This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

205th Sitting 10/09/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 8pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

About 15 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘We love the gardens of your Earth, the places where humans cooperate with plant life and insect life to create a place of harmony and beauty, a cooperative environment, and the farmsteads, smallholdings where people and animals and plants live in harmony, serving each other, mutually caring and admiring and cooperating. And you will observe how many of the scientific advances have stemmed from scientists like Mendel in his garden working with the pea plants and finding out the laws of inheritance. Such places allow the human spirit to tune in to the deeper workings, the creative forces that underpin your physical world. In a garden where it is claimed Newton observed the apple fall and developed his theory of gravity. Many scientists, many great thinkers have been moved and inspired as they sit in nature and allow the secret information inherent in every aspect to reveal itself to them in moments of quietude and reflection and contemplation. These wonderful places that you create, these gardens, these places of harmony and quietude, of perfect harmony and colour, of thought and emotion and design, places of love, where your love and appreciation of nature has been allowed to create, has been allowed to develop. These places are holy places, places where our connection, the connection with spirit and matter, the connection with spirit and the human mind, the interconnection of different vibrational levels where a thinning of the barrier between the worlds can manifest, where communication can take place. Treasure these places, these are the places that are the true temples, more so than the buildings. These are the places where you can meet with spirit, where we can mutually benefit each other. And the ancients created these places, places of power, they became the places of power because of the love and the thought and the emotion and the intent, the design. These are the places to be in’

‘Kilbride and Kirkcaldy... I have these tartans... I sense there is a church at Kirkcaldy with a shamrock, a connection with Ireland’

‘We have been watching these islands, these islands are blessed, there is a reason why men went to these islands. The pure combination of natural forces and factors combined to make a power vortex, a pyramid of prayer possible. A purity of intent could be focused in the simplicity of life, of a natural, harmonious, simple life, for that is what those who traveled to these islands sought. A simplicity of life that allowed for the direct connection with source. The island dwellers knew the powerful points of the compass and the energies associated with the rising sun, the midday sun, the setting sun, the waxing and the waning of the moon, the planetary configurations and they became aware of the energies associated with the natural bodies of the physical world, planets, the stars, the energies of the water, the energies of the trees, the energies of the rocks, the combination of the energies, the juxtaposition of the heavenly bodies. This awareness was refined and sharpened by the island dwelling. This fine tuning to the natural power sources has been corrupted by the modern technological rise of alternative power sources which interfere with the direct senses of the Earth and Heaven energies. To refine those senses and reawaken them it is necessary to go to quiet places, to the islands, to the wildernesses. In these places direct contact may be better obtained if the fears associated with the wilderness, with the wild, associated with isolation, associated with direct contact can be allayed because there is a resistance and a fear in the human heart from an atavistic past which makes it difficult for many to surrender to nature, to the natural world. Many feel safer in houses, in communities to keep out the wolf, to keep out the wild beasts, to keep out the forest, the storm, the tempest, the torrents, the thunder and lightning, the forces that are feared. How is it that nature which should be your friend has become your enemy that you need to tame and control and pacify. For you have in your hearts the torrents, the gnashing of teeth, the blood lust, the thunder, the lightning, the crashing, the violence, the tornadoes. You have this emotional turmoil in your own hearts and you see this projected in nature. It is your fear of your own turbulence, of your own power of destruction that you fear, that you see mirrored in the elements, in the forces of nature. Were you to be still and at peace and in love with yourself and the Earth and all beings you would have nothing to fear’

Me... ‘What do you think has caused all these fears to grow within ourselves?’

‘The realisation of the unlimited power of destruction that we have. The realisation of the devastating nature of some choices that we can make. The realisation that the power of life and death can be in our hands. We fear that power because we know that we could use it for ill, we could use it unwisely. The knowledge that we have often done so, the knowledge and the gilt and the shame of the destruction and havoc that we have been capable of, that we have caused has created those fears in us. We fear ourselves; we fear the devil in us but we project it outwards onto the world so the world is peopled with the phantoms of our own inner turbulence, projections of our own inner demons. We project them onto nature, we project them onto each other, we see them manifesting in the wars and the famines, all of which are avoidable but which continue almost like a video projection of our own inner state, our group consciousness and that is why the purification of each one of us, the purging of these inner demons, the transformation, the quieting, the pacifying, the healing of each one of us helps to shift the balance with a more... we reconnect with the purity in us and with nature. The more we connect in love with the natural world and with each other, the more we strive for peace in our own hearts and find the way to love, find the way to empathy and understanding, to healing the wounds, to repairing the damage, to facing the truth within us, in our own nature, to acknowledging and healing, to stop blaming, putting the blame outside, to stop projecting but to own, to acknowledge, to repent and to repair. For each one of us who heals and repairs, who heals and atones, who comes back into perfect harmony, for each one of us is a stepping stone to Heaven on Earth, to restoring the balance to goodness, to peace on Earth, to our reconnection with our self, with our divine and spiritual self. So each one who finds their way to their inner wilderness, to their inner island, to their place of sanctuary, of quiet, of peace, of reconnection and dwells there in contemplation and prayer, for each one of us that heals their soul and reconnects with spirit in full consciousness is shifting the balance, is helping the evolution of all. The threshold will come like a mounting wave so that more and more will find the way, more and more will find the way of peace’

‘The power of the connection with source, with spirit, with the highest principle is such a magnetic pull that the urge towards good, the urge towards love and kindness is inevitable. Once that connection is firmly made, it is like kindling a fire once the spark has taken, all the dross of the many lifetimes and incarnations will slowly burn away, fall away like ashes, will slowly be discarded and purified. Once that connection is made the fire in the soul will begin to burn with the flame of purification that will help to bring to light, to reveal, to show up all the dross, all the impediments, all the infirmities, all the fears, all he baggage that has created the heaviness and the turmoil and once it is seen and cast in the flames it will be transformed into the pure light of goodness. The will to adversity, to victimisation, to destruction will be transformed into the will of enlightenment. But that contact must be made and held and there will be a time for every soul making this contact that has been known by the saints as the dark night of the soul because when that contact with light reveals the ugliness within there is shame, there is remorse, there is self-hatred, self-doubt, but this is a temporary, necessary phase. By acknowledging the ugliness of sin, the ugliness of the mistakes and the wrong choices and the delinquent pathways that we have been on for so many years, by acknowledging and repenting and asking for absolution, by wanting to reform, to reshape, by letting go of all of that with remorse and with tears the new state of worthiness and acceptance will arise. For every soul that casts off the cloak of fear and devilry, negativity, hatred, for every soul that casts off the dark cloak that has imprisoned that soul for lifetimes, for every soul that sees the terrible prison that such a cloak that they have worn for so long has created and cast it off a new baptism in spirit takes place like a child, like a babe born to a new life naked and helpless, the soul cries out to source and the support and the protection and the love of source reaches out to the new found soul and there is no turning back, that soul can only move onwards to peace, to goodness, to love, to beneficence and slowly, slowly the last remnants, the rags, the tatters of that old encumbrance of a cloak of darkness is dissolved in the light. But remember that the habits of many years and lifetimes may not be cast off overnight. Patience is necessary to allow the slow unpeeling, the slow recognition, yet another layer to peel off, yet another tatter to unpick, to cast into the flames. For some this can be a sudden and fast process, for others this is a slow and laborious process but for every soul who has turned to the source this process is assured’

Me... ‘Do you think the human race is moving in the right direction to achieve all this?’

‘The direction is inevitable, the timing is equivocal, the timing is not fixed, there is always a probability envelope which is shifting but once the arrow has been fired it will find its true course even though it wobbles on the way. This is the arrow of creation, of evolution, of the thought and the intent behind that creation. There is only one way to go and that is towards light, towards the source, returning to the source. There is nowhere to go but home which is where you have always been and where you always are. There are many paths but they all lead home. There is no need to fear, there is nothing to fear. There is nowhere to go to be outside the love of God’

‘There is a poem by Herlderlene which may answer your question... ‘The lines of life are various; they diverge and fuse like footpaths and the mountains upmost ends what here we are elsewhere a god amends with recompense, eternal peace and truth’

‘Have no fear that this world, this physical universe was made by beings with love and is held in love and that is the ultimate truth. Humans at the present time are like children who have lost their way, who cannot find the mother’s breast, but when they have found the mother’s breast again they will drink and be at peace. This is the paradox of the created beings developing consciousness but the process of the path to enlightenment has its growing pains and as a human being those nightmares and fears, and the stumbles and falls, and the knocks are part of the growing process just as the toddler, the child burns his finger in the fire, has knocks and bruises, breaks a limb, falls down, climbs and falls, climbs and falls until he learns the way, the safe way, the correct way. So it is with every aspect of the growing human consciousness, there will be difficult times, times of pain and distress, the growing pains, but there will come a time of peace for every soul, and just as with the child the stages of growth are longer for some than for others but every child who survives will grow to become an adult and every soul will struggle to learn the lessons of life, will grow to enlightenment. It is the only way, that was the arrow, that was the thought, the loving thought at the centre of the created world, that is the direction of your evolution. There is nothing to fear, you are held in the hand of God, you are held in the consciousness of higher beings, of a higher consciousness that sees the way as the parent sees for the child the way it is to go’

‘I have the name Gordon...’

The music CD ended.

‘Just had the name Mary Whitehouse...’

‘I’ve come back to the rose garden... that’s a good point to end with the power of the garden as a place of sanctuary’

‘I think I have Phil Demayo’

‘It’s strange but I think they wanted me to say... many are called but few are chosen... I'm now being shown, like in Darwin’s Evolution, the survival of the fittest... I don’t know if that is what they are meaning but you could see it in terms of the path of martyrdom or Jesus’s pathway himself, that was not for everyone, the sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb...’

Liz had sensed a very high presence with us tonight, people around her and a very inspirational woman, she saw her face.

Some of what Liz received went against the grain of what she believed or wanted to believe up to now and she found it hard to bring it through and felt she was blocking some of it.

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz was going down a narrow muddy farm track between hedges but she knew she was going towards somewhere beautiful and came to a cliff top with steps going down to the sea where there were mountainous islands like off the coast of Scotland or Ireland. Liz went down the steps then realised she could just fly out to the islands and flew to a very bright place with lots of white and gold light. A familiar male figure was there, youngish with long blond curly hair, blue eyes, a wide face, kind of country face but also educated and he was in a shining white robe. He gave Liz a hug like an old friend and Liz saw him as an old man at the same time with grey hair. He was part of a farming community on the island, very peaceful like a monastic order and he was sharing the love of this simplistic, natural life...

I got the phrase ‘let go of all the loose change’ in my mind then saw coins falling down in a waterfall and into a lake. They were shining gold coins and the surface of the lake was shining gold. I put my hands in the lake and they were gold when I took them out, then I wiped over my face with my hands and that became gold. I decided to jump in the lake and underneath the gold it was clear water and I looked at all the colourful fish and plant life under the water and thought how natural and beautiful it was. I looked up and saw it was raining and the gold was disappearing, then I swam to the surface and saw how beautiful the scenery was around the lake. It made me think that the gold represented the material things and money we all want to possess and how temporary that was whereas the real treasures are the natural beauties of the Earth which is peaceful and harmonious and free to share for everyone...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...