This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

184th Sitting 25/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued into the session...

After about 40 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I have crystals... crystal bells, I think that is referring to the vibration of crystals and their pure crystalline substances. Each have their various specific vibration and for the human being is an amalgam of many beings. A true human is a community of beings, invaded constantly by all manner of entities from bacteria to the viruses, to the elementals, to the discarnates, to many life forms. The human being is a host, to many life forms as a community but the human being also has their own specific life form and to hold the integrity of that life form, specific crystalline substances from the Earth, resonant with their specific frequency of vibration, can help the human to attune more finely to their own specific life form, to hold on to the integrity of their own life form when at times the invasion of the many, many concurrent commensals threatens to overwhelm, chiming the bells, chiming the crystal bell for every chakra, for every one of the power systems in the human form can help the human to maintain their integrity in the face of the awareness of the constant flow and flux of other beings through and around which can at times feel overwhelming. The awareness of these beings for many is blunted, is not refined, they are used to being a muddy stream, like a muddy river. They are used to that opacity of being, that density of being in which vision is cloudy but a highly strung sensitised human who has the awareness of the many life forms, the many frequencies co-mingling, cohabiting, can feel overwhelmed, can feel sometimes the alienness of these other commensals and ringing the tune of the crystalline substances that vibrate with the particular pitch of your chakras, of your spiritual power centres, your physical, emotional, mental vortices can help to maintain that sense of uniqueness and integrity, to ring loud and clear, over and above all those many friends, neutrals and foes surrounding and invading all the time but regarding each and every life form as a shining piece of the original light bearing within each life form, the kernel of love, the kernel of the fundamental, each and every life form, unique and wonderful, unique and cast in love, cast with love, cast in the prime mover in the original light, out of the mind of God, each and every life form beloved. Regard each and every life form as a friend, as a visitation, as a song, a buzzing of a whole hymn book of songs of praise, each and every life form invading and inhabiting, cohabiting with us is a psalm, a blessing. Treat each and every one with respect, with adoration even, with awe and with welcome, but sing loud and clear, each and every human sing loud and clear themselves so their own voice will resonate strongly over and above all the other voices, so you continue to be aware of your own loud voice, your own song, your own vibration, your own crystal-clear bell. Ring your bell, let the crystals help you to re-tune, to resonate with your own fine resonance, your own fine resonant tuning. Many are the songs of the Earth, every being, every entity has their own language, their own sound, their own song. Listen, learn, learn to speak with the language of every life form. Enjoy... But above the babble of the Earth is the ohm, the fundamental, and above and beyond the fundamental is the song of silence. Behind all sound, behind all phenomena, behind all light is the vacuum, silence, touch it, hold on to it often. Allow that emptiness to touch you. Being with the quiet tune, being with the stillness, with the sound of silence. Behind and beyond all phenomena, the faceless, the soundless, the sightless. The empty space is your axiom, is the fundamental axis, the pole from which all life form, all phenomena, all thought form evolve, but to touch your own truth, the essential truth underpinning all forms in which all is one, the you that is I that is all, come back to that emptiness, empty of sound, of sight, of touch, of taste, of self, pure essential being, silence, no beginning, no end, infinitude, all and none’

‘I am the sea in which all beings have their being. I am the sea in which all living beings swim. I am all living beings swimming in the sea of my being. My being is the swimming, is the sea. Without me is no sea, is no being. Within me is sea and being. I hold all beings within me and yet I am ever myself. I change infinitely and yet I am unchanging. Change is my nature; my nature is changeless. I am all, I am nothing. I am always, I am never. I am ever, I am always. I am you, I am me. I am I. You are me, you are you, you are I. Who is there who is not me, who is not in I. Wherever you go I am, I am wherever you go. There is nowhere to go to be outside me’

‘I have a little girl, a new child called Cristobel. There's a lot of new children and they’re all dancing around and each and every one will grow and develop into a full human being if they wish. So many born every day, every minute of every day and each with unique potential. Cristobel, one of many but unique’

‘Just felt Phil Demayo, Phillip Demayo, he... Phillip seems to be preparing, he’s showing me all these cups, cups of tea like a birthday party. I think he’s hosting all these children and they are all being celebrated, new souls. No children are left unattended in spirit, they are all being tended and allowed to grow, helped to grow, given the right conditions and here on Earth we often fail them. All the right conditions are here but we distort them. I get the sense he’s showing me pinching, we pinch the conditions, we don’t leave them open, we fiddle with them, we distort them. So the child growing up has a crumpled experience, cramped. He's showing me they are forced into a uniform, an adult dress or clothing before they are ready, too soon so they can’t fill their own space, cramped. So to liberate the child you have to tear off those clothes, step out of the uniform, free schools, free school meals, open sky. He's showing me the birthday cake. Birthdays celebrate the child and don’t cramp their style. I think Phillip is rejoicing in his children that he left too soon but he is watching them and delighting in them and loving them. He's showing me he has a particular interest in the children and it’s the happiness. He’s saying children should be allowed to be happy and that happiness is a key ingredient that is denied often through the distortions and the distorted view of the world imposed on children like ill-fitting clothes and that thwarts the happiness, it imprisons, pinches like pinching clothes and when you are uncomfortable your happiness is thwarted. He says the happiness is a birthright, a natural state of being and the unhappiness in the world is a consequence of the pinching, depriving the children of their birthright so they grow up unhappy. They lose the savour, forget the taste, lose the ability to sense the taste, that happiness becomes a stranger so how do you recapture something you have forgotten, you have lost the sense for? Step out of the uniform... he’s saying shake a leg, shake it all up, do the hippy hippy shakes and sing along and dance along... Just seeing these beautiful vistas, desserts, like flying over Nevada, wild places in the dessert like in the song... You don’t remember your Name... the place to be anonymous, where you step out of the uniform. They're the sort of places you can find happiness, so thank you Phil, bless you Phil... yes I know Susy would agree’

‘Keep getting images of horses, in connection with children, human beings with horses, delightful connection... the words of a lullaby came into my head... Hushaby don’t you cry go to sleep you little baby, when you wake you shall have all the pretty little horses, dapples and greys, pintos and bays, all the pretty little horses...’

‘I’ve just become aware of one of the spirit people I used to talk to when I was a child... again that feeling that children are half in spirit and aware of all these other beings around them and converse with them freely’

‘The word mudra, someone’s showing me a mudra, it’s like a shape that you can adopt but what I'm seeing, it’s like two circles with a line through them, like this pole going from the crown right down to the Earth. Mudra is a way of stabilising energy. Like in yoga the postures you have. The one I'm seeing reminds me of something, a vajra, two circles... the way I can relate to it is how the different Buddhas have particular postures that have symbolic meaning and I think adopting those postures helps to embody those particular spiritual qualities or aspects, to identify with. I have a feeling it’s like when we pray, how we’ve been brought up to pray when you put your hands together in front of you around about the heart centre, your thumbs are together and your fingers pointing upwards it gives a certain sense of poise and alignment with a spiritual source if you’re praying to God and perhaps that’s a sort of mudra. If you lie face down on the Earth spread eagled with your arms out and your palms touching the Earth, that’s a devotional posture in which you are identifying with service, in giving yourself to the Earth, being of service for the benefit of all beings. I think mudras are meaningful postures of the body that help to align and stabilise energetic thought forms and facilitate their penetration into the whole human experience, helps to stabilise it at all levels so the meaning becomes apparent’

‘Just had a black cat with me, I think they are very good at adopting posture’

Liz felt we had come to the end and asked me to play a tune.

Then we discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off swimming under the water in a river and there were flowers in there like marigolds. She felt she was merging with all living forms there. Then she felt something was reaching down and she was reaching up and being lifted out of the water. She was being cleansed and taken over to the other side and there were silvery spirit beings with her. She was in a meadow of dandy lions and buttercups and the air was full of seeds. There were loads of children and a wonderful feeling of happiness, energy and happy childhood. The spirit beings and Liz wanted to organise them and felt they wanted to go on beyond that energy but the children needed to be looked after, they wanted attention so they sat them at a table to make daisy chains while Liz and the spirit people went off to do their thing. Liz was led into a vast temple of learning like a university but it was a multiversity, there was every possible facet of learning. There was a lecture going on to do with humanity, what in meant to be human, it went very deep right back to the origin. Liz was only partly aware of it as it was too much but it was the fact that all that learning was there...

I started off in a black void for a while then became aware of a cartoon rabbit gesturing me to follow it down a black hole. So I did and we got faster and faster and started flying down this black tunnel which then started to go upwards and came out into the sea, out of the sea bed. The sea was thick like jelly and it slowed us down. The scene then changed and we were sitting on the edge of a volcano looking down at the hot molten lava bubbling away below us. The rabbit asked if I wanted to jump in and I thought well it’s just a visualisation so why not and we both jumped and parachutes opened slowing us down as we gently descended towards the lava which I now saw had crocodiles in it. We landed each on a crocodile and the lava felt warm but not hot. Then the crocodiles turned into dragons and flew off with us out of the volcano into a beautiful scene of multicoloured autumn trees and a wonderful sunset. The rabbit then said he guessed I was pleased I'd decided to jump now that it’s led to this, otherwise we’d still be sat on the edge of the volcano and went on to say how much better it was in life to go ahead and experience as much as we can even if you have doubts about it, it’s always better to regret doing something than to regret not doing something...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...