of and our little life is rounded with a sleep. That every thought and every footstep that is charged with intent is recorded and rebounded and there is nowhere to go to be lost. The strength of the recording is a measure of the force and the intent, the confluence of wills and the trajectory of the lifetime'

'The seed that becomes the strong oak has impressed many but the sapling that dwindles and fades becomes food for the strong oak and its essence is absorbed by others. There is nowhere to go for any to be lost, the fruits of the forest are recycled'

'This is all we know of love. Beyond the sun is still a mystery, the deep dark of space out of which suns emerge. All is held in a great unknowing knowing, all we know out of the depths of night becomes light and out of light comes all manifestation and all manifestation returns to light and light is held in the dark like a child in its mother's womb'

'If we can allow ourselves to fall into the depths of our unknown a knowing might dawn in the way that light dawns out of night and all imaginings stem in the dawning of the light out of the night and in all this is a deeper knowing. We reach for it but it evades us. We are blinded with light, blinded with the images of light but deep within all these images is the essential, the essence, indivisible unity, void yet full'

'Here we come to the end of speech, the end of speaking so I must finish now. God bless you for your listening to the sound of silence'

'I have Eve here and she's saying the Lord's Prayer... Eve is rejoicing in the confluence of souls, in the blending together, merging of souls... Goodnight Eve and God bless you. Look after Pete and thank you Sheila, God bless you all'

I played a tune then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

151st Sitting 07/11/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.25pm. Liz had asked me to include asking for some communications through her that I would recognise. I then turned out the light and put the music on.

This week we changed the way we did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise. We decided to go back to how we started doing it. We visualised standing on one side of a bridge that leads to the spirit world then going half way over to wait for anyone to come from the other side.

I met four family members while Liz fell asleep during the exercise not waking till after the music CD finished.

I didn't notice anything happening in the room till just before the music CD finished. My legs got very cold and I saw bright blobs coming and going.

Liz then started to speak...

'A lady is coming through, showing me some painted furniture, crafts... Got a name like Roberta. I see her turning on taps, she's wearing overalls, she has straight blonde hair, shortish... Keeps coming back to me in a sense of somebody I know called Jill... in the country with caravans. This lady may have been somebody connected with Sue Laborg'

'I see Carol throwing away a cigarette'

'Cathy... I keep getting the impression of a strong, stringent, quite bossy lady who always liked to be right'

'The Isle of Skye'

'Ellis... a big man repairing a bucket, wall paper decorating... tractor wheels and tyres, somebody connected with farms, agricultural machinery'

'Pete... bucket and spade, sixpence'

'Getting a series of pictures of a row of houses, seems to be connected with John Lennon... a street, ladies in pinafores, I'm getting quite hot, going over heath and moorland, larks rising. Going on a steam boat on a trip. A sense of a seaside visit, going on a pier with roundabouts, entertainments. I want to ride my bicycle...'

'Canvey Island... Doreen... a very old lady, quite wrinkled... keep going back to Canvey Island, somebody's grandma, small lady sitting at a round table, white lace cloth on it and an old-fashioned telephone'

'Country gentleman with a gun on a shoot, brown suit, leggings, gaiters, peeked cap'

'Got the word verify'

'Brenda has come to bake a cake, marshmallows. Strong connection with confectionery, sweet nature. Imagine Brenda in a sweet shop selling sweets to children. She's got white hair, spectacles. The old woman who lived in a shoe, connection with Aladdin, pantomimes'

'I'm asking for something for Nick... a large key for winding something up, clockwork'

'Paul Andrews'

'Waiting for the sky to fall in, chicken licking, to do with misinterpreting, like making a mountain out of a molehill... Got the word hill or Hillary'

'I seem to be going to school, a school scarf, got a feeling of a lady, dark hair, spectacles, slightly bent or squashed, in her 60s. Sort of French, dark, masculine face, large nose. She's small but quite broad. In some position of control, could have a cane with her, wants to rap on the table to get attention. She has useful things to say, quite stern but with a sense of fun, can be quite sharp. Someone you could think of as an old witch but she's actually good hearted and I sense she's very fond of you, she thinks you're a very good boy, she's pleased with you, you're on the right path. She's someone who'd keep you on your toes. I think she's a Salvation Army lady. I see a broach, something nautical, girl guides, public spirited, Union Jack colours. The broach is not ornamental but something to show you are connected with something, a badge of honour, prefect badge, St John's Ambulance'

'A connection with horses, animals, getting the name Valerie'

'Reginald, a character like Reggie Perrin. I sense a black cloth being thrown over me to make me disappear'

'Beryl... short curly hair'

'Lions Corner House... Stephany or Stephen'

'Got this saying like... an ounce of butter well spread is better than a whole pound... not so much the frugality but the careful application, applying sparingly but prudently. A bit of home wisdom from the old harridan. There's none so wise as those who know to spread the seed sparingly... and now we have to go and have a falafel. I almost want to call her Auntie Flo, sort of Mediterranean feeling, an old Auntie of Mediterranean descent'

'A sense of someone called Roy in connection with a boot camp, sent to a boot camp to knock some sense into him'

Liz came back.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

There were some things Liz said that I did recognise...

I had an Auntie Flo but she wasn't Mediterranean. However, she was quite well off and went on holiday to the Mediterranean and I remember going run her house several times with my parents to watch cine films she had taken there.

'I want to ride my bicycle' was a phrase Joan used to say a lot in connection with Freddie.

Some of the descriptions sounded like my Gran including painting furniture, a strong, stringent, quite bossy lady who always liked to be right and I have a memory of watching larks rising with her.

Also, I know someone called Beryl with short curly hair who is still on this side.

150th Sitting 31/10/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off at the seashore with the tide out and there was a hot air balloon with Rupert Bear and his friends in the basket. He invited Liz to step into it and they set off up into the air. There was no hot air going in the balloon as it was being lifted by birds. The basket was swinging to and fro like a pendulum and Liz asked Rupert why he was there? He said he was symbol of childish adventure and he was also a teacher. He said they were going to the mountains in Tibet and it felt like a great adventure. As they reached the snowy mountain peaks Rupert said they were all going to jump out which they did landing in the snow. Liz didn't feel afraid as this was all part of the adventure. She got behind Rupert in a toboggan that went racing along leading them to a cave with a wooden door. Inside there was a spiral staircase and they climbed up to an enormous platform, a room with windows all along one side like portholes facing the sunrise and sunset. The room was full of desks and red robed monks and nuns were sitting at them making illuminated books. Some were sowing them with silks and some were drawing, painting and writing. They were doing this work from sunrise to sunset and allowing inspirations to come to them. When they were finished the books would be sent around the world and seeded in various libraries. They contained secrets, secret teachings...

I saw an old man leaning over with two walking sticks slowly walking up a very steep hill on an uneven cobbled path. He was struggling so I went over to help but he said he was alright and carried on making his way up the hill. I asked him where was he going? He told me he wasn't going anywhere, he was just enjoying walking up this hill. He said he wanted to make the most of his life and do everything he could and as he spoke he changed into a tall, strong, upright American Indian who told me that he was the real person, the old man I see is just the body but he was the real motivator. He said nobody ever gets old it's just a physical illusion while we're here in this reality. He said we are all just children and have yet to grow up and it's this youthful spirit that is keeping us going, pushing us forward. It's good to keep doing things when the body gets old and not to give up, make the most of every minute of every day, try not to miss anything. He then changed back into the old man and at the same time I felt a surge of energy, said goodbye to the man and started running up the hill as fast as I could...

I put the music back on and we continued our session...

I soon started seeing bright blobs coming and going, some were spinning round in clockwise circles.
I saw a few faces and then heard a phrase that my Nan used to say.

Liz started to speak after the music CD finished...

'A gate half open...'

Me... 'Can it be opened fully?'

'I've gone through... they seem to be taking me into mum's garden'

'It's like I have two sphinxes either side of me, have the head of a cat, taking me into the pyramid. The cat people are holding me, each hand... asking where are the treasures? I feel the treasures are like golden goblets and they are doubled up in my heart'

'Iberian Peninsula... a great ship is going to take me across the waters. The flag on the ship is just a round black ball. I'm looking at the mast, it's like a telegraph pole'

'Politsei... Police with an Alsatian dog...'

'Jersey... not sure why I'm on Jersey... I've got an image of glass bottles and a caravan... crabs'

'Would you like to ask any questions?'

Me... 'Yes, how much are we helped by the spirit world while we live in the physical world and how much are our choices purely our own choices?'

'The spirit world is always with us, there's very little to separate the two, we're intermingled all the time, we are spirit and our inner spirit is constantly in communion with the spirit world and so it's like an active dialogue and our choices are also the choices of spirit because we are in dialogue when we make those choices often. Sometimes we are not aligned completely with the course we ourselves have set in communion with our larger self which is in spirit and so sometimes our choices lead us astray, lead us from the clear path that's been indicated by us and for us. It's a little bit like when we are unwell, when our health deviates from perfect functioning but we can get back into balance again, no mistake, no deviation. We can spend a lifetime turning and twisting, falling away from the true line that's been set and coming back to it again, zig-zagging but the true course is always there for us to follow, to fall back into line. So, our choices are ours but are also of spirit because there is no distinction between us and spirit and truth'

Me... 'If we deviate off our path and for some reason never get back onto our path does that cause a problem with our evolution or spiritual growth or is it something that can be rectified at a later date?'

'In the fullness of time all mistakes can be rectified but our understanding of time is very temporary so we feel we have limitation of time and all is lost when we make a mistake. That's what we feel but in truth there is all of eternity and that mistake is a very little deviation and the chance and possibility of redirecting our path, of falling back into the correct alignment is very real and ultimately in the fullness of time our deepest desire is to be what we truly are and we can never deviate from that because that is the truth. The deviations are small compared with the greatness of truth which will shine in the end, well there is no end and that is the truth, so in the evolutionary path time is irrelevant. Evolution is happening and will happen in the fullness of spirit time which is larger than physical time'

Me... 'Are all the influences we get from spirit positive and loving or is it possible that sometimes we could get a negative influence from the spirit world that would possibly set us in a wrong direction?'

'It is possible that our attunement can be with lower vibrational levels and they operate also within the spirit realm, within the non-physical realm just as those on Earth. Some are vibrating at a more basic animalistic level so in the spirit realm there are those who have not evolved very far and who have maybe entered into spirit with a lot of negative malevolence and are suffering and it is possible to tune into those forces and to be influenced or to resonate with them but this is a temporary state and can be changed, this does not have to be prolonged. With help and with one's own resources one can lift one's spirit and vibrational level into a more conducive and harmonious resonance with those who are more evolved and wiser but here again there is to some degree a choice in the sense that one can choose to be negative, to be filled with the negative qualities of greed and malevolence. One can actually desire to dwell in that darkness but that can be helped and that's where the power of prayer and healing of those around a person who feels the unwholesome influences and negativity. That person can be drawn towards a more positive and more harmonious resonance with those in spirit who are more conducive to love and harmony and positive emotions but for most people who are drawn to the spiritual vibrations of love and harmony there is a great protection in that intention to align with those forces and that is why we encourage those who are working consciously to communicate with spirit to be grounded in spiritual values and an intention towards love, harmony and healing, towards the light. That intention is a protection against the unwitting resonance with the negative forces that do exist'

Me... 'Many people in the physical world have no interest in the spirit world, they think only of physical life. Are they also still influenced by the spirit world or are they more alone and just working with themselves'

'The spirit world is always with them but they are closed to it because their attunement is completely with the physical forces. It's as if their eyes are tightly closed and their ears are stoppered but that doesn't mean that spirit is not close and waits for those moments in sleep or when the closing of the eyes and the stopping of the ears is lessened so spirit may whisper, may throw hints and inspirations in their path but yes, it is true that some in the physical remain sealed off from the conscious resonance of spirit, with their birthright, with their larger reality'

Me... 'Thank you for that, I think you've answered all the questions I can think of at the moment'

'Part of the working of spirit in the past has been through the oracles which is how we are engaged with the question and the response. It's the two-way communication using a medium as a switchboard. That's one form of mediumship in which spirit can communicate in the forms of questions and answers'

'I'm being drawn back into the pyramids with my sphinx creatures by my side and the treasure of the gold buried with me. It's in my heart but this was one of the old ways, the understanding of the power of the dead in their resurrected state, to be able to transmit the golden wisdom of the heart from that larger perspective having gone beyond the boundary, having crossed the sea, and the dead then find themselves as the oracle and the gold that was buried with them is reinstated through the words of the oracle. By honouring the dead, we are honouring the rich fruits, the rich wine of accumulated wisdom with the fruits of a good life. The fruits of a good life is the wisdom of the heart and is the true knowledge'

'I feel I have twin girls here and they seem to be dancing, prancing around. There's a connection with Jersey and this Alsatian dog. Seem to be about seven years old, a connection with crabs and sand castles. I think they're waving, want to say goodnight'

'Dorothy and Irene... I feel they are taking me very gently to meet my mother who appeared there as a young woman and I was able to hug her'

Me... 'Has your mum got a message for you at all?'

'Just the love and the longing to be reunited but also the reality of the possibility of meeting and being with those who we've loved who've died. That they're always there and that there is the possibility of meeting them, joining with them, realising the fullness of their presence in the dimension where they are although they're in spirit we can be accompanied, led, open to receive them, to perceive them, to communicate with them and that was done very gently to alleviate over emotional response but the emotion was there'

'I'm sensing my mum is in a place like in the Scottish Highlands and she's at a stage when she was much younger, in her 20s with her friends of that time'

'Dorothy and Irene are like the ladies from Findhorn which might be the relevance of the caravan and the sea. I had a connection with them as I danced with them over 50 years ago and I danced with another member of our group who is now passed into spirit but who is related to my mother so the connection is there, so, thank you. I feel that has shown me that a person can be happy in spirit but that the love they feel for those who are still left behind is still very real and that they can still miss them and want to communicate and to send back their love'

I played a tune as Liz came back.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...