This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

127th Sitting 24/01/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Brian joined us this week as a guest sitter.

I did the opening prayer at 7.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise...

Liz found herself sitting by a trickle of water through ferns into a well. As she watched it, it seemed to turn into a beetle, a ladybird and then Liz became the ladybird and flew off with the words 'Ladybird ladybird fly away home...' She was flying over a patchwork of fields going on and on, eventually coming to a corn field where there were teenagers sitting on haystacks. Liz became one of them and then found she was an Indian elder and the teenagers wanted instruction from her, they wanted to learn how to live off the land and survival skills. They were trying to transduce the energy from the sun by doing various exercises. They formed a circle and lay down like a clock. They were meditating and controlling the rain, tuning into the sun and the seasons and the Earth. They seemed to be drawing energy from the sun and the Earth and using it in specific ways. It was like there were caves or caverns under the Earth, under the trees and these were safe zones. These teenagers were mastering the skills of how to survive and how to utilise natural energies and they were protecting themselves with these energies and using them to direct the natural forces...

Brian visualised a rainbow bridge and tried to step onto it but found himself sitting underneath it by the river. The music playing reminded him of being by a river in Portugal and he saw the little fish swimming about in the water. Then when the music changed he was seeing the birds of prey, eagles and buzzards and when the music changed again he saw small birds and butterflies and bees...

I started off in a room following a mouse around the skirting board until we came to a mouse hole and the mouse disappeared through it. I followed it through and found myself in the dark, then saw the start of a sunrise as the scene lit up. I saw a tree and decided to sit against it as I watched the sun move across the sky. It wasn't too bright and I found I could look straight at it without hurting my eyes. Then I saw the mouse in the sun running round like it was in a wheel. When the sun went down I saw a full moon come up and watched that move across the sky. I sensed there was somebody sitting against the tree behind me and then heard this person ask me to stand up and turn round. I saw it was a dark skinned man in white robes and he asked me to follow him across some fields and down some steps towards an enormous sandy beach full of thousands of people as far as I could see. He told me that when we connect with spirit we can interact with all these entities who can speak as one mind or as individuals. Each one has a wealth of information but it was our responsibility to ask specific questions if we want to receive the information we want. If we just ask general questions we will only get general answers...

I put the music back on and we continued the session.

It started to look lighter in the room to me with a few bright blobs moving around.

Liz got the name Edith

Brian was seeing some white light followed by purple.
He briefly saw a lady sitting in a chair with her head down.

Liz got a surname Howell.

Brian started to be controlled and soon began to speak...

'Welcome friends...'

Me... 'Hello to you, good to hear you again'

'For those of you who find your spiritual pathway it can be a very rich experience'

Me... 'Yes that's true'

'But it takes commitment, continued commitment for sadly there are those who are one foot on and one foot off and they cannot hope to fulfil their potential, but the more you commit, the more you put in, the more you can receive. For it is about building up trust, it is a partnership between yourselves and your guides and the trust works both ways. For an ability may be developed, then the medium has to trust that they can use it but it can only go further when the guides can see you are trusting them for they would not wish to put you in situations where your trust could dissolve. It is important to keep your development simply because no medium can know how far the development will reach'

Me... 'No... I suppose you're never truly fully developed are you'

'That would be rare to be for it not to be. There have been a few who have reached shall we say all the objectives that were set but it is not very common and many is the medium who has returned to spirit and had pangs of regrets where they realise what they might have achieved but if you are regularly linking with your guides they will encourage you and of course the main motivation for development must be to benefit others'

Me... 'Yes it's all about others isn't it'

'Working for the higher good. Egos must be squashed for what is it that might make a medium good and have a certain ability? It is only their connection and the trust they have built...'

Brian came back.
He saw an image of a left ear.
I suggested it may be a message for him to listen to spirit.

Liz got the names Halliwell and Francis.

Liz got a picture of a face of someone she used to work with at university... Carol.

Liz got a sense of a ladder and then a blue sky with linnet birds in it.

Brian was getting very cold.
I felt warm but then suddenly felt very cold around the front of my legs.

Liz started to speak...

'I've got Rupert Bear again with his Chinese friend'


'Got a connection with ruins, ancient civilisations, steps, a discovery of porcelain, some sort of material'

Brian saw some white numbers... 1, 7, 227 and 511.

Liz continued...

'Got a Welsh word like clluid... sense of a buttercup field like Louise Malecot, pictures of children, children's books, Beatrix Potter type scenes. A natural life, a country life, a connection with the imagination, the children's reality of the world, the ideal world holding the vision of that pristine natural connection with nature, that innocence and our history, repeating civilisations that have been lost and buried, we've been there before, children in this paradise, I had Adam and Eve, paradise lost and gained, many developments and destruction can be the visionary children and the forces that out of the rape of the Earth the desire for dominance and riches it's twisted and the vision gets buried and the destruction on the brink again and there's a big consensus to not make the same mistakes, not to let the vision fade, the children holding onto that, the young people, paradise gained and lost. I get the feeling that there is a big consensus to help to avoid the same pattern repeating like a record that's got stuck. I want to ask how to avoid the pitfall... Something will come from China, a wakeup call, Francis, saying countdown, it's a clock and countdown, torn in the sense of time running out, there's infinite time, a sense of a river flowing past, rather turbulent waters flowing through roots of the trees, a very convoluted path but it's inevitable, it will get to the sea, it has to, only one way to flow. Focusing on the pools of hope, the sunny fields, fields of buttercups, the innocence, the child vision, to encourage, to foster, not to loose that. It's almost as if in this modern world that innocent childhood vision like Rupert Bear and his chums and Beatrix Potter and all of that is almost seen as outmoded, as if there's no place for it anymore and that's the real darkness of the age that's trying to block out the sunlight, to steal the vision from the children. They need to have that to remind them, not to have it blotted out'

'I sense there's many people about... Mary. There are many people inspired to protect and foster in the young generation, that's a pathway, the festivals, festival activities, communal celebration, they have an importance, the sacredness of gathering, holding the vision and sharing, music, drama, art, creativity, nature... holidays, they are holy days, days for reconnecting'

'The name Prudence, I sense Prudence approves, just wants to affirm that these are all efforts to hold onto the vision to reinstate the values, life affirming, a sense of lots of safety valves, ways of safely navigating the waves, support and protect'

'I'm almost seeing as if there's a resurgence of the 60s and 70s, that spiritual awakening, the hippy era, a slightly different form but there is a big push, big effort coming our way, going to take off big time soon, reinstate the vision. I guess this is all part of it too, people's renewed interest in things spiritual, not religion they are done for but just the spiritual pathway, the Shaman pathway. A realisation of the inner vision, individual for each one but shared community, the sun dance, it's the sun dance, yes the sun dance, it is, it is, it is the sun dance, that's what it is, it is, it is... it's reconnecting with the sun energy, the sun dance... Ah Felix... Thank you'

Liz felt she had her old friend the expressionist painter Feliks Topolski with her.

I saw a face that looked like the 70s DJ Tony Blackburn. Possibly a connection with what Liz had been saying.

Liz got some numbers... 4x4x4.
She got the name Iris.
She sensed herself by a slate quarry, a centre of alternative technology, a dry stone wall of slate.

Brian had been cold for some time but the cold was leaving him now.

Liz asked me to play some music to help her come back.
She got the name Teressa.

Once everyone was feeling back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

126th Sitting 17/01/2017

About an hour before the sitting and before I got there Liz had gone into the séance room and noticed what looked like dense fog in the room. She had no idea what this was and hadn't seen it before.

At 7.10pm I did the opening prayer, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise.

Liz found herself on the bank of a wide river with the desire to reach out to the other side. There were two bridges, a brick convex one to her left and a white wrought iron one to her right but Liz didn't want to go over either of these bridges thinking why couldn't she have one straight ahead in front of her so created one made of crystals and glass. It was like a prism, it was a rainbow itself reflecting all the colours. As Liz made her way across it, it was like a double helix, a round cog wheel and she found she could just lay on it and let it carry her over like an escalator. On the other side Liz felt there was a golden man waiting for her then found herself in a golden sand pit which then turned into golden water with Liz laying on her back splashing and the bridge was now a waterfall. She had a wonderful sense of freedom and could change herself or anything into whatever she wanted. She was now with a person and sensed it was her husband who had died and he was taking her towards what felt like a grotto. It was like a wedding but not their wedding. They were being unified towards this great golden being and it was like a marriage into this Christ like entity like the sun, everything was very gold. Then the gold changed into the feeling of gold, golden daffodils, golden lilies, fields of buttercups. It was the essence of everything, golden flowers and light. It felt like they were there with many other people holding hands, palm to palm and a sense of incredible love, universal love, they all felt it. An ecstatic union with everything that was golden and beautiful at a level of spirit. Liz felt naked and realised that in the world these feelings are camouflaged, masked and hidden. People are ashamed to experience this sort of ecstasy and to share it but in this situation it was with all these people and they were all experiencing it. Nobody said anything, you didn't have to, it was just that you knew you were all experiencing this incredible uplifting feeling of light and gold, the essence of gold or the sun and it was love, it was uniform, it was everywhere...

I started off with the feeling that I was the sea lapping up against the shore. The waves were going up and down the beach rhythmically like they were breathing and I got the feeling that the sea was the lungs of the Earth. Then I was in a field of corn and the wind was blowing the corn in different directions forming patterns and shapes. I got the feeling that the wind was the muscles of the Earth. Then I was in a dessert on the sand feeling the warmth of the sun and I got the feeling that this was the heart of the Earth. It could be a warm heart during the day or a cold heart at night each following the other. I then found myself sinking into the Earth and saw hundreds of tunnels running through the Earth with what looked like electrical impulses going through them. I felt this was the brain of the Earth. Then I watched as trees grew from the Earth and they were full of monkeys that jumped out and ran around. Soon the whole scene was full of life and I got the feeling that the Earth was a living entity and was creating more life and the plants and bodies would die and go back to the Earth while the created life would go on into new realities. It was an endless creation of life and growth...

I put the music on and we continued the session...

I was soon seeing a few flashes and flickers around the room.

Liz saw a few dim moving lights circling the room then changing direction and spiraling.
She saw a cobweb-like light.

I was seeing bright blobs coming and going moving left to right in front of me.

Liz started to speak...

'Someone just came into my mind, someone I know who's died, Boo Armstrong'

Me... 'Did you get any message with the name?'

'I'll wait and see...'

'Got the sense of something grey and metallic... maybe part of an aircraft, something robotic'

'Got the sense of a zoo, animals... got a feeling Boo is wanting to validate our mammalian connection, the animal part of ourselves, there's a basic goodness there, the warm furry animal part, this is not to be put in a zoo, to be fenced off. To be expressed, that's the healthy way. The animal part of ourselves knows what it needs to be healthy and doesn't need all the pills and props. If we entertain the animal part of ourselves, allow it to live naturally, it will know how to be healthy, reconnect with the Earth energies and be healthy because the vessel we are inhabiting is mammal'

'Myopia, myopic... myopia is short-sightedness, seeing things close up but not seeing the bigger picture, not seeing in the distance, not seeing the whole, blinkered'

'Got the sensation of rushing around on trains and things, not leaving enough time everyday just to be animal, just to nourish the mammalian part of ourselves which likes to be still, to rest, to roll around, to have pleasure, to be comfortable, to be at ease, to satisfy the senses, essential awareness of the world, the environment, to be nourished by the Earth. Ten minutes, not enough to allow the Earth resonances to penetrate because today many apparatus are blocking the Earth resonances, importance of nature, being in the wild. Boo should know, she immersed herself in holistic therapies, researched, supported, integrated healthcare'

'Cherish the body and the mind will take care of itself'

'I see Boo on a bicycle, tended to take her feet off the ground. Many of the ills not being allowed to develop naturally, physical apparatus, not to leave the ground too soon. I guess we are bipeds not bicycles'

'I have a strong impression of the stamping on the Earth, the original Indian and Aboriginal dances which involved drumming and stamping. I saw this in a clearing and over it a big angel blessing that activity, the Earth loves that activity and I see the spiral dance'

'Ben Nevis... snow falling... got a face image like Jeremy Corbyn, could be Sophie's dad Nevil'

'Got a picture of brown shoes, walking boots... catkins, long catkins'

'I see Sheila in a brightly coloured jumper gaily waving. I think it's her on Ben Nevis, looks like she's got skis. Got a feeling about these rugged mountains, anybody on a spiritual path has rugged mountains to climb, pathways that seem very steep sometimes but delightful, peaks and troughs, ups and downs'

'Somebody is showing me an image of these beautiful butterflies but they are rising out of some slimy goo, a compost heap, a mire of problematic human life, the debris of our psyche, of our corrupted unconscious, all the knots and confusions but out of it the butterflies are rising up out of this compost heap of our misconstructions, the ethereal elements are liberated, free to enjoy, these yellow butterflies rejoice'

'Got a strange word... concatenation'

'I've got a sense there are many people here, many I know, some I don't know... Deborah... Daisy... Chris... Pauline...'

'I keep getting shown this ladder structure, the double helix, like a rope ladder'

'I have a sense that this concatenation is a craft like a patchwork quilt, a putting together of variations on a pattern, very much like DNA, a genetic code, variations on a pattern that's repeated but put together in different ways, a common thread, expressed differently in every entity, in every person, every living thing and the whole all put together, all the different variations form this large concatenation, a quilt. This is one large field, one large creation, one large pattern, concatenation like a landscape. I guess the expanded mind can see all that, they are just elements in this pattern but for the pattern to light up, to come alive, each element has to embody, has to enlighten, has to light up for the whole pattern to be seen. Each entity has to incarnate. Incarnation has to become illumination. Enlightenment so that the whole pattern then becomes a greater living entity with the individual selves. We have to light up and when we are all lit a pattern will be seen, will come to life... thank you for that, I think that's all'

Liz then got the name Ludwig.

I asked Liz if she had any idea what had caused the dense fog in the room earlier and she got the sense of a fuzzy creature.

I put the music on as Liz came back.

I had found it hard to stay awake while Liz was speaking and fell asleep a couple of times but now felt fine.

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

125th Sitting 10/01/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 7.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz found herself by a large river at night. The moon with a rainbow halo was shining down on it and the grass was cold and silvery with dew. The side Liz was on had buildings and was inhabited but the other side was wild and unknown and Liz wanted to be there and discover what was there. To her right was a beautiful arched wrought iron bridge and she crossed it. The other side was bathed in rainbow moonlight, everything looked silver. There were deer and other animals amongst bushes and trees and Liz could hear music in the distance. She walked towards it and came to a clearing where she saw ethereal dancers in gossamer robes dancing and making music with pipes. The scene then stabilised and became a nativity, baby and mother, not just one nativity but a whole circle of mothers and babies. The music was binding them together. Plants then began to grow up and up like Jack and the Bean Stork and the mothers with their babies bound to their bodies began climbing the plants up into the sky. Liz found herself floating upwards to see where they had gone into a great space in the sky with stars and she realised these were Star children. Liz then found herself with a music teacher playing amazing music on the organ and Liz asked if he would teach her to play. This was the music of the universe and he said it was very important for the children, for their growth as these were very special children. Liz could now see that the plants they were climbing were bending over and weaving their way through the world. He said that these children were going to be placed strategically in the world, they were all Christ children and this music was important as it was locating them and holding them, weaving them, reminding them of the true pattern of their nature and it was telling the story of their placement in the world...

I started off behind a huge curtain and could hear people on the other side. There was a parting in the middle so I peeked through and saw a stage and a massive audience behind who seemed to be waiting for something to happen. I felt they were waiting for me to come out but I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I ventured out anyway to see what reaction I got but they didn't appear to see me. I tried to get their attention waving my arms but they didn't notice me. As I walked forwards I bumped into a huge sheet of glass separating me from the audience. I could see them through it but they couldn't see me. Then I found that if I pressed the glass very slowly my hand and arm would go through it. They saw that and when I waved they all started laughing. I gently pressed myself against the glass and managed to get completely through it but then the scene changed. The people were now in a field harvesting vegetables. It looked like they were picking sprouts, putting them in baskets and placing them on tables at the far side of the field. Beyond that was another field where people were picking fruit like peaches off trees and again putting them in baskets and onto tables at the far end of that field. Then I walked into another field where people were making wooden tables and chairs and putting them out. This went on and on, field after field full of people growing, harvesting and making things and as I floated above the fields I saw they made up a huge circle with a community in the middle. Everyone was sharing what they made or grown with each other. It was truly a love based community...

I put the music back on and we continued the session...

I kept seeing what looked like flashing lights above me coming and going and the room felt like it was filling with charged energy.

Then Liz sensed a flash above her and to her right.
She said it looked like the light from a passing car's headlights which very much described what I was seeing.
Liz was seeing this with her eyes closed while I had mine open.

I then sensed light behind me coming into my peripheral vision.

Liz saw another light flash in front of her and then shapes floating past.

I saw a streak of light come down from the ceiling in the middle of the room.

I was feeling tickles in my hair and the side of my face.
I had a fuzzy feeling on my right lower leg.

Liz saw a stream of lights going past at floor level.
She still had her eyes shut.

As the last tune was playing Liz began to speak...

'I felt I had Aunty Reanie and it started off with the sense of this ginger or golden furred animal, fur, I know Morean loved fur, a connection with fur and Aunty Reanie. She's showing me some jewels, jewelry and she said November. Aunty Reanie was wearing an elaborate headdress, like a Tibetan Oracle'

'I'm seeing a camel, it feels a very comfortable camel, its head, its face, I think I like this camel'

Me... 'A camel could signify a journey, maybe it wants to take you somewhere?'

'It's looking at me lowering its head. It's leading me to the water wells. These are the wells of the desert, water of life. This is an animal I can trust, this animal stores the water, drinks deeply for the long dry journey. Feels as if I am in a group of Bedouin. My attention is drawn to the blackness of the sky. I have a sense of community, families, warmth and kindness. In this great vastness, this black sky and the dry desert there's this spark of humanity. A feeling of the nativity scene, feels ordinary. I have a feeling about the jewels that Reanie was showing me. The jewel is this picture, the nativity, the story of the birth of the Christ is an ordinary story. It's true of every group of every family, of every group of people, that the holy birth, the birth of the magic child is in our midst, in the ordinary life of the family, of the community, the miracle is taking place, a jewel is in our life, is in the community, the love, the fellowship. A child that is born and raised in love and harmony, the warmth, the magic, that is the nativity, that is the story. We look for it in the past, we look for it in the bible, in religion, out there somewhere else but it's in our midst. You don't have to look anywhere but where you are, it's happening all the time, every child is a Christ child, every family is the Holy Family and above every home is the black sky and the stars, you just have to look and see. Wherever there's harmony you tend to make harmony. There the lion lies down with the lamb, all peace'

'I get the word saboteur and then a picture like Aladdin, he cheated and was greedy, was he the saboteur? The saboteur of family, of peace, of harmony'

'I have the word Griffin'

'I get telegraph, telephone. Is there a message? Tell Yell... Sandman... Something rotten in the state of Denmark'

'I had a sense of sausages like at a village fete with stalls with food'

'Got the word tellurian, to do with the Earth, tempest, chaos... I asked is there a storm coming and they said you could say that, got a sense of a bonnet, have to wear a bonnet in the storm'

'The complete man, Adam, armed with a fork and spade'

'Mavis, some suggestion of where to go, going West, Suffolk'

'Prednisolone and the word sour-face, Pontifract, peanuts'

'Sonia, Sunjay, Serengeti, Sandra...'

Liz was getting lots of similar sounding words.

Me... 'Maybe instead of words they could give you a meaning to a word'

'Hariot, Hetti... borderline, a sense of walking a tight-rope'

'Cushing, conference'

'Testing, taser... prediction, predictor, maelstrom'

'Black and white zebra crossing... a safe crossing'

'A sense of nuns in black robes, they're kneeling with rosaries. Got a sense of them being Quakers'

'Miss Morris my French teacher saying something about fraternity... So those who are free, truly free, in their heart is a song and the song is like a flower, the song is the fruit of the harvest, it's the outward sign of the inner birth, the inner birth of the Christos, of the Christ child and to be free is to rise above all the constraints, all the saboteurs, all the negativities, hardships, obstacles, the acts of aggression and to work for the good, and that which creates peace and harmony. Let every man strive for liberty with a song of freedom but in a way that creates peace and harmony by loving and caring and supporting. He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword but he who nurtures the flame of love shall live forever'

'Christopher, Christofilis, Austin, Wesley'

'I got a sense of a large bird like a pelican or an albatross'

'I keep getting Sandy and asked if there's a message for Sandy... Teasdale... I had images earlier of the Weald Wood Fair and that's where I met Sandy... Someone is saying hello, Teresa? Terry? Phillis? Comfortable, a sense of a bull... keep getting comfortable, comfortable...'

Me... 'Keep asking for any information'

'Got a word with Q-U... Quinten or Quantock... Quarentine'

Me... 'Try and let the word come to you, don't try and guess it, they might be able to spell it out to you'

'Queenie? Q-U-A-E... Quaezar'

Me... 'Maybe they can give you a picture that represents the word. If you think of a computer screen and see if a picture appears on that'

'Sense of a well, a deep well'

Me... 'Can you look down that well, see what's down there, take yourself down there'

'Water, there's a question... if there's a question I suppose I could ask what is the answer... if Sandy has a question what would be the answer? Fracking... Shell... Constable... Horse'

'In conclusion I have to say it's a glorious day, glorious... Gloria'

I played a tune as Liz came back.

As she was coming back she got the word... Coldharbour.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...