This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

186th Sitting 20/12/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session.

About 15 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘My hair seems to be tied, it’s long and fair, tied in a plat or wreath around it. I feel like a shepherdess. Got this sense of Nutella, triangle, very light footed, almost princess like but simple, I have a princess dress, bare foot, dancing in a meadow like in a nursery rhyme. In this meadow, this nursery rhyme world the children’s world I am very happy. I feel a bit like Goldilocks and the three bears. I'm out of that cottage now, I don’t have the will to go back there. I'm free in the meadow, the nursery rhyme world and I can feel daisy chains around my neck, happy, happy, happy to be here. All the fairy stories, I seem to have more with me, Snow White, the old step mother. We live our lives out with stories and like in the fairy stories you come to the end of the story and can close the book, and you can step out of it. Many of the fairy stories have happy ends, my ending is a happy ending. I'm here in this happy meadow with the freedom and sunshine, tending my flock, a nursery flock. All the jewels in China couldn’t buy me more pleasure than the daisy chain. Those daisies, white and yellow, pure, innocent and fresh, you say fresh as a daisy. That's how it feels in a natural world when I finish telling the stories and close the book. I look out into a meadow and I see the real world, fresh as a daisy, pristine, a blank canvas, just being itself. We twist and turn our lives and torture them with stories which are fascinating, which enthral, which terrorise, which entertain but they distort the truth of who we really are, pure unadulterated being, daisy fresh. We get wrapped up in the story lines, the tales that are told in the nightmares and the cruel twists and turns and the thwarted wishes and the vain desires and the glories in the disasters and we forget the simple things, we forget who we really are behind the distortions, reflections, projections. We lose track of our true self, our own being. Now it is pure joy just to be me in this meadow, unwritten’

‘It’s like I'm looking at a chameleon, I seem to have a long flowing headgear dress like an Arab man, a billowing gown, looking at a chameleon, strange little creature, like looking at a camel’s face but smaller, wrinkled, reptilian... Jebal, that’s my name, Jebal... footsteps in the sand, it’s a path, can breathe in a lot of dust, sand storm. Have a wheeled bike, a bicycle... it’s a hurry to get away but I'm blinded by this sand storm. Life becomes very opaque, it’s like looking at a view when it’s all blanked out, snuff, just like that, a chest full of sand. Just wondering was it all worth it? What was it all for? I have the memory of this little reptilian face blinking at me, that’s what I take to the grave. The reality of this little creature is just us two, him and me gone in a blink, snuffed out in a sand storm, and I wish I'd noted a bit more, studied a bit more, understood a bit more. What was important all went so quickly, not a lot of consideration, just hunting around, not a lot of thought, now thinking what was it for? What was good in all this? Want to find an answer. Not a lot... have to look a little bit further. Frogs’ legs, little creature with frogs' legs. I think he has something to teach me, he’s come with me. In the sand storm we were both in the same space and now we’re still in the same space, together, there’s something that links us forever and I have to look at what that means, there’s something in it for me to understand. I just wanted to share this, my mind is thinking about it because it must have some meaning. The same life essence that runs through me, runs through you even the most simple of creatures, old frog leg and I'm so sorry if I ever hurt you because you like me have had that little life snuffed out like that without ever knowing the meaning of it, before there is time to discover the treasure of it and it should be treasured. Just because we haven’t seen the treasure doesn’t mean there isn’t treasure to be found. It doesn’t seem fair to have it extinguished like this before we’ve really dug deep. So, I'm sorry if I've ever hurt you or snuffed your little life. I was cruel, now I have to make amends for all the lives I mindlessly destroyed, lives I thought were lesser and had no consequence. I want to make amends... I feel myself now in a zebra striped gown and I don’t know what this means... I will find out the meaning of this black and white garment I’ve been given and I will come back later when I've found it and let you know because there is some meaning in all of this... so I’ll leave you now, thank you for listening’

‘I sense a very sweet lady here, short curly hair, very sweet-natured. Get a sense she’s holding a kitten’

‘Just got a sense of Sheherezade, the Arabia knights, the wife who manages to keep alive by telling stories, keeping her cruel husband entertained so he won’t dispose of her like Henry VIII. Very sweet-natured person’

Liz asked for the music to be turned up...

‘I’m getting the Fs... feverfew, Faversham, Fielding...’

‘Got the name Veronica’

‘I feel as if I've been taken on a journey down a speeded-up path, I've come to a station, name like Gooseberry, not sure what I'm doing here, like being in an old-fashioned film, a proper engine. A name Goodenough, I don’t know if that’s a surname?’

‘I feel as if I'm meeting someone with a fox around her neck, a sense of dead deer and animals, like being caught up in an old-fashioned movie, a large animal like a stag being carried like a trophy, not a very nice image, I don’t think I like it, got a feeling I don’t want to be here, like it’s all staged. got a colour lavender, looking at something knitted, something pleasant and floral, that’s taking me into a more pleasant space, flowers in a garden. It’s as if I've made little crocheted skull caps, hats, lavender coloured for little heads. Not sure what I'm getting here. It's like I'm looking at big ugly furniture which I don’t like, rather dark wood, large, cumbersome, heavy’

‘I’m sensing myself on a sleigh ride, being pulled by husky dogs which is great fun. Marigolds, I'm not sure why I'm being shown all these things. Seeing little embroidered handkerchiefs, motifs, different colours... seeing a rather grand fountain now, centre piece of a garden... where are we? ...Buckingham... Can we stop here...’

I player a tune to help Liz come back.

‘Just say thank you to all those who’ve shared something with us, I’m sorry I can’t always tell what’s my mind and what’s your mind. I hope I've brought something through that’s genuine... My ear went all distant then, whether that was a sort of confirmation?’

Me... ‘Yes, could have been’

We then talked about our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz decided to just reach out and found herself in a field of dandelions, vivid yellow colours and dandelion clocks. She laid down and felt invisible presences with her that were lifting her up and covering her in a white sheet and she was really happy to be there. Liz felt she had to merge with the sheet in the middle of this field of yellow dandelions. She became the sheet and tried to maintain being a completely blank sheet. This was what the invisible friends wanted so that they could imprint their presences on her...

I saw in the distance a man climbing over a wall then getting on a bicycle with a sack of letters. He cycled up to me gave me a letter then disappeared. I tried to see who the letter was addressed to but couldn’t turn it over so I just opened it and took out a large folded sheet of paper full of words but I couldn’t read the words. The paper then turned into a moving image, it was like an old-fashioned film being shown to me of the first world war, soldiers in battle, then I saw a man holding a French flag on a pole next to a mound of earth as if someone had just been buried and he put the flag in the ground. Then it was a hospital and a baby being born and the film showed this baby growing up as a boy at school, then university and then he was a scientist in a lab surrounded by instruments. Then I saw this man at a party being invited to a séance which I felt he didn’t really want to go to but he did and the man with the flag materialised and spoke to him saying he was his guide and would help him investigate life after death. There were other materialisations which were very evidential and this convinced him that there was indeed something in this. Finally I saw him as an old man surrounded by books he’d written on afterlife investigations and experiments. He was pleased with what he had done but felt the true value of the books was to inspire others to investigate and experiment themselves to get their own evidential experiences...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

185th Sitting 15/11/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 15 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I'm seeing like a face, iridescent, like a chameleon almost with all these colours, shifting and interacting, forming a completely mobile pattern over the face, a network and I'm being shown how every living thing has this patterning, this network of colours like in a bubble, it’s almost like looking in a bubble and the colours flow and coalesce in shape but every living thing has this unique patterning, is composed basically of the same number of elements but they are configured in a special pattern for each living or even non-living entity in the Earth. Even the stones have their own emanation, their own patterning and this unique patterning, unique combination of the elements, the subtle elements and the colours in each entity, each living being and each non-living being give it it’s peculiar and essential unique identity and they are the same basic colours, the same set of... like the letters in the alphabet, 26 letters, but they can make the whole of the Gospels or a rather silly love letter, or a treatise on evolution, or a comic strip book, same combination of the letters in a different format, different ways of compiling then, creating a wholly individual complex pattern. So, look for the patterning, look for the overall shape, the proportions of each of the elements’

‘That is true that each particular configuration can be reflected in the mirror of the other forms around so we are constantly interpenetrating each other, interpenetrating the objects we hold which is how psychometry is possible, the owner of an inanimate object has left like the dust on a butterflies wings, the iridescent patterning of their thought forms, of their shape, of their feeling which remains almost as an invisible imprint like seeing the reflection of the sky in the puddles, this memory pattern, subtle as it is, exists and can be recorded, recorded in the mind of another’

‘Though living beings are all unique they are a vortex of field patterns that can merge and coalesce like bubbles, form one larger one that can then separate off into smaller ones, back into individuals absorbing, eating, engulfing each other’

‘Hence to be fully human the human being centres in their own patterning, becomes self-aware, becomes lucid in their own unique patterning and holds that self-concept, a sense of uniqueness relationship, so the relationship to others becomes real relationship, self-aware, and aware of the uniqueness of the other, but allowing the other to interpenetrate at times but also able to hold on to their own true form’

‘There is an element of fear in each human being for loosing that self-awareness of the individual form that has been so arduously attained to flow back into the almost animal like coalescence and merging as one mind with other entities. That same self-awareness also creates the great sense of loss and pain on death and the fear that that individualness of the entity with whom one was in a relationship is lost, is merged back into the coalescing almost amorphous flow of group entities. The evolution of the individual allows for that increasing intensity and lucidity in the awareness of form and the awareness of self-identity and that stabilisation of structure and of the subtle structures can be maintained beyond the death of the body. Part of the growth of the individual is to maximise that lucidity, that self-awareness'

‘In the physical world the emanation of that individual is like striking a tuning fork, rings loud and clear, all the harmonics and the resonances of that individual are well determined and refined, but as that emanation spreads out into the cosmos and is reflected back it’s like echoes, becomes fainter and fainter. The power of the tuning fork striking its own true note in the physical can create echoes that continue through many worlds and vibrational levels. Ring your true note, help those you love to ring their true note and you will yet vibrate together in harmony, in all the many levels, all the many universes’

‘I’ve got the name Gracie Fields... and confabulation’

‘Get the feeling of a furry dog like a lap dog... white or creamy colour... a bit like a poodle but it’s not a poodle, it’s a plumper dog’

Me... ‘Do you know why you’re getting that, has it got a connection with anything?’

‘No... it’s just a comfortable dog, it seems to be over by you, it’s like just dozy, it’s dozing with its head out of a basket, quite a large dog I think, a comfortable dog, the sort of dog you’d like to put your feet on’

‘Just seeing an image of a shopping basket, one of those net shopping baskets made out of string or woven, a kind and custard’

‘Got an image of His Master’s Voice like on the records where you’ve got a dog with a big speaker’

‘I’ve got all these teachers, teachers from when I was a child... someone sort of saying going forward, looking forward. The teachers of the future... All those teachers who shared their essence with the children leave their mark, it’s the mark of their being that they’ve shared and all of that is a form of love, what we call love. A teacher recognises the uniqueness of the student, children in their care and the children come to recognise the uniqueness of the teacher, and that is a love relationship at its best. The true teacher has that capacity to elicit that bond of love and mutual respect. We are all teachers for each other’

‘The name Hill... I'm seeing a youngish man in his thirties, rather shiny trousers, a suit, got a moustache, quite a mop of hair, sort of lounging, slight element of a spiv... perhaps this is Hill... he could have been a crooner or a croupier, not a bad person, a bit lazy, laid back, a kind of Flash Harry, likes to get things done the easy way, Lucky Jim type. I sense a bit shallow relationship feel... making up for lost time, opportunities, the real opportunities slipped, chased the things that weren’t valuable like the shiny trousers, didn’t recognise the true worth of relationship, Jimmy Hill, making it up now, trying to understand where he got it wrong. Slipping away from things when they got difficult, too easy to slip and slide. It takes character to raise a family, to stick with it even when the going gets tough... regrets, I didn’t try harder, a slippery slope, in too deep, down a decline, sense of no achievement. He’d like to try again. It's good to know you can repair broken relationships, where there’s a will there’s a way. You can work on it even after you die, you can make it up’

‘I think I've got, think it’s...’

‘I’ve got someone who looks like Max Kade and Arthur Connan Doyle with a moustache, stocky striding up a hillside, looks like a Scottish hillside, heather, almost impatient to get on with things. Getting a sense of the fresh air, outdoors, got walking stick. Shipping legend... seeing something written and I'm trying to read it... the word confabulation again. The sense of needing to achieve, an uphill path...’

‘I think they’re telling me not to be afraid of hard work, that in order to achieve just have to have faith, courage, perseverance, endeavour, going forward. I think they are saying I want an escalator but sometimes you have to climb by the stairs. That’s a faint heart never won fair lady, but then how do you get that confidence, you just have to trust yourself and your teachers. What did they tell you? Genius is 99 percent hard work and one percent inspiration, okay thank you for that, ha, ha... I'll put that in my pipe and smoke it... Okay fellas, over and out, that’ll do for now, thank you, thank you all very much and Renee Hill and Jimmy Hill God bless you both, reconciliation’


I put a tune on to help Liz feel back with it.

Then we recounted our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself by the sea on the sand and there were pools everywhere with the sky reflecting in them which looked very real. Then a great silver boat came sailing across the sea towards her and at the same time an aeroplane came down. Liz wanted to go in the plane, she wanted to go straight up, the pilot was a family member who had died. It was a sense of going up into different vibrational levels and then suddenly it was as if Liz didn’t need to go anywhere, from being a seed she’d become a tree. To get to the other vibrational levels they just had to reach up, the boat and plane were just illusions. The family member was already at that higher vibrational level. This great silver tree that Liz now was had grown out of her and it was like the true self that she was. She was reaching out to it but was already there, she just had to allow it to manifest, to become aware of it and grow into it...

I started off not seeing anything but hearing a voice talking to me about how we are all unique and should follow our own pathway and not the pathways of others. Sometimes we see and copy what other people do but that is their pathway, our purpose is to create our own pathway in this life. It made me think about my own mediumship which could be changing and I may be worried that it is developing into something different to traditional trance mediumship but I should trust it and allow it to develop in its own unique way. The darkness then lifted and I could see the person talking sitting in a chair but it wasn’t a person it was a dragon who laughed and said... I guess you were expecting to see some wise old man in robes, but I'm better than a wise old man because they don’t have wings like me so they can’t fly but I guess they can still travel into other realities and so could you if you wanted to... but wise old men can’t breathe fire like me, fire can destroy but it can also save lives with its warmth and bring light into darkness but actually you all have light within yourselves and you can all project that light into dark areas because light is love...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

184th Sitting 25/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued into the session...

After about 40 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I have crystals... crystal bells, I think that is referring to the vibration of crystals and their pure crystalline substances. Each have their various specific vibration and for the human being is an amalgam of many beings. A true human is a community of beings, invaded constantly by all manner of entities from bacteria to the viruses, to the elementals, to the discarnates, to many life forms. The human being is a host, to many life forms as a community but the human being also has their own specific life form and to hold the integrity of that life form, specific crystalline substances from the Earth, resonant with their specific frequency of vibration, can help the human to attune more finely to their own specific life form, to hold on to the integrity of their own life form when at times the invasion of the many, many concurrent commensals threatens to overwhelm, chiming the bells, chiming the crystal bell for every chakra, for every one of the power systems in the human form can help the human to maintain their integrity in the face of the awareness of the constant flow and flux of other beings through and around which can at times feel overwhelming. The awareness of these beings for many is blunted, is not refined, they are used to being a muddy stream, like a muddy river. They are used to that opacity of being, that density of being in which vision is cloudy but a highly strung sensitised human who has the awareness of the many life forms, the many frequencies co-mingling, cohabiting, can feel overwhelmed, can feel sometimes the alienness of these other commensals and ringing the tune of the crystalline substances that vibrate with the particular pitch of your chakras, of your spiritual power centres, your physical, emotional, mental vortices can help to maintain that sense of uniqueness and integrity, to ring loud and clear, over and above all those many friends, neutrals and foes surrounding and invading all the time but regarding each and every life form as a shining piece of the original light bearing within each life form, the kernel of love, the kernel of the fundamental, each and every life form, unique and wonderful, unique and cast in love, cast with love, cast in the prime mover in the original light, out of the mind of God, each and every life form beloved. Regard each and every life form as a friend, as a visitation, as a song, a buzzing of a whole hymn book of songs of praise, each and every life form invading and inhabiting, cohabiting with us is a psalm, a blessing. Treat each and every one with respect, with adoration even, with awe and with welcome, but sing loud and clear, each and every human sing loud and clear themselves so their own voice will resonate strongly over and above all the other voices, so you continue to be aware of your own loud voice, your own song, your own vibration, your own crystal-clear bell. Ring your bell, let the crystals help you to re-tune, to resonate with your own fine resonance, your own fine resonant tuning. Many are the songs of the Earth, every being, every entity has their own language, their own sound, their own song. Listen, learn, learn to speak with the language of every life form. Enjoy... But above the babble of the Earth is the ohm, the fundamental, and above and beyond the fundamental is the song of silence. Behind all sound, behind all phenomena, behind all light is the vacuum, silence, touch it, hold on to it often. Allow that emptiness to touch you. Being with the quiet tune, being with the stillness, with the sound of silence. Behind and beyond all phenomena, the faceless, the soundless, the sightless. The empty space is your axiom, is the fundamental axis, the pole from which all life form, all phenomena, all thought form evolve, but to touch your own truth, the essential truth underpinning all forms in which all is one, the you that is I that is all, come back to that emptiness, empty of sound, of sight, of touch, of taste, of self, pure essential being, silence, no beginning, no end, infinitude, all and none’

‘I am the sea in which all beings have their being. I am the sea in which all living beings swim. I am all living beings swimming in the sea of my being. My being is the swimming, is the sea. Without me is no sea, is no being. Within me is sea and being. I hold all beings within me and yet I am ever myself. I change infinitely and yet I am unchanging. Change is my nature; my nature is changeless. I am all, I am nothing. I am always, I am never. I am ever, I am always. I am you, I am me. I am I. You are me, you are you, you are I. Who is there who is not me, who is not in I. Wherever you go I am, I am wherever you go. There is nowhere to go to be outside me’

‘I have a little girl, a new child called Cristobel. There's a lot of new children and they’re all dancing around and each and every one will grow and develop into a full human being if they wish. So many born every day, every minute of every day and each with unique potential. Cristobel, one of many but unique’

‘Just felt Phil Demayo, Phillip Demayo, he... Phillip seems to be preparing, he’s showing me all these cups, cups of tea like a birthday party. I think he’s hosting all these children and they are all being celebrated, new souls. No children are left unattended in spirit, they are all being tended and allowed to grow, helped to grow, given the right conditions and here on Earth we often fail them. All the right conditions are here but we distort them. I get the sense he’s showing me pinching, we pinch the conditions, we don’t leave them open, we fiddle with them, we distort them. So the child growing up has a crumpled experience, cramped. He's showing me they are forced into a uniform, an adult dress or clothing before they are ready, too soon so they can’t fill their own space, cramped. So to liberate the child you have to tear off those clothes, step out of the uniform, free schools, free school meals, open sky. He's showing me the birthday cake. Birthdays celebrate the child and don’t cramp their style. I think Phillip is rejoicing in his children that he left too soon but he is watching them and delighting in them and loving them. He's showing me he has a particular interest in the children and it’s the happiness. He’s saying children should be allowed to be happy and that happiness is a key ingredient that is denied often through the distortions and the distorted view of the world imposed on children like ill-fitting clothes and that thwarts the happiness, it imprisons, pinches like pinching clothes and when you are uncomfortable your happiness is thwarted. He says the happiness is a birthright, a natural state of being and the unhappiness in the world is a consequence of the pinching, depriving the children of their birthright so they grow up unhappy. They lose the savour, forget the taste, lose the ability to sense the taste, that happiness becomes a stranger so how do you recapture something you have forgotten, you have lost the sense for? Step out of the uniform... he’s saying shake a leg, shake it all up, do the hippy hippy shakes and sing along and dance along... Just seeing these beautiful vistas, desserts, like flying over Nevada, wild places in the dessert like in the song... You don’t remember your Name... the place to be anonymous, where you step out of the uniform. They're the sort of places you can find happiness, so thank you Phil, bless you Phil... yes I know Susy would agree’

‘Keep getting images of horses, in connection with children, human beings with horses, delightful connection... the words of a lullaby came into my head... Hushaby don’t you cry go to sleep you little baby, when you wake you shall have all the pretty little horses, dapples and greys, pintos and bays, all the pretty little horses...’

‘I’ve just become aware of one of the spirit people I used to talk to when I was a child... again that feeling that children are half in spirit and aware of all these other beings around them and converse with them freely’

‘The word mudra, someone’s showing me a mudra, it’s like a shape that you can adopt but what I'm seeing, it’s like two circles with a line through them, like this pole going from the crown right down to the Earth. Mudra is a way of stabilising energy. Like in yoga the postures you have. The one I'm seeing reminds me of something, a vajra, two circles... the way I can relate to it is how the different Buddhas have particular postures that have symbolic meaning and I think adopting those postures helps to embody those particular spiritual qualities or aspects, to identify with. I have a feeling it’s like when we pray, how we’ve been brought up to pray when you put your hands together in front of you around about the heart centre, your thumbs are together and your fingers pointing upwards it gives a certain sense of poise and alignment with a spiritual source if you’re praying to God and perhaps that’s a sort of mudra. If you lie face down on the Earth spread eagled with your arms out and your palms touching the Earth, that’s a devotional posture in which you are identifying with service, in giving yourself to the Earth, being of service for the benefit of all beings. I think mudras are meaningful postures of the body that help to align and stabilise energetic thought forms and facilitate their penetration into the whole human experience, helps to stabilise it at all levels so the meaning becomes apparent’

‘Just had a black cat with me, I think they are very good at adopting posture’

Liz felt we had come to the end and asked me to play a tune.

Then we discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off swimming under the water in a river and there were flowers in there like marigolds. She felt she was merging with all living forms there. Then she felt something was reaching down and she was reaching up and being lifted out of the water. She was being cleansed and taken over to the other side and there were silvery spirit beings with her. She was in a meadow of dandy lions and buttercups and the air was full of seeds. There were loads of children and a wonderful feeling of happiness, energy and happy childhood. The spirit beings and Liz wanted to organise them and felt they wanted to go on beyond that energy but the children needed to be looked after, they wanted attention so they sat them at a table to make daisy chains while Liz and the spirit people went off to do their thing. Liz was led into a vast temple of learning like a university but it was a multiversity, there was every possible facet of learning. There was a lecture going on to do with humanity, what in meant to be human, it went very deep right back to the origin. Liz was only partly aware of it as it was too much but it was the fact that all that learning was there...

I started off in a black void for a while then became aware of a cartoon rabbit gesturing me to follow it down a black hole. So I did and we got faster and faster and started flying down this black tunnel which then started to go upwards and came out into the sea, out of the sea bed. The sea was thick like jelly and it slowed us down. The scene then changed and we were sitting on the edge of a volcano looking down at the hot molten lava bubbling away below us. The rabbit asked if I wanted to jump in and I thought well it’s just a visualisation so why not and we both jumped and parachutes opened slowing us down as we gently descended towards the lava which I now saw had crocodiles in it. We landed each on a crocodile and the lava felt warm but not hot. Then the crocodiles turned into dragons and flew off with us out of the volcano into a beautiful scene of multicoloured autumn trees and a wonderful sunset. The rabbit then said he guessed I was pleased I'd decided to jump now that it’s led to this, otherwise we’d still be sat on the edge of the volcano and went on to say how much better it was in life to go ahead and experience as much as we can even if you have doubts about it, it’s always better to regret doing something than to regret not doing something...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

183rd Sitting 18/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued into the session...

After about 30 minutes Liz began to speak and I turned down the music...

‘I’ve got Laurie... my cousin... wanting to share lots of good things... something about schools, lots of schools of philosophy, the fringes... we have the fringes of our understanding, they are able to access them freely, openly, its wisdom like gems... an analogy of sweets that we love... when you grow up you can eat as many as you like and this is like being promoted into a new class where all the things that you fancied, that you were interested in, you can have as much as you want of them, you can soak them up, you can immerse yourself without distraction. All of those things that you kept at the fringes of your life, the periphery, perhaps because the needs to earn a living, to partake in the normal flux of the teaching life and what’s on offer here prevents you from delving too deeply in those areas that are of deeper interest and remain fringe areas here, but when you pass into spirit the universities, the schools of learning, the philosophy is an immersive experience, you can glory in all the hidden mysteries that were hinted at here but remained in the fringes, the edges of the carpet. We tug at them sometimes like the edges of the prayer shawl. Such a wealth of learning, understanding. To be able to plunge into the sea, all this, all that was hidden, all that was kept at bay... these are the riches, these are the jewels of heaven’

‘He is saying you can look forward to things we touched on here, we talked of, glimpsed. He is longing to share, he is again in awe, just beginning to realise the full richness and wealth of this new thought realm of higher learning, the philosophy, the wisdom, the learning, and my dad too, they are just beginning, they want to welcome us and begin to be able to share, get some of this, the shining through the cracks in our ceiling. So as our feet tread on the Earth we are aware that the most expensive Persian carpet with its fringes could compare, that they are under our feet here, they are around us but the noise of our civilisation blocks them out, the clues are in the everyday berries, the flowers, the fruits, the bird songs, butterflies, bees, each of these life forms, jewels, gems, the universe of mystery is pointing to Blake’s poem, to see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower... anyway for those who the world hasn’t been enough, they missed, they are able to catch up, to make up for lost time in their new realm of spirit. All those things that were missed become glaringly obvious and there is a regret but its short lived because the opportunities to progress, the opportunities to reassess, to reacquaint oneself to understand fully and truly the implications of what we were here for, what we missed, what we omitted to register, we can catch up on that, reevaluate, reestablish and prepare for the next time, the new opportunity should it arise when the time is right so that the next time we will see fully all that is on offer and the fringes won’t be fringes they will be the body of the carpet, they will be the very platform on which we walk and on which we manifest’

‘Seems to be singing We all live in a Yellow Submarine...’

‘There is this sense of this was like an examination here, a try out, an experience to pitch yourself in this physical dimension, but there are many, many opportunities to try again, it's not the end, it doesn’t matter that much if you fail at some things, if you don’t grasp everything, if you don’t do as well as you could have done because it’s a learning curve and the opportunity to readdress that, to learn from the mistakes. Somehow the relief once you’ve got over there, the shock of realisation of the glaring gaps or mistakes, false steps, once you’ve got over that it’s just a wonderful feeling of freedom and opportunity to progress. Being in this world is like walking through treacle somehow, everything is twice as difficult, it’s a real test, an obstacle course and then in the new world everything seems so much easier, there’s no resistance. In the physical world you are always working against resistances, resistance from many quarters, from others and the influence of others, from in one's self, one's reactions create resistance. It's gravity on the Earth, gravity holds you down but it’s also a way of strengthening your muscles, it has its reasons and its uses, it slows you down and in the new world things move very fast, very fluid without that resistance, that sense of obstacles. Sometimes you have to stop and withdraw, become very still to avoid being flooded with too much too soon. You have to retreat sometimes, find a private quiet place to centre, to try and get a bit of gravity, a bit of something more solid, to stop the flow’

‘Margarine... something that oils things, makes things slippery so you skid along, slide faster and faster which is why sometimes you have to stop. You can get ahead of yourself’

‘Someone’s telling me he wanted to know what it’s like, it’s very hard to describe, it’s easier to do it by holding an awareness of the difference while it’s different. It's like having a window cleaned when it’s been murky and suddenly you are seeing things as if the window isn’t there any more, that barrier is gone’

‘Somebody is saying Nicholas...’

Me... ‘Hello... are you able to give a name?’

‘Just got Neddy...’

Me... ‘Hello Neddy’

‘It’s congratulations... got something like cuff-links or press studs... shirt sleeves... smarten up... this person liked to be dapper, like being smart. I slight feeling of being a dandy and that was an image to project, just a delight in being smart. We are playing many roles, many parts, you can choose the persona, it’s a bit like being an actor, it's quite fun to take on different personas. It's in the same way children like dressing up, pretending to be someone, it’s good fun. Some people become actors, go on the stage, some people do it in their life, their life is their stage. We all choose an arena in which we operate, could be in the field of music, science or the dogs, could be in sports, could be domestic, could be cars, could be building, hand work whatever, the important thing is to enjoy it, to really revel in the experience of playing that part but don’t get too attached to it, it’s just a part, just a persona, a vehicle for the expression of your intrinsic spirit, who you are, a manifestation. It's like children trying on cloths, pretending to be a prince or princess, a clown or a business man going to work or a comedian or even an undertaker. It’s a telephone if you like to chat’

‘He’s saying Becky, give Becky some flowers... there’s a Prudence, Prue... ahh Silver asking for one at a time, somebody to be like a gatekeeper, a compere... Francis or Frankie... got a glimpse of the elephant’

Liz asked me to play some music for a bit...

Then after about five minutes she continued...

‘I don’t know if this is Josette or her mother-in-law reminding me St Francis Xavier, it was a statuette, I don’t know if it is him but she’s showing me a statuette of a dark skinned priest, saint, made of wood and I have a feeling this maybe the Abercynon which he wanted me to know the significance of this, not to put it aside and Francis just wanted to share the ministery of this highly spiritual being in his life of service, a fitting example’

‘I have three mothers-in-law here... Alice, Jessie and Josette... why are you all here? Just to say hello and to rekindle the affection, lovely ladies. Because the mothers through the sons have a deeper connection and they connect with you, bond of empathy and we remain linked... yes love is the link, with the mother-in-law the link of love, for all who love their sons and they’re sharing that link of love. Mary mother of Jesus rejoice in the Marys that loved her son’

‘Got the name Donald and it’s come as Donald Pleasence... slightly bald, round face, smiling, a secretive smile, he has got some hair he says. He seems to be playing a keyboard and is encouraging you to play’

Me... ‘Is he?’

‘Yes, he’s moving his fingers up and down like on a piano’

Me... ‘Okay, I’ll practice a bit more, ha, ha...’

‘Glad you are playing songs and you can sing with them, you’re going to be good, keep at it, you’re going to make some people very happy, get a repertoire. Yes, you’ll enjoy the camaraderie of performing, community sing-a-long. You will find your forte, he knows what he’s talking about, the joy of entertaining people, you’ll really get that. He says all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you’ve gotta have fun, zippity doo dah. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, have you got a penny for the old man’s hat...’

I heard a tap from a cupboard to the right of me at the same time as a flash of light to my left and the tap was picked up on the recorder.
I had noticed a few other flashes during the session and at one point felt like something stood on my right foot.

‘...he’s got these words coming in... the prime mover in a person’s life should be that which takes away fear, fear of death, fear of risk, fear of flying, fear of crying. We ask how did these shadows build up, these fears, embarrassments, blockages, resistances, so the prime mover now in our life is how to overcome, to get rid of these fears, to throw them in a basket, to gather them, to recognise them, to name them. You need to make a list of them, name them. It's like picking out the bad cherries in a basket, picking out all those that are blemished, because they make all the rest rotten, so go through them, all the ones with mildew, mildew of fear and put them in the bin, one by one, sift through all the cherries, which ones show signs of resistances of embarrassment, of fears, negative overtones, the happy ones, the whole cherries, we keep those but those ones that give a little niggle of an element of unhappiness, an element of discomfort, discomfort look for that. But before you put them in the bin look at them closely like a scientist might look under the microscope, what is that mould that’s growing on them, do you recognise it, identify it, where did that come from. So, you look at it fair and square, recognise it, label it, make a note of it then put it in the bin. But you’ve got it registered so if something else pops up and you recognise that mould on it, that slight tinge makes it feel not quite right and not a full round cherry and not quite the right taste, the right sweetness you’ll know what it is, ahh, fear number 33, infecting that, shove it in the bin because even though you put them in the bin they’ll pop up again because the spores are all around and penetrate everything and they infect everything if you’re not careful. Part of the consciousness of the current human psyche which infects us all like getting flu, you just have to have your happiness immune system operating at full prime, full force and then you can face and fight the fears, recognise them and say ah ha we’ll have you out. It's a good lot of work to keep that sifting going, it’s the consciousness immune system working on your behalf, praising all the shades and nuances of your consciousness, recognising those that threaten on the unhappiness spectrum, the niggles of discontent, and dealing with them, not letting them fester. It's knowing that you have the ability to clean the psyche, to purify, to purge, to optimise. So that’s your work, the prime mover in your life has to be the eradication of fear... the more you play the piano, the more that will help, thanks Donald’

Me... 'Yes, thanks Donald’

‘I think that will be all for now... I think he had a connection with your dad, he was looking at you dad’s magician’s hat’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

Then we recalled our Rainbow Bridge exercises...

Liz started off in a rocky place with water flowing over it and it was like a spirit person was moving her over it. Then they were in a large black space, just empty consciousness, reaching through it. A hand met her on the other side and it was Liz’s first husband as a young man again and all the love was still there, it was reminding her of that. He led her to places they used to visit in Wales and they met with a guru person who had been quite troublesome in some way in their lives but it was like the real spiritual self of this person and there were many other people that they had links with, they felt deeply connected with them and somehow their interactions in this plane were helping them address certain issues, they were there for a reason and often we don’t recognise the reason and resent these people because we can’t see the whole picture. People we think of as rogues or villains may actually be part of a very advanced spirit that is just playing a role in our lives to trigger something. Liz got the feeling that those we have loved and have gone before really are wanting to help in our lives and to work with us and encourage us. It felt very affirming to Liz as if he was really there...

I saw a hat like a stetson in front of me with two feathers in it which then faded and I then saw several faces but they were unclear as if behind misted glass. The hat then reappeared and changed into lavender which became a long line of lavender. I took off and floated above the lavender following it until it came to a Y junction and not knowing which line to follow, I sat down at the junction. The two lines of lavender then started to wrap around me forming a shell encasing me in darkness. I thought what do I do now then imagined myself outside of the shell which worked. I looked around at the ground and the hills and mountains and the sky above me. Whatever direction I looked I saw something and I got the feeling that I was still in a shell and it didn’t matter where you went in the physical world you were always cocooned in a shell of physical matter. The only way to be free is to not think of yourself as physical, think beyond the physical world. I opened my eyes and realised I was now sitting in a dark room like a shell but also knew that I could reach beyond that room through mediumship and imagination when we hear voices and visualise places...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

182nd Sitting 11/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 30 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I had juniper, it’s the mountain ash and the berries from the mountain ash, the red berries coming from the high water sources, springs from the high mountains. Water that descends from the clouds and gathers through the rocks down into the stream and into the ground, comes out in leaks and rivulets. All the time the leaks expand into the great rivers, washed back into the lakes and sea, to the great sea of spirit and then the spirit distils into the air, to the rocks high up in the mountains becoming the beginnings of the water sources, the springs that penetrate the rocks, crack open the rocks, make pathways, and the bright red berries of the juniper and plants spring up and the water sources and the fruits develop. Within us as humans, spirit leaks out, we are salt water, the sea, and all the time the water sources that have gathered in us leak out finding their way back to the spirit source of the sea. That light that leaks out of us, it's leaking out everywhere, the Earth reminders, those leaks are the reminders of our link with spirit, it leaks out in so many ways, in dreams, intuition, leaks out from deep in our Earth, in our innermost parts, from memories, no inheritances. And these leaks are powerful clues, powerful reminders, they trace the leak back to its source, or we can follow it to the water courses and the lakes feeding back to the sea. Whichever way we go tracing backwards or forwards, we come to the realisation of the great light, the great spiritual being in which we have our being. Look for the leaks, the leaking light, those little clues, the drip, drip, drip, memories, resonances, clues, synchronicity, visions, hints, inspirations, words that seem to have some echo of meaning, listen to them, let them lead you back to the source or forward to the source. The source is always with you’

‘Just as the red of the rowan berry, of the mountain ash berry, that fruit, that ripeness, is an emanation, a spirit in final form of the fruit, so our blood, bright red, the blood that flows through us, is the fruition of our connection in mortal form to spirit. Our blood without which we die, our physical form disintegrates, that rich red blood is the focal point of our connection with source in the physical. The blood leaks out in so many ways, the blood leaks out in our bruises, in our knocks, in our injuries, in the menstrual cycle, in childbirth, in the haemorrhaging, many little ways. We treasure the blood, we know its value, there is spirit in blood. Blood is human gold’

‘Blood is at the centre of the human heart, the first point of the rhythm of the life in the forming embryo, in all life forms. The understanding of the bleeding heart of Christ, of the blood that was shed to expiate the wrong doing, the errors of man, as a gift of spirit, of the leaking of spirit into the world, one of many leaks, but an enduring leakage to be understood, of the passage of time and the Earth is becoming receptive to the spirit and the blood and all the blood that has been shed. New understanding is being given, a renewal, and this spirit of the mother, with the blood of the mother. The spirit of the mother passes through the umbilical cord to the child as it grows, the mystery of the blood, the understanding of the mother, the spiritualisation of the mother, of the new mother, is a prime mover in the regeneration of the Earth and the regeneration of human kind. The spirit in the blood of the spiritualised mother will pass to the child and the child will develop in Christ’s consciousness and spiritual consciousness. This is the pathway for the leakage of spirit, this is the task of the new mother and the denigration of the female kind of the last millennia, many millennia, the female blood has been despised, seen as unclean when in truth the female blood is the lineage of spirit, is the link with spirit and this new understanding must come to pass for the regeneration of the Earth and the Earth’s spirit which is hungry for this regenerated blood and the children to be born require this new understanding’

‘For many who have seen the worship and the role of Mary mother of God, Mary queen of heaven, best be the fruit of thy womb, and yet have reviled the incarnate female form, have laid little value on the leakage of blood and the female form as the leakage of spirit. They have worshipped an icon but reviled the living. More to the folly of the human race, more to the threat of dooming it to extinction. The true understanding of the blood and the link of the blood to spirit must be known, must be registered in the human psyche for the further development of the human race, for it to reach its full potential’

‘Call you human children, your female children Rowena and Ashley in the knowledge of the connection with the rowan berries and the mountain ash, with the blood of Mary and the Christ son she carried, and the blood of her womb. Hold onto this link for it is essential for the true continuation and alignment of the human race with its spiritual pathway, its evolutionary cycle if it is to continue. For the spiritualised child in the new generations immediately will help to stabilise and regenerate the Earth, will help to maintain it as a suitable vehicle for the development of the human race’

‘I have an Edward here talking about counterfeiting as in copying’


‘There seems to be some counterfeiting going on, something to do with wormholes. There's some hand shaking... getting the word testify... Donald Pleasants... some words forming, corruption, casting doubt on the validity... validity of genuine exchange... weakening world markets causing the collapse of the financial system... sterling... it’s the difficulties of bringing the criminals to justice, entrenched, sophisticated... collapse inevitable, prepare for a world without money...’

‘Calibrese... keep getting the word testify...’

‘A canker at the heart of our institutions a consortium of lawyers, they’re holding a candlelight vigil. And then we have the midwife and the new baby, that’s got to be good, there’s hope in the new life...’

‘Diana, I thank you... thank you all for the edifying fruits of loved labours... I think that’s summed it up...’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

We then talked about what we’d experienced in our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz had started with the leak from the rocks. She was high up seeing all the water courses leading to the sea and then found herself in a hot air balloon wicker basket with a lot of children. It took her over the sea to a Chinese connection, like Rupert Bear and his Chinese friend, it was like a magical mystery tour and made Liz feel there was an important connection with children and their ability to enter these imaginative fantasies, a fantasy world that is a replica of spirit and the source of the leak was a spiritual source...

I could see myself playing a flute, mirroring the music that we were playing and then when the drums started, I saw an Aboriginal man playing the drums then a whole orchestra of people playing instruments and singing. I was then in a busy street watching cars and people going by and they were all playing instruments and singing and were happy and in harmony with one another, taking their time, helping each other and everything looked a blue/green colour. Then I was at another busy street, everything now looked reddish in colour, no one was singing or playing instruments and they were all rushing around looking stressed, pushing each other out of the way. I then saw a man who looked a blue/green colour and he stopped and started to play a flute. At first no one noticed him but one by one they did and stopped to listen then they too started to play an instrument or sing and as they did so changed from red to blue/green until the whole scene was blue/green and everyone looked happy and in harmony with each other...

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

181st Sitting 05/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued into the session...

About 30 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘I had a field of daisies earlier... I think it was a field of daisies for the dead celebrating each one like a star... and I thought of our Daisy’

‘Just got an image of a step ladder’

Me... ‘I’ve been standing on one of those a lot recently’

‘Green hedges... makes me feel there’s a lot of crowding in of people’

‘For some reason I've got lily of the valley...’

Me... ‘That’s one of Freddie’s songs’

‘Is it? I don’t think I've ever heard that... now I’ve got an image of Johnson’s Baby Powder... I'm seeing lots of bicycles...’

Me... ‘Ha, ha, that’s another Freddie song, I want to ride my bicycle’


I then saw a small light flash on and off to my left on the floor where the music CD player was.

‘Just had an image of chains, links...’

‘I think I have Travis, I get the feeling of how much he enjoyed the wedding, and then the grandchildren, he loved the family, I'm just getting that feeling of how much he enjoyed it, how much he appreciated it and all that love is still there’

Me... ‘Who’s wedding was that?’

‘I remember Daisy was over here for a wedding and it just made me think of it, I got an image of serviettes with ornate patterns around the edge like silver, very delicate and it just made me think of wedding decorations’

‘I see this yacht with a gold and white sail and it’s just forging out on a deep blue sea, a sense of incredible freedom. This yacht is the individual, going out on this great adventure into spirit, the sea of spirit, into the afterlife. It's a very dominant image, this golden sail catching the light, allowing itself to be led, allowing the winds of spirit to guide it, the perfect trust and harmony, poised between Heaven and Earth, the sail carrying it forward and the lone yachtsman, no fear but just the great sense of liberation and joy and delight. This is the straight path, the way forward beyond death’

‘It’s an amazing thing that every soul, every person makes the same transitions, the same journey alone, comes into the world a new being, makes that transition, that entry alone. But there are those there ready to receive, mother, father but the new child makes that entrance alone, the decision to be born and at death that same entity, that same child now grown sets out on a new journey, a transition and crosses from this physical life into the new adventure beyond the physical. Alone coming into the world and alone going out but like the child being born you can have the confidence that there are those midwives of the spirit world waiting to receive that entity who has made the passage successfully. Dying is being born anew’

‘That recognition of aloneness, that acknowledgement of one's own soul, soul as in spirit and soul as in unique and one alone is very important for the individual for all the archetypes, the hero travels alone on an adventure, on a journey and that ability to claim one’s own creative power and that individuality. The opportunity is unique in the human world, so few grasp that opportunity, to take complete charge of their own soul, to acknowledge and stand true and firm in their uniqueness and their aloneness. We fear to be alone but that fear is also a conditioning. A true soul who has claimed their individuality understands the togetherness of all individuals, of all points of light, the interconnectedness, the conundrum of being separate and together, of being one and many, but to allow the experience of the truth one has to claim that individuality and to experience through that the depth and the height of one’s being’

‘When we deny ourselves out of fear and become like shadows, partial fear, living in the shadow of others, afraid to make our own choices, our own decisions, afraid to shine in our own light, seeking always the approval of others, sharing their views without ever assessing the truth or the true perspective in their view, being a sheep rather than a shepherd, when we take that limited path, that partial living we deny ourselves the opportunity to achieve our full potential as human. The full potential of our incarnation into human form can only be realised when we accept our aloneness as an entity entering the world alone on a journey in a solo yacht and leaving alone to enter other land and territory. An adventurer and explorer, a resident of many realms, a traveller, a unique, an absolute individual. But as all the stars in the sky are held in a matrix of the universe, of universal energy, our emanations, focal points, concentrations of the universal web of energy so our individuality is a focus, an intensification, a vortex within this field of energy, deeply and always connected and joined’

‘There is nowhere to go to be nowhere and our aloneness is always in company with other great souls with whom we communicate at the highest level, with whom we share love. True love can only be experienced at the highest level by those who have embraced their total individuality, their total uniqueness and aloneness, uncompromising in their own truth and total acceptance of the uniqueness, aloneness and individuality of every other soul. The many souls singing in unison, singing together in a vast choir of voices raised in appreciation, in love, in enjoyment and in enjoining. This is how it is as the individual, transcends to the highest levels, unafraid in their aloneness, to enter into the true nature of being and there the truth of love in which all are held is revealed. There is nothing to fear in being alone and embracing that aloneness. There is nowhere to go to be lost, there is nowhere to go to be outside the love of God’

‘Those that have transitioned successfully will tell you of the love that embraces them, that they find, love that surrounds and imbues them, such love as they never felt before in their physical incarnation. But that love is here and now, is all around for those to experience. So, don’t fear to be alone, experience your full aloneness and allow the awareness of that love to penetrate to your being, open yourself to the experience of your full aloneness and in that experience the power of love in which you are held, in which you are all held will be available to you. There is nowhere to go to be outside the love of God. I repeat there is no soul that is outside the love of God’

‘I have a name Nancy Grey, known as Nan’

‘I just feel as if I've gone through a leafy arbour. Started off like a tunnel made of apple trees and then a rose arbour, then it brought me back to the field of daisies’

Me... ‘That’s where you started wasn’t it’

‘Yes... I think that’s it’

‘I just get the feeling that Travis would want to say to Daisy, so glad to be dad, so proud, thank you for giving me that’

It had felt to me that Travis, Freddie and Joan had been with us this evening. When Liz said about the bicycles it made me think of when Freddie had sung ‘I want to ride my bicycle’ through Joan and then when Liz mentioned the chain links I felt it signified that they were all now linked together in spirit.

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

We then talked about our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz started off with an image of a wooden puppet with a long nose like Pinocchio before coming to a huge bridge, a triple bridge with three lanes like a motorway. Liz took the centre path which went on forever and then she decided she wanted to get off and visualised a space craft above her which picked her up then she drifted off and the next thing she remembered was looking at the field of daisies...

I started off in a rowing boat on a lake at night with shining stars and a bright moon reflecting in the lake. As I rowed I got the feeling someone was behind me with their hands on the oars helping me to row, giving me extra strength. Then I was flying in the sky flapping my arms and I felt there was someone underneath me flapping their arms helping me to fly. Then I was climbing up a mountain and again felt someone with me, they were inside me and I could feel the extra power in my legs as I went up the steep slope. I came to a cliff face and thought I can’t get up that and then this being came out of me, climbed up the cliff face to a ledge then leaned down and pulled me up. It looked like a human form made out of glass and I sat on the ledge next to it. I asked who it was and it replied that it was always with me and was a part of me, I am you and you are me. It was an inner strength within me, more than my physical self that I could use whenever I thought I couldn’t do something. There was nothing I couldn’t do and that was the same for all of us...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

180th Sitting 27/09/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 15 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I have a blessing... blessed be the body, every shape, form, colour, size. Every body is blessed, is the temple, the vehicle for the human spirit and shall be honoured, shall be tended and cared for. Every body is worthy, blessed be the body. It is as if every body is the body of Christ and should be treated as such. Honour the body, honour the spirit in the body’

‘It’s the Abyssinian that’s telling me this’

‘So many have been persecuted, savaged, sacrificed, debased. And that is the true sin, the waste of the human form, the negation of it. To debase the form is to debase the spirit. Honour the form as spirit, the two in one and the one in two, they have come together in the human incarnation, not to be despised, not to be rejected. To be honoured, to be tendered like a garden of flowers. Many have wasted their incarnation and have wasted their spirit’s light by neglecting, by despising, by debasing, by covering the body with all manner of putrefaction, by filling the body with all manner of putrefaction, by regarding it as lesser. But the body is the vehicle of the spirit, is amongst the fruits of the earth, should be allowed to ripen, should be tended lovingly, prevented from bruising. In the body are the seeds, the seeds of a future life. Tend your body of fruit carefully, water your garden, it will bring you all manner of delights. In the new incarnation the spirit is aligned with the body and in the rightful use in tending the body the spirit is allowed to be free, to grow, to fly, to sour and to emanate. When the body is bruised and ill tended and neglected and mistreated the spirit becomes clouded and cannot thrive, cannot shine, cannot penetrate its prison of flesh. Oil the body with your love, with your care, with your devotion as a temple of the spirit so your spirit will feel free to expand, to grow, to delight. Delighting is to bring light forward, to demonstrate light, to shine. The stars in heaven need no clothing and their shining is so vast, naked they shine in space but the human form is dense and clothed in flesh. It must learn to shine till it becomes suffused in it, so it becomes sublime. When you learn the right use of this vehicle of flesh, this body will be so transformed that it will be beyond decay, it will shine like the stars. Then you will be seen as we are seen, shining in the firmament like angels, all beings of light and this earthly body will be so transformed’

‘This teaching has been given but it has not been understood’

While Liz was saying this, I felt like I was sitting with many other people and Liz was sitting high above us. I got the feeling it was like the Sermon on the Mount.

Liz remained quiet for about 50 minutes then started again just after the last tune played...

‘Sherbet, like a white powder, the effects of sherbet... showing that you’re alive... somebody is referring to high octane states’

‘They’re showing a silk carpet, stripes, many coming together but acting as one to bring the teaching of truth. Everything is shining, I see the nature of being, like a ladder, like a weaving of many elements. I see a carpet, from the simple threads woven together, the correct placing, the pattern shines through. Rose, a flower of many petals, infinite variety, colour, shades, exquisite form. Let your life progress like a carpet of many colours, allowing each thread its rightful place so the pattern may form perfectly, just allow the weaver to weave according to the pattern he has laid down in your being and you will see the marvellous design that he has prepared, that you have displayed through your righteousness, through your acts of goodness, through your demonstration of mercy, through your love of the finite and the infinite, through your deep love. Every minute of every day, every second of every minute is a gift, is a treasure to be nurtured, for each is a thread on the loom of the carpet that will one day be displayed in the heaven of delights shining every thread and into the lustre. On this carpet of your life you will travel forth, let it be a magic carpet that will carry you to heavenly realms’

‘Pete was hear and he explained that death was definitely something to look forward to, not to fear. He has been so happy and never known such happiness in this brilliance of light, he just wants to share. So glad, so rejoicing in the light. Death is definitely something to welcome when the time comes. So much love to everyone, with you all, my beautiful family, my beautiful friends, till we meet again...’

I saw a lot of light in the room as Liz said this.

Liz felt they had withdrawn now and I played a tune to help her feel back with it.

We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge exercises...

Liz started off with a shape like a golden flower in front of her, it was brilliant white and yellow and had rays coming out of it like the sun. Some of the rays came down towards her like the strings from a kite. It began to rise up and Liz wanted to go with it and after a while she was drawn up with it. It crossed over an enormous river then went beyond into the blue sky. Liz was travelling horizontal like she was flying, a beautiful feeling of floating going on and on. Liz then found herself in a meadow of dandy lions which stretched for miles, glorious yellow flowers and white clocks. It was like being in heaven it was so beautiful. Then some beings came towards Liz full of light and they surrounded her. One was an Abyssinian, one was dark, one was blonde and the Abyssinian was old and young at the same time. They surrounded her with so much love it was like a great embrace, it was all the essence of the Sufi teaching, all to do with love of the human and the divine, all together, everything and it was this love that would lead you to high places...

I seemed to go into a slightly altered state and I felt physical sensations on my face and a pressure around my right ear. I was then aware of a round shape of some kind in front of me slowly moving upwards. At first I thought it looked like a flying saucer then it looked like a very ornate roof in three layers, pointed at the top and curving away at the sides. As the roof got higher I saw that under it was a very plain old wooden shed which seemed strange to me that this shed should have such an ornate roof. I then started to drift off and don’t remember any more...

When I described what I saw to Liz she felt it was very similar to what she had experienced.

We had both drifted in and out of sleep during the session.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

179th Sitting 06/09/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued on into the session...

13 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘I see a tree, the root of the tree going deep into the earth knowing where to seek out the water. Although it’s dry, the ground is parched, the tree root goes deep, deep where the water lies and can draw on the hidden reserves and the dog knows where to dig for the buried bone, a scent of that which he desires calls him to keep digging deeper and deeper until he uncovers the bone and you who seek spirit, you are drawn to the place of spirit and in persevering with digging deep your deepest soul knows where to dig, where to find the water of spirit, the spiritual food that you need to sustain yourself. Dig deep, deep, deep and the water of spirit is there to draw on, a source that won’t fail you in a time of drought, in the midst of conflict, in the midst of darkness, in the midst of disease, in the midst of social turmoil, your spiritual self knows how to go deep, deep, down into the depths of your unconscious to contact the water of spirit, that which sustains your soul. Always know that within you is that root seeking spirit with the affinity for spirit, your spirit calls to spirit, will find that strength, that connection even in times of spiritual dearth, when the material world desiccates and holds you back, your ability to make contact is always there. Trust that there is within you that spirit seeking spirit that knows how to connect to the greater source, the mother spirit’

‘There’s an elephant in the room, she’s waving her trunk, very happy to be here, doing a bit of a dance’

The room started to look lighter to me.

‘There’s now a whole troop of circus people and acrobats, something about them having a bit of a romp’ 

‘Somebody is offering a rose to you, it’s a red rose I think and the petals are a little bit dry on the outside, faded, but the offering is there’

Me... ‘Thank you’

‘There’s some thorns but I'm sensing that though the petals are dropping the rose you’ve been offered has roots and I think you are being urged to plant it and it will flourish and blossom into a great bush covered with roses, red and white. That red and white has morphed into a football shirt, a sports shirt, got the word jockey, somebody’s being a team player, somebody running with a football... I have a feeling Travis is with us, he’s got the gear on, yippee and hurrah...’

Me... ‘Has he got a message for us?’

‘I think that rose bush was the message... he’s just being a bit of a clown, a bit of hilarity, I think it’s just lighten up, just wants you to let go, be a bit of a clown, run loose, enjoy...’

Me... ‘Good advice’

‘Yes, have a bit of a joke, a laugh, bit of fun... That planting of the rose that’s in the left corner all the time, that rose bush, keep it watered and that’s going to flourish... I get the feeling the message is although the rose you are given, the gift that you have sometimes, you watch the petals fall off, you watch it fade and you think you’re going to be left with just a stem with thorns on and no particular flower to show. That’s not the case, if you look the rose has roots and if you continue to water and nurture it, give it the right soil, keep feeding it then it’s going to flourish into a wonderful bush from one single rose, a whole living bush full of roses will arise. I think the message is encouragement and that your friends in spirit those you have worked with and are past over, are with you and rejoicing, and encouraging. I get this image of the pantomime donkey, where somebody acts as the head and somebody the rear. Travis is the back legs’

Me... ‘Who’s in the front?’

‘I think you are... I think he’s showing you he’s going to be with you, he’s going to be in the act, there’s going to be a little bit of clowning. You're going to be the mouthpiece and he’s going to be doing the kicking and bucking. You are going to be working together to keep the old donkey moving and it’s like there’s a whole team behind, a whole circus act is there, Freddie and a whole lot of them, stars and spangles, and of course Joan, a fairy on horseback and the trapeze’

‘Getting an image of a carton, milk or drink carton, one you can crumple and recycle, got a straw in it. It's morphing into a piano, ebony and ivory, that song. There’s a lot of richness in that piano, a lot of fun, that’s where the fun is. I see the piano and they’re all leaning on it, going to have a sing-song. They're saying keep at it. And the piano is on my right side, the rose bush is on my left but I'm aware of the connection between the two. I think music is encouraging that rose bush to grow. Though they seem separate there’s a connection between the two. I think Freddie’s there leaning on the piano, and Neddie, they like the piano, want to give it a good thump like the back of an old friend, they’re goofing about a bit, they want to wheel it around, they want a sing-song around the piano’

‘Now I have the sense of a wonderful starlit night, shooting stars... don’t look back, just go for it. As you take off in that starlit night, all the fears, all the doubts fade away, you just blaze a trail, you don’t look back, you just keep going. It's exciting, you can take off. Once you’ve taken off all the old doubts, all the old chaff falls away like the lower stages of the rocket they just fall away, they shed like the snake sheds its skin. You don’t have to hold on to them anymore, just allow them to drop away, just let them go. Once you’ve set your course just look straight ahead into those blazing stars and join them, zoom, poof, and you’re there, no regrets, fully there at the centre of creation, stardust’

‘Have a sense of mum (my mum) being there on the right side and for some reason is holding a laundry basket of fresh clean clothes. It's quite faint but I just get the sense she’s just showing her care, looking out for you, just wanting you to look your best with clean clothes all ready for school, just wants you to know her love and support is there. She looks very pleased. She doesn’t look old, she looks like a 1940s, 50s mum with her hair not quite shoulder length but curled under in some sort of a... a tiny bit of a perm at the bottom turned up in a tight roll at the bottom. She's morphing into my mum now, how my mum looked when she was younger. It's the same feeling, a mum who cares about her boys, strict on timing, wants to get you off to school on time, make sure you’re always looking your best, enjoys looking after you, seeing you doing well. She loves that you still have your cars and your Dinky toys. She’s still there with you. I have a feeling that was one of her happiest times when you were in short trousers, going to school, with your toys and interests. It was very fulfilling for her. I sense an animal, she’s showing me an animal basket, like a dog basket, a puppy, it’s like it’s grown big now. Now I'm getting the feeling of parkland, trees, green paces, cricket. I think she’s very pleased about the gardens you’re visiting, yes she’s with you there, loves that you go there with Sarah. She knows you’ve got your cars and things but she loves seeing you in those green spaces and she knows that’s good for both of you. She's showing me wellington boots and an umbrella, like she's urging you to take precautions for the rain, ha, ha... dress up warmly... it’s like she’s slightly fussing, don’t catch a cold, make sure you dress appropriately. I see her with an old Ford car, she’s closing the door for you, she likes it, reminds her of the old times. She's turning around and saying grandpa’s here. I'm just sensing someone, he reminds me of somebody with a moustache, lot of grey white hair, an old-fashioned moustache, a jacket, slightly tweed, a bit crumpled, flannel trousers, almost feels as though he’s got a pipe or cigarette case. I've got a feeling he’s still in his own world, she’s looking after him a little bit. It's like he’s quite elderly and a little confused, a lovely mild man that needs looking after. She's bringing him forward and says she’s looking after him still. A little puppy dog at her feet...’

‘I’ve got these racing horses racing past at the races, speed racing. It's the enjoyment of the race, speed and power, excitement’

‘I’ve got the number eleven and it’s this umbrella again. I think it’s connected with Sarah. Just that image of a roof like the adverts for Abby National I think, with a couple walking under it and the roof is like an umbrella. But there was a number eleven connected with that’

Me... ‘Not sure what that could be’

‘Just gone onto a railway line, I think it’s going up to Yorkshire’

‘Just got this very strange image of a horse that looks a bit like a dragon, a bit like a goat, a hybrid horse, a comedy horse, an archetypal composite image of a... taking the form of a statue or trophy, like in a chess piece on a black and white board, it’s all a bit of a game, a sense of fun that life’s a bit of a game, you can play it any way you like, football, horse racing, circus acts it’s all fun. Got the piano again, the black and white keys jangling, that’s fun too. And the king wins, keep your king, the queens the canny one, the king stays pretty still and the queen does the moving, the queen helps the king to stay’

‘I’ve got, I don’t know if it’s Thai or tie as in tie dye...’

‘Got the word serendipity, to do with luck, charms. Yes, the feeling of serendipity is when you are open to life you are open to receive the serendipitous gifts, things that arise quite by chance but wonderfully apt just as you need them, just what you need, you are given what you need. When you are open to life, to risk, to change serendipitously. Some people might call that grace, by grace all that you need will be given to you, you don’t have to worry. So, I get the message chill out and it will all be okay, you don’t have to worry, just take it as it comes, all good. That will be the way it’s meant to be’

‘Yes, my feeling is they are all pleased, you can spend a lot of time sowing on the buttons and polishing the china but the relaxed attitude of just allowing things to be will allow the correct development, will allow the opportunities to arise, will allow things to evolve the way they are meant to. I think they’re delighted, just keep the relaxed open attitude with a sprinkling of fun and delight and that feeling of enjoying the game. Cultivate the enjoyment and the gifts will just drop into place, no stress, no strain. You don’t have to worry about the buttons and the knots and the bits, just keep the bigger picture’

‘Some people say take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves but this is almost like the reverse, just look after the pounds and all those old coins that you don’t need they’ll just drop through the floor boards. It's almost like a top down approach rather that a bottom up approach where you hold the larger perspective and all the little bits just fall away, ha, ha...’

‘Thank you all...’ 

I played a tune as Liz started to feel back with it.

We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off walking along a muddy path with bare feet which she didn’t mind as she knew it was taking her to a shallow river full of beautiful clear water. Although there were bridges Liz didn’t need them and walked across to a bank of beautiful green grass and flowers. There was a fence running along the bank and Liz came to a metal gate and climbed over it into a hillside field and walked up to the top. Liz knew there was something she needed to see at the top and when she got there found an enormous lake and she could just see white buildings the other side. She wanted to swim in it then she saw a boat and Liz felt there was someone in the boat she wanted to see. It was an old friend Doug who had died, he was going to row alongside of her to keep her safe. It was a lovely feeling that there was a friend there and a feeling they were united in spirit. Liz could swim under the water where there were wonderful weeds and grasses and she knew Doug was alongside of her in the boat. He was letting her know of the vastness and Liz knew she wasn’t going to get to the other side but it didn’t matter. As she lay on her back in the water the blue sky, clouds and sun were reflected in the water and it was this feeling of joy, of absolute ease and happiness. It was like a baptism and the wonderful joy of it was that Liz could come here whenever she wanted and there was always a friend in spirit that would be with her. Although it was a lonely place she would never be alone. She could come and renew and refresh herself whenever she wanted, she didn’t need to get to the other side it was connecting her to the other side and she need never be afraid of having to walk through the mud and the mire of this world because she knew she could always get to this wonderful clear place of spirit and be there and swim in it and be cleansed...

I started off hovering around at the top of what looked like a huge church looking down on rows of people. I found I could see each person in detail and slowly checked them all out. They seemed to represent all the people of this world from every country and every walk of life. They all seemed to be waiting for something to happen. A man then appeared in front of them sitting cross legged on a carpet, playing the flute and as he played hundreds of birds appeared from the flute as if representing the musical notes coming from it. They all flew up to the top of the church where I was and I noticed all the people below had cupped their hands. Then each bird flew down landing in the hands of each person until everyone had a bird in their hands. They all seemed to be getting a feeling from the birds as I watched joy filling the faces of everyone...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

Liz had got some interesting messages which did make a lot of sense to me but some of what she thought was my mum actually seemed more like my gran who I spent a lot of time with in my early years.

178th Sitting 23/08/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued into the session...

About 35 minutes after the opening prayer Liz started to speak and I turned down the music...

‘I've got Mrs. McDonald... she’s somehow connected to Sam McDonald and she’s thanking me for looking after her boy’

Me... ‘Is that somebody you know?’

‘The name Sam McDonald goes back many years, he was living in my house’

‘Christie’s... the art dealer... Seeing a picture of an elderly lady with her hair back in a grey bun, very unadorned, maybe a bit of lace around her hair, plain black dress, a portrait... I'm asking is this Mrs. McDonald? It's Sarah McDonald, more like a grandmother. She’s showing me things to do with her hair, plastic curlers. She’s telling me she was with us on the Isle of Cumbrae in Scotland and the white light that I saw was spirit protection. She says she’s been around and they are drawn, they can see when your heart is true, pure. She’s reminding me that these islands are very spiritual places, the islands are like stepping stones in the sea, the vibrations are high, the veil between the two worlds is thinner. She’s affirming that if your heart is pure you should never doubt the spirit protection'

'I'm shown a net, fishers of men, reeling in these silver fish, these are our souls. It's a long-term plan that we’ve put into place and they make sure that we keep to our agenda, she says many times we go off track, slip through the net, go skidding off on different routes, lose the plot, lose the thread, slip a stitch. Well that’s okay once you’ve realised you’ve dropped a stitch you can unpick it, go back to where the stitch was dropped and you knit it all again. You can retrace your step, there’s nothing lost. You think it’s lost but in the fullness of time it’s nothing. The real importance is the retracing and picking up the dropped stitch. Some call it making amends, then you go on and you can finish the whole garment and the whole garment is a lifetime, the suit that you knit, the garment fit to suit you in the next life, to carry you through because you wear that when you pass over, that garment you’ve knitted, that suit you’ve created and you don’t want there to be too many dropped stitches, you don’t want it to be full of holes, full of imperfections, full of blemishes... No, you don’t want that, you want it to be perfect. So, take care, as soon as you realise you’ve lost the plot, dropped a stitch you just unpick it all, back to the point where you made the mistake. Then you carry on from there as if nothing happened. Everything is fixable, everything can be repaired, every little mistake amended, no errors too great to reform. But just be aware, not to sweep things under the carpet, think ohhhh never mind, carry on, carry on... never mind, never mind... no, no, no! that won’t do, you’ll end up with a suit full of holes and it doesn’t fit and it’s ugly. Who wants to go to their wedding with our Lord dressed in a manky old rag suit, yep, yep, no, no, no... you just take care of the little stitch dropped, the little things and the big suit will take care of itself. But you know now that you don’t have to worry about other people’s dropped stitches, that’s for them to pick up. You can see the holes in their suits but you don’t have to worry about that. You can tell them, you can say whoops, check it out, you’ve dropped a stitch but it’s up to them, you don’t have to carry that for them, you just deal with your own dropped stitches’

‘She says you write the fairy stories... the Brothers Grimm... they’re the folk tales, they carry the old truths, as good as the bible...’

‘John Walsh’

‘Tindernitus... ... homburg...’

‘We’re seeing a new way, a new way to be and not through spectacles, not seeing through filters anymore, not seeing direct vision first hand, we’re forging a new path of direct vision. Bird... go straight to his home, bee... go straight to his hive, man has forgotten the way back home, the new generation are finding if they take off the old spectacles that have been put on them through their upbringing and forge their own path of direct vision, they see the way back, the way forward, a new life, full steam ahead. When someone has a direct experience they know in a way that is different from learning through books or from hearsay. It gives the courage or confidence to strike out, to blaze through obstacles and to make direct contact with the source, with the home, with the sun. I see children staring at the sun, daring to face the light source. These are the ones we are watching, we will sustain the pure of heart because with their diamond gaze they will direct others to the source. Paradise regained is in the hands of the few but those few have the power to pull, to pull the stragglers through, to draw on the multitude, those who would be reclaimed will be reclaimed. We are selecting our beacons of light, we see them, we protect them, we nurture them, we inspire them. Direct vision. Your role is to help them, you are our arms and legs. What you do in preparing a space for them and helping to support them spiritually and providing resources, the spaces, the opportunities. This is our directive. Change comes when a threshold is reached and the generations link arms, a chain of support. We have to forge the chain, make sure the links are there. So follow our directive in this, we see the larger picture, we have the overview and we can sustain the promises, sustain your envisioned path. We are you and you are us, we agreed this in unison, we are all one. We are all of one mind’

‘Betty Drew... says she is very excited to come... says I had great hopes for you... says give Ann my love, something about a glove with fingers missing... football, half a football...’

‘It's like there’s a lot of celebrating, I'm being bombarded with fireworks, all these people, very pleased and happy to know that we’re in touch. They see the bigger picture now and they see the connections are not lost, I think they just want us to know, all those people who’ve influenced us, have been part of our life, with who we’ve had links, they rejoice in the realisation that they can still make contact, still be part of us. The connection is not lost and the very little things, the little goodness's they do, the generosity they show us, the small things are magnified. They see how those things have blossomed, had positive outcome, how they affected the lives they touched and it's like flowers they’ve planted that grow, they see how those kind things they did have blossomed in our life and affected the things we do and that’s a cause for rejoicing. I think I'm shown this to remind us that all the things we do for others, little things we may forget but those things are done with care and understanding, care and love, affection, have quite profound and lasting affects not always recognised at the time. Keep doing those little things. We don’t count them, we say things like count your blessings but there’s many blessings that go uncounted because they’re hardly recognised but it’s the effect of a true note, harmony, resonances that move the soul... blessed are the pure of heart, they shall see God’

‘Wanda Radeski...’

‘Cuneiforms, archaeology, few remains, fragments... I was coming home with the big black bag... my legs went to jelly, I was smashed... crushed... blast... I was running backwards and forwards, I realised I was alright but the thing that I'm missing is that black bag and I realised I don’t need it anymore, I can carry on. The thing that I was working on, the cuneiform, I can carry on with that here. It took a long time to realise that the black bag and everything connected with it was behind me in another world but it didn’t matter so I'm all right now, I'm just carrying on. Just a bit of a shakeup because I wasn’t prepared, I was very attached to that black bag and everything with it’

Liz thanked everyone who came and had helped.

I played a tune to help Liz feel fully back with it.

We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off walking through a muddy field and came to a clear stream filled with lovely grasses. To the left was a humped red brick bridge and Liz sat on the bridge dangling her feet in the water, marvelling at the clarity of the water compared with the thick muddy field. On the other side it was green grass with rocks and goats. Liz then walked through the grass with bare feet to a cottage and she had the nursery rhyme in her head ‘Mary, Mary, quite contrary how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells and pretty maids all in a row’ Liz went inside and saw a lady who was young and old at the same time, silver grey hair tied back in a bun, very motherly, very kind. She offered Liz a cup of tea saying I know you don’t particularly want a cup of tea at the moment but it’s the comfort isn’t it, we do these things, never underestimate the importance of the comfort things that we do, it’s the sense of security it brings because in this world there are so many things that make us insecure and frightened. Never be ashamed of wanting the little comforts, looking after your garden having nice flowers, having nice things, all those things you do to make you feel more secure and at home that’s good, that’s alright, do it because it gives you the strength then to go on and do those important things which you have to do. It gives you that sense of security that helps you overcome your fears, your insecurities and this world is full of insecurities. It helps to put you in touch with that knowledge that there’s nothing to be afraid of, that you are perfectly safe, there’s nothing that can actually harm you, you are not alone, you are held very dearly, very closely. Never forget that because that is the truth...

I started off watching drips of water slowly coming down and forming a puddle on the ground. As I watched I thought I saw faces in the drips then I saw people in the drips acting out scenes and I felt the emotion of each scene as it passed me. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad or peaceful or angry or confused. One came down with a nice feeling of peace and I decided to jump into it and join the scene. There were lines of people meditating, sending calming energy into some woods in front of them. I then felt that I was the woods, I was the trees and flowers, streams, foxes, dragonflies, etc, etc, all feeling very peaceful. Then it felt like this drip had reached the puddle and I sensed other scenes going on around me and the conflicting emotions mixing with each other but this calming peaceful energy seemed to be stronger and overpowered the others. I saw people that were fighting suddenly stop as this energy reached them. I kept getting the expression pulling the rug out from under their feet...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...