This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

183rd Sitting 18/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued into the session...

After about 30 minutes Liz began to speak and I turned down the music...

‘I’ve got Laurie... my cousin... wanting to share lots of good things... something about schools, lots of schools of philosophy, the fringes... we have the fringes of our understanding, they are able to access them freely, openly, its wisdom like gems... an analogy of sweets that we love... when you grow up you can eat as many as you like and this is like being promoted into a new class where all the things that you fancied, that you were interested in, you can have as much as you want of them, you can soak them up, you can immerse yourself without distraction. All of those things that you kept at the fringes of your life, the periphery, perhaps because the needs to earn a living, to partake in the normal flux of the teaching life and what’s on offer here prevents you from delving too deeply in those areas that are of deeper interest and remain fringe areas here, but when you pass into spirit the universities, the schools of learning, the philosophy is an immersive experience, you can glory in all the hidden mysteries that were hinted at here but remained in the fringes, the edges of the carpet. We tug at them sometimes like the edges of the prayer shawl. Such a wealth of learning, understanding. To be able to plunge into the sea, all this, all that was hidden, all that was kept at bay... these are the riches, these are the jewels of heaven’

‘He is saying you can look forward to things we touched on here, we talked of, glimpsed. He is longing to share, he is again in awe, just beginning to realise the full richness and wealth of this new thought realm of higher learning, the philosophy, the wisdom, the learning, and my dad too, they are just beginning, they want to welcome us and begin to be able to share, get some of this, the shining through the cracks in our ceiling. So as our feet tread on the Earth we are aware that the most expensive Persian carpet with its fringes could compare, that they are under our feet here, they are around us but the noise of our civilisation blocks them out, the clues are in the everyday berries, the flowers, the fruits, the bird songs, butterflies, bees, each of these life forms, jewels, gems, the universe of mystery is pointing to Blake’s poem, to see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower... anyway for those who the world hasn’t been enough, they missed, they are able to catch up, to make up for lost time in their new realm of spirit. All those things that were missed become glaringly obvious and there is a regret but its short lived because the opportunities to progress, the opportunities to reassess, to reacquaint oneself to understand fully and truly the implications of what we were here for, what we missed, what we omitted to register, we can catch up on that, reevaluate, reestablish and prepare for the next time, the new opportunity should it arise when the time is right so that the next time we will see fully all that is on offer and the fringes won’t be fringes they will be the body of the carpet, they will be the very platform on which we walk and on which we manifest’

‘Seems to be singing We all live in a Yellow Submarine...’

‘There is this sense of this was like an examination here, a try out, an experience to pitch yourself in this physical dimension, but there are many, many opportunities to try again, it's not the end, it doesn’t matter that much if you fail at some things, if you don’t grasp everything, if you don’t do as well as you could have done because it’s a learning curve and the opportunity to readdress that, to learn from the mistakes. Somehow the relief once you’ve got over there, the shock of realisation of the glaring gaps or mistakes, false steps, once you’ve got over that it’s just a wonderful feeling of freedom and opportunity to progress. Being in this world is like walking through treacle somehow, everything is twice as difficult, it’s a real test, an obstacle course and then in the new world everything seems so much easier, there’s no resistance. In the physical world you are always working against resistances, resistance from many quarters, from others and the influence of others, from in one's self, one's reactions create resistance. It's gravity on the Earth, gravity holds you down but it’s also a way of strengthening your muscles, it has its reasons and its uses, it slows you down and in the new world things move very fast, very fluid without that resistance, that sense of obstacles. Sometimes you have to stop and withdraw, become very still to avoid being flooded with too much too soon. You have to retreat sometimes, find a private quiet place to centre, to try and get a bit of gravity, a bit of something more solid, to stop the flow’

‘Margarine... something that oils things, makes things slippery so you skid along, slide faster and faster which is why sometimes you have to stop. You can get ahead of yourself’

‘Someone’s telling me he wanted to know what it’s like, it’s very hard to describe, it’s easier to do it by holding an awareness of the difference while it’s different. It's like having a window cleaned when it’s been murky and suddenly you are seeing things as if the window isn’t there any more, that barrier is gone’

‘Somebody is saying Nicholas...’

Me... ‘Hello... are you able to give a name?’

‘Just got Neddy...’

Me... ‘Hello Neddy’

‘It’s congratulations... got something like cuff-links or press studs... shirt sleeves... smarten up... this person liked to be dapper, like being smart. I slight feeling of being a dandy and that was an image to project, just a delight in being smart. We are playing many roles, many parts, you can choose the persona, it’s a bit like being an actor, it's quite fun to take on different personas. It's in the same way children like dressing up, pretending to be someone, it’s good fun. Some people become actors, go on the stage, some people do it in their life, their life is their stage. We all choose an arena in which we operate, could be in the field of music, science or the dogs, could be in sports, could be domestic, could be cars, could be building, hand work whatever, the important thing is to enjoy it, to really revel in the experience of playing that part but don’t get too attached to it, it’s just a part, just a persona, a vehicle for the expression of your intrinsic spirit, who you are, a manifestation. It's like children trying on cloths, pretending to be a prince or princess, a clown or a business man going to work or a comedian or even an undertaker. It’s a telephone if you like to chat’

‘He’s saying Becky, give Becky some flowers... there’s a Prudence, Prue... ahh Silver asking for one at a time, somebody to be like a gatekeeper, a compere... Francis or Frankie... got a glimpse of the elephant’

Liz asked me to play some music for a bit...

Then after about five minutes she continued...

‘I don’t know if this is Josette or her mother-in-law reminding me St Francis Xavier, it was a statuette, I don’t know if it is him but she’s showing me a statuette of a dark skinned priest, saint, made of wood and I have a feeling this maybe the Abercynon which he wanted me to know the significance of this, not to put it aside and Francis just wanted to share the ministery of this highly spiritual being in his life of service, a fitting example’

‘I have three mothers-in-law here... Alice, Jessie and Josette... why are you all here? Just to say hello and to rekindle the affection, lovely ladies. Because the mothers through the sons have a deeper connection and they connect with you, bond of empathy and we remain linked... yes love is the link, with the mother-in-law the link of love, for all who love their sons and they’re sharing that link of love. Mary mother of Jesus rejoice in the Marys that loved her son’

‘Got the name Donald and it’s come as Donald Pleasence... slightly bald, round face, smiling, a secretive smile, he has got some hair he says. He seems to be playing a keyboard and is encouraging you to play’

Me... ‘Is he?’

‘Yes, he’s moving his fingers up and down like on a piano’

Me... ‘Okay, I’ll practice a bit more, ha, ha...’

‘Glad you are playing songs and you can sing with them, you’re going to be good, keep at it, you’re going to make some people very happy, get a repertoire. Yes, you’ll enjoy the camaraderie of performing, community sing-a-long. You will find your forte, he knows what he’s talking about, the joy of entertaining people, you’ll really get that. He says all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you’ve gotta have fun, zippity doo dah. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, have you got a penny for the old man’s hat...’

I heard a tap from a cupboard to the right of me at the same time as a flash of light to my left and the tap was picked up on the recorder.
I had noticed a few other flashes during the session and at one point felt like something stood on my right foot.

‘...he’s got these words coming in... the prime mover in a person’s life should be that which takes away fear, fear of death, fear of risk, fear of flying, fear of crying. We ask how did these shadows build up, these fears, embarrassments, blockages, resistances, so the prime mover now in our life is how to overcome, to get rid of these fears, to throw them in a basket, to gather them, to recognise them, to name them. You need to make a list of them, name them. It's like picking out the bad cherries in a basket, picking out all those that are blemished, because they make all the rest rotten, so go through them, all the ones with mildew, mildew of fear and put them in the bin, one by one, sift through all the cherries, which ones show signs of resistances of embarrassment, of fears, negative overtones, the happy ones, the whole cherries, we keep those but those ones that give a little niggle of an element of unhappiness, an element of discomfort, discomfort look for that. But before you put them in the bin look at them closely like a scientist might look under the microscope, what is that mould that’s growing on them, do you recognise it, identify it, where did that come from. So, you look at it fair and square, recognise it, label it, make a note of it then put it in the bin. But you’ve got it registered so if something else pops up and you recognise that mould on it, that slight tinge makes it feel not quite right and not a full round cherry and not quite the right taste, the right sweetness you’ll know what it is, ahh, fear number 33, infecting that, shove it in the bin because even though you put them in the bin they’ll pop up again because the spores are all around and penetrate everything and they infect everything if you’re not careful. Part of the consciousness of the current human psyche which infects us all like getting flu, you just have to have your happiness immune system operating at full prime, full force and then you can face and fight the fears, recognise them and say ah ha we’ll have you out. It's a good lot of work to keep that sifting going, it’s the consciousness immune system working on your behalf, praising all the shades and nuances of your consciousness, recognising those that threaten on the unhappiness spectrum, the niggles of discontent, and dealing with them, not letting them fester. It's knowing that you have the ability to clean the psyche, to purify, to purge, to optimise. So that’s your work, the prime mover in your life has to be the eradication of fear... the more you play the piano, the more that will help, thanks Donald’

Me... 'Yes, thanks Donald’

‘I think that will be all for now... I think he had a connection with your dad, he was looking at you dad’s magician’s hat’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

Then we recalled our Rainbow Bridge exercises...

Liz started off in a rocky place with water flowing over it and it was like a spirit person was moving her over it. Then they were in a large black space, just empty consciousness, reaching through it. A hand met her on the other side and it was Liz’s first husband as a young man again and all the love was still there, it was reminding her of that. He led her to places they used to visit in Wales and they met with a guru person who had been quite troublesome in some way in their lives but it was like the real spiritual self of this person and there were many other people that they had links with, they felt deeply connected with them and somehow their interactions in this plane were helping them address certain issues, they were there for a reason and often we don’t recognise the reason and resent these people because we can’t see the whole picture. People we think of as rogues or villains may actually be part of a very advanced spirit that is just playing a role in our lives to trigger something. Liz got the feeling that those we have loved and have gone before really are wanting to help in our lives and to work with us and encourage us. It felt very affirming to Liz as if he was really there...

I saw a hat like a stetson in front of me with two feathers in it which then faded and I then saw several faces but they were unclear as if behind misted glass. The hat then reappeared and changed into lavender which became a long line of lavender. I took off and floated above the lavender following it until it came to a Y junction and not knowing which line to follow, I sat down at the junction. The two lines of lavender then started to wrap around me forming a shell encasing me in darkness. I thought what do I do now then imagined myself outside of the shell which worked. I looked around at the ground and the hills and mountains and the sky above me. Whatever direction I looked I saw something and I got the feeling that I was still in a shell and it didn’t matter where you went in the physical world you were always cocooned in a shell of physical matter. The only way to be free is to not think of yourself as physical, think beyond the physical world. I opened my eyes and realised I was now sitting in a dark room like a shell but also knew that I could reach beyond that room through mediumship and imagination when we hear voices and visualise places...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...