This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
178th Sitting 23/08/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued into the session...
About 35 minutes after the opening prayer Liz started to speak and I turned down the music...
‘I've got Mrs. McDonald... she’s somehow connected to Sam McDonald and she’s thanking me for looking after her boy’
Me... ‘Is that somebody you know?’
‘The name Sam McDonald goes back many years, he was living in my house’
‘Christie’s... the art dealer... Seeing a picture of an elderly lady with her hair back in a grey bun, very unadorned, maybe a bit of lace around her hair, plain black dress, a portrait... I'm asking is this Mrs. McDonald? It's Sarah McDonald, more like a grandmother. She’s showing me things to do with her hair, plastic curlers. She’s telling me she was with us on the Isle of Cumbrae in Scotland and the white light that I saw was spirit protection. She says she’s been around and they are drawn, they can see when your heart is true, pure. She’s reminding me that these islands are very spiritual places, the islands are like stepping stones in the sea, the vibrations are high, the veil between the two worlds is thinner. She’s affirming that if your heart is pure you should never doubt the spirit protection'
'I'm shown a net, fishers of men, reeling in these silver fish, these are our souls. It's a long-term plan that we’ve put into place and they make sure that we keep to our agenda, she says many times we go off track, slip through the net, go skidding off on different routes, lose the plot, lose the thread, slip a stitch. Well that’s okay once you’ve realised you’ve dropped a stitch you can unpick it, go back to where the stitch was dropped and you knit it all again. You can retrace your step, there’s nothing lost. You think it’s lost but in the fullness of time it’s nothing. The real importance is the retracing and picking up the dropped stitch. Some call it making amends, then you go on and you can finish the whole garment and the whole garment is a lifetime, the suit that you knit, the garment fit to suit you in the next life, to carry you through because you wear that when you pass over, that garment you’ve knitted, that suit you’ve created and you don’t want there to be too many dropped stitches, you don’t want it to be full of holes, full of imperfections, full of blemishes... No, you don’t want that, you want it to be perfect. So, take care, as soon as you realise you’ve lost the plot, dropped a stitch you just unpick it all, back to the point where you made the mistake. Then you carry on from there as if nothing happened. Everything is fixable, everything can be repaired, every little mistake amended, no errors too great to reform. But just be aware, not to sweep things under the carpet, think ohhhh never mind, carry on, carry on... never mind, never mind... no, no, no! that won’t do, you’ll end up with a suit full of holes and it doesn’t fit and it’s ugly. Who wants to go to their wedding with our Lord dressed in a manky old rag suit, yep, yep, no, no, no... you just take care of the little stitch dropped, the little things and the big suit will take care of itself. But you know now that you don’t have to worry about other people’s dropped stitches, that’s for them to pick up. You can see the holes in their suits but you don’t have to worry about that. You can tell them, you can say whoops, check it out, you’ve dropped a stitch but it’s up to them, you don’t have to carry that for them, you just deal with your own dropped stitches’
‘She says you write the fairy stories... the Brothers Grimm... they’re the folk tales, they carry the old truths, as good as the bible...’
‘John Walsh’
‘Tindernitus... ... homburg...’
‘We’re seeing a new way, a new way to be and not through spectacles, not seeing through filters anymore, not seeing direct vision first hand, we’re forging a new path of direct vision. Bird... go straight to his home, bee... go straight to his hive, man has forgotten the way back home, the new generation are finding if they take off the old spectacles that have been put on them through their upbringing and forge their own path of direct vision, they see the way back, the way forward, a new life, full steam ahead. When someone has a direct experience they know in a way that is different from learning through books or from hearsay. It gives the courage or confidence to strike out, to blaze through obstacles and to make direct contact with the source, with the home, with the sun. I see children staring at the sun, daring to face the light source. These are the ones we are watching, we will sustain the pure of heart because with their diamond gaze they will direct others to the source. Paradise regained is in the hands of the few but those few have the power to pull, to pull the stragglers through, to draw on the multitude, those who would be reclaimed will be reclaimed. We are selecting our beacons of light, we see them, we protect them, we nurture them, we inspire them. Direct vision. Your role is to help them, you are our arms and legs. What you do in preparing a space for them and helping to support them spiritually and providing resources, the spaces, the opportunities. This is our directive. Change comes when a threshold is reached and the generations link arms, a chain of support. We have to forge the chain, make sure the links are there. So follow our directive in this, we see the larger picture, we have the overview and we can sustain the promises, sustain your envisioned path. We are you and you are us, we agreed this in unison, we are all one. We are all of one mind’
‘Betty Drew... says she is very excited to come... says I had great hopes for you... says give Ann my love, something about a glove with fingers missing... football, half a football...’
‘It's like there’s a lot of celebrating, I'm being bombarded with fireworks, all these people, very pleased and happy to know that we’re in touch. They see the bigger picture now and they see the connections are not lost, I think they just want us to know, all those people who’ve influenced us, have been part of our life, with who we’ve had links, they rejoice in the realisation that they can still make contact, still be part of us. The connection is not lost and the very little things, the little goodness's they do, the generosity they show us, the small things are magnified. They see how those things have blossomed, had positive outcome, how they affected the lives they touched and it's like flowers they’ve planted that grow, they see how those kind things they did have blossomed in our life and affected the things we do and that’s a cause for rejoicing. I think I'm shown this to remind us that all the things we do for others, little things we may forget but those things are done with care and understanding, care and love, affection, have quite profound and lasting affects not always recognised at the time. Keep doing those little things. We don’t count them, we say things like count your blessings but there’s many blessings that go uncounted because they’re hardly recognised but it’s the effect of a true note, harmony, resonances that move the soul... blessed are the pure of heart, they shall see God’
‘Wanda Radeski...’
‘Cuneiforms, archaeology, few remains, fragments... I was coming home with the big black bag... my legs went to jelly, I was smashed... crushed... blast... I was running backwards and forwards, I realised I was alright but the thing that I'm missing is that black bag and I realised I don’t need it anymore, I can carry on. The thing that I was working on, the cuneiform, I can carry on with that here. It took a long time to realise that the black bag and everything connected with it was behind me in another world but it didn’t matter so I'm all right now, I'm just carrying on. Just a bit of a shakeup because I wasn’t prepared, I was very attached to that black bag and everything with it’
Liz thanked everyone who came and had helped.
I played a tune to help Liz feel fully back with it.
We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...
Liz started off walking through a muddy field and came to a clear stream filled with lovely grasses. To the left was a humped red brick bridge and Liz sat on the bridge dangling her feet in the water, marvelling at the clarity of the water compared with the thick muddy field. On the other side it was green grass with rocks and goats. Liz then walked through the grass with bare feet to a cottage and she had the nursery rhyme in her head ‘Mary, Mary, quite contrary how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells and pretty maids all in a row’ Liz went inside and saw a lady who was young and old at the same time, silver grey hair tied back in a bun, very motherly, very kind. She offered Liz a cup of tea saying I know you don’t particularly want a cup of tea at the moment but it’s the comfort isn’t it, we do these things, never underestimate the importance of the comfort things that we do, it’s the sense of security it brings because in this world there are so many things that make us insecure and frightened. Never be ashamed of wanting the little comforts, looking after your garden having nice flowers, having nice things, all those things you do to make you feel more secure and at home that’s good, that’s alright, do it because it gives you the strength then to go on and do those important things which you have to do. It gives you that sense of security that helps you overcome your fears, your insecurities and this world is full of insecurities. It helps to put you in touch with that knowledge that there’s nothing to be afraid of, that you are perfectly safe, there’s nothing that can actually harm you, you are not alone, you are held very dearly, very closely. Never forget that because that is the truth...
I started off watching drips of water slowly coming down and forming a puddle on the ground. As I watched I thought I saw faces in the drips then I saw people in the drips acting out scenes and I felt the emotion of each scene as it passed me. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad or peaceful or angry or confused. One came down with a nice feeling of peace and I decided to jump into it and join the scene. There were lines of people meditating, sending calming energy into some woods in front of them. I then felt that I was the woods, I was the trees and flowers, streams, foxes, dragonflies, etc, etc, all feeling very peaceful. Then it felt like this drip had reached the puddle and I sensed other scenes going on around me and the conflicting emotions mixing with each other but this calming peaceful energy seemed to be stronger and overpowered the others. I saw people that were fighting suddenly stop as this energy reached them. I kept getting the expression pulling the rug out from under their feet...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...