This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

228th Sitting 18/12/2020

We had another Zoom Sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did an opening prayer while I tuned in and was soon controlled.

The connection felt strong as the communication began...

‘Everything comes for a reason. You are developing a connection with a larger audience. Imagine them all seated around you waiting for their turn to speak. They have to rely on you to give them that mouthpiece, to allow them to say what they want to say. You have developed up to a point and you will continue to develop and as you develop each connection will grow stronger, you will let go and allow that what comes to you to burst forth, to bring through words, words that can be understood, can be recognised and words that will generate love in the hearts of those who receive them. All mediumship is a form of healing and in healing it reaches the hearts of those who feel confused and in their confusion they feel sadness for those who have left their physical world. Each form of mediumship plays its part in alleviating that sadness, in bringing joy into the hearts of those who feel they have been left behind. It gives them the understanding that those who have left their world are still very much a part of their lives. They begin to see the connection; they begin to feel the connection. As they hear the messages so it strengthens their own connection for they no longer believe that they are far away, they now have that truth in their mind that they are close and they can be contacted’

‘Mediumship is a wonderful tool throughout your world and as you reach a time in your world, a time where the science of your world begins to shake off its beliefs, begins to see a clearer model of a reality that contains more than just physical matter, a reality that can be sensed beyond the physical senses, a reality that is fundamental, fundamental in the production of life. They will see the small part they play in a physical world and the greater part they play in the spiritual vibrations. Mediumship contributes to the overall understanding, the development of understanding throughout your world. Those in search of answers tread many paths. They may tread the scientific path, they may tread the artistic path, they may not know where to look but within your world there are many pockets of development in many areas and as somebody begins to look for greater understanding they will be nudged into situations where they will hear, where they will see evidential communication, something which will widen their understanding, widen their perspective on the meaning of life. There are many beliefs in your world and each leads to a solid truth. Do not worry about the details, the details are not important. What is important is how you feel. You will know when you are facing the truth and you will understand the confusions that lead to that truth. For nothing is written in stone, everything is developing and as life develops you also develop and you find new answers to new questions. Keep asking those questions, keep questioning the answers, do not believe and you will know’ 

‘A brighter world awaits you; a stronger understanding awaits you; you are doing the work and you will reap the benefits in all that you do, thank you, thank you my dear friend and continue your wonderful experiment’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend, that’s very affirming’

I soon felt back with it then Liz began to tune in...

‘I seem to be getting a lesson in percussion, I got an accordion first of all which I connected with your dad, then I got an image of a banana boat and felt your dad behind me making some slightly ironic remark on a boat and then playing percussion with sticks, could be a xylophone, being noisy. Says he just wants a voice’

Dad had a habit of tapping the table with his fingers and hands at meal time. There was a particular beat he used to do with one hand turning over and then back again. He told me his grandad used to do it and I copied him and still do it now myself sometimes.

‘It’s almost like he’s wrapping me in a fur rug’

My dad came through to Liz earlier talking about being wrapped in cotton wool and this gave Liz a feeling of vertigo and she also felt this when he came through strongly during one of our Zoom sittings recently. The fur rug could symbolise a rug of protection for her.

‘He put an image of a bear in my head, like a bear hug’

‘He just put the image in my head of a tooth brush and a beaker, looks like a child’s toothbrush, the beaker is patterned. Could be connected with when you were little, a memory. It's to do with habits, you learned habits when you were little that last with you for life, you hope to keep your teeth for life. It makes me feel he lost his teeth’

Dad didn’t lose his teeth but teeth make me think of two things. Brenda told me she cleaned his teeth just after he died and the other thing is, I’ve had a couple of bits break off my teeth recently but don’t think I need a dentist as there’s no pain, maybe I should go?

‘Comfort, cold comfort. I think that was what he was telling me before, all the fussing and attention, wrapping in cotton wool, it’s cold comfort, what you are losing. I don’t think he could say how he was feeling, being an invalid, wrapped in cotton wool, needing all that care. It was a loss of self-respect I think, a loss of potency. I think that’s why he wants to shout and make a noise now. He's got his energy back, saying something like a radio broadcast that it’s not the end. I don’t think he wants to be remembered for that being in cotton wool, it’s undignified’

He never talked to me about how he was feeling towards the end but I could tell he was in a lot of pain. He was very frustrated about not being able to do the things he used to do but again hid his emotions and put on a brave face.

‘He’s giving me a sense of a zoo or animal park. I seem to be in front of the monkey cage feeding the monkeys. Maybe that’s where the banana boat came in?’

I have a memory of when we were young visiting Longleat Safari Park and the monkeys did some damage to the wipers on the car.

‘He’s taking me back to the Chatterjee and the feeling that the monkey mind can make a silk turban out of a sow's ear. 

‘There's something forming in the back of my mind, it’s like a sign at a station, seeing it in green and white, connected with a railway, a station. I'm standing at a platform looking at this sign, I can’t read what’s on the sign. Into my head came the idea of Brighton. I’ve got paint brushes; he wants to paint something. With this big brush it’s like painting on a wall ‘pick of the day’ it’s like the highlights of the day, things that stand out’

One of dads specialities was being able to say the word Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and when in Wales on holiday we went to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch train station and dad bought a platform ticket which was extra-long. When Liz said Brighton and then got paint brushes I thought he was going to paint over the word Brighton as it was wrong. It was like he was playing a trick knowing that Liz probably wouldn’t get Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and if she did she won’t be able to say it!!!

‘He's giving me the feeling of a cat, reminding me of a tortoiseshell cat we used to have. A feeling of a cat being very peaceful, very restful, very present. Feline. Serendipity. The moving finger writes and having written moves on... Chance encounters, chance happenings, spirit led. The idea that fate, you can’t change things, you can’t adjust, there is such a thing as serendipity which is like luck, which can shift things. But like the cat you have to be aware, you have to notice them, you have to be alert. Just minor adjustments can be made by these serendipitous events, things that come into your life, chance encounters, meetings that can cause a subtle change, help to change circumstances, change the way you think, the way you feel, the way you act. Getting a feeling like a village jumble sale, a fete, different stalls selling different things. You come across something you hadn’t expected to see, something unanticipated. You go along to an event like that and something seemingly random catches your attention and hooks you, could be a book, could be an object. He's showing me a train, a model train, quite large. That chance purchase can have long term unanticipated effects, serendipitous purchase’

‘I keep feeling him with the grandchildren, I think he had great affection, feeling that moulding of children, how the little things that you introduce into their lives with children can shape their futures in so many ways, their interests, their direction’

Yes, he loved the grandchildren and was pleased that one of them became interested in magic.

‘We don’t even remember how habits were formed, they start very early on, they shape our life, and I'm sensing they even shape your afterlife except things grow bigger, expand. As I said the word expand, I asked Michael to give me something and it turned into rubber band, stretching, there’s a lot about stretching and I think the idea is not to get tied up in the tricks, in the habits, keep stretching and going beyond because the habits lock you in even after death but you begin to see more of the opportunities’

‘I’m seeing a bar and a liquor store, it’s a limited scene but there’s so much more. Giving me that image of the sun, like it’s in the corner of the screen but it’s a prominent force, effect, that light’

‘Got the name Henry, John Henry’

Dad’s mother came through to me in a séance about 15 years ago and mentioned an Uncle Henry who I couldn’t place at the time but found him later on the family tree one generation above my gran so it was her uncle. Not sure about the John though.

‘Seeing a great big gate to a field, like a hurdle that has to be overcome, got over. Before you can leap over and go to the sun it’s like there’s something beyond and there’s a bit of a barrier before you can get to that, to the sun. Just seeing birds, magpies in the field, black and white birds. That’s interesting, the words earlier were going through my mind, a poem by Rumi... Out beyond ideas of rightdoing or wrongdoing there is a field, I'll meet you there... The black and white is the human judgment of negative and positive, good and bad, the way we categorise things’

‘He just put in my mind the idea of mustard, I don’t know if it’s like mustard and cress growing in the field or the word must, you must do this you must do that’

This could be a memory for me as I have never liked mustard but dad loved it and used it a lot.

‘I'm sensing the broadening out, the stretching is to do with going beyond the limitations of the confines of our thinking, our habits, good and bad, must and should, prerogatives’

‘Now he’s putting on his wizard’s hat. It's got suns and moons and stars on it. Saying I want a bit of magic. Sooty bear and Sweep. He’s wanting to go beyond; he’s seen the possibilities but still a little bit stuck with the habits of a lifetime and not quite over the effects of the last few years. Just showing me fences. A crust of bread, having to earn your crust of bread. Don’t worry about where the next morsel of food is coming from, the universe will provide. Perhaps he did in his life and that’s a habit. To realise you don’t have to worry about those things must be wonderful. I’m seeing all these fences and it’s like you still have to... these fences are connected to all these habits and conditioning. You don’t just drop them just like that, you do carry them with you’

‘He’s gone back to the toothpaste again, it’s like a plastic cup with flowers on it, might be a girl’s one, it’s got pink and yellow flowers on it, it’s pale blue and it’s for putting the toothpaste and toothbrush in. There's some significance, don’t know if it’s for you, Brenda or the grandchildren. He’s giving me the image of a pansy. And now an image of cowboys’ 

‘I sense he wanted you to be the masculine image of the male, all the things that men like doing and overlooked the more sensitive side, the female aspect, the emotional side, and he’s realising that. A side he suppressed in himself, it came out in different ways and maybe he urged you to suppress that other side of your nature. He can see that that in a way limited you. So he’s giving me the girlie images and then juxtaposing those with the cowboy, rough and ready blokey type. I think he had to keep that suppressed in himself, back then, during the war it was frowned on, effeminate men, nowadays it’s... He’s giving me the words systematic error... my feeling is it’s related to upbringing and training which subverts, causes malfunction. He’s giving me the word tearful, to cry. He says it makes you dull if you have to suppress those things, dulls you down’

Dad did suppress his sensitive side to me and my brother. Brenda told me that he got upset about trivial things during the last few years of his life and often cried.

‘Getting the diamond image’

‘I’m saying to him I know you are trying to not overwhelm my energy, putting that blanket round me but I’m asking him to come closer so I can feel more clearly what he’s trying to convey. The minute I said that I begin to feel, I get that tinge of vertigo, he just has to tread carefully, sorry... ha, ha, he’s giving me the image of a great big bear, ha, ha... he’s saying I'm much too delicate, like a porcelain doll’

‘Keep getting daisy, daisy, images of daisy so I don’t know if Travis is there in the background, working at it, trying to adjust, thank you Travis, we can all work together I'm sure. Just popped into my mind the image of Rupert Bear and his little friend, they always had adventures together. Now I've got the word Shen, that’s interesting, Shen is the name I have for one of my guides, Tibetan or Chinese. That’s interesting referring to Rupert and his little Chinese friend, female friend. I think he’s just there affirming that the adventures will take us to a higher place, a place in the clouds with the teachings and for Michael too, all of us, we have helpers’

‘I'm going to say now I think that’s enough, we have Shen, the Diamond and Travis, lots of helpers, all those fences are going to melt away and we will make it into the sun, into that great light, the spiritual journey we are all beginning on together and hopefully teaching and a lot more will come through’

Liz thanked all our friends and did a closing prayer.

We sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

227th Sitting 09/12/2020

We had another Zoom meetup.

Liz wasn’t wired to the Mind Mirror EEG this week.

Liz did the opening prayer then tuned in to see what she could get...

‘It’s rather strange, I got a sense of chickens and then this Indian gentleman with the name Chatterjee stepped forward. He’s quite elderly, in his 70s or 80s, light brown complexion, slightly bald head, greying hair at the sides. A very kind gentleman, slightly bent, reminding me of the monkey mind because of the name Chatterjee and it’s like he’s got a pet monkey and the chickens around him, I feel he might have a pet shop or animal sanctuary. He's got a large ring on his finger he’s making me aware of, quite ornate with silver, quite a large ring, green turquoise stone in the centre but it changes colour, also blood red. He’s got crates of oranges and vegetables as well’

Me... ‘He’s not ringing any bells with me at the moment, maybe he’s just brought a message of some sort?’

‘Yes... he just gave me an image of a Zebra Crossing and I usually get that sense with somebody that is mixed race, or the connection between mixed cultures’

‘Did I hear a dog barking from your end?’

Me... ‘No, I didn’t hear anything’

‘I could hear one here’ 

‘He’s putting some lights in an incense holder hanging from a ceiling. This is a man who had a very simple life, was a tradesman, maybe had a stall that dealt with all sorts of things but he feels to me like quite a spiritual man, engaged in spiritual thinking and practise, but he had a very open outlook on the world. He's putting into my head, it’s not what you do or what you say it’s how you are that’s important. I think he had lots of fruit in his shop, he’s giving a lot to his monkey. Feeding the monkey mind with good things, healthy stuff. It's a delight, he loves his monkey mind but he feeds it with good stuff, good fruit, and when he lights his candle it’s when the monkey sits on his shoulder and it’s quiet because he knows that’s time for devotional practice, time to sit still and just be with the light. He's saying you don’t need a temple or a mountain, he’s just sitting in his store room. It seems that element of lighting the candle is like a signal to the monkey to sit quietly. I think that’s his message. He's taking me to his wrist, he’s got a chain on his wrist and his ring on his finger. Thank you sir, thank you for your message and your presence’

‘I just got a name Andrew, and it comes with a school tie. Whether this is a school connection of yours, Andrew?’

Me... ‘We used to take a boy to school called Andrew’

‘The tie he’s showing me is horizontal stripes, black and light blue. Saying something about polo, does that ring a bell? I think of the game, horse polo but it’s also the mint with the hole in the middle’

Me... ‘No I can’t think of a connection with polo’

He did like his food particularly cakes and sweets, he also liked animals and looked out for sheep, cows and horses on the journeys.

‘I’m seeing horses and horse racing, I wonder if that’s a connection with Travis, perhaps he’s helping him?’

‘I’m seeing him as a young man, a young executive, could have been working in a store, department store or supermarket in a managerial role, he’s dressed in a suit and he’s young, he’s not showing himself much older than that’

I remember he got a job working with animals after he left school and also loved performing on stage. I think he also got a job working in a shop but can’t be sure.

‘Just got an image of a hot air balloon, something happened to take him off. I think he had cancer because I'm seeing the elephant’s tusks and I connect that with Joan’

‘I’m seeing school playing fields’

‘I don’t know if he shared school with you?’

Me... ‘No’

‘It was a different school’

Me... ‘Yes’

‘Okay, but he’s showing me school playing fields. I think it’s to do with cricket, games’

I think this is to do with his surname which he is trying to get through to Liz, it was Andrew Field.

‘I keep seeing a taxi and it makes me think he was one of the children you took to a special school’

Me... ‘Yes he was’

This is evidential as when I said we used to take a boy to school called Andrew, Liz assumed I was talking about the time when I was going to school. It seems that Andrew has realised this so shows Liz an image of a taxi. She then remembers that I used to take special needs children to school in my taxi.

‘So does it make sense that he would have left school by now and got a job’

Me... ‘Yes he’s a lot older now’

‘My feeling is that something has happened, he’s now on the other side’

Me... ‘I might find that out later as we normally get a Christmas card from his mum’

‘He’s giving me a warm feeling about the taxi; it was quite a safe space for him. Just that sense of gratitude for creating a safe space’ 

‘He likes the feeling of being in a suit and having a job and being in control of his life a little bit more. It's almost like something happened to pluck him up, this hot air balloon. It felt like he shifted to another level, he’s still travelling and wanted you to know he’s alright, he’s there, he’s enjoying it, he’s seeing things from a new level, he’s looking down on the counterpane, the fields, the Earth and it gave him a new perspective’

‘I feel for him the best part of school, what he’s showing me, was the playing field, the games’

He did enjoy games at school and always looked forward to the annual Sports Day.

‘I'm seeing him as quite a slim boy with dark hair and tall’

Me... ‘He had dark hair but I wouldn’t say he was slim’

He was actually quite chubby and short.

‘He’s showing me himself in a suit, but his face had an anxious expression about it, freckles, ears protruding slightly. I think he felt a bit left footed in his life’

Me... ‘What do you mean by left footed?’

‘It’s a strange expression but wrong footed, he always put his foot in things. Maybe he was dyslectic?’

Me... ‘He could have been, he had a lot of issues’

He had down’s syndrome and was very clumsy, knocking things over and putting his foot in things at times which he found amusing.

‘That feeling of not being able to get things quite right, or in perspective, and that feeling of going up in a hot air balloon has sorted that out somehow’

‘He’s showing me a Christmas card, he just wants to send you a Christmas card’

We still send his mum a Christmas card and she sends one to us with a long message of what has happened in the last year.

‘I’ll say thank you Andrew, thank you for making your appearance and for Travis for helping, love and blessings to you’

‘I think he liked having you both there, you and Sarah both in the car, it was like having mummy and daddy on that journey’

He only had a mum who had adopted him. He never had a dad so probably liked the idea of having a mum and a dad on the journey to and from school.

‘It almost sounds like a cliché but I’m sensing an old man, quite thin, white hair, quite long and a white beard. But he feels like an academic and he’s smiling, he’s reminding me of someone. He’s got a feeling a bit like Brian who came to our group. But I'm feeling he’s got a connection with science. I think he’s a doctor, a psychiatrist, somebody in that field or a psychologist. I think this is Geoffrey Blundell who was the electrical engineer who worked on the Mind Mirror. I’m asking him to give me a clue if it is him and he’s giving me GB. He’s put a notion in my head about three ugly ducklings, the story of the ugly duckling that is rejected then grows into a swan. When he said three ugly ducklings I'm thinking of Max Cade, Dr Ann Woolley-Hart and Geoffrey Blundell, the three people I associate with the Mind Mirror, and I think that’s his joke, the three ugly ducklings who have turned into three beautiful swans. I get this sense of a piano or keyboard, music and he’s giving me an indication that music is important, sound, in setting the right brain wave patterns. I was doing experiments with drum beats set at different frequencies. He’s saying it’s to entrain the mind, to entrain the brain waves. Alpha, he’s saying the alpha is important. He’s saying you have to establish your signature, signature tune. He's taking me to an image of brown brogue lace up shoes, dusting the mud off them, keeping your equipment in good working order, cleaning things. Giving me the sense of the sun and he’s using the French word soleil making me think of soleil luminaire, sound and light, both have very profound effects on the brain in the type of patterns you produce. I'm asking him if my experimenting is yielding anything useful. He's giving me a sense of play, just be playful, he’s saying you’ll see how it will help you, giving me an image of the ticket for the bus ride, it’s like it’s clocking the journey, the experiments are clocking the journey, giving the itinerary, have fun, he’s treating it like a holiday. He’s waving goodbye, he’s very warm and friendly, thank you Geoffrey’

Liz thanked and said goodbye to everybody

Then I tuned in and was soon controlled...

‘Once again, we come through to speak with you, give you some form of useful information, something which will make you think, something which will give you a new understanding for you are always looking for something new, something which has not been on your mind. You have a belief that there is something shielded from you but that belief is a false belief for you are connected to all of life, everything is available for you. You have to find that key, that key that unlocks all that is shielded from you. Look at your world, see how your world flourishes, how your world renews itself each year. Ask yourself what is behind the renewal of life on your world. You as an individual see yourself as a part of that world, you understand your own beginning in that world and how you have grown and developed. And you can feel that there is something behind you, something pushing you, something motivating you, something giving you the idea that a greater power exists. But your beliefs tell you that you have no access to that power. You all need to wake up, you all need to feel the power, feel the love, feel life itself motivating you, pushing you forward. You too add to that love by the way you live your life and that love is you. You do not feel it, you are it, you create it and you receive it. Nothing is greater than the love that motivates all of life, love that is continually expanding, and you play your part in helping that love to expand, to grow as you live your life. Try to understand that life is for living, life is fun, life is joyous. You are all in it together creating and growing. See it as a game, a game of life and you all play your part. The negativities and confusions that you experience in life are there as building blocks for your own growth. Rejoice when you experience negativity, know that you have put yourself into that situation to grow, to learn, to create more love. Hold hands with life and feel the love within yourself shining brighter each day. Carry that smile wherever you go knowing that the smile on your face represents that love in your heart, thank you, thank you my dear friend’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

226th Sitting 04/12/2020

We had a Zoom meetup and Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did an opening prayer then I went first.

After a few minutes I started to be controlled and the communication began...

‘Each day of your life is an open book. Fill that book with experience, for that book will develop into an open book of knowledge, knowledge gained from experience. That knowledge is required for without knowledge you have no means of interpreting information given to you. Each time you feel yourself developing within yourself you will know that you have gained more knowledge, more experience. Life is experience and you live that life day by day knowing that you are drawing closer to the true you, that what guides you, that what is inside of you trying to burst out. You are growing, you are becoming more and you are gathering experience and knowledge. As an individual in a world of physical matter you have nothing to fear. Your fears are created by yourself. Try to find those fears and extinguish those fears for they are not required, they are not a part of you. You have seen fears come and go but those that you cling to are not necessary. As you grow you will see how futile fears can be, they have no purpose other than to blind you to your true self. Your physical world was designed to give you the opportunity to rid yourself of those fears, but it is also the reason for those fears, for you feel alone, you do not feel that connection with all of life until you have developed more, until you have grown. You are all working on yourselves and together you are creating a vibration throughout your world which will help you to grow. As you grow your world grows and becomes an environment in which you will find no need for fears but fears still come and go. Try to understand the effect of fears on yourself, recognise that effect and try to understand why. You have all the time in the world to work on those fears and you will be helped but ultimately it is you who makes the choices, who chooses to change yourself or stay the same. You look back on your life and you see the mistakes you have made and yet at that time those mistakes were the choices that you made. See how you have grown; see how you have developed and be joyous in the knowledge that as you grow your life will become so much brighter’

‘You are being watched, you are watched by yourself, that part of you with one foot in the physical and one foot in the spiritual. It is a part of you and can be lived. You as an individual can access all of you, all that exists. Allow yourself to be receptive to that what connects you to the spiritual world for that is you. There is no break between the two worlds, they are one, you merely shield yourself from the spiritual world with your own beliefs. Allow your beliefs to crumble and allow your mind to expand and you will see the true makeup of yourself, of your consciousness and how it connects to all of life. Take yourself out of yourself and see the world in all of its true beauty, devoid of beliefs, devoid of expectations. Allow your world to present itself to you, do not present it to yourself from within, thank you my dear friend’

Then Liz tuned in to see what she could get...

‘I got a name Terry and I felt the presence of a red-haired boy, ginger haired, a bit like Dennis the Menace...’ 

My wife and I were talking about her uncle Terry today who died in his 50s. He had a childish character, a bit of a practical joker like Dennis the Menace and had ginger hair.

‘...but I’ve got a man with greyish hair, thinning on top. I'm seeing him with a roundish face and the hair is thin and smoothed on top, he’s reminding me of my Sunday School teacher, a very kind person but I think this is your grandfather on your mum’s side. He’s a bit fingers and thumbs today, that’s the feeling I'm getting, he’s around his greenhouse again. He wants to put gloves on, with holes, with the fingers cut out. A sense of snow coming’

Maybe just a coincidence but I wore my gloves for the first time this winter today but they don’t have holes for the fingers 

‘He’s giving me a sense of a robin, a round robin. A glass of sherry, something to warm you. A pearl earring or a pearl’

Robins and sherry are good but I can’t be sure about pearls or pearl earrings.

‘A bicycle, propped up against his greenhouse’

I remember finding an old bike propped up against the wall in his cellar which he let me have. It had an extra-large tyre on the back which I thought looked good and fitted it to my bike. I also cut off the front forks and had them welded to the front forks on my bike turning it into a ‘chopper’ bike.

‘Cabbages... reminds me of a boy I knew who had a deformed ear, a cauliflower ear. He’s saying there are some days when you’re feeling all fingers and thumbs, can’t get things quite right, fumbling, a feeling of being old, he felt that, trying to keep going, giving me a sense of himself shuffling in his carpet slippers’

‘He’s giving me a sense that he might have smoked cigarettes at some point, but he put them away in the dustbin, they deserved to go in the dustbin’

Yes, he smoked rollups, I used to be fascinated watching him roll cigarettes and he had loads of tobacco tins which he used to put odds and ends in. I can’t remember if he gave them up or not.

‘He’s polishing windows, maybe a metaphor for not clouding your vision. Seeing him inside the greenhouse cleaning the windows, they’re getting all misted up, everything’s getting misted up. He’s giving me a sense of warmth, warmth of the sun. I think he’s talking about the transition from when he was old and getting cloudy, his vision of the world was getting cloudy, impaired and it was like stepping out into the warm sunshine after a cold spell, that was what dying was like, a release into spring again, into the summer, being young again. He's saying that fear of terminal decline, getting stiffer, all fingers and thumbs with the vision clouding, it’s just part of the fading away and not to be afraid of that, not to fear that because sooner or later you step out of that, that is not an intrinsic part of you, that old age. Realise you can step out of that into the Summerland. He's showing me the bright coloured wall flowers and spring flowers, watering them. Getting a feeling of that Ford car of his again. He’s giving me the impression of planting again, new growth, new plants. I'm surprised to see him planting a new vegetable patch but it’s that feeling that if you don’t see the fruits as you decline you lose connection with the fruits of your labour. You don’t stop in the Summerland; you carry on where you left off in your prime. It's a letting go, there’s a necessary period before you die of letting go, you have to let go of the physical before you can enter into the new phase, this new field and then the work carries on, the things you really love like the car, the planting, the growing things, if that’s what you like, that’s what you do. It's like your gran is behind him with the tea towel, it’s almost like they’ve recreated their life in a way that they shared but it’s somehow got larger because the area he’s planting feels more like a field’ 

‘He's putting an image in my head of coils of rope, a sense of a boat, the coils of rope to tether it is a safety device when you set out on the sea, to make sure you can still get back to where you came from. I think that’s a fear that if you set out you might not be able to get back, you might get lost. That safety rope is a devise to keep you tethered. The coils of rope keep you tethered to the physical and they are there because of the fear of letting go, going free, risking the journey on the sea of spirit. Your grandfather is saying look at me I can come back, I passed over but I haven’t actually gone, I'm not lost’ 

‘I've got a lady, quite thin, large spectacles, dark rims. She’s got a darkish skin, slightly olive, Mediterranean feel. She was around in the 60s, maybe a little earlier. Might have been involved in spiritual work as a teacher, a piano, a waiting room like a school room or surgery. I feel this was a lady who was quite firm and strict and had clear boundaries, quite efficient but pleasant, stern but not someone to be afraid of. She could be very kind. Plum pudding. She’s got an auntie feeling about her. A dog with her, black scotty dog. I think she knew you when you were little, do you have an aunt that fits that description?’

Me... ‘No, I can’t place her at the moment’

‘Could have been a nursery teacher or an early teacher, I see toys around her but she has an auntie feeling about her, it’s almost like you were one of her little charges, maybe she treated all children like family? There’s Christmas parties, picture books, stories, things that stimulate children’s imagination. She’s showing me a particular story with a wolf in it like Little Red Riding Hood, scary stories that children have, children being magicked away and little boys with their heads chopped off, children being treated badly, wicked witches, the big bad wolf. But these are all offset by the gingerbread house, the plum pudding, the Christmas presents and the parties, all these are elements of the nursery school, the early learning. Early imagination is being fed with on the one hand the gingerbread house but the fears associated with it with the witch that tries to push the children in the oven. Hand in hand with the enchanted wood and the benevolence of Little Red Riding Hood taking goodies to her grandma is the deviousness of cunning human nature that wants to steal the life and the beauty, wants to seize it and corrupt it and take it away, wants to harm and distort. These are the elements that are built into the psyche, little children and then these are there in the world, the fairy stories prepare you for the real world where there is much good but also much evil, there are good intentions and bad intentions. I'm just seeing the word discernment, as you grow up you discern true intention to steer your course. But there’s always the fairy godmother. It's like Hansel and Gretel where they’re sensible and they have a coloured string so they can retrace their path so that they know where they are. Safety devises, knowing that you can outwit the evil intent when you recognise it but the real danger is in not recognising. And that was a teaching that there were so many strategies for overcoming the negative pull of the dark side, recognising it for what it is, like the wolf dressed up in the grandmother’s clothing has bad intention and so you are able to take action then and there is always help once you recognise. Red Riding Hood called for the woodcutter who rescued her from the wolf. Knowing that you can call on your guardian angel, your fairy godmother, your genie, your Jesus, your healer for help in every situation where you recognise there’s something not right, something wrong, some danger that you can solicit this help. The pathway for overcoming fears is actually written into that early learning but children often remember just the scary bits’ 

‘This lady keeps showing me herself at a piano, a keyboard. Corn or cornfield. Seeing a playground with games children used to play, hopscotch. She was connected with early schooling; she wants me to say the word joy, a joy in teaching those malleable minds. Feeding the sparrows. She looks like the mother of the Wooden Tops, showing me a train journey, I think she moved away, she was relatively young. I'm asking her to give me something you would definitely recognise and I get the word gloria, a word you sing in hymns and Christmas songs. She’s giving me a sense of a purring cat, a ginger and white cat. A school playground. She could even have been a dinner lady. I feel her blowing a whistle. Getting a sense of wrapping something up in cellophane, not like the clingfilm we have now but actual cellophane, slightly stiffer, I feel it’s sandwiches. She's reminding me of a lady who helped out with adults with learning disabilities, can’t remember if her name was Diane’

I still can’t place this lady. It doesn’t help that I can’t remember any teachers from my early years at school.

‘I'm sensing your father is around, I’m getting Father Christmas. A sense of yule log and advent calendars. He’s got an axe like a wood chopper. Do you have an open fire?’

Me... ‘No, we don’t’

‘I'm associating chopping wood with an open fire, he’s in a wood chopping small trees. Getting a sensation of corrugated iron, he’s got boots on, tramping around in a muddy patch. Drinking a glass of milk, I associate that with calcium. I'm asking why he’s drinking a glass of milk, it’s to do with bone building, maintaining strength, getting the right mineral balance, it’s cow’s milk, cows you milk by hand, an organic source. He’s got an accordion, a keyboard out. He’s gallivanting, singing and music is good for you, to do with expression, expressing. Let your voice free and rejoice. You can play the Christmas carols, the Holly and the Ivy’ 

‘I'm seeing candle sticks. Have you got candle sticks that belonged to your mum or dad?’

Me... ‘No’

‘Is Brenda alone for Christmas?’

Me... ‘We’ll be going round there’

‘Light a candle for him, and sing the Holly and the Ivy with Brenda and he’ll be joining in with you, have a little festival’

‘I'm seeing a Christmas tree with the number 4 on it. That’s the number of this house. Maybe this place is important? Yes, this is the place he made his presence felt in one of our séances. It's a large number 4 in silver. In his Father Christmas guise, he’s got this bag of presents, he’s got lots of goodies in store for us’

‘Just got a sense of Roy Rogers something you can connect with him, cowboy westerns’

Yes, dad was a great fan of Clint Eastwood. We have his DVD with all the Clint Eastward cowboy westerns and recently watched them all.

‘He’s taking me to the sacred, reminding me of my tradition, the Mezuzah, the things you put outside your house in the Jewish tradition, to remind you of God and Spirit, the Jewish prayer in the Shema. It's like it’s on the gate post of this house, number 4. It’s a place for spirit, a place that’s dedicated. He’s giving me tram lines again, interconnecting journeys, pathways, travel lines but with the signals and points you can divert the tracks one with the other, they all interconnect. Not sure if he’s being the signal man or the line switcher. We have to learn to be able to switch and that’s the secret of mediumship, you make this transition so you can share somebody else's journey and then switch back, change tracks’

‘He just gave me the word twiggy’

Not sure why he’s saying twiggy

‘He's dressing up as a magician now, he’s in a velvet gown, deep purple with a wizard’s hat on with the stars and moon, pointy hat and magic wand. Reminds me of the throws in our séance room and the conical hat is like the séance trumpet, the cone. I think he’s going to help us with physical mediumship, I think that’s what he’s showing in his bag of goodies, that’s what he wants to do, Travis and others are in on this. We've got to learn more to switch tracks, to facilitate that and the fear behind not doing that is that you won’t be able to get back on the right track or back to where we were. It could be taking us on a wild goose chase but there’s a controller of that switching mechanism. That’s having the trust in the spirit help we have to help us to get the connection and stay on that track for as long as it takes and then switch us back. Ha, ha, he’s giving us a Cadburys milk chocolate as a little treat, it’s like when you give dogs treats for performing tricks correctly, it’s his reward. He’s putting me in a silver chair, got that silver again, there’s silver behind all of this. Maybe it’s our spirit group, I'm seeing tree tops, maybe it’s time to say goodbye now’

‘Got the word Villiers, and he’s left me with that. And now a tractor’

I associate Villiers with old engines. When I was younger dad used to take me to vintage transport fairs where we would see Villiers tractors and stationary engines.

Liz thanked everyone for coming and did the closing, sending out healing and our closing down exercise... 

225th Sitting 26/11/2020

We had another Thursday afternoon Zoom meetup.

Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG

Liz did the opening prayer and then I sat first.

After a couple of minutes I started to be controlled and the communication began...

‘There are many levels of understanding, many ways to understand each piece of information that is presented to you. The world is a place full of information and beyond that world information comes in vast quantities. For you are supported, you are fed by a larger information system that has created you, that has formed you, that has given you the environment in which to play your part. Nothing is further from your mind than the greater reality, the larger information system that surrounds you, for this supports your every thought. You as an individual are adding to your own thoughts but they start, they begin, they are born in that larger information system. You use words to clothe your thoughts, words that are insufficient in projecting that meaning. The information that is given to you does not come in words, it comes in a knowing energy, a recognisable energy that fits you like a glove. For you were born into that energy and you have grown up and shaped that energy in your own unique way creating an individual character that has a life in a physical reality. That individual character continues to live beyond the physical reality but from that character a new character will grow, will branch out and begin a new life. Many lives build up a supporting energy, something which holds you together. All of your lives have been lived and have been recorded but the important part of those lives, the growth that was achieved, has added up, has created the energy that supports you, for that energy changes life after life and it is you who is creating that energy by the way you live, by the way you react to the life that you live, situations that are drawn towards you and the experiences that you have. Nothing is lost, everything is recorded for without that recording you would cease to exist, for that recording is a history thread that takes you back to your roots. Pull up those roots and you will be no more, but those roots are firmly embedded and will live on like life itself, continually changing, continually evolving and together all of life will develop into so much more. You as an individual need not worry for you have done this before and you will do it many more times. Just live your life, enjoy your life, try to bring happiness to the lives of others and you will see how beneficial life is to you and to all who you meet. There is no need to look back, for the fruits of your labours lay ahead and will be discovered when the time is right... thank you, thank you my friend’

I soon felt back with it, then Liz tuned in to see what would come through...

‘Got a name Phillip and cartoon characters... I think it’s your dad coming around but he’s reminding me of Prince Phillip. He’s looking older with white hair. He's giving me a sense of Egypt, looking at the Sphinx or one of those large entries into a tomb, a very narrow crack, that’s the connection with royalty. Getting this feeling that every man is a king at that point, the same as the old pharaohs going through that crack, that open doorway. It's just you, ruler of the world, you can change things at will. A black cat, now that’s changed into a little puppy dog with a collar. It's like preparing a magic show, you can do anything. Got Miss Pink or Miss Pinkie, a puppet in a TV show, Miss Piggy. A set of dominos, one looks like a three but it’s a double six’

My dad had many magic tricks and I seem to recall one that had an Egyptian theme with camels and pyramids. I’m pretty sure he would have had a Miss Piggy too that he used in his children’s shows when the Muppet Show was popular on TV. He seems to be describing his experience of dying and entering the spirit world, likening it to entering an Egyptian tomb and being able to do real magic now without the use of tricks.

‘Friends Meeting House’

This has a connection with my dad’s mum. 

‘I’m feeling him behind the wheel of a car, taking me to a nature reserve, birds nesting, windmill, he’s got his binoculars out, scanning the skies, lots of crows or rooks, that’s where he felt most at peace, his reservoir, the reservoir’

This sounds more like me than my dad as I often drive to Arlington reservoir with my wife and we see lots of birds and have talked about getting some binoculars. We find it to be a peaceful place. There isn’t a windmill there but that is the name of my road.

‘Image of silk stockings, somebody putting a silk stocking on their leg, pulling a stocking up’

For the last year of his life my dad had to wear surgical stockings.

‘You can go from one transition to another and now I’m feeling him in his boiler suit doing his man’s job, fiddling with taps and nuts, machine parts and spanners. He’s showing me all these different people, facets of himself. Back to the archway, when you go through that door you can be a king, it’s like you’ve got a free platform, entering a transition stage where anything is possible and the art is to control it so it doesn’t control you, you get some handle on it. The black cat and the little black dog with a red collar are with him. He wants to connect because he wants to let us know, it’s the most important revelation, how close he was to reality as a magician but this is like the real thing. He’s reminding me of the stepping out of the box and that’s what it is, stepping out of the box, the box of the normal constraints and beliefs and it’s a bit overwhelming, a bit scary because of the potential. It's like you have to know, to reassure you but also to assure you. He’s connecting me to my image of Rupert Bear who went on these magical adventures with his little Chinese friend’

I think he’s talking about being in the spirit world again.

‘Taking me back to the reservoir, the trees and the birds, the stillness and that was the place of observation and contemplation. Furrowed fields, ploughed, the seeds are there but they haven’t grown yet, they are all around. The farmer with his seed, sowing and the trusting, he almost has a certainty that the seed will grow, develop into a full plant. The preparing of the ground was the important thing, that fallow field resting, the soil is good and brown, a good earth connection. He’s saying I am the farmer sowing the seed, he’s in his blue boiler suit driving a tractor, there’s no magic wand about it. He’s showing me the telegraph wires, wire network, communication wires over the field where the seeds are being sown. The communication of the fruits when they are ripe, the communication of the process, it’s a learning process. We are communicating the whole process not just the end result and it’s important to know how it’s done, where it starts, the whole process. If you think of just scattering seeds without preparing the ground and think it’s that easy you won’t get very far. They are saying none of it is wasted, none of what we are doing is wasted. It's not easy, it’s labour, it’s work and effort. But that field that is perfectly prepared and fertile, the farmer can have, or we can have confidence in what we wish for, the fruits of this labour will develop, will grow to full fruition. He’s put a scarecrow in the field to keep the crows away, Worzel Gummidge. He’s just leaning out of the tractor’s window looking with satisfaction. He’s showing me a money box like a red tin post box, saying it’s important to put a portion of your wealth, your money aside to save up for this work. It's like an investment, this work, this labour, it’s a labour of love for something you want, and you’ve been doing that and he’s urging you to keep putting the pennies in. There’s a tendency to spend it on sweets but spend it on notebooks, serious stuff. He’s put on a schoolmaster's coat with a mortarboard, he does like buffooning around a bit. I'm feeling that once he went through that crack, he’s got free licence to play all these parts, these roles’

I think this week he wants to be more philosophical and his humour is coming through.

‘Now I'm getting a daisy so I feel Travis is behind the scenes somewhere. With Travis I’ve got galloping horses contrasted with talcum powder. Getting the words Christian leanings from Travis’

Travis was connected with the church before he became interested in mediumship.

‘It’s strange but I got an image behind that flashed, and I recognised it, of Sophie’s mum, I must contact Sophie, I hope she’s alright but she just flashed onto the screen. I know her dad is on the other side. I wonder if Nevil is wanting to contact Roberta? I've got a big letter H, a riding jump. I'll ask for healing’

Afterwards Liz phoned Sophie and asked her if her mother (Roberta) had been ill. Sofie said that she had had an accident. She fell and broke her shoulder blade, and it wasn't diagnosed correctly for three weeks, and she was just given a sling. She ended up having to have an operation, and it was all very traumatic. She reacted badly to the morphine, and the nurses thought she had dementia, and put her in a dementia ward. She is only just recovering from it all.

‘Something to do with a frogman’

Frogmen connect Liz to an accident, I’ll let her explain...

The frogman I recognised as connected with a Mercury Experiment session (4.4.19) where I picked up the cantilever Bridge engineer warning about a bridge collapse, with a speedboat crashing into it, and men in frogmen like outfits in the water. Four days later there was a news item in the Metro (8.4.19) about a bridge collapse in Brazil, with a boat crashing into it, and people and cars falling into the river, and frogmen searching for bodies. I have all the news cuttings from it, and the original transcript of the session. Very evidential. So, I connected Frogman image in my mind with an accident. I talked about the collapsed bridge connection with frogmen at the end of my reading, as we were chatting, and I was still partly connected to spirit. And that made me think of an accident. Although I didn't say it at the time, I wondered if maybe there had been a car crash or accident of some nature, in which Roberta was involved. But it was interesting the roundabout way that 'spirit' had of getting that info into my mind via the frogman connection. This is interesting because it shows that in my mediumship my intellectual mind or cortex is still operating at a super-conscious level and recognising and unravelling the images and messages. It's rather a tortuous process. It is as if spirit is sifting through my memory banks and mind for congruent images to communicate their meaning. Why such a devious route is used when the word 'accident' would have been so much easier. But I quickly connected 'frogman' to accident. Which is why I was amazed when I learnt that Roberta did suffer an accident. It was very confirmatory for me that spirit was communicating via my mind. Also, that accident was a fall, and the frogmen were in the river because people had 'fallen' off the bridge. 

Liz thanked everyone for coming and making themselves felt.

She did the healing exercise and our closing down exercise...

224th Sitting 19/11/2020

We had another Thursday afternoon Zoom meetup.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did an opening prayer.

This week we did it the other way round so I sat first. 

After about two minutes felt myself being controlled and the communication started...

‘It is always a great opportunity for us and for you to blend with that what you feel is beyond your touch and yet we form a part of you. You as a singularity are connected to so much more. There is nothing that you cannot reach, only your own beliefs hold you back. Begin each day with a clean sheet of paper, imagine that what you plan to do throughout that day, imagine writing on that piece of paper that what you see ahead of you throughout that day. Ask yourself what more can I do, how can I achieve that what I have planned in a more positive way, a more loving way, in a way that will raise the vibration of your world, of yourself, of all those who you will meet for you are each day playing your part in raising the vibration of human existence. You all are playing that part. Once you understand that that is what you are doing you will begin to develop a daily thought. At the beginning of each day, you will recognise the opportunities ahead of you, see in those opportunities more opportunities for growth, for development, for raising that vibration. There will be situations beyond your control, situations that are not within that plan and yet they too bring with them opportunities. You are learning and you are teaching. Those around you can feel the positivity in your thoughts. They are affected by you and you are affected by them but your choice is to be affected in a positive or negative way. Keep your mind in a positive frame and you achieve so much more. You will be that positive spark that creates more positivity throughout your world. You think of yourself as one small individual human being in a vast world and yet if you could see the connections, if you could feel the thoughts that are picked up by those who share your world, you will see that every thought you have has its impact on your world’

‘It is easy to see situations as being negative, it is difficult to see the positivity, and yet as you concentrate on finding that positivity in the gravest of situations you will develop within yourself a greater ability to see the positivity in all things’ 

‘A simple smile is a useful tool in the spreading of positivity. When you see someone smile you see the true person within trying to get out, trying to reach you, trying to touch you. You all share that urge to make life better and yet the easy option of taking the negative route is always there to tempt. Be strong, be positive and see the fruits of your endeavours grow, see them blossom, see them develop in those who you meet. Life can be so simple when viewed with positive eyes. The negativities of your world are always there and will always confuse you. Simplify your life with a smile and slowly you will see how simple life can be... Thank you’

I felt back with it after about 30 seconds then Liz tuned in to see what she could get...

‘I think I've got your gran, your mother’s mother... hair curlers... making brandy snaps, she liked doing things in the kitchen, making sweet things, things that would tickle your palate, that was her way of showing how welcome you were’

Good description of my mum’s mum.

‘A goldfish bowl, pond dipping’

As a boy I used to go pond dipping in Bexhill park and caught a few minnows which I put in a fish bowl.

‘She’s feeling a little bit shy, wants to straighten her dress. I feel she fussed over things, wasn’t secure in her image of herself, fussed over her appearance and presenting herself right. She’s holding my hands saying it’s alright I just have to say these things’

That sounds like her.

‘Spring bulbs, planting... fennel, root vegetable... She wasn’t very good with identity, self-identity, didn’t really know who she was... the image of the glass half full or half empty... her life was confined by domesticity so didn’t have a chance to find herself, there was an artist inside her, she would have liked to paint, to draw plants’

She was a very domestic person.

‘She liked what was said earlier as she did have appreciation for the little things in life, the simple pleasures. She spent a lot of time with napkins and teacloths and ironing but neglected to find out who she really was. She was a positive person, a lot of love there but she over fussed and didn’t quite let it flow out freely, she got side tracked with appearances, image, presenting herself in a certain way. She would have liked to be more cuddles and fun but her way of showing it was to keep things neat and tidy and to make nice cakes’

This also sounds like her, simple pleasures, always ironing, napkins on the table, house always neat and tidy and she did make nice cakes.

‘Grandad her husband was the larger character, she just felt like the housekeeper, the little woman. She was unable to show her real self but she’s finding that now, she’s able to flower now, there isn’t the need to preserve appearances, there aren’t any appearances to preserve. It's like she was a blank canvas, she hadn’t allowed that canvas to be filled. She’s talking about love, the expression of love’

Yes, grandad was the larger character always clowning around whereas she was more serious and quieter.

‘She’s giving me the image of salt and pepper. I guess the significance of salt and pepper is you use it to give the food more flavour, to bring out more flavour. They're the little enrichments in your life that can help you to bring out your inner gifts, the real person inside you, the full flavour of yourself. I think that’s what she wants to say to you, the spice, the condiments, adding those little things to your life helps to bring out the flavour. That's why she liked making sweet cakes, she used the sugar, the sweetness to give that extra sweetening, that was her way. Flapjacks, gingerbread men’

This is interesting as the image of salt and pepper that she gave Liz brings back a memory to me of when she used to cook dinners for somebody who then smothered them in salt and pepper. This used to annoy her having spent a lot of time cooking the dinner as she felt it had ruined the flavour. Whereas Liz has put her own interpretation on the salt and pepper as giving the food more flavour which is just the opposite. This shows the importance of just giving what you get and not putting your own interpretation to it.

‘I’m smelling stewed fruit cooking, stewing apples’

She made nice apple pies with little chimneys in the middle letting the aroma out.

‘She’s giving me a feeling that she was in hospital. It was like a wakeup call, a positive experience. She was out of the home and venerable and people were still kind to her, looking after her, still acknowledged her as a person, she didn’t have her hair permed or any appearance to keep up. It was a sense of relief, she was surprised. She was in a ward at some point but might have been in a room of her own, no sure what she’s showing me’

I don’t recall her being in hospital but she did end her days in a care home and I think this may be what she is trying to get through.

‘A sense of breathing, oxygen... she had an operation’

I don’t recall this.

‘It was nice to have someone else cooking for her... there was a problem with food’

I don’t know about a problem with food.

‘I’m not getting a bad feeling about being in hospital for some reason, she felt cared for, let off the hook. She's watching herself in the bed, it’s like she walked away, she left that person there, a sense of kindness stayed with her, people helped her to walk away. She was surprised that it didn’t seem to matter, that she didn’t feel bad’

She had dementia in the care home and quite possibly left her body which seems to be what is described here.

‘She’s giving me the feeling that she left your grandfather, I don’t know if I've got this correctly. I can almost see him at the bed with her but it’s like she’s walking away. It's like when she went, she went of her own free will. I can’t really tell but I feel she died before him and that he was still there but I have that brown feeling next to her bed of somebody there’

Grandad died first but when in her dementia state she could have seen him at her bedside.

‘She’s giving me an image associated with her, of an elderly lady who had cataracts and had a rather difficult relationship with her son-in-law, she’s reminding me of the grandma in the Royle Family TV show. She's giving me the feeling of angels, an angelic feeling and a connection with chrysanthemums’

Not sure who this elderly lady is? My mum loved chrysanthemums and maybe she did too.

‘She had an intestinal problem at the end’

I don’t know about this.

‘All she wants to do is send lots of love. It's like she’s trying to help me to receive what she wants to say but I don’t know if I've given her information correctly but there’s a level... almost like images of the snow in The Snow Queen, like in Walt Disney films, all the fairy tales of angels and Christmas wonders. I think she’s just trying to give me the feeling she’s in a wonderland now, it’s what she’s stepped into, like the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe, a whole new experiential realm. It's hard for her to describe the peace and happiness and wonderment’

‘She’s taking me back to the hospital, she was able to just float away but at the end she wasn’t quite there, she’d already gone. She saw herself and she saw people there and she was surprised that she didn’t feel guilty at leaving but she didn’t and it was just such an easy experience’

This again I think is the care home and her ability to leave her body due to the dementia.

‘Something about food at the hospital, she appreciated being cooked for and what was there but she couldn’t eat, she had a problem with her digestive system at that point. I saw the fennel earlier; fennel is very good for digestion’

Again, not sure about her health or what caused her to die.

‘I’ll say thank you very much, thank you for being there... It felt like she was holding my hands and saying be patient, not to try and say things, it was me that was getting in the way, but she just wants to convey to you this strong feeling of peace and love, it’s like it’s been liberated, something inside her that she couldn’t feel completely because she was too concerned with the outside appearances but now it’s like that’s all come to the forefront and it’s like being a piece of satin or silver, just clear water, and it’s just all the love, the peace and the good feeling and she just wants a metaphorical hug for you. A lot of kindness there, a lot of sweetness. I’m getting the feeling your grandad is there, behind her, letting her have her say’

‘She’s giving me the image of an old black and white checked coat, a woollen winter coat, tweed, something she wore, she’s wrapping it around herself... and the image again of rust-coloured chrysanthemums, golden russet coloured, large bunches, in connection with the funeral’

Liz thanked her for coming and sent her love.

Liz then sent out healing and our closing down exercise.

Afterwards I sent Liz this photo and she confirmed the coat was how she saw it although she had seen the black and white pattern larger and more pronounced. When she enlarged the image, she could see it the same but a smaller tweed pattern...

223rd Sitting 12/11/2020

We had another Thursday afternoon Zoom meetup.

Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

After doing the opening prayer Liz tuned in to see what she could get for me...

‘I’ve got somebody coming forward who says he’s a school master, thin wavy dark hair, a crumpled look about him, wearing a crumpled mac, his face is slightly asymmetric, pale skin. He’s showing me a globe, he taught geography, he was a smoker, exercise books and maps. He was a secondary school teacher’

I recognise this person from the description and he was a favourite teacher of mine at secondary school. I can’t remember if he was a smoker or not.

I asked Liz if she could get a name.

‘I get a letter D, Donald or Donaldson or Drew. He reminds me of someone I knew called Mick, an Irish statistician’

This is very interesting and shows how hard spirit try to get something evidential through as Liz first gets the letter D which is correct, then she says three names which are incorrect. But then it’s as if spirit is trying hard to correct her and gives her someone called Mick. And if you replace M with the letter D you get Dick which is correct. At the time I thought Liz was totally wrong as I only knew him as Mr Rumsby but have since found out his first name was Dick.

‘He’s got a wedding ring on his finger. He gives me a feeling of rain and going out, a school van. Pickled onions’

Don’t know if he was married or not but do remember going on school trips. Not sure about pickled onions.

‘The feeling of the world being your oyster was very important to him, important to extend your knowledge of the world, the greater world, a sense of place, where we are’

I guess this would be true as he was a geography teacher.

‘Cutlery, knives and forks and spoons. An old piano. A Christmas party, old school hall, decorations’

This could be a reference to a school reunion I went to about 15 years ago held in an old school hall and he was there.

‘He tried to make an effort to make school an enjoyable experience, create interest and fun. He wasn’t incredibly fit, in his 50s or late 40s, struggling with his health, to do with his smoking. He would have liked to have been able to extend his student’s interests beyond the immediate environment to other countries, particularly Africa, the Amazon, tropical rain forests, exotic places but he wasn’t a very exotic person. Image of a giraffe, long neck, sense of reaching up to something a bit beyond, the tree just out of reach, evolutionary possibilities. He didn’t live much beyond his 60s’

He would have been in his 70s when I saw him at the reunion and in his 40s when I was at school. Not sure about the state of his health. 

‘He’s showing me a lady, Mrs Murry, connected with the school and with him, maybe his wife. Short hair, greyish white, a pleasant face, plumper than he is, dressed simply but quite nicely, a blue dress. She plays the piano. School dinners. A sunshine feeling about her, had a nice speaking voice’

Can’t place Mrs Murry.

‘He was dehydrated, needed water but he is showing me such lush tropical forests and exotic places and his message for you is he is wanting to give you that colour in your life, to create that importance of exploration, the exotic, beyond your normal boundaries, to explore, step out of the humdrum. Like a television turning from black and white to colour. His life had lost the colour, he’d become quite desiccated. The lady he was showing me had become the ray of sunshine in his life, transformed his life from the grey to this pageant of colour but as you would recognise him he was this more desiccated teacher but who had in his spirit a desire to share the world, to share good things’

I’ve been watching a lot of Michael Palin travel programmes recently and it’s been in my mind how interesting some of the places are and the people who live there and the possibility of travelling to some of them which kind of ties up with his message.

‘He’s giving me the image of a tinder box, wish fulfilling, a rubber band’

‘The name Coulson’

Can’t place Coulson.

‘That wonderful possibility of being able to visit any of these wonderful places on the surface of the Earth, explore all these new vistas and environments. Seeing monkeys swinging in the trees, cheetahs, giraffes. The things you are able to do at school are very limiting. The use of the imagination to take you beyond your normal environment is so important especially if your financial situation doesn’t allow you to travel. What it’s like for him now is more like dreams. Once a teacher, always a teacher. He's got a drawing board with little flags on it, you put a flag in a place and you wish to be there and you can be there, there isn’t any distance. It's just like on a computer, you click on a tab and open up the icon and you’re there experiencing it as a full reality. It’s like a virtual reality game but it’s as real as anything. At school you look at maps, learn facts and it’s two dimensional, but what if you can actually be there, experiential learning, multidimensional. It's like stepping through the book, stepping through the icon into the full reality. It's the limitations of our learning system, where we don’t use the imagination enough. David Attenborough brings those worlds close to people, into our living rooms’

This could be referring to my ongoing meditations and developing the ability to travel to other realities.

‘The lady in the blue dress, I'm seeing her more clearly, she looks like my mum. She’s telling me it’s Andy, somebody I know who’s just died’

‘I’m getting chess board, your dad’s there, blue overalls, work outfit, plumbing tools, spanners. A cat in a bag. Your dad with a sparkler, a bit like a magic wand but a firework’

Yes dad worked on washing machines. The cat in a bag could have been a glove puppet used in his children’s shows and I remember him enjoying indoor fireworks particularly sparklers.

‘He's got your grandma with him, an older lady with white hair, shoulder length with a fringe, quite thick, in her 60s or 70s. Your father’s mother. She’s got quite a characterful face, skin wrinkled and tanned, she’s been in the sun. A feeling of a younger person about her, vitality’ 

This describes my dad’s mother very well.

‘She's trying to take the overalls off your dad, she would have liked him to have made more of himself, was worth more than that job. A feeling of birds in cages. She's fussing over him’ 

I think this would be true. Not sure about the birds in cages unless it’s a metaphor for being stuck in the same job.

‘A stuffed animal with horns on a wall like a trophy. A bowl of grapes, fruit is good for you’

She wouldn’t have had a stuffed animal on a wall. Don’t know about grapes but she grew a lot of gooseberries. 

‘Your little car was a present from her, she’s showing me a little car. She would have appreciated quite grand cars. A sense of spaghetti connected with cars somehow, an Italian car, a Maserati sports car’

I did have the feeling that she was with me when I bought my car a couple of years ago, I felt she was encouraging me to buy it. It’s the same make, model and colour as one she had in the 50s except that mine is modified with a more powerful engine. Maybe she was trying to get this through about it being more powerful and Liz interpreted it as a Maserati sports car.

‘She seeded the interest of motor mechanics in you, cars, because she had an interest in cars’ 

This is true, she had an old Ford Popular which I loved going out in and I remember finding a stack of old Car Mechanics magazines in a room at the top of her house and brought them home. I still have them.

‘Her home was her castle, she’s got an ancestry in her, a person of prominence. A crenelated castle, can almost see her in other centuries as the lady of the castle. Strange animals, see an animal like a pig, exotic pet. Swords in tabards. Sandy places like Camber Sands’ 

Yes, she actually designed her house and had it built in the 30s. She always had pets but just dogs and cats. She enjoyed the beach and probably went to Camber Sands many times.

‘She must have driven herself; I can feel her behind the wheel, she would have liked to do racing, quite a character’

Yes, she loved driving and drove her own cars from the 1930s to the 1970s. Her husband didn’t drive.

‘She loved her boys and wanted the best for them and would have liked your dad to make more of himself, she knew he had a lot of potential but limited himself with his humdrum job’

She had three children, all boys.

‘She’s really interested in your car and would like to see you do more with it, it’s a collector's market. She’s out there on the racetracks with you waving her flag. Brambles, blackberry brambles, a memory. I see her in a car with a headscarf around her head, she loved that feeling, would have loved an open car, she wants you to have an open car and she’ll be sitting next to you. She was a bit of an adrenalin junky or would have been if her life had permitted her to be that. She showed her stamp in all sorts of original ways, she wasn’t humdrum, see her in bangles and heavy jewellery, making herself look interesting, smart, the lady of the castle. She’s spending a lot of time with your dad now, taken those old overalls off him and approving of him wanting to be a real magician now. Your gran or your dad is tossing a ball, doing football tricks, rolling it up their arms and legs, doing clever things with a ball. They are holding up a large multicoloured golf umbrella over their heads. Looking like Mary Poppins because they can do that now’

This all describes my gran very well and I remember picking blackberries with her.

Liz thanked all those who had been with her and for the messages and information they brought through.

Then it was my turn.

It took a bit longer than usual for me to be controlled but after about five minutes the communication began...

‘Each pathway you take... There is always a goal that you work towards, each pathway you walk down you are experiencing new feelings, new ideas. You are gathering experience, building up experience and you are learning. There is always much to be learnt from each experience. Try to understand that you have the ability to learn and to become something more, something larger, more encompassing. Allow your mind to wander, do not restrict yourself to old ideas. Allow yourself to stray from your comfort zone. Do not be afraid of mistakes for mistakes are there to help you, to shape you, to bring you more into focus with a truer picture. Allow those mistakes to become part of your experience and develop a true connection with yourself and with those around you, those that help you, those that you can feel and those you listen to. Watch for differences in your life, take note of unusual events, unusual experiences. These are presented to you to help you’

‘The most important part of each day is the beginning. Set yourself a task each day. Live your life achieving that task. You can always repeat experiences day by day but real learning is to step out of yourself, try something new, allow your mind to wander’

I then came back. 

It had felt to me as if I hadn’t got a very strong connection during the communication this week. 

Liz then sent out healing and we did our closing down exercise...

222nd Sitting 05/11/2020

We had another Zoom meeting from our homes.

Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

At 2pm Liz did an opening prayer then started to tune in.

This is what came through plus my notes that I did afterwards...

‘Grandfather feeling, coming forward, green fingers, a brick wall, the bottom part of a greenhouse, I can almost see his face, he’s smiling... He’s giving me a sense of a dark blue velvet bag which is reminding me of the bag I used to have with a very old computer inside... he’s drawing my attention to a computer, hard drive’

This is very evidential as I recently found a picture on my computer and I wasn’t 100% sure it was grandad as he wasn’t looking at the camera and I could only just see his face. He is in front of a greenhouse which had a brick wall as the bottom part. I think Liz saw this picture as she said she could almost see his face.

‘False teeth, chattering, talking about chatter, a chatterbox... Image of Tinkerbell above his head with a magic wand, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, the story of when the father was in the dog kennel, the dog was the nanny’

I’m not 100% sure but I think I remember grandad having false teeth and taking them out sometimes for a laugh with my brother and I. We never called his wife ‘gran’ but called her ‘nan’ and I wonder if that is why Liz got the story of the dog who was the nanny.

‘Something about fish... ornamental fish, gold fish in a pond’

They had several display cabinets with a fish in them on the walls.

‘He’s stirring up a stew, stirring up a hornet’s nest. He's putting the words in my mind, take a long hard look, a piece of cheese on a cheese board with holes in it, cut into slices, something to do with nutrition, hard cheese being portioned’

Not sure about this but it could be a referring to how much cheese we eat. My wife only allows us to eat a small portion of cheese each week as she believes it's not good for us to eat too much.


Still can’t place Sophie.

‘People in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones. He’s doing a lot of pottering, he liked pottering. He also liked washing his car, looking after his car and you do, he’s with you there’

This is all true.

‘Gnomes in the garden, like Big Ears, Noddy and Big Ears, he’s laughing. He’s holding a dish cloth, says it’s time for a cuppa tea’

Not sure about this.

‘A large dustcart... take hold of the reigns, don’t let the world dismiss you, the dustcart is taking away all the garbage, all the rubbish, you can get rid of it all but you stand firm, keep hold of what you value, get rid of all the things that aren't valuable to you. He’s showing me an ornament of a wise owl, wisdom, hold fast to that, your own inner wisdom’

‘Black and white chess set, I think it’s your dad again, somebody bigger, got dark hair, showing himself younger. Wearing a dark winter woollen coat with a collar, driving a flock of geese. Goosey Goosey Gander...’

This all applies to dad apart from the geese.

‘He’s showing me lavender, the colour of lavender’

This reminds me of a holiday in Scotland when dad picked some purple heather and attached it to the grille of the car. It lasted for many weeks afterwards.

‘Sadie again, small and plump, not very well, stiff in the joints, connected with your mother. Holland, Dutch connection’

Still not ringing a bell.

‘Brown... brown leather gloves, driving gloves. Brown leather shoes, brown leather buttons’

Not sure about this unless dad is trying to get through my old brown leather school bag which was recently found at dad’s house and I brought it home.

‘An omelette. A parrot, pretty Polly. He’s saying if I knew what to say I'd say it. A piano, he was better with music than speaking’

I recon this could be pancake not omelette as dad was a dab hand at making and tossing pancakes. Interestingly all the other things mentioned begin with the letter P as in pancake.

‘Carpet-baggers, golf bag’

Not sure about this.

‘Beatles song about a hole in the roof, Hey Jude... Father Christmas and a sledge, he wants to sing Christmas songs, a Magical Mystery Tour, an Aladdin’s Cave, Jeanie, he wants to be a Wizard, he wants to do real magic, wish fulfilling magic. He’s showing me a chicken wishbone’

We always used to pull the wishbone when we had chicken for dinner

‘I asked what would he wish for and he said Celia’

Celia is his brother’s wife.

‘Tinderbox, the soldier and the tinderbox, a wish fulfilling thing that leads him to the beautiful princess. The tail shouldn’t wag the dog, the dog should wag the tail’

‘A gravel path with stones, pebbles either side of it, garden path, the pebbles are making me think of Easter eggs’

The path to the garage had gravel through the middle as well as concrete with large pebbles sunk into it, some of which were the size and shape of Easter eggs.

‘Someone in a mackintosh with a sou’wester, black’

I used to wear this when doing my paper round in the rain.

‘Old locomotive train, one of the old steam engines, a special sort of green with some gold’

My brother’s hobby is steam engines.

‘He says he’s got you in his sights’

‘Birds' nests with an emotional feeling, an empty nest... I want to put blue blackbird eggs in the nest’

This could be the seagull nest mentioned last week but not sure about the blackbird eggs.

‘He’s showing me rail tracks and tram lines and they’re all crossing, like a confluence, a lot of things coming together, like coming into a big station, lines from all different places. He says it’s very difficult to navigate, so much information coming from all different directions, difficult to keep on track. You have to be a bit of a genie to get the hang of it, he’s giving me an image of a tangled ball of wool’

Liz asked him to step back a little bit as he was giving her too much energy.

‘He’s giving me the Diamond, the Diamond is helping him... green, green grasses, emerald... he so much wants to help, he wants to be part of this, it’s like the real magic. He got a feeling of it when he was here but he didn’t think it was possible’

He shared a very emotional psychic experience with someone about 10 years ago.

‘There’s a lot of emotion there and he’s making me feel like crying...’

Liz was now getting very emotional.

‘...a lot of suppressed emotion, he can’t tell you how much he loves you, he couldn’t tell you, not in so many words, but he wants you to know and that’s why he really wants to be part of this. Because he feels he didn’t support you in quite the way that he could have done if he’d have realised but his belief system blocked him. But now he knows it’s true there’s nothing stopping him now, he’s been hovering around me, trying to get this message through to you. He's got help now from our dear old Travis and the group; he knew it was important for you. And Sadie is important somehow... Got the name Sigourney Weaver’

This describes dad very well.

Liz thanked our friends. She had found the energy overpowering and took a while come back with it. 

Then it was my turn and after a few minutes I was controlled and the communication began...

‘The mind is so powerful that it will penetrate into all that surrounds you, that you feel surrounds you for you are building up a bridge, building many bridges, many forms of connection that will help you to deliver a true message, a true feeling, a true emotion. The strength of that connection can be adjusted. You have the power within yourself to adjust the strength, adjust the power. An emotion can bring with it a form of energy that can disorientate your thinking. You have allowed yourself to reach out, you have allowed yourself to accept information from a higher source, a higher energy. You yourself may not be aware of the strength of that energy until you feel that energy, until you feel the effect of that energy on yourself. Learn to recognise that energy. Learn to prepare yourself to receive that energy without distraction. Do this and the words will flow through you. You need to develop a form of turning off your mind to that what you are familiar with. Feel yourself raising above yourself, entering into areas as yet unseen by you, unfelt by you, a new experience which with practice will become familiar to you, comfortable to you, you will fit like a glove. Your mind will stay focused in that energy and you will bring forward more interesting information’ 

‘Development is a slow process, occasionally you will experience advanced forms of mediumship. Experience this and allow it to bring you more into focus with solid evidence. Inside of you are many developing possibilities, you have to choose whether to allow the strength of your mediumship to grow. All development is governed by your own choice and as you experience more, those choices will be easier to make. You will feel the differences as new situations will be brought forward into your mind. You will begin to see more, you will begin to feel more and you will join in with a shared experience, a shared emotion’

‘You are already connected to all things and yet your mind holds on to your individuality. Use experience to help you, to help you to grow, to reach out and touch the hearts of all who are working with you for they are connected to your heart and they draw from your energy. And they link themselves to you forming one evolving energy able to transmit and receive. The physical world provides many opportunities to learn and yet there is always more, there is always further understanding at your fingertips. Continue to develop, continue to sit and your world will grow from within’

‘There is always balance in your life but at times you will feel one sided. Do not let this alarm you for it is a part of your development and balance will always return, thank you’

I felt back with it after a few seconds and Liz said she had found the communication very helpful.

Liz then did a closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

221st Sitting 29/10/2020


We had another Zoom meeting from our homes.

Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

At 2pm Liz did an opening prayer then started to tune in.

This is what came through plus my notes that I did afterwards...

‘I feel I’ve got your dad here; he’s got a lawn mower. He’s dressed up as Father Christmas, prancing around with a white beard, larger than life. He’s wearing a flat cap, a tweed jacket’

I don’t recall dad dressing up as Father Christmas or wearing a flat cap or tweed jacket. But it does remind me of the band ‘Spike Jones and his City Slickers’ which was a favourite of my dad’s and he got me interested in them too.

‘He’s counting out something, dominos, adding things up, adding numbers together, doing accounts. He’s saying not to worry it’ll all add up, he’s bushing them aside saying got that one over’

I’ve recently been going through a pile of his accounts that he did when he was self-employed. I’ve been removing all the addresses before throwing them away but I kept a couple of books listing all the magic shows he had done.

‘He’s going on to a chess game, showing me a king, saying the quietest member is the most important one, he doesn't actually do much, make many moves, keeps still a lot of the time but is the most important one for him to endure. All the others move around a lot. He’s central, almost a passive figure but his being there is essential to the whole game and if he’s over looked, if he’s struck out, the game finishes quickly. It’s important for the other pieces to support him. It's the black and white game. He’s talking about polarising forces, connected with the time we’re living in, with the Covid. There’s a lot of opposing forces, which is why it's important, and why he wanted us to come together, to support those very important but passive players, that the spiritual friends are around them. We need to support each other because their ability to endure through this period is a prime importance, so the game won’t be lost, the game of the spiritual beings’ 

Interesting that he uses chess as a metaphor for this message as he loved playing chess and taught my brother and I to play it when we were young. 

‘He’s putting a crown on his own head, he really does like galivanting around in different disguises, Tweedledum and Tweedledee’

Sounds like Spike Jones again.

‘He’s mentioning Corinthians...  I think he’s brought that in because he knows several people recently have tried to tell me that dealing with spirits is wrong because it says so in the bible but there’s something in Corinthians which says it’s okay discerning spirits, especially when you recognise them... He’s put the image of a daisy just above my head which makes me think that Travis is around. I think he must be communicating with Travis somehow, or Travis is helping him, it’s like he’s holding a wheelbarrow and Travis has been helping him weeding the garden, cultivating the garden, getting things organised in his spirit garden’

The bit about Corinthians sounds more like something Travis would say, not my dad.

‘Betty or Betsy. He’s dragging a dog by the collar, a studded collar, he’s wanting him to come forward to show you but I’m not sure he was that fond of dogs, not so much affection on his part for dogs. A whitish dog, smooth, a studded red collar, sat on a cushion in a basket’

Don’t recognise the names or the dog but it’s true he wasn’t that fond of dogs.

‘Pigeons, birds, he preferred birds’

Yes, he liked birds. There were nesting seagulls each year on the chimney of the house at the bottom of his garden and he loved seeing the babies coming out the nest walking up and down the roof. He spent his last few days in a bed in the back room where he could see them as it was the time of year the babies were venturing out the nest.

‘He’s bringing through a lady, quite small in the background. Might be your mother. Hair quite short, close to head, straight. Quite slim, tiny, looks like your gran. She’s frying chips. I’m asking her to come closer but getting an image of banana skins, slippery, a bit difficult. He’s holding her hand and she’s wearing a thimble on her finger, she wants to darn something, like socks or holes in a pullover. Getting a sense of silver with her, a silvery energy around her. Your dad feels denser, she feels lighter’

Mum wasn’t slim or tiny and I wouldn’t say her hair was short or straight but the rest sounds like her.

‘A sense of flowers with her, she’s wearing something flowery like a dress. She’s giving me a sense of a silver bracelet; Sarah has it and she’s very pleased about that. She loves all the flowers that are around you’

Yes, mum loved flowers and we certainly do have lots of flowers around us both in the house and in the garden. We have mum’s charm bracelet; it’s not made of silver but is a silver metal. We keep it on top of a cabinet and a while ago noticed it had gone. Sarah has been looking for it and found it in a box recently.

‘I’m getting a word terrine, a dish of some sort... jellied eels, things in a jelly... a witch's hat, she was a witch to your dad’s wizard act on stage, although she wasn’t there, she was in a sense the witch part of it but she never showed that part of herself. She’s showing images of you growing up, Noddy, cars, sand castles... Camber Sands'

We used to have holidays at Pontins when I was young and there is a Pontins at Camber Sands.

‘Getting a sense of a van with you dad doing plumbing type jobs which coincides with a holiday’

Yes, dad had a van for work but not sure how it coincides with a holiday.


Don't recognise this name.


Sarah has been buying wallflowers recently.

‘Your mum gave me a message for you of sweeping everything clean. It’s something she had to do but it’s from moment to moment. Not talking about domestic things but about the mind, she’s developing a clarity, it’s so nice to be clear. It's not the physical clutter around you it’s the mental clutter, the worries, fears, concerns, that go round and round in your head and it’s just so nice to be free of all that, like it’s been washed through. Your dad is still arranging and planning things, he’s very committed to working still, but he’s also having fun. He's patting her hand, they had something that had to be reconciled and are working on it. They are recognising each other in spirit and want me to know that who you really are shines through, where there’s love that is what you fall in love with but other things get in the way, all the rubbish that fills your life but the spark that brings you together is the recognition of the real person. I think that’s what she meant by the putting on of the witches’ hat, she was an enchantress and he was an enchanter, I think she was his muse deep down’

Mum was very much a worrier and would be pleased to be free of that.

‘I have the feeling Travis is there in the background facilitating this, pleased to be able to do this and knows it’s important for you. He’s doing the orchestra thing again, creating a symphony for us, this is just the overture, he’s working on it, there’s more to this than you could ever believe, more possibilities’

‘I asked Travis if he can give me a clue, something that Daisy is doing at the moment, something we can check... I just got stripy trousers, vertical stripes, white and navy blue, a bit like clown’s trousers, baggy trousers... thank you, we can ask Daisy... He’s giving me a tankard, drinking beer with friends... He’s showing himself sitting in an office at a desk with a telephone saying something about a garden, a gardener, a pond with a duck. Seeing a long pipeline, he’s talking about flow, I need to get more flow’

Update... Daisy told us her mama and brother had bother passed this month. Drinking beer could be Travis celebrating with her brother and her mama was a keen gardener but she was clueless about the stripy trousers and thinks it could be a clue for the future.

‘Florid or Florence, connected with healing, Florence Nightingale... it’s like a flow of healing, a fountain of healing we can tap into and they can pour through us. The more we attune the more they can bring this through. He’s showing that the connections we have are going to enable us much more to be effective with healing in so many ways and it’s the light that’s like water. That's the importance of keeping the daily connection, the more we do that the easier it is to get the flow through. When we first start the pipe isn’t opened, the pressure hasn’t built up but as we relax more it becomes more flexible and can allow more water through, more light through. They have to help with controlling the energy because you can’t put too much through, you can actually burst if there are blockages, cause a rupture which is why you have to ease it through, adjust the flow and this is from the spirit side of the work. Don't expect big flows, don’t expect the miracles of Jesus straight away. We have to work on a little each day and that flow becomes easier and easier, we’re able to take more pressure, but miracles can still happen... this is going to be like the crescendo of his symphony, he’s seeing what’s possible. It's more than he imagined, his connection with The Diamond now has opened the floodgates for him. He knows that we know, that's why he wants to help us because he realised that we got it and he can see the value and because Daisy is involved in healing. He knows the truth of it and wants to be part of it, he’s walking the path, the path least trodden. It's a crazy path like crazy paving, he says that’s okay, you’ve got to be a bit crazy to do this stuff because it defies our reason, our human logic, you’ve got to be loony. Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle... He’s putting doves all around us’

Liz thanked those who had worked with us then it was my turn and after about a minute the communication began...

‘Take your time, do not rush, do not try to bring all that is there through for you as a singular instrument can only work with one frequency, one channel. There are many wires connecting you to spirit. Each wire is treated individually. Use your mind to focus on one wire, one input and rely on the others to build on that one input. You are tuned into many things at one time. It is your job to separate, it is your job to see through all of the inputs, find the appropriate input, that what will cause the others to build. Eventually you will be a part of all of those wires, all of those inputs, they will be connected to you and you will be reaching out to each individual, receiving messages, receiving words, interpreting those words, interpreting those messages. It is a wonderful opportunity to give to others, to bring through messages for others, a form of healing, a form of comfort, a form of reassurance. Each communication brings with it a voice, a hidden voice. You are discovering that voice, you are allowing that voice to be heard. See yourself as a conductor, each instrument in your orchestra can be brought through singularly or you can light up each instrument and beautiful music will be played. Each instrument is waiting for you to recognise it and when you do allow it to play do not let your own thoughts interfere with the music, allow the music to play through you and as it plays it will build in power and a new tune will be created in the minds of those who hear it, spreading the message that there is more, there is a larger reality, a place where memories can be shared and new thoughts can be created. Where everything is evolving, everything is drawing closer to perfect loving harmonious conditions. You play your part and we will react, we will become a part of you as you have become a part of us’

‘There is a greater message to be shared, you are playing your part in allowing that message to come through step by step in your own way. You are opening up the lifelines to a greater message... thank you’

Before the communication started Liz saw an old lady with grey hair on the computer screen next to me then she disappeared. She felt to Liz like a teacher or someone who had been connected with a circle. She felt she was there as an instructress, had a lovely feeling and reminded Liz of someone she’s always known.