This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

155th Sitting 19/12/2017

This week we were joined by Patrick.
He also brought along a quartz crystal cluster that had been charged by the Scole Experiment Spirit Team about 20 years ago. This would be the first time it had been used in a séance.

I sat opposite Liz as usual and Patrick sat between us to my right and to Liz's left.
We left the small table with the glass dome, ping pong balls and Liz's quartz crystal in the centre of the room and put Patrick's charged crystal cluster on another small table next to that.

We decided to sit in our usual way this week with an open mind to implement any changes to the way we sit in the future.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise...

Liz found herself by a river full of white birds. There were too many and she felt overcrowded by them wanting to reach out over the bridge beyond to where it was calmer. Suddenly a hand came down and pulled her up. It was a very kind Mother/Father presence and lifted her up to the cave on Holy Island. Liz felt it was very important to be centred and to be at a centre. It was also linked with St Columba's cell on Iona and Liz felt the importance of the stone of the cave and the wood of the cell and the cross. Being grounded was very important. The essence of this being was love and it was very important to hold onto that. Liz felt very safe...

I started off on a grassy bank walking down to the bridge which was white, like painted bamboo and there were lots of white swans in the river. I walked onto the bridge and came to a white bar stool which I sat on and looked over to the other side which was full of rainbows coming and going, merging into each other. The stool then started moving across the bridge and stopped at a one metre gap in the bridge. I saw a young schoolboy walking towards me from the other side clutching some books. He stopped at the gap and reached over handing me the books. As he did this the gap closed up. A second figure appeared looking like an old-fashioned teacher with black hat and cape and he told me that these books are slightly different to what I usually read. He said it was important to read different books and to try and take something new from each book to widen your spiritual understanding. They then both returned to their side...

Patrick was unable to do the visualisation as his spirit team had drawn close putting him in a slightly altered state. He felt it was because the visualisation was diverting the energies from the solar plexus to the head whereas his team worked with his solar plexus. He felt they wanted to communicate through him but he preferred them not too at this early stage.
We told him it was fine for them to come forward as this was an experiment and he should just allow any attempt to communicate to happen this evening.

I put the music back on and we continued our session...

I was soon seeing a few bright blobs coming and going in front of me. As usual I could see them with eyes closed or open.

Liz had the sense of the colour ginger, ginger hair, an association with Sid Rawle, rainbow people, wigwams, Isle of Wight Festival, reinforcing the Earth connection.

My legs were cold from knees to feet.

Liz got the name Violet.

Liz and I heard a noise like a click or tap. It came out on the recording and seemed to come for somewhere between Liz and Patrick.
Patrick was in an altered state at the time and didn't hear it.

Audio Clip One

Patrick... 'Come on spirit friends draw closer'

Me... 'You're very welcome'

Patrick... 'Give us some information, give us some results, draw closer if you can'

Patrick's legs were now cold.
Mine were still cold.

Patrick got the impression that they would like a curtained off area, not necessarily for someone to sit in.
He also felt there should be some luminosity in the room and a trumpet.

It now felt like a cool breeze was going over my feet.
Patrick felt a cool breeze around his head.
Liz also felt a slight cool breeze.

Patrick had a coldness down the right-hand side of his face. The other side was warm.

Patrick said that he thought that with concentration upon the intended results everything will be good.
Liz mentioned the importance of harmonising and letting go.
Then Patrick's spirit team took control...

'Indeed, yes, of course it is very difficult to harmonise all the energies. Much work needs to be done...'

There then came what sounded like an Oriental language.

Me... 'Welcome friend, it's good to hear you. We don't understand what you are saying but it's good to have you with us'

The communication then continued in English...

'We work with the energies here, all good, all is good, we are happy, all is well...'

Me... 'Have you any advice for the circle as to how it would progress, any changes that need to be made?'

A different voice then came through...

'Good evening to you all'

Me/Liz... 'Good evening'

'Good evening, I'm very pleased to be here. We were deciding who should come to speak so it has been decided that I should do this, just for this occasion. I just say how very grateful we are for the opportunity to work with this medium again and we look forward to developing the energies to the point where you will have recognisable results that you do not have to be concerned about their genuineness or whatever. This will be a naturally developing mediumship if we take it very slow, very easily with no anticipation of results. It is not my province to discuss what those who are more informed propose to do with the energies that they are gathering in this circle for I am but the protector of this medium and the door keeper and that is my function. So I do not work with the physical energies but everybody seems to be quite happy, yes, they are indicating that there would be preference for some sort of secluded area where the energies can be... err what is the word, amassed. That would be very useful, yes, I can give no further information at this time, that is all they are saying for this. They would perhaps like that, it's a little, small sanctuary you could say for the energies to be mixed, like a little mixing pot, a cooking pot. Similarly, with the trumpet sometimes yes that is also good, that can be used as a... to sometimes even bring apports through the trumpet can be done. So, we wait and we will see, very early stage, we just wish to say that it will not necessarily happen quickly, we do not know, we cannot say at this stage, we're optimistic'

Me... 'We are very patient'

'So, I shall now be quiet and allow your energies to continue to develop. There will be a little break shortly to come because this medium will not be available, he has not yet mentioned this, ha, ha, he's going on holiday, ha, ha, alright is okay, he will come back and then we carry on sitting, we are all happy with this. The energies are building already in this actually, is quite good, we are happy'

Me... 'Good, thank you'

'Now I shall be quiet'

Me... 'Ha, ha...'

Audio Clip Two

The energy of the room felt very charged to me.
Liz felt she had to keep very still.

Patrick was getting a tickly feeling on his nose.

Liz got the name Steve.

Patrick reported an Egyptian man in the room. He recognised him as one of his spirit team but had not seen him for many years.

Liz got the connection with hieroglyphics and information.

Liz got an image of an upside-down T or table.

There was another click or tap, a bit louder this time.
It made Patrick gasp bringing him out of a light trance. He later said that to him it sounded loud like a door slamming. He felt it was something to do with a break in the energy.
I heard it too but Liz didn't.
Again, it sounded like it was between Liz and Patrick and came out clearly on the recording.

Audio Clip Three

Liz felt the upside-down T meant there's an attempt to turn everything upside down. There was a lot of energy but it was very important to hold onto a still centre so she had held herself very still.
Patrick had been doing the same.

Liz got the feeling of energy in the form of links. It was like chains being rattled, stirred up, we were being shaken a little bit. Everything we've learnt is subject to adjustment, reform, reshaping because our beliefs and expectations are only partial. This can be disquieting but it's necessary for new development, to prevent the emotional response to the unsettling effect of the reshaping of the mental structures which hold up to certain ways of thinking. It's necessary to readjust but to hold on to the formless, shapeless centre which is pure, devoid of preconception, of condition. So to maintain that blue sky, that clarity at the centre and meanwhile the elements are reforming, readjusting but there may be some turbulence for each of us in readjusting if we are to allow a new reshaping and new energy to come through. We have to be aware that everything we've thought may be adjusted. Maybe we will have to let go of some things and be open to new things.

Patrick agreed.

Liz had the image of a dragonfly, the nymph or the butterfly pupa inside that shell for the old forms are being reshaped, our new form emerges out of all the elements.

The room seemed lighter to me especially to my right.
I was still cold from feet to knees, the rest of me was warm.
It felt like the cold was coming from my right as if going clockwise around the circle.
Patrick agreed and felt the same.

I now had a fuzzy feeling in my left foot and I felt a light touch on my right leg.

Liz felt cold around her legs.

Liz got the sense of a purple pyramid, the triangle, the purity of the centre of the apex and to keep that contact with the apex, the sun energy to draw on, that's very important for us. Although you have the base and the sides you have the pinnacle, that centre line going through to the sun, the awareness of that central spindle alignment.

I felt I was being held still.
I had a fuzzy feeling down my right side.

Liz felt like someone was giving her a high-five.

Patrick felt a draft go over his right hand.
He had coldness down the right side of his face and it was warm on the left side.
I felt the same.
I got the feeling my physical body was disappearing.

Patrick had cobweb sensations moving down the right side of his face and forehead.

I had cobweb feelings on the left side of my face and a fuzzy feeling on the right.

Liz got the words... In the belly of the whale.

I got the sense of a child in the room winding something up, something clockwork.

Liz suggested that may indicate it's time to windup the session.
She then got the image of a woven basket upside down.

I checked everybody was okay then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

154th Sitting 12/12/2017

We had the room setup as usual

We went back to reporting our Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise to each other before continuing with the session.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise...

Liz found herself on a muddy bank of a river. There was a stone bridge to her left and a white painted metal lattice bridge to her right which she chose to go over. On the other side was a large green park area with lots of people walking around doing things. Liz was more interested in beyond that where there were hills full of bushes and trees and mountains. Liz wanted to get to the mountains and asked for help. Then as she crossed the bridge wild white geese came down and one of them took off with Liz holding on to its feet. Another goose flew under her and Liz let go and landed on its back which was wonderfully soft. They flew over the bushes and trees where Liz saw temples and other buildings. They continued to the mountains and at the top was a place like an observatory with astronomers and telescopes. They were looking up at the stars and out over the Earth. They said they were coordinating movements and the shifting energies of the Earth and its relationship to the planets and galaxies. They explained that every time something changed or shifted they had to re-calibrate everything. It was like a dance, a piece of choreography, if you change one set of movements you have to look at the whole set and change accordingly or like a painting if you change a colour you have to change all the other colours. They said it was a very subtle thing, it looks like it's done with technology but it's much subtler than that. It was just lovely to see and watch and feel that this was going on and Liz liked the analogy of it being like a dance...

I started off on a grassy bank leading down to a river with stone steps to a bridge made out of shiny varnished bamboo. I looked over to the other side which looked like a beautiful sunset with reds, oranges, yellows and shades of blue. I started to walk across the bridge and it suddenly split into a fork going left or right. I chose the right fork and continued walking. The atmosphere started to change, becoming very bright and white until I could no longer see the bridge just this bright white everywhere. Then the bridge came back into view and it was now a shining chrome bridge. In the distance I saw a tall figure with a big head. It looked frail and weak as it slowly came towards me. It looked like a stick insect and I felt I should give it some healing which I did and it then grew wings and became a healthy butterfly. I sensed a wonderful feeling of love coming from it and gave it a hug which made me sprout wings as I also turned into a butterfly and we both flew up into the bright white atmosphere with a great sense of freedom...

Interestingly we both chose a right-hand direction and both took off with a flying entity.

I put the music back on and we continued our session...

The room seemed to flicker to me with flashes around the ceiling.
I started to see bright blobs floating down from the ceiling.
I got one to stop in front of me and tried to see what it was. It got bigger filling my whole vision.
I felt there was something behind it and asked to see what was behind it but it slowly faded away leaving nothing.

Liz began to speak...

'Brenda... Something about a letter'

'Percell... as in the composer'

'Francis Bacon... I've got a tall man, a bit like Shakespeare with a globe... geography'

'Got an image of a baking dish, a meal, it's golden, complete harmony'

'This man in a lacy collar has something to say, it's like blowing a trumpet to wake the living and the dead, a wake-up call... concerned... pebbles in the sea, something to do with numbers building up... too many'

'Image of a footstool, it's like the Earth is this footstool... a support'

'Boomerang... when you throw it it comes back and if you're not careful it will hit you. Rebounds like an elastic band or the bow that releases the arrow, stretches so far and when you release it it will rebound... thwack... knock you off your perch, over stretched'

'At some point you set off on a journey. You get so far then you have to come back to base. You have to come back to restore, to refurnish, your provisions run out. If you carry on and don't heed the signs, running on empty, you die out, don't ever come back. There comes a point you have to come back. If you have gone too far the coming back is a bit of a shock, shock-wave. So there's a point of no return, you know you have to come back, that gets more urgent, the hunger pangs start to register, you're running on empty. You have to take note'

'So, you have a little globe. That globe is the Earth and it has to be sustained. You can either turn back in good time without the repercussions, shuddering, juddering, the Earth quakes, the disasters or you can blindly carry on only it won't be so blindly, a march to distinction. Getting close to a point of no return you want to take stock, review the situation, go back to base. Base is the place of basic needs, basic provisions, place where you do a stock check, count the costs, the balance'

'Every scientist, every inventor knows the importance of going back to the drawing board when you realise that you've gone a little bit off centre, not quite working out the best way possible. You don't carry on regardless you go back to the drawing board, start again, all the lessons learnt are useful, they can be factored into a new schedule, no shame, no waste in going back to the drawing board. The waste is to recklessly continue on a path that's going to lead nowhere. The signs of failure are already showing so take stock, stock check, re-calibrate, redesign. If enough people go back to the drawing board, go back to basics, basic needs, measured activity. If enough people refuse to carry on on empty then there's a chance to stop the juddering, bad side effects of over extension, thwack. It just takes enough people to resist the reckless pursuits of an illusory path to a prosperity that's a bit like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The Earth is a tightly controlled ergonomic space, ergonomic energy system and you have to understand what real prosperity is. To prosper in the Earth is to be aligned with the natural state of the Earth not some illusory state of an ever-replenishing porridge pot, a constantly laying golden hen. The hen lays so many eggs and that's its lot, only in fairy stories does it go on laying forever. Have to work with the reality that's given'

'Violet... just wants to say hello. Violet has the scent of lily of the valley'


'Somebody from the coal mines'

'I get this image of a big policeman on a roundabout directing traffic, I sense there's someone there, a police force that's directing traffic here and the traffic is the pathways of the people of the Earth, the currencies, flows, the energy flows. Mental energy flows, the pursuits, directing the traffic is directing the commerce, the business. The vehicles are like pathways, pursuits, the avenues of the Earth, mobilisation, the way that the Earth is running. I have the feeling we don't have to worry there's a higher order in command of enforcement of natural law but we're being channelled, supervised. Some of us are awake to it. The majority not really aware of it but that's how it is. Man's vanity is to think that he is in control, is to think that he is alone on the Earth, that he has the upper hand, has the final say... no he doesn't. That's not to say he isn't important. Everything that lives has its place, is important in its own way and its own way is part of a greater mainstream, is part of a greater often unseen way. If we were to see the full picture we would understand because we do stand under. Well friends that's all and thank you Margery and Violet, bless you all'

'I just got a sense of Freddie, just the name saying something like Starship Earth, they are the helmsmen so we can be quite safe, these crazy helmsmen zig-zagging the zig-zag path'

I played a tune as Liz came back with it.

She got the name Gilbert White as she came back.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

153rd Sitting 05/12/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise and continued into the session.

Liz started off wading through a paddy field of rice with Chinese ladies wearing hats going towards a bamboo bridge that went over a big river to wild looking scrubland. Liz crossed over with some of the Chinese ladies holding baskets of rice on their shoulders. They stopped at a certain part of the bridge as Liz continued over to the other side where there were women in sarees waiting and behind them were people in white, spiritual beings. Although Liz had seen it as a scrubland it was now like another level of reality, there were temples and buildings and tables laid out with food. The women were receiving teaching from the spiritual beings. It was about facelessness, about letting go of creed and religion. Liz wondered why there were no men there, then she saw them dancing and levitating and transforming. A sense of jubilation in an energetic way releasing all this energy...

I walked onto a bridge and there was a ribbon across the entrance that I had to cut before going onto it. I carried on and then stopped and waited half way across. I saw a priest walking towards me with long robes and he stopped in front of me and I saw two people either side of him. One was Freddie and one was my mum and then I saw that the priest was Colin Fry. They all looked happy, smiling and laughing but said nothing before returning to their side...

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began speaking and I turned down the music a bit...

'I keep getting something with F... Frankfurt, French, a lot of Fs'

The music went higher again on its own so I turned it down again.
I saw movement near the CD player like black objects moving around. One looked like an arm.

Liz got very hot at first then felt cold.

'I think the F maybe to do with face. Face is a limiting front. Without a face we have an extended being that seems to spread into everything but when we are aware of a face we become objectified as a point, as a person, as a front and that limits our spread, limits our awareness as part of a larger amorphous entity. Our being becomes compacted and condensed. Without a face I'm you, I'm me, I'm everything, my consciousness doesn't have a boundary but as soon as I look in the mirror and people show me I have a face I've become limited to a person, to a separate identity, to a front and the totality of my experiences compacts and compresses'

'To be faceless is to be free. We have to see beyond the face. The face predominates in our culture. A lot of emphasis is placed on face. Facing the world rather than being in the world. Facing another rather than being in another, with another, sharing with another'

'Considering how the face changes from childhood through adolescence to adulthood to ageing there's no consistency, often hard to recognise a teenager from a child. When we die the face disappears but something remains but we still choose to give the dead faces. In spirit faces are amorphous, not important, face shifts and changes but the essential beingness is a constant presence. Presence is the reality'

'The face I had before I was born, the face I will have after I died is the same face behind my face, the faceless face that I've always had. A face is just a mask that we call a face, the persona is a mask. Sometimes we can't recognise those who've died because they don't have a face they have a presence but no face, we don't always recognise them'

'Lots of Fs... Francis'

I fell asleep briefly and woke up with images of the colour yellow.
Then Liz continued...

'I think I have Freddie here, I think he likes Arthur T Wilson's style'

'To be present, to stay present without a face, that helps to encourage the transition between vibrational levels, like being in neutral ready to slip into any gear but not shifting into any gear just resonant to all the possible speeds, vibrational levels. To be faceless, being present to sensing the subtle shifting like tuning out of the station into white noise, being perceptive of the sudden intrusion of other stations, other frequencies, the rapid tuning, you get the odd intrusion of other realities as you stay in that presence, that faceless presence, you can capture, as in neutral you dance between the bands, the vibrational levels, not focusing on any one, not fixing the tuning, not just listening, the break through. We can selectively listen for the higher frequency, the FM bands. We can open our hearts to those who are wiser to the levels of wisdom and truth, those who have gone beyond the beyond, the wise ones who can teach us, who can help us to understand'

'Someone's shouting heavens above and there's beauty even in a garbage heap, jewels to be found in the mud. It's true that the treasure is where your heart is and even in the densest murk if your heart is pure you can see the gold nugget, you can see under the scaly slimy coat of the monsters and serpents and the diabolical gremlins, you can see the glint of gold, you can see the diamond buried deep. Behind all the grotesque forms there is the truth. From the beginning at the centre of creation there is nothing that is not of the origin, that is not from source. They are all one. The skill is to see the clear water beneath the turbulent turbid, slow flowing stagnant mire, knowing it's there. It's like in the fairy story when you know, when you love, the scales of even the slimy frog fall away and the handsome prince emerges. The beast sheds its frightening appearance and becomes a kind and loving partner'

'Love is the reality at the heart of creation breaking through into our illusionary world, breaking through into our conditioned perception like a torch shining, illuminating the world of appearances so that the shadows leave and the truth is seen. That's love, that's allowing the truth in us to illuminate the truth in another. Love is faceless because it hides behind all faces, it's hidden, faces hide love, love dissolves the face, dissolves the mask, reveals the truth that is love. It's not static or abstract, it's opening up to what is and what is is what love is. Love is a state of being, there's nowhere to go to be outside love'

'The human race is broken hearted; the heart has been circumcised with pain. The pain and the suffering of the human race can only be healed, the heart can only become whole again. The whole in the heart can be mended when we go behind the face, when we become faceless. The energy that is put into maintaining a face can be reclaimed by the heart and the heart can become whole. The energy of the human race is put into maintaining faces, face of religion, face of creed, face of race, face of nationality, face of belief. All these faces cause friction, cause division, cause separation but the faceless one has no creed, no religion, no belief, no nation, has a whole heart, a healed heart. The injury of the heart lies in the false identification with a face and that face has a colour, that face has a characterisation of faith, belief, nationality, culture, family, history that more often than not separates and causes strife, causes a prison. The heart cannot be whole in prison. The heart needs to beat freely, needs to function as a whole, let go of creed, let go of colour, let go of beliefs, let go of nationality, let go of pride, let go of philosophy, let go of politics, let go of all those things that divide, that cause suffering, that cause conflict. Become faceless, become nameless, become blameless. Therein lies the healing of the heart and the end of suffering for the human race. Be without a face with all of love... That's all for now'

'I see the men riding on their camels following the star to the birth of the child Jesus, and Jesus came to teach the end of suffering by the opening of the heart'

I put a tune on as Liz felt back with it.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...