This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

236th Sitting 25/02/2021

We had another Zoom meetup.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer while I tuned in.

I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘Freedom is a state of mind devoid of all fears. Freedom, you all have that opportunity to reach that point in your physical world, during your physical life. You have created for yourself fears that hold you back, fears that hold you to one form of interpretation. Without fear your mind is open, you see from all angles, all possibilities, each situation that is presented to you. There is no value in fear, yet why do you all possess these fears that follow you around during your physical existence and beyond, for you take these fears with you when you leave your physical body. Beyond the physical these fears remain a part of your being. The physical world is an opportunity to remove those fears, to recognise those fears and to recognise the crippling effect of those fears on your mind. The road to perfection is a difficult road, a road full of obstacles, tight corners. There are no maps to refer to, you walk blindly guided only by your feelings, your feelings of negativity and positivity. Use those feelings to guide you through life. When you feel negative you know you have taken a wrong turning. Look back and see where you went wrong. There are many signposts along that road, try to notice, try to see those signs, try to feel those signs, feel their presence, feel their help, feel their guidance. You may choose to ignore or you may choose to take notice. Only you can decide. You may not see what lies ahead but you can look back and see where you have come from, you can see if you have changed, if you have become something new, something better, something with less fears hanging around your neck, dragging you down. For as you bring positivity into your life you begin to hold your head up high, the world will change for you and you will become more receptive to those signposts. The love in your heart will guide you and the knowledge you have built up within yourself will create a new you, a stronger personality’

‘Learn from all mistakes, learn from all wrong turns and build up a knowledge within yourself of the true pathway, a natural pathway, a pathway free of frustration and negativity, a pathway paved with your own love and the love of all those who are with you moving onwards through life towards the next challenge. There is no end to growth, there is no end to evolution. Keep your head above the clouds and feel all that is within you and all that is available to you. A pathway has many steps, you have already begun and each step brings with it new opportunities. There is no rush, you do not need to run, you need merely to guide yourself with your own knowledge, your own experience. Nothing is impossible when you are free from fear, nothing holds you back. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue...’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then tuned in and began to speak after a couple of minutes...

‘Nick, I'm sensing someone who is a medium coming forward. I got the name Alan but the Alan I associate was a name of a medium I knew, so I’m just thinking it’s a medium coming forward. I'm experiencing this person, he’s not old, could be in his 40s, brown hair, shaven face, feels quite a young face, a round face, a pleasant face. Wearing a grey suit, a tie, the fact that he’s wearing a suit and tie makes me feel he was demonstrating, quite formal, although the suit feels casual, not ultra-smart. Quite relaxed but a genuinely friendly feeling. He's just put cheddar cheese into my mind. I'm sensing this person on a platform and I sense he could have been on TV. I'm sensing an older woman with him or around him and it’s as if she’s got her hair in a net or curlers, she feels older with a round face, dark hair but it’s looking grey and she’s quite plump. Reminds me of Helen Duncan but I'm not sure that she is. For some reason her hair is tied up in a net which gives her a slight feeling of Ena Sharples, rosy-cheeked. I'm with this gentleman at the microphone on a platform which makes me think he demonstrated in Spiritualist churches. He's giving me a sense of going to people, like he sees a light around them then goes to that person. Is this a particular person you can recognise?’

Me... ‘It’s not no, it’s not ringing a bell’

‘He’s just said Easter. He's giving me a sense of shaking hands with people, there was an Easter occasion, you were at some sort of gathering. I’m sensing that this could have been a gathering you were at with Syann’

Me... ‘We used to go to the Bristol Spirit Lodge but I can’t remember an Alan there’

‘No don’t hold on to the name Alan, that was just to make me realise this person was a medium. I’m seeing Joan as well so it could have been with Joan. He’s just put a strange phrase in my head, the grass is greener on the other side, I'm not quite sure what that means. He gave me the feeling that he was one of many, it wasn’t just him on the platform. This could have been a workshop. He’s giving me the sense of a fence, a fence around a building, a taxi, somewhere you drove to. I’m seeing a belisha beacon and a zebra crossing. The person, his face reminds me of Dan who used to sit with us, it was that sort of face but it wasn’t Dan. Beside him was a thin young man with longish blond hair, sitting on the platform as well. I just got a name Edith, a connection with Portsmouth. Rosy, rosy is a feeling I'm getting, takes me to rose tinted spectacles. It's almost as if he’s trying to say regarding the spirit life, the grass is greener on the other side, that things are better there, we’re seeing it through rose tinted spectacles. He's saying I've been up there on the platform delivering messages, painting a rosy picture’

Me... ‘Are you able to get his name at all?’

‘As you said that I got Clement’

‘Somebody is talking about suffering, that suffering doesn’t necessarily end but there’s a certain anguish of soul, that this is the place to sort it out, hook line and sinker. He's saying that we go for all the spiel, all the rosy things, that we’re going to be better off and we don’t need to make much of an effort but he’s showing me hard graft, like in a gym with ropes, an assault course, trials and tribulations. But here, this is where the assault course is, in this physical world and in order to be free, to get to that green grass on the other side we have to go through the assault course, toughen up spiritually, you have to be a soldier in this life, a warrior to train yourself to meet with equanimity, the hurdles, the swamps, the difficulties, the negative things that come your way. To get that inner strength, that resilience, that inundation of light, that spiritual energy that will allow you to surpass, that’s the word he uses, to surpass these obstacles. This is the opportunity. If you try to lead a life wrapped in cotton wool, the easy life, you don’t take risks, you avoid the pitfalls, tread round them all the time, if you don’t face the dark places, you don’t learn that resilience. This world was created in a pattern of dark and light, of love and hate, opposites, the situations we find ourselves in cause us to swing from one extreme to another. A middle path that avoids extremes is not really a path at all, it can be an avoidance, a sitting on the fence, that’s why he was showing the fence, you need to swing like the pendulum to feel the full breadth and depth of the emotional vocabulary that exists in this physical realm of light and dark, contrasts, extreme contrasts that will toughen up your spiritual muscle. It's not easy to expose yourself to the stench of disease, of war, of hatred, of emotional neglect, of desolation, all these emotions that are experienced because of the story, life, the circumstances that are created in this world for experience, that are experienced. You can only surpass what you have gone through, what you’ve experienced. It's not overlooking, it’s not avoiding, surpassing, saying I've been there, I've been in the swamp, I've been in the pit of despair, I've been abandoned, I was crucified, I surpassed that suffering. Those who surpass have calibre, can be calibrated against the great master Christ’

‘For some reason he’s just given me a terrier dog, he’s come back to his position on the platform, a wire-haired terrier and this dog is eating shoes, chewing at somebody’s boots, won’t let go’

‘I’m going to say thank you to this gentleman, I’ll call you Alan’

Me... ‘Or Clement’

‘Or Clement, thank you for your presence, thank you for speaking, God bless you, good bye’

I then did the closing, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

I still can’t place who this was. I did wonder if it was Tony Stockwell who I went to see at a trance workshop along with all the members of the Mercury Circle about 18 years ago but the evidence doesn’t really tie up. Maybe it wasn’t anyone to be recognised but just a someone who wanted to give us a spiritual message, some of which seemed to be an extension to what had come through me. 

235th Sitting 18/02/2021

We had another Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I started to tune in as Liz did the opening prayer.

The communication began...

‘All forms of communication are directed by something outside of yourself and yet you yourself have a strong connection to that what comes to you. If this was not so the communication would not begin. You as a physical human being are being watched. You are being assessed. You as a human being in a physical world are re-enacting something which has gone before so many times, but you as an individual put your stamp on that what transpires as you live your life, as you live your physical life. We can only watch, we can only observe for you are the creator, you are creating a new pathway through a physical world, a physical lifetime and in doing that you are opening up more possibilities for others who follow your footsteps. You are never alone. Think of yourself as part of a team but you are the leader of that team, you are taking the first steps and you are opening up a pathway for many. Those that follow you also have their own followers for they too are creating a pathway for themselves’ 

‘You were given the opportunity to have this physical life once you had realised what that physical life had to offer. You had looked back on your previous incarnations and you had seen what was unclear, what was confusing, what needed correcting. As you gathered this information you began to look at the possibilities of a new life, a new journey though physical matter. No life can be planned but a life can be chosen that you feel presents the best opportunities for your growth, the best opportunities for changing yourself based on what you have already seen, what you have already experienced and the way you have reacted to those experiences’ 

‘There is no such thing as a wasted life for each life is full of experience. If you do not learn at the point you experience you will learn at a later date for you can look back, you can remember, you can recognise the faults within yourself, and you will see those faults come to the surface again as you approach new situations but knowledge of your own faults will help you to eradicate those faults within yourself by making different choices, by seeing situations from a new perspective. Never be afraid of changing yourself, even if you feel it is not for the better, for all change creates opportunities for growth, for as you change the situations change that are presented to you and the opportunities become wider’

‘Throughout your life you will feel periods of boredom and in those periods you will seek out opportunities for change. You will look for something new, something which interests you, something different. Make those changes in your life and your life will become so much more interesting. Always remember that your physical life is one of many and if you don’t achieve all that you came for you will be given more opportunities. There is no end to life, no end to growth, the picture you have in your mind is a picture that’s been seen so many times before by many who have travelled the same pathway. But know that that picture will change as you change. Keep your thoughts positive and you head held high, and see the good in all of life and the benefit of change. Thank you, thank you so much my dear friend, continue with your experiments and we will once again return with more information that we hope will help you and be of benefit to your life and to the lives of everybody in the physical world, thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

I felt back with it then Liz began to tune in for a couple of minutes...

‘I’ve got somebody coming forward Nick, just gives me the impression of a lion. He looks like Richard Branson, he’s got a mop of shaggy, longish hair, but then I'm seeing him older with white hair and he looks a bit like Einstein with white hair. I feel he was quite an inventive, crazy person. He's got that teacher, inventor, grandfatherly feel about him, but he comes with the impression of a lion which suggests to me he had a strong sense of direction within his life, was very active, very creative and I feel this person in connection with you in an educational context, he feels like a teacher, maybe a science teacher. I’m getting a sense of smoking a pipe. He's giving me an image of cherries, cherry pie, I sense he shared food with you in some way and this is taking me to a grocery store. He’s like something out of Dad’s Army TV programme, this connection with a shop, food, Mr Pastry, the person that acts as the butcher in Dad’s Army. But the connection with you is the learning thing, keeps coming back to the image of Einstein, deeply into the underlying physics of reality but also had this strong spiritual... I can’t quite get the relationship to you in life except this person seems to have been with you through various times in your life, I’m wondering if this is a spirit that’s been with you and inspiring you from your childhood onwards and it’s like he’s here with this lion energy. I get the feeling the lion image is important, lions roar, they announce their presence and that raw travels far and wide. And there’s a sense of royal, of sovereignty, the sovereignty of self, the uniqueness, the crowning of the self, of the real self. The honouring, the authentic individual. It's that authenticity of being in full sovereignty of your own true nature, of your own self. He’s showing me the connection with the physical, the mundane, the everyday life, the shop keeper, the person who serves others with nutrition, with food, with good things but is also on top form of their own... but is also a king, has a dominion. This sense of being both, fierce, regal and in full certainty and pronouncement of your right to be sovereign, your right to your own uniqueness but at the same time that sense of willingness to serve, to care for others, to fulfil other's needs, to recognise other's needs. But there is a science to this because at that point of sovereignty, of coming into the fullness of the true self there is that recognition of the interconnectedness, the smallest part, and it all fits together in a glorious whole and the change, the evolution of the whole can only take place when every part has been recognised and included, has harmonised, has come together. So, we don’t enter the holy land, the citadel, the royal palace alone but hand in hand with those we serve. One for all and all for one, united we stand, divided we fall. This is the resonance, the resonate tuning of the human race. The opening of the heart chakra, the opening, the circumcising of the heart, the experience, the realisation of that connection, that interconnectedness of that uniting energy that flows through all which is the realm of love, that is the glue that binds, the glue that underpins, that holds, that flows through every living thing, everything in creation, every created energy pattern is a ripple in a universal sea which is the ground of all being, which is the realm of love. The emotion we call love is the experience of that inseparable being in which we truly are sovereign coming home to the castle, to the palace, to the throne. Now these scientists that serve us in the physical world and in the spirit world are that part of us that is essentially striving to manifest in human consciousness, the understanding and the realisation of the interconnectedness, that field that underlies and underpins our reality and all realities and, in that realisation, in that experience, the facilitation of that experience there is the opening of the heart to what we call love, the highest form of love. Love is not something that you do, it’s a level of experience, it’s a level of consciousness. When we open to that level, when we experience at that level, we experience what in human terms is translated as love and there are portals in the physical world, the physical reality as you understand it, as you experience it, there are portals of entry into this experience but often they are fleeting and the lesson in a human life is to stabilize the connection you experience through that portal so that that experience is maintained in every phase and every time constant of your life, your experience in the Earth, the physical reality that you experience at present. By connecting to this unifying field which underlies all realities, you plug in, you allow yourself access to the consciousness that is love and this is experienced in the various energetic complexes that constitute the human being. This is experienced in every energetic conformation that you term the various energy bodies, the spirit body, the mental body, the emotional body and in the physical body. And when at the spirit body level, you contact this plane of universal consciousness which is love. That experience percolates down, it resonates at all the energetic levels and finally into the physical level where it harmonises the physical being, the physical energetic level, the etheric level and the so-called physical level and in this state, healing is manifested but the sublime healing of miracles, the healing that Jesus manifested was through the experience at the spirit level, the plugging in to the complete field in its fullness and depth, let that be your strife, let that be your goal, let that be your practice. And in that practice the experience will emerge, will come but the desire to open to that level has to come from the conscious mind in order to bring that experience into the conscious mind. Ask and you will receive and be sure that those who ask in sincerity to experience this level, the God level will receive the experience in the fullness of time, it is a done thing. And that is a pun, Clive Dunn? I just have to say you don’t have to be Einstein to know and to do your bit, your contribution to the field of human knowledge, you just have to tap into that field and everything that is needed at this time will be generated, will grow and will blossom’

‘Just got the name Michael, which I think is your father’s name so don’t know if he is here and wanting to... It’s like he’s wiping a table clean, he’s being very quiet, he’s listening, he’s cleaning the slate, he’s just written the word on the clean slate or table... LOVE’

This is interesting as after our Zoom session I take my laptop back into the sitting room but before putting it on the table I give it a dust off while there’s nothing on it.

‘He’s just put the word in my mind, sensory, I think he’s just affirming that he understood that love is not just a sensory experience, we confuse it within this world, it’s something more but every little helps’

‘He’s showing me griddled sausages, sausages on a grill or griddle like you might have on a camping thing, I don’t know why he is showing me that’

We had grilled sausages for dinner.

‘I’m sensing he was a meat eater and enjoyed his meat dishes’

Me... ‘Yes, he did’

‘I think he’s just drawing my attention to the fact that when he was here, he was very much of the flesh but he liked his flesh pots, he enjoyed the things of the senses... he’s juxtaposing that with the flowers, the delicate smell of flowers which is at a slightly different sensory level. He's saying it wasn’t a very macho thing, it’s almost as if he’s open to that side of things a little bit more, that’s why he keeps showing me the silk and things that have a more feminine appeal. He’s giving me that gold ring on his finger and that was important to him and it connected those two different facets of himself in life, the more subtle energy, perhaps the more spiritual side and the more earthy side, the more physical. The male and the female, the yin and yang. The wedding ring, he relied on that in a way, he polarised it. He's showing me on the ring a yin yang type of thing, that’s what it represented’

‘He’s showing me a wooden table, feels like a workbench table because it’s got quite thick wooden legs, very plain, square legs, not shaped at all, I'm just seeing the end of it for some reason but I’m seeing a cloth on top of it. Again, it’s a funny mixture because he’s pulling out a draw in this table which is like a work table with tools in it, spanners and things but on the top of the table is a nice checked table cloth, so it’s almost like he’s showing me the domestics situation, these two things coming together because it’s just like a kitchen table but it’s a work table with a cloth on it. He's making me feel that these elements have to be entwined, I'm almost seeing it like a plait, like a DNA, the double helix. These two elements have to be bound in the individual; it’s making me feel that’s his realisation. I'm sensing that he hadn’t taken that completely into himself, integrated in himself but he’s feeling that now’

This sounds to me like dad has been around today as Sarah and I have been rearranging a few things in the spare room and the conservatory including a potting up bench, a wooden chest of drawers with tools in it and a table with plain square wooden legs and a tiled top which Sarah wanted to protect so cut some lino with a checked pattern to fit on top of it before putting her plants on it.

‘I’m not sure why he’s taking me to wallflowers again, I’m sure he’s brought through wallflowers before’

Sarah was showing me some wallflowers today that had wilted and not survived the strong cold winds we’ve had recently. Afterwards Liz said that the wallflower communication had made her think of some wallflowers she gave to her neighbour who didn't soak them in water, letting them dry out and die. 

‘I think he just wants to tell you go on have a good cry, be a cry baby, go on it won’t do you any harm, allow yourself to be a softy, it’s okay. He's handing you a sherbet lemon. I just feel he’s wanting to say that to you. It's like your tongue gets stuck with saying what you feel, your tongue’s stuck to the roof of your mouth, it’s difficult to express feelings. It's easy to feel things like the sherbet lemon he’s giving you because they are fizzy and give a real burst of feeling, a sensation, but there are other things that will give you a burst of sensation. He's saying if you are blocking them, you don’t get the experience’

Liz said thank you to everybody that had worked with us today.

I then did the closing, sent out healing and we did our closing down exercise...

Afterwards Liz looked up any connection between Clive Dunn and Lions, and it seems there was an episode of Dad's Army entitled 'The Lion has Phones'. theme of that episode was the command for the unit to man the phones during an attack, to keep a clear channel for communication, but they didn't know how to operate the phones! 

She then looked up any connection between Richard Branson and Lions, and it seems that in 2019 Branson set up a Virgin Limited Edition safari luxury retreat watching lions in the Maasai Mara nature reserve. 'The Royal Lair of Lions'.

Then Liz looked up any connection between Albert Einstein and lions and got the following quotation:

' Nature shows us only the tail of the lion. But there is no doubt in my mind that the lion belongs with it even if he cannot reveal himself to the eye all at once because of his huge dimension. We see him only the way a louse sitting upon him would.'

234th Sitting 11/02/2021

We had a Zoom sitting and Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I tuned in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘What really is it that drives you to look for answers, what is it that drives you to look beyond. You are in a physical world living a physical life and yet something is telling you there is more, something is pushing you to the limits of your imagination to paint a picture for yourself of something greater, something beyond and yet all of the time you have this picture presented to you in all that you see. You believe you are living a physical life and because that is your strongly held belief a physical life is presented to you. What if you were to change that belief? What if you were to believe you were living a life beyond the physical and in the spiritual world? Your beliefs are so strong that they hold you to the physical until a point is reached in your understanding where you can take yourself out of that world, receive information that is beyond the physical and live a dual existence with the physical and spiritual’

‘There is a purpose for your life in the physical world and you will live that life, but you can also enjoy the beauties and the gifts that are just beyond your reach by letting go of that belief, by loosening that belief, by creating a new belief, by developing that feeling within yourself that connects to all of life. You are a part of consciousness, connected and yet at the same time locked within a physical world. You have chosen to be this way and as you live your physical life you are growing, you are becoming something more, something different and in changing yourself you have the ability to let go of beliefs’

‘Try to see every physical situation as containing opportunities that will hold you in the physical world and also opportunities that will allow you to soar above the physical world. Look at the situation from many angles, many directions. Do not see it as merely a part of your physical world, see it as a learning opportunity to expand your awareness into all states of existence. Use your mind, use your imagination, create for yourself something that makes you feel comfortable, something which satisfies your curiosity. Only you can create a new picture. There is no right or wrong way to create this picture, only your way, only your unique interpretation of information free from beliefs, free from fears. Practice this and see what develops in your mind’s eye. There are many clues all around you in your physical world and you will recognise those clues as signposts. When something unusual happens in your daily life take note, keep that thought in your mind and build on that thought. You have the ability to create so much more’

‘Do not live under an umbrella, take it away and feel the rain. You do not need to protect yourself from any information, be a sponge and soak up all that is available to you and use your own mind to interpret that information. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your wonderful experiments and we will return again thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

I came back with it then Liz tuned in and after two minutes began to speak...

‘I’ve got somebody coming forward and the immediate feeling he gave me was like feeling like a big puffball, somebody quite large, he felt like Billy Bunter. I'm seeing him in his late 20s or 30s, it’s hard to tell but I think he’s younger than 40. I feel he is a mechanic, but I know he feels uncomfortable in his body, he feels too big and he doesn’t feel very attractive. But he feels competent, he likes working with his hands, he likes the grease. He’s not very clean, he doesn’t mind being dirty, he’s a good person but feels a bit like a fish out of water sometimes in normal society. In the garage he feels comfortable, he feels at home, it’s like his domain’

This sounds like someone I used to know in the late 70s. He was very big and worked as a mechanic in a Ford Dealership in Hastings. I was there as part of a college course learning about mechanics and spent a lot of time working with him on cars and lorries and going out with him in the breakdown truck to rescue cars. 

‘He's giving me the sense of a brick. I think he was building something, a connection with a brick dropping. I get a sense of a single brick but it was in connection with a building project. In showing me this he gave me the sense of an accident’

I think he may be trying to get across that the Ford Dealership has now been demolished.

‘I feel he had stomach issues, I get the sense of greasy outside and greasy inside, he liked eating the wrong things. I think he wished it could have been a little different and I don’t feel he would have had a romantic life and he would have liked to. He really liked you, you were a friend, it’s almost like he wants to lean on your shoulder, I think you helped him, you gave him confidence. People thought he was clumsy but he wasn’t, it was just that he was big and it made it difficult for him to move easily but he wasn’t clumsy in his work’

This describes him very well.

‘He was wearing fingerless gloves. He's giving me a sense of a motor bike or a bike, I’m almost feeling the hands on the bars, a big bike. He liked the vibration, gave him a sense of power and release. He’s giving me the sense of pebbles and sand like Pevensey beach’

I don’t remember him having a motor bike. The pebbles and sand could connect with the garage being close to Hastings beach.

‘Getting a sense of a home life which was rather formal, I'm seeing silver spoons and cups and plates. I feel he lived with his mum, in his mum’s house, a house that was kept very nicely and formal. I don’t think he felt he fitted in because it was all nice and lady like. I feel he was loved, he was doted on and looked after but he felt uncomfortable at home. I feel that his mum cosseted him, getting an impression of a tea cosy on the tea pot and he was a bit fussed over like that, he felt like he was being wrapped in a tea cosy. He didn’t really want that; he wanted his freedom and independence and do the boy thing. I feel his dad wasn’t around’

I don’t know anything about his home life but if it was as Liz has described then he would have felt uncomfortable there and more comfortable at the garage working on lorries and getting dirty.

Me... ‘Can you get a name for him at all?’

‘Just before you said that I got Ned, I don’t think that was his name, it could have been Dan back to front. I just get another Michael. Because you asked for names, I’m getting a whole lot of them, ha, ha... I just get lukewarm’

I never knew his real name but everybody called him Jumbo.

‘He’s giving me a sense of model aeroplanes that you make out of balsa wood, he liked making things, he had his own room, a boys own room but he had to go down for tea, but it wasn’t his cup of tea, ha, ha... He liked the burgers and the can of beer or can of coke, he liked being in the garage' 

I don’t know anything about him making model aeroplanes but he did like his burgers. It’s interesting Liz mentions beer and Coke as I remember him saying he didn’t really like beer and much preferred drinking Coke with a dollop of ice cream. At the time I was surprised he admitted something like that; being a teenager I thought all real men drank beer. 

‘It's like he had to be his dad as well, he was two people, the little boy and his dad, the big man, but he took the big man to literal ends by becoming very big. He just wants to tell you what a good friend you were, it seems a soppy thing to say but he really loved you, perhaps you represented the father he didn’t have, something kind and supportive that liked getting dirty and messing around with cars rather than tea cups, ha, ha... but I don’t know if you realised how stifling it can be but I know he loved his mum, he knows she did her best and did right for him but what he missed, well he made up for it himself but he’s getting on fine, he’s bobbing along, I'm getting a sense of a bobbing that’s spinning along, it’s like a reel that’s being wound. He's played out his life, he’s gone over it. I think he felt he’s been plodding a little bit but I’m sensing there’s an opening, he’s wondering what to do next. It's like a fat suit when you do nursing or in medicine to understand what it feels like to be overweight you have to put on this fat suit which is incredibly heavy and he just feels as if he’s taken that off, he’s stepped out of it and now he’s just beginning to sense oh gosh I can lead a different sort of life now. It was a bit like a prison and I think he’s just getting used to that feeling, I can see a long road ahead and it’s winding, that’s the sense of the cotton reel I thing, unwinding before him, a future development, something new beginning to unfold. He's not quite sure what it is yet but it’s like setting out on the motor bike on a journey along a road you don’t know, exploring, a sense of adventure. It's like he’s been held back and now he thinks he’s got free. He's giving me the sense of looking at a spider’s web, all glistening and silver when it catches the light, you don’t actually see the strands until the water is on them, the light is on them and then you suddenly see it, you didn’t see it before. It's like it was there all the time, all these possibilities. It's like he’s come out into the light. A bit of a wow moment, I can do it now, I can go places, I can do things, it’s like a new confidence in himself, he’s shaken off that limitation, that sense of failure, inadequacy, discomfort, not being right somehow. It's like he’s forgiven himself in a sense because he felt he only lived half a life, he didn’t really get to the proper end of it but he can see that he did his best in the situation he was in, he can see that now, there’s nothing that he needs to be forgiven for’ 

‘I feel that his mum is still here, it’s almost like he wants her to know that he loved her, he’s saying I did love my mum, I do love my mum which makes me think she may still be here. He's giving me the sense of a silver haired lady with spectacles, shortish hair but curly. Seeing her sitting and reading’

It’s unlikely his mum is still here as she could be over 100 now.

‘He's making me think of Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...’

‘He's a lovely man and I'm going to say thank you for making your presence felt, I hope I've conveyed some of what you wanted to say, and thank you to your mum too, God bless you both’

When Liz felt back with it I did a closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

233rd Sitting 04/02/2021

We had a Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz started with the opening prayer while I tuned in.

After a few minutes communication began...

‘All forms of understanding come to you through your own filters. You have created for yourself various filters. They help you to better understand your reality as it is presented to you. You have developed a mindset which reacts to information in your own personal way. In doing this you have created a reality for yourself, something in which you feel comfortable, a familiar reality, something which feels fixed in your mind and yet it is something which is so malleable, can be changed by a single thought. The physical world has conditioned you to appreciate all that is given to you in a way that is recognisable to you and yet you can change that, you can see it from a new perspective, you can build on that what you have created and you can change your world. As you live your life you are presented with many situations that give you the opportunity to change those situations by your own choices, choices that come from within you, that what makes you individual. And as you grow that individuality will change, will develop and the choices you make will also change. You are a part of a collective, many minds working together, helping one another or fighting one another. A condition is created by the combining of all those minds working together, working as one. And yet it takes one mind to change the minds of all who work with it, all with whom you are connected. As you work on yourself you are working on others, for they react to you as you react to them. Be an example, be a positive example in your communities. You can create change in your world by changing yourself’ 

‘You have come into this physical world to change yourself. Use that world, use the opportunities presented by that world to change yourself, to become something different and when you pass from your world you will see that change. Changes happen in many ways and you will see in which ways you have changed and in which ways you have stayed the same. Not all change is for the better and you will see this when you look back on yourself once you have passed from the physical world. You will begin to understand why you have gone in the direction you have turned. You will be shown how things could have been different had you made different choices and you will begin to build up an understanding within yourself of the opportunities that you need to bring positive change to yourself. When released from the physical you will feel more free, you will feel more alive and your mind will not be affected by the physical filters that you have created whilst living a physical life. It will be a full mind, a complete mind, fully connected to the larger consciousness with eyes wide open, noticing every though that you have made in a physical world. The life you have led may have been a successful life but there is always room for improvement and you will work with yourself and with the help of others in finding a new life in which to immerse yourself, with the opportunities you need to evolve even more and help your world. And in doing that you are helping all of consciousness for consciousness is forever wanting to evolve’

‘You do not need to wait until you pass to improve yourself, just look back at the end of each day, understand how you have felt. If you have felt full of joy you know you are moving in the correct direction but if you have felt confusion, annoyance, any negative thoughts, then know that you are travelling in the wrong direction but you still have all those opportunities available to you to hold your head up high and face that light. Be positive, see the positivity in all situations. There is no need for negativity for you are light, you are love and you have the ability to create more love within your world. The light will never go out, you may see darkness but that darkness is an illusion in your mind’

‘Your world is reaching a time when many will begin to understand and see the purpose of their life, will understand the purpose of their life. They will inspire others; they will help others and together your world will shine brighter. Everything is in place for a major step forwards, use your understanding to change yourself and others will follow, thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your experiments, we will speak again’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

I felt back with it, then Liz tuned in and began to speak after a couple of minutes...

‘I’m feeling your dad is around and I’ve got this sense of silk again, silk stockings, but then it was like sheets of silk, like curtains and he was draping them around me like a turban, he was insulating me, he turned me into an insect in a cocoon. But he was wanting to put a microphone in your hand, he really wants you to find your voice, to speak out’

‘He’s just put a name in my head, Charley. It's reminding me of an uncle Charley I had’

Me... ‘He did have a friend called Charley, going back a bit’

‘The Charley it made me think of lived in a bungalow in Pevensey and they didn’t have children. I'm seeing a spaniel, like a cocker spaniel, golden red. He's giving me a sense of something funny like golf or a putting green, it’s like a golf stick but not large golf more like a putting green. I'm trying to see if Charley is with him in spirit and as I say that I’m seeing a very old man with spectacles, a pipe in his mouth and a sun hat on his head but smaller than your dad. Quite a sweet man, it could be that Charley is still here and near the end and looking out for him’

Me... ‘I’m not sure if he’s alive or not’

‘Getting a sense of fingers and thumbs, hands and toes. The way Charley is dressed it’s almost like he’s in a deck chair and it’s summertime, a white sun hat on his head. I'm feeling he’s in a home. Your dad’s giving me the image of crazy paving’

This is interesting as Charley was a funny and crazy person when I met him in the 70s. I remember he was with me and my dad driving through London and Charley was egging dad on to race a black cab away from the lights which he did and the cab driver was not happy. It seems like Dad was trying to get the word crazy through when he gave Liz a sense of golf, not large golf but more like a putting green which could be crazy golf but Liz didn’t say that, then he did manage to get her to say crazy paving. I only knew Charlie in the 70s and don’t know if he’s still alive but he would be in his 80s or 90s now.

‘I'm asking him what else does he want to communicate and there’s fish in a pond, I don’t know where that’s leading?’

Me... ‘Fish in a pond could be evidential for something else’

‘I’m seeing more than one fish, quite large, flashes of gold and red’

I didn’t tell Liz that Sarah's mum had passed a few days ago. She loved her pond in the garden full of large koi carp some of which were gold and red.

‘Now he’s giving me that image of crenulations of a castle, connecting with his father, your grandparents, their castle house. It's making me feel he’s with them, they are hanging out together’

‘I’m getting the sense of a horse and a horse's tail; it was the horse’s tail I was aware of first. It’s a large horse with a saddle. This horse is standing still and he’s stroking it. I'm feeling this horse is a present for you, he wants you to have this horse. I know it’s Sarah who’s into horses, whether this is for her’

Me... ‘Can you see what colour the horse is?’

‘It’s a chestnut brown’

Me... ‘Can you see any markings on the horse?’

‘I’m feeling there’s a white bit on his forehead but the tail is darker, quite a bushy tail, it had been really well groomed. A lovely horse, lots of love connected to this horse, it’s a good horse, it’s standing quite still and it feels happy, contented, all ready to be ridden, doesn’t mind having a saddle on. There are clouds in the sky, white clouds, he’s giving me the sense of a lovely summer's day’

This is a very good description of Sarah’s horse that she had in the 80s/90s. Sarah’s mum went with Sarah when she showed the horse. Sarah rode and her mum was the groom. It was chestnut with a white blaze from its forehead to its nose. Sarah wrote out some memories of her mum to be read out at her funeral and this was the first memory she wrote. The clouds in the sky could be a metaphor for Sarah’s mum’s passing.

‘He's taking me to Aladdin’s cave, the story of the genie and the lamp, magic. He’s showing me coins. I think this is imagination, the Aladdin's story is the vitalising of the imagination, wish fulfilling, fantasy, that you can conjure up, there are genie's, beings that are at your service, to grant your wishes and this is a magic area. I think he is showing this because to a certain extent for you this might be like a fantasy, a fairy story. He was a magician but, in his shows, of course it was artifice, illusion, but with Aladdin it wasn’t illusion, he got the genie in the lamp to serve him, to manifest his dreams, his requests and I’m feeling he’s bringing me to this because there is in you a doubt of the reality of this possibility of what is known as miracles, manifestation of the inside dreams and wishes into the physical world. So Aladdin wished for wealth, wished for a beautiful woman to be his wife, wished to live in a castle, all those things, dreams, he was a poor man but once he had the lamp, he lit it, he contacted the genie, the being who could manifest these dreams for him in reality, he became wealthy, lived in a castle with a beautiful wife, all his dreams were fulfilled, all by virtue of lighting this lamp. I'm feeling that’s why he has brought me several times to this cave because it’s a different sort of magic from the magic of illusion that he was doing. So, when I ask him why is he showing me this I'm feeling that that is why he’s showing you that he’s now realising the potential of there being greater beings that are working on our behalf to manifest into physical reality by the phenomena or changes that we wish in our situation or in others, healing but other things too, to change the physical world, to create better conditions for ourselves and others. I feel your dad is learning, he’s a dynamo inside, he’s bridging these two worlds but he’s also reaching out into others. He's aware of the many bridges. I think he’s wanting to be a bridge for us and to work with those genies, that’s what he’s calling them’

‘It’s the Chinese connection too, I'm seeing vases, urns. I’m feeling he’s quite drawn to the Chinese wisdom, acupuncture, I think he quite likes that, it’s a pragmatic sort of wisdom’

‘He’s passing something brown over to you to do with study, feels like leather’

This has come up before, it’s a small brown case that I used to take to school and recently found it in my dad’s attic, I don’t think it’s leather but it looks like leather.

‘He wants you to read Confucius... it’s the ordered society, he’s saying life can be a rose garden, well ordered society. He's showing me pillars, the five pillars of wisdom. I wonder if he’s becoming a philosopher, studying philosophy... ha, ha, he’s turning it into something like flufflesy. I think he thought a lot of it was fluff which is taking me to pussy cats, a sense of a white fluffy Persian cat. He's taking me to rivers, a brown river, on the banks’

‘I’m wondering if he has a particular message for you now and he’s put the image of an egg and spoon race in my mind’ 

This is a strong memory of mine and happened when I was about seven at a Butlins Holiday Camp. I entered the egg and spoon race and was determined not to drop the egg but went too slow to win the race. Dad took a picture of me in the race which is in one of the family albums.

‘I think he just wants you to know he’s enjoying joining in with our games, he sees it as fun, it’s not really a competition just a challenge to keep the balance of this rather fragile egg. I guess you could say there’s an analogy there that we are carrying this embryonic gift, something quite precious but delicate, we’re trying to get somewhere with it and we just need to go very mindfully so that we don’t damage it, so that we get where we want to go with it intact and then it can still be eaten and we might win a prize’

‘I’m going to say thank you to him, Michael, it’s nice to know you’re with your mum and dad and other people and enjoying learning and getting the feel for the potential for growth and for bringing that into this physical world’

‘He’s just given me the sense of yellow blossom like mimosa. I turned it into yellow jasmine but he’s specifically said mimosa’

Me... ‘I’ll ask Sarah about that’

I didn’t know what mimosa was but when I asked Sarah, she said that was what we stopped to smell on our walk that morning. Evidently dad was with us on our walk.

When I told Liz about Sarah’s mum afterwards, Liz said she remembered a fleeting feeling of a lady coming forward, not too close but just enough so she could see her and this was just as the sitting was ending. She recalled seeing her as thin with short straight dark hair, in her 50s, not tall but taller than Liz. This is a good description of her as she would have been in her 50s.

Also about a week ago I asked Liz if it would be a good idea for me to ask questions. I was worried if it might cause her to lose the link but Liz thought it would be okay. After this sitting Liz told me that the questions I asked had actually helped and there was no loss of the link. Maybe my dad was encouraging this when at the start Liz felt him wanting to put a microphone in my hand, wanting me to find my voice, to speak out?

I did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...