This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

179th Sitting 06/09/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued on into the session...

13 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

‘I see a tree, the root of the tree going deep into the earth knowing where to seek out the water. Although it’s dry, the ground is parched, the tree root goes deep, deep where the water lies and can draw on the hidden reserves and the dog knows where to dig for the buried bone, a scent of that which he desires calls him to keep digging deeper and deeper until he uncovers the bone and you who seek spirit, you are drawn to the place of spirit and in persevering with digging deep your deepest soul knows where to dig, where to find the water of spirit, the spiritual food that you need to sustain yourself. Dig deep, deep, deep and the water of spirit is there to draw on, a source that won’t fail you in a time of drought, in the midst of conflict, in the midst of darkness, in the midst of disease, in the midst of social turmoil, your spiritual self knows how to go deep, deep, down into the depths of your unconscious to contact the water of spirit, that which sustains your soul. Always know that within you is that root seeking spirit with the affinity for spirit, your spirit calls to spirit, will find that strength, that connection even in times of spiritual dearth, when the material world desiccates and holds you back, your ability to make contact is always there. Trust that there is within you that spirit seeking spirit that knows how to connect to the greater source, the mother spirit’

‘There’s an elephant in the room, she’s waving her trunk, very happy to be here, doing a bit of a dance’

The room started to look lighter to me.

‘There’s now a whole troop of circus people and acrobats, something about them having a bit of a romp’ 

‘Somebody is offering a rose to you, it’s a red rose I think and the petals are a little bit dry on the outside, faded, but the offering is there’

Me... ‘Thank you’

‘There’s some thorns but I'm sensing that though the petals are dropping the rose you’ve been offered has roots and I think you are being urged to plant it and it will flourish and blossom into a great bush covered with roses, red and white. That red and white has morphed into a football shirt, a sports shirt, got the word jockey, somebody’s being a team player, somebody running with a football... I have a feeling Travis is with us, he’s got the gear on, yippee and hurrah...’

Me... ‘Has he got a message for us?’

‘I think that rose bush was the message... he’s just being a bit of a clown, a bit of hilarity, I think it’s just lighten up, just wants you to let go, be a bit of a clown, run loose, enjoy...’

Me... ‘Good advice’

‘Yes, have a bit of a joke, a laugh, bit of fun... That planting of the rose that’s in the left corner all the time, that rose bush, keep it watered and that’s going to flourish... I get the feeling the message is although the rose you are given, the gift that you have sometimes, you watch the petals fall off, you watch it fade and you think you’re going to be left with just a stem with thorns on and no particular flower to show. That’s not the case, if you look the rose has roots and if you continue to water and nurture it, give it the right soil, keep feeding it then it’s going to flourish into a wonderful bush from one single rose, a whole living bush full of roses will arise. I think the message is encouragement and that your friends in spirit those you have worked with and are past over, are with you and rejoicing, and encouraging. I get this image of the pantomime donkey, where somebody acts as the head and somebody the rear. Travis is the back legs’

Me... ‘Who’s in the front?’

‘I think you are... I think he’s showing you he’s going to be with you, he’s going to be in the act, there’s going to be a little bit of clowning. You're going to be the mouthpiece and he’s going to be doing the kicking and bucking. You are going to be working together to keep the old donkey moving and it’s like there’s a whole team behind, a whole circus act is there, Freddie and a whole lot of them, stars and spangles, and of course Joan, a fairy on horseback and the trapeze’

‘Getting an image of a carton, milk or drink carton, one you can crumple and recycle, got a straw in it. It's morphing into a piano, ebony and ivory, that song. There’s a lot of richness in that piano, a lot of fun, that’s where the fun is. I see the piano and they’re all leaning on it, going to have a sing-song. They're saying keep at it. And the piano is on my right side, the rose bush is on my left but I'm aware of the connection between the two. I think music is encouraging that rose bush to grow. Though they seem separate there’s a connection between the two. I think Freddie’s there leaning on the piano, and Neddie, they like the piano, want to give it a good thump like the back of an old friend, they’re goofing about a bit, they want to wheel it around, they want a sing-song around the piano’

‘Now I have the sense of a wonderful starlit night, shooting stars... don’t look back, just go for it. As you take off in that starlit night, all the fears, all the doubts fade away, you just blaze a trail, you don’t look back, you just keep going. It's exciting, you can take off. Once you’ve taken off all the old doubts, all the old chaff falls away like the lower stages of the rocket they just fall away, they shed like the snake sheds its skin. You don’t have to hold on to them anymore, just allow them to drop away, just let them go. Once you’ve set your course just look straight ahead into those blazing stars and join them, zoom, poof, and you’re there, no regrets, fully there at the centre of creation, stardust’

‘Have a sense of mum (my mum) being there on the right side and for some reason is holding a laundry basket of fresh clean clothes. It's quite faint but I just get the sense she’s just showing her care, looking out for you, just wanting you to look your best with clean clothes all ready for school, just wants you to know her love and support is there. She looks very pleased. She doesn’t look old, she looks like a 1940s, 50s mum with her hair not quite shoulder length but curled under in some sort of a... a tiny bit of a perm at the bottom turned up in a tight roll at the bottom. She's morphing into my mum now, how my mum looked when she was younger. It's the same feeling, a mum who cares about her boys, strict on timing, wants to get you off to school on time, make sure you’re always looking your best, enjoys looking after you, seeing you doing well. She loves that you still have your cars and your Dinky toys. She’s still there with you. I have a feeling that was one of her happiest times when you were in short trousers, going to school, with your toys and interests. It was very fulfilling for her. I sense an animal, she’s showing me an animal basket, like a dog basket, a puppy, it’s like it’s grown big now. Now I'm getting the feeling of parkland, trees, green paces, cricket. I think she’s very pleased about the gardens you’re visiting, yes she’s with you there, loves that you go there with Sarah. She knows you’ve got your cars and things but she loves seeing you in those green spaces and she knows that’s good for both of you. She's showing me wellington boots and an umbrella, like she's urging you to take precautions for the rain, ha, ha... dress up warmly... it’s like she’s slightly fussing, don’t catch a cold, make sure you dress appropriately. I see her with an old Ford car, she’s closing the door for you, she likes it, reminds her of the old times. She's turning around and saying grandpa’s here. I'm just sensing someone, he reminds me of somebody with a moustache, lot of grey white hair, an old-fashioned moustache, a jacket, slightly tweed, a bit crumpled, flannel trousers, almost feels as though he’s got a pipe or cigarette case. I've got a feeling he’s still in his own world, she’s looking after him a little bit. It's like he’s quite elderly and a little confused, a lovely mild man that needs looking after. She's bringing him forward and says she’s looking after him still. A little puppy dog at her feet...’

‘I’ve got these racing horses racing past at the races, speed racing. It's the enjoyment of the race, speed and power, excitement’

‘I’ve got the number eleven and it’s this umbrella again. I think it’s connected with Sarah. Just that image of a roof like the adverts for Abby National I think, with a couple walking under it and the roof is like an umbrella. But there was a number eleven connected with that’

Me... ‘Not sure what that could be’

‘Just gone onto a railway line, I think it’s going up to Yorkshire’

‘Just got this very strange image of a horse that looks a bit like a dragon, a bit like a goat, a hybrid horse, a comedy horse, an archetypal composite image of a... taking the form of a statue or trophy, like in a chess piece on a black and white board, it’s all a bit of a game, a sense of fun that life’s a bit of a game, you can play it any way you like, football, horse racing, circus acts it’s all fun. Got the piano again, the black and white keys jangling, that’s fun too. And the king wins, keep your king, the queens the canny one, the king stays pretty still and the queen does the moving, the queen helps the king to stay’

‘I’ve got, I don’t know if it’s Thai or tie as in tie dye...’

‘Got the word serendipity, to do with luck, charms. Yes, the feeling of serendipity is when you are open to life you are open to receive the serendipitous gifts, things that arise quite by chance but wonderfully apt just as you need them, just what you need, you are given what you need. When you are open to life, to risk, to change serendipitously. Some people might call that grace, by grace all that you need will be given to you, you don’t have to worry. So, I get the message chill out and it will all be okay, you don’t have to worry, just take it as it comes, all good. That will be the way it’s meant to be’

‘Yes, my feeling is they are all pleased, you can spend a lot of time sowing on the buttons and polishing the china but the relaxed attitude of just allowing things to be will allow the correct development, will allow the opportunities to arise, will allow things to evolve the way they are meant to. I think they’re delighted, just keep the relaxed open attitude with a sprinkling of fun and delight and that feeling of enjoying the game. Cultivate the enjoyment and the gifts will just drop into place, no stress, no strain. You don’t have to worry about the buttons and the knots and the bits, just keep the bigger picture’

‘Some people say take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves but this is almost like the reverse, just look after the pounds and all those old coins that you don’t need they’ll just drop through the floor boards. It's almost like a top down approach rather that a bottom up approach where you hold the larger perspective and all the little bits just fall away, ha, ha...’

‘Thank you all...’ 

I played a tune as Liz started to feel back with it.

We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz started off walking along a muddy path with bare feet which she didn’t mind as she knew it was taking her to a shallow river full of beautiful clear water. Although there were bridges Liz didn’t need them and walked across to a bank of beautiful green grass and flowers. There was a fence running along the bank and Liz came to a metal gate and climbed over it into a hillside field and walked up to the top. Liz knew there was something she needed to see at the top and when she got there found an enormous lake and she could just see white buildings the other side. She wanted to swim in it then she saw a boat and Liz felt there was someone in the boat she wanted to see. It was an old friend Doug who had died, he was going to row alongside of her to keep her safe. It was a lovely feeling that there was a friend there and a feeling they were united in spirit. Liz could swim under the water where there were wonderful weeds and grasses and she knew Doug was alongside of her in the boat. He was letting her know of the vastness and Liz knew she wasn’t going to get to the other side but it didn’t matter. As she lay on her back in the water the blue sky, clouds and sun were reflected in the water and it was this feeling of joy, of absolute ease and happiness. It was like a baptism and the wonderful joy of it was that Liz could come here whenever she wanted and there was always a friend in spirit that would be with her. Although it was a lonely place she would never be alone. She could come and renew and refresh herself whenever she wanted, she didn’t need to get to the other side it was connecting her to the other side and she need never be afraid of having to walk through the mud and the mire of this world because she knew she could always get to this wonderful clear place of spirit and be there and swim in it and be cleansed...

I started off hovering around at the top of what looked like a huge church looking down on rows of people. I found I could see each person in detail and slowly checked them all out. They seemed to represent all the people of this world from every country and every walk of life. They all seemed to be waiting for something to happen. A man then appeared in front of them sitting cross legged on a carpet, playing the flute and as he played hundreds of birds appeared from the flute as if representing the musical notes coming from it. They all flew up to the top of the church where I was and I noticed all the people below had cupped their hands. Then each bird flew down landing in the hands of each person until everyone had a bird in their hands. They all seemed to be getting a feeling from the birds as I watched joy filling the faces of everyone...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

Liz had got some interesting messages which did make a lot of sense to me but some of what she thought was my mum actually seemed more like my gran who I spent a lot of time with in my early years.