This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
208th Sitting 17/10/2019
We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
I did the opening prayer at 7.55pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise and then continued on into the session.
I experienced a few light touches during the session.
About 20 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...
‘I have a feeling I have Grey Wolf with me, I can feel his claws in my hands. Grey Wolf is overshadowing me’
Me... ‘He’s very welcome...’
‘Covers vast territory, keeps in touch with the vastness, it’s that sense of perspective, seeing the larger picture, the woods, the trees... He’s saying we’re lost in the morass, the everyday... go for the blue sky, go for the wilderness, go for the vast space, get in touch with that... He’s grappling around, reminding me of how he grappled, the thorny problems, knots... being forced to face the great night sky with the stars, the vast wilderness of snow, forest, ice mountains, released in the morass. The insignificant mental toil that so absorbs the human mind, the stories, the justifications, the intrigue. Howling the wolves, howling my song to the stars, to the moon. My whole heart sings and this is a different noise... the song of the heart, feeling, centring that song. There is your lifeline, the lifeline that takes you to where you belong, to your meaning, to your soul’s purpose in this life beyond the story telling and trivia. When you howl to the moon and sing your song you listen for the echo, the reverberation. The heavens sing back to you. You join in cacophony, laughing with all of creation, not alone, never alone though alone. The loneliness is what we feel but the loneliness brings you to your community and belonging, the choir of creation, the whole heart, the healing of the heart. Mine was a wounded heart, my heart burst and only then did my heart learn to sing... I learnt the meaning of forgiveness; I learnt the meaning of atonement and atunement. I could acknowledge my transgressions without self-loathing, I could see the larger framework, the whole field in which my journey began and continues still. No obligation to finish or end, just a continuing journey full of wild joy...’
‘I can feel my Auntie Sophie...’
Liz was feeling cold.
‘I had the name Richard...’
‘I seem to be in a dream with lots of people, different people, faces...’
Me... ‘Anybody you recognise?’
‘Somebody’s telling me he’s annoyed; he would have changed the date for his appointment if he’d known... he says... would have done something different if I’d have known...’
The music CD ended.
‘I feel this creeping feeling over my hair... strong electrical feeling, top of my head...’
‘Sense of a tortoise, a turtle...’
‘I was going into a dream then, someone wanted to pull a curtain across, felt like somebody in a hospital bed’
‘Got an image of a wheelbarrow, somebody in an allotment’
‘Somebody coming through on a unique radio band, loud and clear... getting a sense of wind generators... alternative technology... seeing tectonic plates, explosions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions... they’re saying it’s not too late, someone’s trying to hold on to the larger picture... Got Grey Wolf again... not too late’
‘Seem to be some army types, air force... a fish’s tail, amphibian, amphibian vehicle, sea serpent...’
‘I was concerned, wondering if I should hold on to the woods and I sense there’s a larger picture, to hold on to it, be patient, there’s a reason for it’
‘Experiencing a bit of pain in my left thigh...’
‘Cleverly disguising the true origin of what’s being said... I'm asking why?... too controversial... bellicose being, bellicose...’
Liz kept yawning.
‘I think I’ll say goodbye to everyone, it’s too slow’
‘Got the name Terence Rattigan’
We thanked everybody for coming and I noticed the room then went very dark.
We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...
Liz started off walking in silver sand going towards a hot air balloon. Somebody helped her in and encouraged her to throw out all the ballast as it rose up in the air and into the stars. The ballast was all Liz’s current concerns. The balloon landed on green grass and Liz was watching all sorts of people going past, different people all doing the best they could with what they had. Liz was being told that we all have our imperfections and blemishes but we’re all doing the best we can and that we have to learn to accept and not to judge one another but to encourage them...
I was floating in mist and my hands were held by two people either side of me. As the mist cleared, I saw that I was part of a huge circle of people looking like silhouettes all linking hands. I noticed the people were merging into one another as the circle got smaller and finally the two people either side of me merged into me. I was now standing on a mountain looking down on a busy city. There were thousands of cars and people rushing around which seemed such a contrast to me on this mountain in the clean air on my own and the crowds of people in all those car fumes rushing around trying to make a living. I wondered why they did this every day and realised they were all living with fear and believed they had to work like this to look after themselves and survive whereas if they lived with love they could care for one another and share with each other and everybody would benefit...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...