This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

75th Sitting 21/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz found herself walking along stepping stones, one step at a time and entering into some green woods where she saw a little elfin figure dressed in green playing a flute who led her on into the woods and out the other side where Liz saw a hill ahead. She climbed it and at the top was a cross, a crucifix. She found herself standing in front of it with her arms outstretched and then she seemed to be at a water curtain cave with the monkeys and lots of rainbows dancing again. Inside the cave all the monkeys were sitting absolutely still in a semi-circle, entranced, looking into an incredibly deep pool. They were looking at the pure still water as if trying to see the substance of the water. They were contemplating the substance of being, of consciousness, of awareness. It was the same; it was as if they were in it but trying to be aware of it, to contemplate it. It was keeping this incredible stillness. Liz was being shown the need to hold and maintain that stillness of attention, that it was very important. Normally the monkeys are very active but this was holding on to this precious sense of presence, of awareness being aware of itself in the nature of water…  

I started off in a green tent or wigwam. My initial feeling was to come out of it but something stopped me. The tent then started to get bigger and bigger, either that or I was getting smaller. A rope ladder suddenly appeared hanging down in front of me so I decided to climb it. As I went up I felt filled with energy pushing me higher and higher. The atmosphere got darker and I started to see stars and planets as I went up into space. I kept thinking I was going to reach the end of the ladder but it kept on going with no ending. I thought about jumping off but I was afraid of letting go and hurtling back down to Earth so kept going. Then the ladder took me through a cloud like pink blancmange and I stepped off the ladder to find I could walk on it without going through. The cloud seemed to get bigger as I walked across it and I saw various animals looking like The Clangers dotted about. I then saw a tall thin house which I headed for and went in. Inside I met my gran and grandad. I asked them ‘Where am I?’ and they told me I wasn’t anywhere really, I’d created this place myself with my imagination and because they had linked into my thoughts they could share my creation and had come here to meet me. They went on to explain that it was very similar on the Earth. We all create our own realities but they are shared realities as we are all linked together but we interpret it in our own individual way. My gran then gave me a bowl of homemade porridge which I enjoyed as I pondered over what they had said…

I put the music back on.

I was getting cold round my legs, a bit like a breeze.
I saw a few flashes above me and the room looked misty and wavy.
I felt a tickle on the back of my right leg.
I had pressure on my right ear, then the left one and then I heard buzzing in both ears.
The room started to look blobby.

Liz drifted off for a while.

I had a sensation under my right ear like something was trickling down from it.

Liz sensed a little mouse scurrying.

I had an image of a wooden chest of draws being painted pale blue.
I felt a vibration on my right foot.

Liz then said…

‘I seem to be looking at the large walls of a ruin, I don’t know where it is but it’s like the ruins in Greece. It’s more like a modern wall; it’s got concrete in it’

Liz was getting images of bees, locusts and insects.
She got the song words…  Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.

I felt a pressure on my throat like a finger pressing on it.

Liz continued…

‘It’s this garden that I seem to be in, walled garden, green lettuce, lots of insects, bees especially, foxgloves, hollyhocks… I’ve got a feeling of Benedictine… like a monk, a white robe but it doesn’t have sleeves… Michael… Something prickly, like a needle and thread, they’re book binding, making books’

‘I’ve got Rupert… and Roy… it’s the feeding of the lambs, around the feet of this monk I saw sheep and lambs… I seem to be getting lots of images of people and some of the children I’ve worked with, it’s like I was being shown to light a lamp, illumination…’

‘I’m coming back to Michael as I want to know if he has anything particular to say, I do have this funny image of communications, tin cans and string between them like children make’

‘I don’t think we can judge anyone, many we think are maverick, they’re just shaking up the beliefs and establishment, playfully poking fun at beliefs and structures that are outmoded’

‘Seem to have gone from brother Michael to these old Zen monks of Japan in caves, they are quite crazy, their methods were, leading people to enlightenment, sometimes shock tactics, using paradoxes and imponderables turning the mind upside-down’

Liz had a pressure on the bridge of her nose.

She continued…

‘I’ve got Iris… Irene… pot of precious gems… black academic robe like grammar school teachers would wear’

‘Got the image of a butterfly, spots on it, a richness of environment, the pearl edged fritillary… So what’s the message? Prediction again… spaces… yes the children, keep the lamps alight…’

‘That gown again and the association with old desks and school rooms, dusty old school rooms, teaching. I see these bright gardens and bright spaces with butterflies and underneath it is love, that’s the barometer, the true teaching of richness of any experience if it puts you in touch with love, if it increases the love, if there is love there that’s a good lesson. It can appear in the most unlikely places’

The music ended.

It took Liz a while to come completely back as she still had a strong link with Brother Michael, someone she had known in the physical life.

I got a sudden image of blue flowers in a green hedge.
I had drifted off briefly a few times towards the end.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

74th Sitting 14/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz found herself by a little trickling waterfall and stream somewhere in Scotland. She was quite happy sitting there for a while and then became aware of a cave behind the waterfall which transformed into the Chinese myth of the Monkey King. Liz went behind a curtain into the cave which was a wonderful jewelled place, full of rainbows and monkeys playing. At the back of the cave was an altar, a place of worship. There was a candle and Liz wanted to focus on the flame and still her mind. The light spread out and transposed into a figure, a great spiritual leader like the Buddha with lots of artefacts and rituals. Then a simple man in a white robe came through and led Liz out of the cave to sit on the grass, a simple place. Then they went and got in a boat, a bit like a Chinese boat. There were many people rowing it and they were looking for a place to pull in on the other side of the river. They came to a jetty and climbed out where there seemed to be a long procession of people going past and Liz wanted to reach out to these rainbow people, spiritual beings. Liz followed them into a sacred grove of fruit trees and ash trees. They were all sitting in a circle there and Liz joined them. She had this feeling throughout of wanting stillness and simplicity…

I started off in water with my eyes just above the surface looking out at an empty and quiet swimming baths. Then it suddenly filled with people jumping in and swimming having a great time and making lots of noise. The scene then changed to a playground with the grownups playing cricket and the children on swings and slides. It changed again to a busy street with everyone rushing to get somewhere and then it was a market place with crowds of people pushing and shoving, and stall holders shouting to sell their goods. Things then quietened down as I found myself in a country scene with lots of green grass, trees and flowers. All I could hear was the song of a skylark flying above me and I sat there enjoying the peace and beauty. I then heard a lot of noise and commotion behind me and turned round to see a battle being fought by hundreds of soldiers on horseback. It was a scene of devastation and wounded and dying bodies lay on the ground. It was like I was between the two opposites of peace and war. I tried to concentrate more on the peaceful scene for a while and when I looked behind me again the battle had finished and people were helping the wounded. Then I noticed they all suddenly became aware of the song of the skylark above them and they all stopped to listen. It seemed to make them realise the futility of war and how the world was a beautiful place and there for everybody to share. Two soldiers who had just been fighting each other burst into tears of laughter as they realised how stupid and pointless their battle had been…

I put the music back on.

I had a bright blob taking up my whole vision and tightness on my forehead.
The room felt like it was expanding to me and then I felt like I was outside.

Liz got the sensation of lots of faces, blob shapes which became more defined.

I was getting cold round my legs and arms.
It now looked misty to me.

Liz saw shapes moving horizontally left to right.
She got the name ‘Maureen’ and ‘Vera’
She wasn’t sure if it was ‘Maureen’ or ‘Monica’

Liz had a sense of something silver, silver cuff links, possibly a present and a bicycle.

I got an image of sliced ginger cake and a bicycle.

I had popping in my left ear.

Liz got a connection between Maureen and a bicycle.

I had an image of a medium sized dark coloured dog with floppy ears.

Liz had a creeping, pulling feeling on her scalp.
She sensed darkness on her left side indicating a presence with her.
She felt it was Maureen, someone she knew.

Liz then said…

‘I have a sense of a large lawn with flowers like a convalescent place, a crenulated building… I’ve got a feeling of something silky, silk… I’ve got this sense of a large parachute, somebody’s landed safely… I just wondered if the ginger cake was for a birthday… I’ve got the flower iris’

‘Like a ship in a bottle, something big, constrained into a tight form, now climbing out, nice and free…’

Liz had images of St George and the English flag, knights in armour, damsel in distress.

She then had images of caterpillars paralleled with the ship in the bottle as the butterfly emerges.

Liz continued…

‘In the case of the caterpillar and the chrysalis… in the chrysalis it looks as though it’s the dormant stage, nothing is happening, like it’s inanimate, but things are happening inside and eventually, it may be a long time, the new spiritual being flies free. Like someone maybe who’s been in a coma for a long time, it would seem as though that was a long dormant period but things are happening on the inner planes, finally there’s a transformation and the spiritual being, that portion, is freed’  

‘I had a sensation of a blackboard suggesting a school, lessons going on, still learning’

‘I seem to be in a snowy forest, snow coming down… it keeps on snowing, there’s a big man in helmet and goggles… silver again… got a sledge, fir trees… I’ve got the name Cuthbert again’

‘Got the name Timothy, somebody who’s trapped or a trapper, just got a feeling of wanting a fire in this forest’

‘For some reason I’ve got the image of the nursery rhyme… There was an old lady who lived in a shoe… I saw the shoe house’

‘I’ve got this strange sensation as if I’m turning into a horse, my hair and face… I feel perfectly equipped for carrying people on my back, I don’t know how people can be cruel to me but I feel very strong and I’ve got used to carrying people, I enjoy it, feels like a partnership. It seems as if I started off as a parody, like Muffin the Mule or Bobbin, a comic horse… but I seem to have grown into something sensitive and intelligent. I don’t think they realise that I have this intelligence. Inside a being, a person, a personality, something far more than a beast of burden, I’m a horse and a human being, a hybrid… If you look into my eyes you will see’

The music ended.

Liz had the name ‘Oberon’ for the horse.

I had fallen asleep at the end of the session.
Liz had remained aware throughout.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

73rd Sitting 07/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, put out the light and turned on the music.
We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz found herself by a red brick tunnel. She was reaching out to the rainbow people and wanted to communicate with them but had to go through the tunnel. It looked a bit like a sewer but the water was clean and clear. The level was rising and the only way to get through was to take a deep breath and swim. Liz found she could breathe under the water and there were not only fish but butterflies swimming with her as well. They were separate but all in the water together. After a while Liz came out of the water with a whoosh and onto land finding herself with an enormous turtle on an island. Liz felt it was someone she knew in the form of a turtle and they stood staring at each other on the sand. There was nobody else on the island and Liz had this feeling of loneliness after being with so many other beings in the water. She had her arms around the neck of the turtle, it became night time and they were just lying there looking up at the stars. There seemed to be an infinite number of stars all filled with rainbows and Liz wanted to go there so she climbed onto the turtles back and they flew up to the stars being sucked up on a rainbow. They came to a particular star that seemed to be teeming with beings but they were like blades of grass. It was as if Liz and the turtle were one of them, part of them, they were all individual but also all one, all part of a whole teeming planet and universe. It was like being a part of a musical symphony, she could hear it playing and knew she was a note in it. She was aware of the whole and her individuality at the same time. It was a wonderful feeling of contrast, of being lonely on the island to being part of this teeming life…

I started off watching a tap dripping water onto an oily surface producing moving rainbow colours and reflections. I felt very drawn towards the colours and put my finger into the puddle, then my arm followed by my whole body even though it was just a shallow puddle. All I could see now were the moving colours everywhere until eventually they organised themselves into a rainbow and I saw the rainbow arched over a beautiful country scene full of bright vivid colours like a magical landscape. I noticed a cobbled pathway and a Victorian dressed lady pushing a pram. The path led to a brilliant light coming out a hole in the ground where she stopped with the pram. There were other cobbled paths leading to the light coming from different directions and they all had ladies with prams on them. I saw pinprick lights coming out of the hole landing in each pram then the ladies turned and took their prams back up the paths. I got the feeling these pinprick lights were spirits entering the physical world for a life experience. I watched the lady enter a hospital and then I saw another lady sitting up in bed with a new born baby. My attention was drawn to the baby’s eyes which lit up with rainbows, it was as if I was looking through the eyes at its spiritual self and it reminded me of some words I got at the end of last Thursday’s Mercury Light Circle about everyone having a rainbow inside them. I got the feeling that the one thing that remains consistent throughout our physical life is the eyes as these are the doorways to our spiritual self…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

The atmosphere quickly became misty, wavy and flashy to me and I felt a pressure on my forehead and around my eye sockets.

It looked dark to Liz and she saw some flashes to her right.

I had a bright blob which seemed to be close to my eyes.

I had a sense of a pig which then became a rat or mouse.

I had a pulling down sensation on my right ear.

Liz had an image of a grey owl. This led to an image of war horse and a ginger bread house.

Liz then had an image of a zip fastener and ladies in Victorian dress on a bowling green.

Liz got the names ‘Norman Day’ and then ‘Taylor’

I had drifted off and then suddenly woke up when I stated making a sound as if about to speak.

Liz then said…

‘I keep coming back to the ginger bread house and feel it’s a ginger haired man or boy, I’ll ask him who he is… Lucile or Lucian’

‘A house, cottage house, uneven roof… I get a feeling of a church and a cemetery. I’ve got a tomb stone and the name Roy, 1916, Royal Fusiliers… hedges… I’ve got a barrel of tar… dark green velvet, like a beret’   

‘Got an image of a frog…’

‘Got an image of a spider web with all these silk threads drifting out’

Liz asked me to turn the music down as it seemed to be interfering.

She continued…

‘Back to the grey owl… seems to be watching in the forest’

‘I’ve got Cuthbert again, I think I’ve had that before… and Sid or Sydney’

‘Lillian comes through, trying to get a connection with Sid… cats’

‘I’ve got step son’

‘I had a feeling this Sid could be connected with the ginger haired man’

‘I have this image of a black car, could be a hearse that was connected with Sid… I’ve got tortilla flats… coconut… customised, something being customised, great sense of individuality, nothing conventional, nothing cloned, everything made individually’

‘Wigwams… like the feathers of Red Indians’

‘My connection is, the red haired man is Sid Rawle from the 60s, had a squat in Camden, was responsible for festivals on Isle of Wight’

‘It’s almost like I’m looking into an eye, a rainbow eye, rainbow people, the visionary types… grey owl is looking on in the forest, grey owl is overseeing’

‘Water under the bridge, just get the feeling of someone overlooking all of this. It’s like looking at Joseph and the Multicolour Dream Coat, coat of many colours, wearing the rainbow, Sid Rawle’

‘Just had a message of love and medicine’

‘Now I’ve got confetti… Constable, painter…’

The music finished.

Liz got some strange words at the end…

‘Popinjay, paedophile, pillaried, presenter and he’s alright now’

She thought it might refer to Jimmy Savile.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

I had drifted off briefly a few times during the session.
Liz had remained aware throughout.

72nd Sitting 30/06/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz found herself by a small red brick bridge with two apertures as if the river divided in two. She felt there were pools and lakes further down with kingfishers, herons and other birds like a place she had been to before, a spiritual community and Liz felt she wanted to go there so decided to cross the bridge. She climbed up some stone steps onto the top of the bridge where it was like a tunnel, covered over and she walked through it to the other side and into a beautiful meadow full of rainbow people wearing coloured clothes and garments. Some were children and they were all very welcoming. Liz found herself drawn towards a group who were singing and she was urged to sing along with them. There was a young woman with her hair in plaits and a daisy chain around her head. She had golden brown hair and Liz realized it was Hermione’s daughter Athene grown up. She was showing Liz beautiful flowers, primroses, heather and they were all for grief. She was talking to Liz about grief and that people grieve deeply with the loss of a child or anyone but the wonderful remedies for grief were flowers and there was a flower for every type of grief because flowers have this spiritual quality and can lift you up. It sounded to Liz a bit like the Bach Flower Remedies. She then took Liz to a laboratory where they were making these essences; they were working with heather and hazel as well as other plants. The first blossom she showed Liz was mock orange which had a beautiful smell and Liz felt this was what she was wearing in her hair. She then accompanied Liz back to the bridge and just wanted her mother to know that she’d always love her…

I started off standing in front of a grandfather clock. I looked up at the face and it seemed to be smiling at me. Then I looked at the swinging pendulum which made me feel light headed and dreamy. I felt myself moving towards the clock and then into the clock and becoming one with it. I got the impression I had become time. Then I found myself expanding, bigger and bigger, eventually encompassing the whole Earth and then the whole solar system. I had a vision of being in a tunnel. I was stationary but the tunnel was moving through me and I kept getting glimpses of scenes of events passing by. Some were horrific events like wars and buildings being blown up and others were more pleasant like people having tea or playing games in the park. I soon realised I was on a time loop as the same images kept returning and then it suddenly went black. I got the feeling I could see no further as beyond the blackness was the future. I asked the question, how can we make the world a better place in the future? And got a reply that we can’t change other people but we can change ourselves, we can grow spiritually and become more loving which will have a knock-on effect and influence the whole human race. We should also know that the healing we send out does have a positive effect on all. Never doubt what we can do…

I put the music back on.

I started to see a few misty waves come from right to left.
They felt very close to me.
Then it went darker to me with a few blobs moving about.

I got an image of a large lady and heard the words… ‘Forest of Dean’

Liz got the names… ‘Keith, Harari, Quintin and Guildus’

I had a fuzzy, pressure feeling around the right side of my head and ear.
This continued on and off throughout the session.
At one point I noticed a sound like wind rushing past my ear as I breathed out as if there was some connection between my mouth and ear.

Liz was getting very hot.
She had a high pitched ringing and pressure in her right ear which lasted a few minutes.

Liz got the name… ‘Margo, a connection with Forest Row, something German, Anthropologists, Rudolf Steiner’

Liz continued…

‘I’ve got a connection with a ship, the steering wheel… a boxer… mushrooms’

‘Marge or Marguerite … sense of a pearl, like a shell, mother of pearl… antique dealer’

‘Bing Crosby… it’s like a message’

‘Seem to have long strips of… looks like liquorish but they’re belts like you’d use in a car’

I asked… ‘A fan belt?’

‘Yes that sort of thing… looks like a workshop’

The music ended and Liz had a few more words to say.

‘I’m left with the final image of lily of the valley, lovely dark leaves, beautiful white flower, fragrant flower… I think that was for Hermione…’

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

We had both drifted off several times during the session…