This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
204th Sitting 29/08/2019
We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.
I did the opening prayer at 7.50pm, turned out the light and put the music on,
We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
About 15 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...
‘Wherever two or three are gathered in my name I am there in the midst of them. It's sufficient for just two or three to meet together for the presence of spirit to manifest. Whatever you ask in the name of spirit will be brought to you, will manifest. Have no doubt, be certain of this, this is the truth, this was promised, this was promised by Christ who was connected to the source. He said I and my father are one’
‘So it is sufficient for us two to meet here with spirit and for all that we ask to manifest. As we let the scales of doubt and insecurity fall from us, we will realise the presence of spirit in our midst and our strong connection. And as we trust and grow in confidence of that connection our contact will grow stronger, more direct, more immediate. Allow the scales of disbelief, of confusion, of doubt, to fall away. Be sure of this one thing, wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. And whatever you ask in my name shall be granted. Ask and you will receive’
‘So be sure when you enter this space, you’re plugging in to a high voltage source. That connection is immediate. Trust in the power of that connection’
‘I have here the image of the lotus, the lily, transducing light, opening for the lotus born, the roots deep in the mud, connected to the earth, transmuting the dross of the earth into the wondrous flower with the white open petals absorbing and reflecting the light, transducing light, light energy, reflecting out into the world the light of the source, of the sun, of the one being. The lotus born one is with you now’
‘You have asked for physical mediumship to be developed, have you doubted that this is possible? You have the lotus born with you. When your doubts like the sequels and scales of the bud of the lotus have fallen away your full power and potential will open. Whatever you ask in my name will be granted unto you; this is the promise. Do you doubt?’
Me... ‘I sometimes think that we need more people for physical phenomena to happen in this room’
‘Wherever two or three are gathered together in my name I am there in the midst of them. Your connection with spirit is enough, what stands in the way is your doubt, your confusion, your lack of faith, your misconstrued beliefs. You will find in the history of the saints, in the history of the mystics, in the scriptures, individuals manifesting physical mediumship, manifesting light, manifesting phenomena, increasing the faith of those around them. Were they three, four, five six? They were individuals, individuals plugged in to the source, it is sufficient to plug in to the source. You believe that you need many but that is your belief’
Me... ‘So how do I get rid of that belief?’
‘By strengthening your connection to the source’
Me... ‘How do I strengthen my connection to the source?’
‘By connecting every day, like the flower unfolding to the light, by channelling light. You will find the way that suits you but this must be every day so that connection with the light becomes a habit, becomes a way of life. Breathe in me breath of God. Let that be your prayer. Fill me source of light, breathe in me breath of God’
Me... ‘That’s very interesting because I had a very similar message in my Rainbow Bridge Exercise just now’
‘You are plugged in to the source but your conscious mind dismisses this often, marginalises this experience, doesn’t trust. But when you realise that you are connecting to infinite power, why would you need a room full of people to increase your power when you can make direct connection with the infinite source of power yourself? This is an illusion, of the weakness, in the frailty of your human conditioning that you need a crowd to build up energy. Jesus said as the Christ, wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them and he said whatever you ask in my name will be granted but you need to know that you have that direct connection, you yourself’
Me... ‘I know I have that connection myself because I can sit on my own and can receive communications which are beyond what I would normally say myself’
‘That is the beginning, much more will be granted to you as you realise the strength and power of that connection, and you trust and allow it to come into you fully so this connection becomes a way of life, becomes your axis and when that trust is fully established in you, in your connection, much can be achieved’
Me... ‘Is it wise to keep that connection open during our daily lives or should we close it down’
‘Whenever you wish to open, to make that connection, you can make it and when you wish to live within your normal physical boundaries you can close off, you can shut off that power. But it is like a tap, you know that power is there, you are merely turning the tap off temporarily in order to rest, in order to be conventional, to be average, to be normal. When you want to be superlative, when you want to shine you can open the tap and let that light and that power to fill you and then you will be working for spirit, working with spirit fully, manifesting, and in that time miracles will happen. But the miracles are such that at first you do not even notice or acknowledge them. Their effects however are felt throughout the world’
Me... ‘So if I was talking to somebody in my daily life who I knew was in need of healing, who wasn’t very well, I could in my mind turn that tap on and give them some healing while I was talking to them’
‘Indeed you could and you can be sure that healing will manifest in the fullness of time in whatever way is appropriate and desired by that person. And if that person is not receptive and does not wish for healing that energy will be dispersed and used in other ways, it will not be wasted. With spiritual healing it is important to note that this can only take place when the spirit of the person desires it. There may be reasons why that spirit has chosen not to have healing at this particular point in time. Maybe that certain experiences and lessons are required in order to transduce karma’
Me... ‘Yes I suppose some people learn and grow from suffering’
‘That seems to be the case... When the wild winds blow and chaos reigns in your world, on Earth, in the events of mankind, hold on to that connection with light, hold firm to it as to a pillar, a strong support, an ark. In the times of flood and chaos let that light be as a corner stone, be as a pillar of support for you. By holding firm to that light, keeping that connection frequently with that light you will help to stabilise that storm and the effects of that storm. Rough times are coming, turbulence in the Earth, changes. Your confidence in the light and your connection with the light will help steer a path for you and for those around you and that strong connection will help to steer the Earth plane, the consciousness of mankind through to a quieter and stiller place... Remember that Christ, Jesus Christ was one man but through him the spirit has incarnated in many. The connection he made with light, with the source allowed many connecting with him to connect with the source like a match or a torch he acted as the light bearer, the flame bearer that kindled the spark and the light in many so that there may be many Christs, many manifestations of Christ in the Earth, many of those make that direct connection to the light. The Christ energy is penetrating again into the Earth plane, into the human consciousness so that the Christ energy will manifest in many. There will be many healers, many healings. There will be many manifestations of light, in abundance there will be miracles. The second coming will manifest everywhere, it will be in individuals everywhere, each one connected to the source, the Christ which is the sun, which is the light that governs and directs your life, your consciousness. Be confident that you can make that connection which is your birthright’
Me... ‘Does everybody have the potential to manifest this Christ energy?’
‘The power to make that connection is with each and everyone but the desire to make that connection has to be there, has to be kindled. The need to make that connection is imperative for the evolution of the Earth plane, it is an evolutionary step that is required. And know that the Christ energy is with you and will not leave until each and every soul has passed the threshold, has broken the chains of disbelief, of negation, of darkness, of confusion. A time is coming when the light will be kindled in each and every soul and the transformation of the Earth plane will take place. This was prophesied as a second coming’
Me... ‘Is the Christ energy the same as what some people would call the larger consciousness system?’
‘It is inherent in that system; it is an inherent part of it’
Me... ‘Because not everybody is of the Christian faith, they might have other faiths so they would have different names for it I guess’
‘Absolutely, the Christos is the energy of love, known as love which is fundamental in all spiritual disciplines’
Me... ‘So it is love then is it, the Christ energy?’
‘The Christos is the embodiment of that particular energy’
Me... ‘So love is the answer’
‘The opening of the heart that became to open the heart of man to the love of the god within each man. In truth there is no barrier between man and God so when Jesus said love your neighbour as yourself, this is understood that this can only really become fulfilled when the heart centre is fully open. It's the love of the living God, that desire to unite with the source and with all mankind. To be one, to be both one and many. The depths of that understanding, of the paradox of the one and the many, the many held in the one and the one held in the many. The arising of the desire to unite in many ecstatic religions, in Sufism, Hasidism many of the Hindu, Upanishads, in the Buddhist scriptures of the coming together of the consort, of the master, there is that desire for the beloved, for the friend, for the unification to be one with the beloved, with the friend, with the mother, with the father, with the son. The arising of this desire, the truth, the love, that it kindles in the soul the yearning, this reaching out to lose oneself in the light, in the ecstatic experience of unification with the beloved which is God, which is mankind, which is nature, which is all, which is light. This is the pathway that leads to the opening of the heart and when the heart is open one breaks through into love. Love is... Thank you for listening’
Me... ‘Thank you for your message, given me things to think about’
‘Love and blessings on you and your group of two’
Me... ‘Thank you’
‘Got the name Heidi... keep getting the image of the sheep and the goats, that’s come with Heidi, separation of the sheep and goats, they’re all mixed together’
‘I’m seeing a long pencil case and these very elegant hands holding the pencils. I think they’re writing letters, symbols, more and more... filibuster... don’t know what that is... pedigree... these pencils are drawing and image of chains, chain links going on and on... seem to be leading to a king... thrones the earth, footstool... seeing it like the Billy goats gruff and a big bad troll, managed to bypass and got to the other side on the hill where the grass is sweet and green’
‘Heaven and Earth is like a fairy story but there is no separation of Heaven and Earth but the transformation of human kind on Earth will bring about the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. It's not a separate place to go to, or a separate state, it is the evolutionary pathway, it is what we are heading for in our transformation, it will manifest, it is already, like the germ, the seed, the flower within the bud waiting to unfold... That was the message Heidi wanted to share’
The music CD had finished and Liz was now back with it.
We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...
Liz started with a white horse coming towards her and she got on his back. He went through a stony river bed with clear water. Liz felt he could fly but he was happy to stay on the ground. Liz felt there were people on the other side in a net and she was reaching out towards them. Her connection with the horse felt very important like a connection with the Earth and she felt these people were helped by this connection, a loving connection and Liz stayed with that...
I started off with a tall wall in front of me but there was an opening in the wall and I could see a bright colourful rainbow on the other side. I ran down to the opening to get a better look but it closed as I got there. I felt frustrated and walked back to where I was. I felt there was a man with me who took me for a walk alongside the wall and I noticed the wall was getting lower as we walked. It got to a point where it was low enough to climb over so I ran down to it again but it grew in height as I reached it. I ran back to the man who told me he couldn’t see the wall; all he could see was the colourful rainbow and it was me who was creating this wall for myself by my beliefs. All I had to do was get rid of my beliefs and the wall would disappear. He said I was too immersed in the physical world and that was all I could see but if I got rid of my beliefs I would see the spiritual world as well. I asked how do I get rid of my beliefs and he told me that beliefs are caused by fears and if I can find that fear I can work at getting rid of it. He said it could be a fear of the unknown which many people have and not wanting to let go of the physical world because you feel safe in familiar territory. Fears can take a long time to get rid of but when you do it will open up so much more for you to experience...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...