This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

98th Sitting 23/03/2016

We had the room setup as last week.
I had made a new CD with fewer tunes on it as we were going to continue sitting in silence for a while after the last tune.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualization exercise.

Liz started off on a bridge in a town that reminded her of Manchester with a canal going under it. She remembered when she worked at the university there and began to see people from the university, professors, scientists, and then a man appeared who seemed to be from Victorian times, white beard, short hair and wearing scientist’s overalls. As Liz talked to him he changed into a magician with black hat and magic wand. He was doing crazy magic and then a crazy dance and Liz danced with him. The scene then changed and Liz was in Tunisia amongst fig trees and then it changed to other places and Liz realised that what she really wanted was to find the most beautiful place on Earth, the most perfect place to live in and as this was a magician he should be able to show her. She then found herself in a band of people in simple flowing togas. Liz had the feeling it was South America in the Andes, high up and they seemed to be very much a community, a unified community living in the hills and mountains. Liz had the feeling that this was a very good pure community with good values, it was beautiful and people were playing wind instruments. Liz asked… ‘What about now, how can I make the most beautiful place and bring it into being?’ and she got the feeling the woods would be fine or wherever she chose, opportunities would arise, it was a question of just being free to take them and go to these places to make it happen but you had to be prepared to let go of other things in order to achieve that. It was possible for people to create this and even if that scenario changed there would be others, it’s not a static thing, it can always be found…

I started off standing in front of a pillar box about to post a letter and as I did this I became the letter and felt myself dropping into the pillar box. I still had human form and there were lots of other people in the pillar box all with addresses written on them waiting for the post man to open it. He eventually arrived and when he opened the box we all flew out up into the sky then headed off in different directions towards are destinations. I was flying west towards Cornwall and as I flew I saw other people flying by, crossing my path heading to their own destinations. I eventually reach the house I was heading for and went through the letter box. The letter became a letter again and I seemed to be looking down at it on the mat. A man picked it up, opened it and I felt the reaction and emotion he felt from what was in the letter. I then seemed to go higher and could now see the whole of the UK and saw of all the places where letters were arriving and I felt all of the different emotions felt by people from the messages on the letters. I saw it and felt it as one emotion made up of all the separate emotions, a sort of overall feeling produced by all the different emotions. I then became aware of all communications throughout the whole world, not just letters but phone calls, internet messages, etc… and also people just talking to each other face to face. I was aware of all this and how it made people feel and how it affected the overall feeling. I then asked to see what it would be like if everybody gave positive loving communications and I saw how this raised the overall emotional feeling and the effect it had on the people who then all wanted to be more positive and loving in the way they communicated with each other and this had a knock on effect raising the overall feeling even higher. I saw how our communications can have a positive or negative effect on everybody and the benefits of being positive and loving…

Again we noticed similarities in our visualisations as we both got to experience the creation of a beautiful positive place.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I soon felt pressure on my forehead and right ear.
I saw bright blobs build up in front of me.

I remained mainly awake this week just dropping off for about five minutes.
Liz remained aware throughout but felt she was in an altered state, half out of it.

The music ended and we continued to sit in silence…

Just before Liz started to speak I felt a change in the atmosphere. It was as if it had become suddenly charged and I heard a buzzing briefly above my head sounding a bit like a wasp flying past.

Liz then said…

‘Questions, all questions coming from everywhere, the questions, fruitful pathways, asking questions’

‘Going down this long tunnel, looking at the light at the end, rooms on either side and the doors are opening, each doorway leading to a question. Distractions and then carry on gliding along the tunnel towards the light’

‘My question is where are you now? The answer seems to be not so very far, with you now’

‘Can you make yourselves felt? Yes, sometimes if we want to, it’s a question of wanting but to many it’s as if the doors are closed in their faces, being shut out as if there’s a wall, keep bashing your head against the wall’

‘Someone said chicken feed’

‘I’ve got Iris’

‘It’s like a tin box, a tobacco tin, putting pennies in it’

‘I’ve a feeling somebody had glandular fever’

‘I’ve got Cuthbert again’

‘Don’t know where Caerphilly comes into it, the place or the cheese’

‘Francis or Frankie’

‘I have a sense of a great marquee like in a funfair or garden party, stripy, there’s clowns, perhaps it’s a circus? In a sense all these people are doing different acts, trapeze artists, lion tamers, a lot of fun, a lot of daring stunts, people on stilts, a sense of freedom and possibility, do and accomplish almost impossible things, wow factor things’

‘So is this what it’s like, like in a dream. It can be. Accustom yourself to surveying, purveying the spaces, the intervals in consciousness, in the everyday flow you get glimpses of a consciousness functioning in slightly different ways, not so fixed, shifting, shape shifting and that’s where we are, we all are, there isn’t really any separation, what you think is what you get’

‘So the dead are always with us, like the living, the body is only a temporary fixed point but often the embodied ones are roaming far from the fixed point and that’s where we are too, it’s just the embodied ones have this fixed point to come back to like a magnet but when the fixed point goes it’s still there but roaming free, mixing freely if we want with the embodied ones when they’re roaming too but our journeys take us much further and sometimes beyond the imagination so as you think so there you are and if you don’t think very much you don’t go very far, you stay fixed until something shifts you. So if we come you may not recognise us because we’re changing all the time but there’s little codes and signs that we can send or get… and the tobacco tin, check it out’

‘I’d just like to say thank you to all those who tried to make themselves felt to bring reassurance and messages and remembrances and to apologise for the times that we don’t recognise you but you know you’re all in our hearts and never forgotten. Please keep trying to make contact and don’t give up on us’

At one point while Liz was speaking I sensed large birds like flamingos in a circle around her, looking at her. I then sensed an object about the size of a shoe on the floor to my left turning and reflecting light. This was followed by a wooden park bench and I sensed myself giving it a karate chop, breaking it in half.

Liz wasn’t feeling totally back with it.

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise by which time she felt fine...

97th Sitting 16/03/2016

We changed the room setup this week doing away with the cabinet. Liz sat at the west point round the table and I sat in the east. It was the same setup that we used to use.
We also changed the music to an earlier selection that included sing-along songs.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off dancing with shadows of people around her. She was on a beach with lots of pools and hard sand. It was twilight with moon and stars. They seemed to be drifting out to sea all holding a silk cord like a rope that then turned into a rope ladder and then a rope bridge. Liz felt herself being pulled from the other dancers and wanting to cross over the sea on this silken bridge which then turned into a silver escalator going up and up. Liz then felt like she was in an airport lounge. There were lots of trees around on the upper floors and she came to a large platform like a waiting room, like a parkland with rose trees and bushes. Liz thought this may be a reception area and wondered if her cousin Laurie was there waiting. She pictured him then saw him and went over to ask how he was and what he was waiting for. He was really pleased to see her as he wasn’t sure what he was meant to be doing or where he was going. Liz said… ‘Where would you like to go?’ And he said… ‘Home’ Liz then said… ‘Where do you think home is?’ He was trying to think when Liz suggested it might be Israel and would he like to meet some of his relatives and then some who had passed came towards him and he was pleased to see them. Liz was able to say goodbye as they would be able to look after him and take him to a convalescent centre as he’d been ill. Liz said goodbye and went on to explore this place. There were lemon trees and any fruit trees she wanted were there. Liz realised she could have any tree she wanted, she could just create them, it went on and on, the most incredible combination of plants and flowers and vegetable gardens. There was a play going on like The Tempest and she saw a school for children. It was as endless place and you could create any scenario you wanted there…

I started off looking out the window of my house watching the dustcart coming down the street. All the dustbins were out on the pavement waiting to be emptied. They were the old style metal bins and I noticed that my bin was gold. As the dustcart pulled up outside my house a man dressed in white robes appeared, went up to my dustbin, took the lid off and climbed in. I watched with interest as the dustman picked it up to empty it in the dustcart but nothing came out, it was empty. He put it back and when the dustcart had gone I went out to look inside the bin. Sure enough it was empty so I decided to climb in it myself and put the lid on behind me. I then got a spinning, descending feeling and saw lights spinning around me. I was next aware of people in front of me and found myself standing on a stage in front of an audience. Either side of me were several other people, they appeared to be actors all dressed up in costumes and it was as if a play had just finished and the audience were clapping. Then the curtain came down and we all turned round and walked to the back of the stage where they all removed their costumes and put on white robes. I noticed there was one white robe still hanging up so removed my clothes and put it on. We all then went out of a door into bright green fields and countryside. We kept walking until we came to a large table in a clearing where we sat down around it. Everybody started to talk about the part they had played and what they had achieved in the play. They then discussed what part they would like to play next. When they asked me I felt a bit confused and didn’t know what to say. They told me not to worry as I have plenty of time to think about it, I should just relax and enjoy this place. I could stay as long as I wanted, lots of people will come and give advice but at the end of the day it’s entirely up to me what I do next…

It was interesting that we’d both ended up in a waiting room for the afterlife this week.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I felt a strong pressure on my forehead.
I saw a lot of movement in the room, misty waves and then bright blobs.

I saw a few close-up faces coming and going, none that I recognised.

Liz saw a face peeping up at her.

Liz got the name George and then a bicycle.

I felt something tickling inside my right ear.

Liz then said…

‘I appear to be watching a little boy with crutches’

‘I’ve got the name Cuthbert and an image of a castle, crenulations and cork, a feeling of cork but cork is a place in Ireland… and a donkey’

‘Got the name Brenda’

‘I’ve just seen, and I know who it is, my friend Dotty… Dotty has a big umbrella with her and she is reminding me of the African saying… Life isn’t about hiding from the storm waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain… I’ve got a lot of love coming from Dotty, she’s happy’

I asked if she had been over for a long time.

Liz replied…

‘I don’t know, I don’t even know if she has passed’

‘Seem to be walking through a forest of firs, Douglas firs’

‘I’ve got cobwebs in my hair’

‘Coming back to the fir trees, there’s a sense of matches, the juxtaposition of the two, be careful of fires in the woods children’

‘I had Silver earlier, came with the word sterling first and then Silver. Lots of people around. For some reason I keep getting marmalade, got a feeling there’s a lesson to be learnt, I want to ask what the lesson is’

‘There’s a black and white striped tie and a sense of bell pulling, a school, like a football field’

‘Got an image of a snail, snail trail, travelling snails are very slow, this is the sense of patience the slow path. Got a sense that with patience everything will be spelled out, will come right, it’s a slow process. There’s a lot of trust involved but the very real thing that survives and that shines through is love, the connection where there’s been true friendship, that does survive. Those links and ties, it’s in the eyes, it’s especially when you share the sense of the same reality, the same space, the same truth’

The music ended.

Liz continued…

‘Just got a sense of a fox in firs as in fir trees… Crustaceans… Got this strong sense of the Earth being a school, the actual Earth itself following nature in the trees and the whole journey, the whole evolutionary development of the Earth. The great learning devise, menagerie of marbles, raven affirming it to be the case… There was something important about the Douglas firs… Just like to say thank you to Dotty for being there and reminding me of her friendship’

It had taken Liz a while to realise who it was when she had the feeling of Dotty. She’d known her about 45 years ago.

Liz continued… 

‘Just trying to get the feeling if there was anything more coming through while we have this space… I still seem to be amongst trees, fir trees… Yellow, yellow, got a name like Yoland… Got the name Brenda again…’

We continued to sit for a while. Liz could sense a lot of people around.
The atmosphere looked very light to me. I saw a few images of people moving around the room and they looked distorted or out of focus.
Liz felt like she was in a comfortable space with a sense of friends, close but not pushing.
She had the sensation she was many and just one, the boundary was shifting.
She felt a wave of energy going through her throat and mouth; she felt they could talk through her.
She felt that this was the space in which we could get communication, a clear uncluttered space like a clearing in the trees.
She got Rupert Brooke the poet.
She felt that much of the inspirational source, poetry, music, art, drama is being played out, perfected in these other more esoteric levels and we are linked.
Liz got the sense of the Diamond, all part of that group, multifaceted, that we’re linked.
She felt it’s this clearing, this space that will be most productive and it’s important to keep this space at the end of the session, not to rush, to preserve a clear space. It doesn’t have to be very long, it’s just the knowing that it’s there and that’s the time they’ll drop her the evidence that she’s asked for.

We decided that next week we would sit with a shorter period of music and then make more use of the time afterwards to see what connections or communications we could get.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

96th Sitting 09/03/2016

We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, tuned out the light and put the music on.
We began with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Lit started off on a large strand of sand watching the silvery light on the sea, the sun was setting and she was aware there were flamingos and gulls with red feet. Liz was calling out in her mind to be taken to the other side over a rainbow bridge. Then suddenly she found herself surrounded by flowers walking up a hillside looking down at the beach and sea. As she went up she saw children playing and goats and loads of yellow flowers and trees in blossom, a beautiful place. She looked up and above her at the top was a figure in a robe with a beard and long red hair. Liz climbed up and asked him what this place was, what was special about it and he said it is the place for the feeding of the lambs and the lambs were the children and the food was knowledge and wisdom. He took Liz to an enormous cavern and they went inside. It was like a great temple inside and on the walls it was like films were playing. He told Liz that these were the sum total of knowledge, all that is known was here, you’re seeing it as a film but that was just a construct, a way of understanding. He said the children are brought up here to be cleansed and to be exposed to the seven winds. The teachings on Earth are corrupt and not the full teachings. The truth is here for all to see and in order for the children to have access to their heritage they are brought here during the night. He said children gradually slip and become under the thumb of their Earth teachings. They lose the ability to go inside themselves and find the truth. He told Liz she could come here anytime but it was within her, it wasn’t an external place…

I started off standing on a very dry clay surface watching drips of water slowly falling from the sky, one at a time, forming a puddle in front of me. I watched as the puddle got bigger and bigger and then it was as if time was fast forwarded when I found myself looking out at a huge ocean. The dripping had stopped and I watched the waves coming up towards me then receding. One wave then came right up to me covering my feet and as it did so my feet turned to water, then my legs and the rest of me turned to water and I disappeared into the sea. I became one with the sea, I was the sea, I could sense waves lapping up at shores all over the world, I sensed streams running down from the hills and into me and sensed the water evaporating, forming clouds and raining back down to Earth. I was all the water of the Earth and felt this powerful feeling of unconditional love for all the creatures of the world as I wanted to provide life for them. I felt that they too would eventually become one with the sea…

I put the music back on and we continued our session.

I felt a pressure on my forehead and right ear.

I was seeing wavy light in the room and then bright blobs in front of me.

Liz had a picture in her mind like ‘Dickson of Dock Green’ Just his face. She saw him smiling and giving a thumbs-up with a lantern next to him.
She got the word travesty or transvestite.

I felt wide awake and was determined to stay awake this week but after about ten minutes I lost consciousness. I remember waking up several times for short periods but didn’t wake up fully till a few seconds before the end of the last tune and from then onwards felt wide awake again.

About half way through the session Liz said…

‘Lions roaring… they’ve got grey… The word aphrodisiac… stalemate, Tennessee linked to driving licence’

The music ended and I asked Liz if she had any more to say and she continued…

‘I’ve just got cufflinks… got a vision of hoops, golden hoops like a croquet ball being knocked through them, something to do with Lewis Carroll… snow dragon… golden lilies’

‘I keep getting an African face, an old man… a snake, a very vivid lime green snake skin pattern’

‘Gladiolus… Louisiana…’

‘Got the words dereliction of duty’

During the opening prayer I had asked for some guidance from the team for Liz’s mediumship development and she ended the session with these words…

’I have the feeling this wasn’t a very fruitful way of sitting, I feel I haven’t been sufficiently attentive, I’ve been letting my mind wander. I have the feeling I should be holding it in a still place like a mirror. It’s not a question of just drifting and not doing anything, it’s a question of being attentive, paying attention. It’s a subtle distinction between being in neutral and idling, being in neutral but being attentive and focused. A longer period of preparation is good. It’s a very rarefied opportunity, it’s not like going to the pub, you can daydream and drift anywhere. Intention needs to be sharpened so my feeling is I’ve had a wasted opportunity, I’m sorry. It’s not a failing, just need to be more scientific, more focused intent, a subtle balance between open attentiveness and wilfulness. Don’t want the wilfulness but openness with intent’

‘I think that quality of a clear blue sky and your being in the sea is a good one to hold onto. So preparation is trying to hold that state which is a form of meditation so you’re not drifting off into dreams or trains of thought but maintaining this still clear surface, unruffled surface, attentive, waiting, in neutral but ready to respond, ready to receive. It’s like holding a space open, keeping it clear and not allowing clutter’

‘I’m asking how do you know what’s the clutter and what’s a genuine message, a genuine visitation? I get silver, it’s a quality, it’s both clear and fleeting, I get an image of Pegasus, a flying horse. I had ‘Grey’ and that was real, okay, thank you for that’

‘I feel this is a little bit of a teaching. I just get the feeling this is preparing me, it’s like we’re bottles and we’re being cleaned out ready for stuff to be poured in, there’s a bit of a wall there, they’re not ready to pour yet so I don’t think there’s anything to be said, they’re all poised, it’s all there, not quite, bit more cleaning up to do, bit more cleansing of the vessel but getting there. It’s that feeling if the vessel isn’t clean the wine will turn into vinegar, I can understand that, it’s not just a passing process it’s a bit of work to be done, not to be disappointed, there are true words there, a lot of solid foundation. The image of spring, lots of new growth, just laying the foundations’

‘Got an image like getting out of an airplane with a parachute, it’s that sense that you have to be ready to take a plunge as it were into the unknown, have the trust and the confidence that you’re not going to crash land… having the courage’

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

Afterwards we talked about possible changes in the way we sit for next week.

Update 04/03/2016

I have been updating the 'Radio Interviews' page with some of Colin Fry's seance recordings and will be adding more in the coming weeks...

here's the link...

95th Sitting 02/03/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off with snail trails, silver zig-zagging trails through beautiful flooded marshland. She was following it but finding it difficult to follow the meanders of these snaking trails so she decided to just go straight like an arrow and found herself on a wire like a strand of spider web that went straight along these trails. Then she realised she didn’t need a wire at all, she could just fly close to the ground. Then as Liz was flying she suddenly realised the journey was illusory because she was already at the end of it, she was already there, she was all of it. It was this feeling of being connected, standing still like a spider at the centre of a web, all these threads emanating from her connected to everything, not a vibration or anything could pass without her knowing. Everything that happened couldn’t happen without her. Then she found herself in a field looking at clovers and dandelion clocks and then seemed to be with the clouds in the sky looking at all creation but there was a question mark. She found herself climbing a silver ladder, pulling herself up. It was hanging from nowhere in the middle of nowhere, just this sense of ascending up and up. Liz suddenly realised again that there was nowhere to climb to, she was already there and it was illusory. Again the sense that the journey was an illusion, a construct because she wasn’t going anywhere she was already there at the centre of everything. The sense of being the whole being, the ‘I am’ It was as if Liz had found herself in a Chinese painting with this absolute simplicity as if form had been striped to bare essentials of being but what was beautiful was the aesthetics, the shear majesty and beauty of the moment, of the cloud, the clover, the dandelion clock and that was the perfection of the moment, absolute bare simplicity. That was the meaning of the illusory journey…

I started off on a push bike cycling along a very narrow cobbled street. It was dark and street lamps lit up where I was but I couldn’t see very far ahead. All I could see was the lit up silvery surface of the cobbled street and the edges of the pavements each side of me. I had a feeling there were people watching me from the pavements but I couldn’t see them in the dark. I kept going forwards into the darkness ahead and the street remained dead straight and flat. I looked up and saw stars and planets and again got the feeling there were people on them looking down at me. Suddenly the street began to slope downwards and my bike began accelerating. There were no brakes on it so I just held on as it got faster and faster as the street sloped steeper and steeper until it was a shear drop and I took off, literally falling off the face of the Earth. The bike sprouted wings and I flew out into space heading for the moon. I landed on it and came to a halt in a cloud of dust. Looking round at the uneven cratered surface I saw other people also on bikes up in the mountains. They joined me and we all looked out at the Earth. I noticed sparks of light coming off it heading towards other planets and stars and realised these were also people on bikes...

I put the music back on and we continued the session.

I had a pressure around my right ear.
The room started to look lighter to me and then became bright and blobby.

Liz had a sense of somebody with her and a sense that she was moving aside for them.
She felt it was Mary and later thought that it could be her grandmother as there were other things that came through later connected with her.

Liz continued…

‘I’ve got the words… Careful as you say it… it’s a train set, testify, moving objects, it’s an objective reality… it’s sad to see… a public space, a pinnacle of power and sovereignty’

‘A message connected with Corinthians, to do with the difference between power and love, that to have all the gifts and to capture the minds and admiration of men but without having love that is all vain glory. The key to it all is love and to understand love is to know the perfection of a flower. Love is in the rejoicing of the perfection in the sense that the lover being in love doesn’t notice the blemishes, the transitory imperfection, he holds the picture of the whole being in love, the perfection of the whole, he sees the potential. Coming back to Earth with a bang the lover begins to see the flaws and the imperfections and the cracks and the dissonances and the divisions and the differences and the stresses and strains and the pulling apart. In the heavenly state, in the blissful state of love he sees the whole, the perfection of being’

‘Blake’s poem captures that feeling… O rose thou art sick, the invisible worm that flies in the night, in the howling storm has found out thy bed of crimson joy and his dark secret love doth thy life destroy… The rose being the symbol of perfection and the worm being the symbol of discontent, of dissatisfaction that pervades out physical reality, the negativities’

‘So how to hold onto that..? Contemplate the perfection of the rose, the perfect blue of the sky, the perfect balance of the seed in the dandelion clock, the perfect flight of the bird, of the bumble bee… To see in another person a miracle’

‘Hodges, like a picture of a hedgehog… collapse… sense of something being carefully sculptured, scalloped… potter, it’s taking me to a potter’s wheel’

‘Got the name Winifred’

‘Rosary… Tongland…’

‘It’s like I’m seeing a zoo, lots of animals, it’s like a clouded leopard… got the word courage… Peter…’

‘I get a sense of entering this library with warm coloured oak panels, quite old, switching between light switches and candles. Volumes of Dickins… seem to be many authors, Dostoyevsky, social reformers wrote about the iniquities of their time, brought it to the attention, brought it out in the open, talked about it’

‘Not easy… feel as if I’m on a rocking boat, rocking ship keeling over, trying to keep balance, setting sights on an island ahead or a star, a land mark or a sky mark, a focus and the rocking stops. A focal point draws all the energies together, brings them into harmony, into an awareness, cognisance. Then from being tossed about on the sea the entity can become self-sustained, centred, actualized’

‘I see a globe, a globe of the world that children have on a stand but they just look dull and difficult to read or understand until the light is switched on and suddenly the globe is illuminated and then all the continents, the names of them all come to life and can be read. It’s all there when the light is switched off it just looks like a flat surface, can’t see the contours and the detail… It’s like that with knowledge, it’s all there just waits for the inner light to be switched on for the seeing to see it and know it. The illumination is from within; you have to go within to switch on that light’

‘Got the words semaphore and pasaydan. Somebody saying please let me off, public spaces, rosewood and bryony…  popular spaces. To be like William Makepeace, Digby Stuart’

‘I was asking if anybody wanted to say anything and I got this feeling of fresh clean lemon scented linen, clean sheets on a bed, clean clothes. To dress in fresh clean linen, a sense of refreshment, purging oneself, cleansing, renewal, to purify, a feeling of lying down in a clean bed after bathing before any work of a spiritual nature, seeming to perceive on the inner planes or even on the outer, truly there needs to be the cleansing, the purification, washing away all the presumptions, all the concerns, all the trivia, all the stains, all the blemishes. Then thoroughly tired and weary at the end of the day can lay down in the fresh clean linen of the bed and wait for sleep to come and in that sleep new knowledge, new understanding can be felt, can be seen, can be entertained… new wine in clean bottles’

The music ended.

Liz was quiet for a while and I started to call her back.

As she came back she said she saw a group of figures climbing a mountain. It was like the Sermon on the Mount, they were all dressed in robes. She got the words… Blessed are the peacemakers.

Liz was having trouble coming back. She felt her body was asleep and her hands and arms felt locked for a while. She had a feeling of not being quite realigned.

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise by which time Liz was fully back with it.

She had remained awake during the session whereas I’d dropped off a few times.