This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

16th Sitting 28/11/2013

We set up as usual and started with the Rainbow Bridge visualization exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz recalled going down stone steps to the bridge which looked small at first then became larger. It was very long and made of a criss-cross shinning metal.  
A white horse that she recognised and gave off great love met her on the bridge pulling a cart. She thought she saw a priest on the cart wearing a cloak morphing from brown to grey then realised she was wearing the cloak and sitting on the cart. She wanted to sit on the horse which she did and it took her to the other side and along the bank. She saw people she knew and in the distance beyond a meadow was a white domed building like a planetarium. Liz wanted to go there and was told it was ready for her, they are working with us and she would be shown it in due course. It was connected with sundials and time.
About this point the music was coming to an end and she had to struggle to get back to her side of the bridge before it finished.

I was feeling light headed as we started the Rainbow Bridge exercise.
I found myself as usual on a grass bank but it seemed to take longer for me to reach the bridge tonight. When I got there a bright pin-prick light flashed on and off which got my attention as it didn’t seem to be part of the visualization but more physical. Half way across the bridge I met my mother. This was the second time I’ve met her on the bridge and like last time her mum and dad were behind her along with other friends and relatives.

I did the opening prayer then put the music back on.

Liz was seeing blue blobs over the table as I opened.
Then she saw blue shapes moving round the room and said the atmosphere was looking marbled.
I still felt light headed.
I saw a flash in the room.

Liz saw movement near the ceiling like wave patterns you would see if looking up under water.
Then we both saw a few flashes in the room.

My legs went cold and the left one felt very fuzzy.
I felt tickles round my right ear.

Liz was seeing a brown/gold colour between the blue shapes.
Liz got an impression and the words… ‘How wonderful to spend an evening like this with you’

It was looking light and misty in my peripheral vision but dark and black in front of me.
I heard a click high up to my left.
I felt something in my nose and my left leg was very fuzzy again.

Liz thought the atmosphere looked skewed like half an arch.
The arch became more defined and it looked like a tunnel was forming.
It looked very three dimensional, like a rabbit hole.
I also had the feeling I was looking down a tunnel, bright on the outside and dark ahead.
Liz agreed it looked dark ahead and bright around it.

I had a pressure on my forehead and picked up a ‘furniture polish’ type smell.

Liz reported what she perceived as two solid legs or tree trunks in the centre of the room.
She said there was light squeezing in between them.
All I could see at that point was a few white wispy bits in the centre of the room.

I felt a pressure on my right foot.

Liz had the sensation of a light person in the middle of the room.
This person seemed familiar to her, like a shepherd with a crook.  
I couldn’t see a person but saw a shapeless bright blob in the centre of the room.
Liz said this person was urging her to see, showing her places of power.
She saw something like the fabric of reality, a knitted garment.
This reminded her of a poem she had seen many years ago in The Healer, the magazine from Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary.

My hands felt very hot then went cold again after about two minutes.
Liz had the feeling someone was looking through her eyes.
I got the words… ‘The seeds of time, don’t waste them, plant them wisely’
I heard a rustling noise to my right.

Liz was feeling giddy.
She saw whirls around her like the spirals on a sea shell.

I felt a pressure on my head like a thumb pressing into it.
Liz also felt a pressure on her head and felt her hair being touched.
I was very cold and surrounded by bright blobs.
Liz felt very hot.

I then got the impression I had sunk down and Liz had risen up as if we were both on a see-saw!!!
Liz agreed she could sense that as well.
A few minutes later I felt like I was up in the air and Liz had sunk down. My two feet were still firmly on the floor so it must have been some kind of an illusion.

I saw a lot of red around me.
Liz sensed a star fish image above her head.
Then she had the impression of a large dome reaching up into the sky.

I was thinking to myself I hadn’t felt my friend to my right this week when I suddenly got a strong cold tingly feeling all down my right side!!!
Liz felt cold round her head.
She felt her hair pulled.

I felt a cold tingly feeling all over for a few seconds like someone had walked through me.
Then Liz reported a similar feeling and also got the word… ‘Custard?’
Liz saw a dim flash near the ceiling then got the impression of a fox.

I drifted off during the last two tunes and saw a man sitting to my right. He was very thin and wearing baggy shorts. He made me think of a prisoner of war. He told me he felt privileged to be part of this group, he’d been waiting a long time to find a group like this to work in.
Then I found myself with a person holding an odd shaped trumpet like musical instrument. He seemed frustrated and kept saying the instrument was the wrong shape and wouldn’t play like that.

When the last tune ended it felt to me like the energy had lifted and I felt totally back with it.
Liz was still feeling a bit giddy but felt fine after doing the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

15th Sitting 21/11/2013

We had the room set up as usual and as always started at 8.30pm with the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ visualization exercise then compared notes afterwards…

Liz found herself in a meadow with yellow and pink flowers walking towards a lake with a flat wooden bridge going over it. It was a very basic looking bridge like it was made out of packing cases. Over the other side she could see a flat landscape with farm animals, carts, hay stacks like a kibbutz with a friendly feeling. It also gave her the feeling of being Dutch and she noticed she was wearing clogs!!! She saw a man with long white hair she recognised as a guide with a white horse pulling a hay cart. The feeling this all gave her was of a simple life and contentment…

I started off on a grassy bank and noticed the bridge was yellow. Also the water beneath it and the sky above it were yellow and as I walked across I found I was wearing a yellow suit!!! With all this yellow about I wasn’t surprised to meet Freddie with his yellow jacket on half way across. He took me a bit further over and I saw on the other side white Indian type buildings looking a bit like the Brighton pavilion. Then they folded down like cardboard cut-outs and all I could then see was a white mist. Freddie explained that the mist was where he now resided and the buildings were just an illusion for people when they first went over. As Freddie returned to the other side I saw what looked like sheet music flowing behind him…

I was seeing blobs in front of me and felt a pressure on my forehead between doing the ‘Rainbow Bridge Exercise’ and saying the opening prayer.

Then during the opening prayer when I welcomed our spirit friends I said it felt like they were here already and at that point there was a loud click on the heater that we’d turned off just before sitting. The click we put down to the sound of it cooling down but the timing was impressive!!!

I put the music on.
I saw mist to my right.
Then more blobs in front of me, they were floating down from the ceiling then going left.

Liz saw a bluish mist and a few dark shapes moving around.

We both reported seeing a network of branches in the room.
To me it looked like fibre-glass matting and Liz agreed with that description.

Liz saw a red patch in front of her.

I saw a flash to my right, then two flashes above me.
Liz saw a few sparks.

I was getting very cold, particularly on my right.
I sensed my friend was standing there again.
I had a fuzzy feeling on my right leg.

Liz saw what she described as a rippled, fuzzy, distorted shape above the table.
It looked blobby again in front of me. This time the blobs were floating upwards.

I felt a light tickly touch like a feather on the back of my left hand.
I saw a bright pin-prick flash on and off above the table.

Liz was now getting a visual pattern like elongated arches floating upwards.
She said it was like looking at the rings in a tree trunk that had been squashed.
Then she saw horizontal platted shapes like a snake skin.

I felt a buzzing vibration on my legs just above the knee which lasted about 30 seconds.

Liz felt herself being drawn into a mint green honey-comb.
She felt someone with her merging into her energy. She recognised the person and had known him when she was 13 years old. She felt emotional.

I saw two lights drifting upwards and disappearing where Liz was sitting opposite me.

Liz had a tingling on the top of her head and a freezing/burning sensation. She had dark encroaching on her. She felt she was being veiled, cradled, just looking out through her eyes like she was in a burka.

I felt something on my right ear.
Liz saw some flashes near me.
She saw a rolling mist.

Liz was warm but felt a cool breeze around her legs.
I was cold all over.
I had a fuzzy feeling on my right leg then felt a cool breeze coming from my right.

I drifted off for a while and experienced a person I had known when I was 13 years old which gave me a feeling of emotion. Interestingly this mirrored Liz’s experience earlier.
In both cases the personal memories we both got were connected with someone encouraging creative talents at an early age.

My nose became blocked and itchy.

Liz got a strong sense of a black tulip.
She was getting impressions of things to do with art or artists.

I got a buzzing vibration on my legs again for about 30 seconds.

I was aware of light to my right.
Liz confirmed it looked bright there too.

Then I noticed something light up for about two seconds on my lap then again near the table.
Liz saw a couple of flashes near me at the same time.

We both drifted off for about ten minutes during the last two tunes.
When I came back I recalled hearing a few words…

At first I heard ‘Virtual reality’ repeated a few times and then something like…

‘We’re not hiding from you, you can sense us everywhere. We are the wind, the rustle of the leaves in the trees; the rain on your face is us touching you… We are in the music you listen to and the art you look at… Don’t think of us as just people or entities…’

The music CD ended and once we were both back with it again Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

14th Sitting 14/11/2013

We had the room set up as usual and started with the ‘Rainbow Bridge Exercise’ at 8.30.

Liz’s visualisation kicked off in a flowery, yellowy grass meadow with a large lake covered in water lilies like an impressionist painting. The bridge was bamboo  and there were lots of Chinese/Mongolian girls in kimono type dresses. One of the girls looked familiar and she took Liz across the bridge, showing her a Mongolian tent like a large yurt. There was a Mongolian man in boots and hat there and Liz got the feeling of Mongolian overtone chanting, something that interests her at the moment…

Interestingly my visualisation started with me hearing what I thought were monks chanting as I walked to the bridge.
(The next day I had a listen to some Mongolian overtone chanting on Youtube, not having heard it before, and it sounded very much like in the visualisation)
I walked across the bridge and was aware of what I thought were small dogs running around my feet but they actually looked like bits of grey fog darting about. I saw two small lights in the distance then saw it was the eyes of the black panther I’ve met before on the bridge. It was accompanied by an Eskimo looking man who seemed to be having trouble walking as he was wearing such thick cloths. He had long dark hair and something on his head.
(Liz thought he could have been the Mongolian man she saw when I described him to her)
I patted the panther on the head while the man wished me a good evening before they both returned to their side.

I did the opening prayer and put the music back on.

I’d felt a pressure on my forehead during the Rainbow Bridge Exercise but that had gone now.
I was warm.
It soon started to look misty/glowy in the room particularly to my right.
I felt a few light touches around my right ear.

Liz’s legs went cold. She said it felt like a cool breeze on them.

I was getting colder on my right, especially around my hip.
I felt my friend was standing as always to my right.

Liz saw a mist in the centre of the room above the table.
Then she was aware of a reddish glow throughout the room.

I saw a flash in front of me then the whole room seemed to get darker.
I noticed a lot of flashes to my right.
Then a light touch in my hair and a tickle in my right ear.

Liz saw a flash in the centre of the room and then got the name ‘Winnie’

I saw white wispy bits moving above the table.
I felt a tickle on the back of my right hand, a bit like someone blowing on it.
It now seemed very bright to my right.

Liz saw shapes drifting across the room.

I had a big bright ‘jelly fish’ type blob build up in front of me.
I tried turning my head but it remained in front of my face.
I could also see it with my eyes closed.

Liz was aware of an arch of slanting energy like lines of light across the room.
She had a strong sensation of material like coconut skin or a hair shirt.
Liz then felt a hand pressing down on her head.

I had a feeling like thumbs pressing into the bottom of my back.
I got a sweet woody smell.

Liz drifted off.

My right side was now freezing cold but my left side warm.

I tried to expand my awareness into whoever was to my right.
I got a strong feeling of love and friendship.
I felt fuzzy touches on my right hip and leg.
Then I felt them on my right arm and shoulder.
At times it felt like physical touches then like a fuzzy feeling entering my body.

I then drifted off for a while.
Liz was still very quiet.

We both came back about the same time.
Liz had been out of it for 20 mins.
She recalled a strong image of a talking harp.
She’d felt various loving entities move in close to her. They were playing with energy as if trying different ways of interacting with her.
She felt her mouth being manipulated at times.

I had also felt my mouth manipulated when I’d drifted off particularly my top lip and I also had what felt like hands either side of my face. I had no feelings off anyone wanting to communicate through me. It always feels different to me in this group compared to the Mercury Light Circle.
I had the feeling of a book in my hands and when I looked at the cover there was a picture of my mother’s mother.

We were both now feeling cold all over.
During the last tune I noticed the room suddenly go darker.

We both felt the sitting had gone slowly this week… Normally it flies by.

Liz did the healing exercise then the closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

13th Sitting 07/11/2013

We were back after missing last week.
The room was set up as usual.

At 8.30pm we started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz’s visualisation started with an awareness of lush green grass on the bank. The bridge is always on her left, a convex arch made of metal, trellis sides, open mesh floor. There was a rainbow mist everywhere and over the other side Liz could see spires, turrets and mountains with white horses galloping around like a fairy tale setting.
A young woman with tight platinum blond hair in curls was coming towards her. She looked like a school friend but Liz felt it was Joan as a young woman. She told Liz she was working with us and gave her a diamond asking her to keep it.

I also started with the lush green grass feeling but my bridge is always to my right. Like a few weeks back I had the feeling I was a giant then a dwarf before settling down to the correct size to walk over the bridge. There was a pinkie sunset. I was met by a black man with short hair dressed as a priest and dangling a smoking thurible. He walked with me to the centre of the bridge then communicated with me but without words. I got the feeling he was saying there’s a lot more for me to learn and discover but to carry on as I do. Then he sprouted two large white wings and morphed into a white bird that slowly flew back to his side.

I did the opening prayer and put on the music.

Liz sensed people in the room.
I was feeling warm at the start.

Liz reported mist building up in the room from her right. It was bluish.
I saw some white mist but it was mainly to my right.

I started yawning and carried on till about halfway through.

I was getting cold round my legs.
My right leg was tingly.

Liz said the mist had cleared but I could still see it to my right and it was now yellow.
I felt a pressure on my right ear.
I felt there was somebody to my right as I have done for the past few weeks.

Liz was seeing drifting shapes and dim lights in front of her.
I felt something running down the right side of my face.

Liz noticed dim flashes across the room and asked our friends if it was them to do it again.
15 seconds later she saw a falling light from the same direction.

The room was now looking darker to me then I saw a flash to my right at floor level.

We both drifted out of it slightly.

I was aware of a bright blob in front of me.
I felt a light touch on my right arm and pressure on my forehead.

Liz also reported pressure on her forehead and felt she had someone with her.
She felt a hand pushing down on her head and felt prickly all over.
She felt there was a tent or fir tree in the centre of the room.

I saw a few dim lights moving around over the table.

I felt a vibration under my foot and a touch in my hair.
Liz felt a juddering feeling all over.

Liz got some names, Larry, Lenny and Charlotte.

I felt another touch in my hair.

Liz and I both drifted off again.

Liz found herself keeled over sideways when she came back.
She got the words Yellowstone and yellow feather.
I saw three ladies kneeling in a circle outside somewhere and noticed one of them was glowing blue.

Liz was now very warm.
I was freezing cold and I still couldn’t stop yawning.

Liz saw a flash above her.
She then felt herself becoming overshadowed.
She got the name Terrence and the place Tavistock.
She had the impression of ticker tape and early computers.

I saw two faces one looking up and the other looking down.
I also saw a young girl with pony tails dancing around the room.

Liz saw a bluish light over the table.
The room looked very black to me.

Liz was feeling colder and felt a cold breeze which made her shudder.
I was now feeling warm again.

The last tune ended.

Liz did the healing exercise then the closing prayer and closing down exercise for us both.

It had felt a bit different to me tonight. I normally drift off a bit towards the end but this week had felt very awake at the end and had drifted off more at the start and middle of the session.
I have so far never felt like I’m going to be controlled when sitting in the Mercury Experiment but tend instead to experience more visualisations and dreams when I drift off…