This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

240th Sitting 25/03/2021

We had a Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I tuned in.

I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘All change is good; all change is beneficial. The physical world is a place in which to change yourself and in changing yourself you are changing your world. You develop within yourself a need for change but at the same time a part of you wishes to remain in familiar surroundings. Try to resist that wanting to remain in those familiar surroundings and allow yourself to change, for changing is a natural process and a part of evolution. You have nothing to fear, for by changing you become something new, something that hasn’t existed before. You have created a new personality, a new footprint in your journey of life. By changing you allow yourself to see situations in a new way, from a new perspective and it will add to your knowledge, add to your experience, add to the picture that you create for yourself. All change is for the better; let nothing stop you changing. You all came to this world to change, to become something more, to add to the growth of all of life, all of consciousness and to do that you need to change, you need to develop new skills, new understandings. New ideas will bubble up in your thoughts, do not reject those ideas for they have been created by you, for you’

‘Life is an adventure, life is to be explored, use all your powers within you to make it the most beneficial journey for you and for others. For you share your life with others and they react to you, they will see the changes in you and you also notice the changes in them. You all work together, you all change together and your world changes with you. Nothing can stop change except for your fears, your fear of change. Don't become rooted in familiarity for there is so much more to discover. At times you may feel boredom come over you, the feeling of boredom. This is a signal for you to change, this is a signal for you to try something new. You can always go back but to go back you must first take that step forwards and others will follow. There is nothing difficult in this, there is nothing to fear in this, it is a simple evolution process. Look around you at your world, see evolution taking place, see change taking place. The physical world is a world of change and the life that creates it changes with it. Each step on your journey is a new opportunity for change. Hold your head up high, be positive in your thoughts and see the opportunities for change each day of your life. That what resides inside of you is what is pushing you to change, it is the real you and the more you become familiar with the real you, the more you will change, the more you will want to change, thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your experiments, please continue with your thoughts of love for others, you are creating a wonderful atmosphere and that atmosphere follows you through life. Thank you’ 

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then tuned in...

‘I’ve got a gentleman with me Nick, he’s got quite a round pale face, either he’s got very short white hair or he’s bald. I thought at first it was your dad. I'm seeing him now with spectacles, he feels quite old, older than us, maybe in his late 70s, 80s or even early 90s. I'm feeling him as reading a book and eating toast at the same time. I think this is actually your dad, he’s giving me the sense of a keyboard and I always associate that with him. He's definitely family. He's giving me that sense of Sooty and Sweep the dog, like a glove puppet. He's feeling very relaxed, like he’s sitting in a kitchen chair, a wooden chair, medium high back, wooden with slats across it, at the kitchen table with a table cloth on it, eating toast and reading a book. There are letters on the table, post, he hasn’t opened it. He's taking me to the image of peas in a pod which makes me think of family. But it wasn’t two peas in a pod, that sense of we’re all swimming in the same sea, seeds, little kernels held in this safe container. It's to do with germinating. He's taking me on a journey like Crocodile Dundee, crocodile or alligator suddenly coming into view, connected with the TV. Something out of a wild life movie. Getting the sense he’s with you and around you in the house, just enjoying being present, it gives him a sense again of how it was. You were talking a lot about change and I think he’s feeling there is a lot of change, everything's all change in this new way of being which is why its lovely to come back to ground base, to earth as it were. Back to those gentle connections that tie in with the memories of what it was to feel in the physical world. It’s not that he’s not happy or adapting because he feels very centred and content as if he’s become quite peaceful in a sense of benign. Feeling he wants to fill lots of glasses with clean water. He's giving me Wendy and Peter Pan. Rummaging around the old garage. Someone looking for clothes pegs. He’s brought my attention back to tooth paste. I was getting drawn into Wendy and Peter Pan and the father being made to sleep in the dog kennel. He’s saying we’ve all moved on and it’s really quite funny. She’s quite a princess, don’t know who he’s referring to? I think he’s referring to Sarah? I'm getting the sense that he loves you both and he’s seeing you as Peter Pan and Wendy. He’s showing me loads of chrysanthemums, banks of chrysanthemums. Just seeing the dry tubers, you have to put them out now. Two a penny or tuppence ha'penny. It's like watching old films like having a cine camera or a projector watching old films but I can see the film is like an old film with the perforations at the edges, some of it is black and white and some of it is colour. He's brought in the idea of Mrs Mophead again Mrs Mop which keeps appearing with him. Now he’s showing me a car like a black Daimler, that’s a name that comes into my mind, not a taxi but a large bulbus car. Saying something like she goes like a bomb. Wooden panels in the car. Getting a sense of pipe smoke. I think I may have somebody else here, maybe his father. He’s giving me a sense of a mosaic or a jig-saw puzzle, it feels like tiling, I almost feel I want to place it at the bottom of a pond or swimming pool, that takes me to the willow patterned tea services’

At first I thought this was one of my dad’s brothers but there’s also bits that tie up with my dad, some of which have come though before. There’s also some stuff that I can’t place at all. 

Afterwards Liz said she was aware that there was more than one person but she couldn't differentiate or separate them and said this was a skill she still needs to learn. She felt the other person was smaller which if it was who I thought it was is correct. 

‘I've just got that owl again, the owl eyes, connected with that needle point on his wall, intricate needle point. I think he must be visiting a house he shared with Brenda and it’s still on the wall. I think maybe he wanted you to have it, no not if it’s still on the wall. He’s giving me a sense of a hose pipe, don’t know if Brenda’s been doing something outside? It's like somebody’s washing the patio or something, I can see a bucket’ 

The cross-stitch owl has come through before, last time I saw it in the house it was leaning against the wall but not attached to it. My brother and I are going to tidy up the garden soon. This may be what was coming through with the hose pipe.

‘Making me feel of an old-fashioned gramophone, radiogram in the room’

Can’t place this. 

‘I'm feeling this is his house he is in. I think he just wants to send Brenda his love, he’s showing me a pink letter with an envelope, like a love letter envelope, I think that’s just his symbol for a message of love of her and he’s in her house. I'm seeing a tortoiseshell cat or the tail is mottled. Did they have a tortoiseshell cat?’

Me... ‘They did have a cat but not that colour’

‘Has Brenda still got a cat?’

Me... ‘No it’s passed away now’

‘I wonder if it’s a cat that visits the garden? I feel I'm walking with him round this garden, there’s a little bit of a gate and a low fence and bushes, greenery but not a high fence or wall. Not a very big garden, but I'm feeling some rounded steps, like a patio, grey slabs, concrete around the house. My feeling as he’s walking around the garden is it’s a bit patchy, I can feel a bit of privet hedge but it’s low, not much coming up at the moment, there’s bear patches in it. He thinks it needs Sarah’s touch’

It is a small garden with a low wall but no rounded grey steps, slabs or concrete. I don’t think there’s a privet hedge but there are fir trees along the bottom of the garden forming a hedge which is a bit patchy. 

‘He’s showing me cartons of milk and groats and things, he’s concerned that Brenda’s not eating, he’s wanting to build her up. I don’t know what’s with groats, but that was the word, groats and milk. And a teaspoon of malt’

Yes, Brenda is not eating much at the moment. 

‘He wants to do some spring cleaning. I’m sensing a piece of furniture that looks like brown mahogany, quite shiny, I thought at first it was a piano but it’s a cabinet of some sort, it’s like he wants to go around and dust and polish everything. I’m feeling he’s putting bluebells in a small vase, a silver pot. He's giving me wooden coat hangers, taking me to a wardrobe and a feeling of the wardrobe being empty. Got a sense of mothballs, he’s saying where’s my slippers’ 

As well as the garden my brother and I are planning to clean through the whole house. There is an old wooden display cabinet with glass doors that’s been in the house for as long as I can remember. Brenda has given all dad’s clothes to charities and probably his slippers as well.

‘I’m asking if he gets nostalgic but he says I'm just dipping in and out, okay really, just get that sense of nostalgia, things have changed, not quite the same but concern is still there and a sense of love and still belonging. He's saying I haven’t actually gone anywhere and I'm very content and he gives me Michael rowed the boat ashore, that song, Michael row the boat ashore’

Me... ‘Hallelujah...’

‘Yes hallelujah, ha, ha... bless you Michael, thank you very much and it’s lovely that you’re around and noting the subtle changes, you would like Nick to have your needle point, that seems to be important, those owl eyes, yes it’s the wisdom, and the mosaic, the connection of many little points, many little pieces into one living thing, we’re all of many parts, many pieces and that was a creation and the eyes followed you, God bless you, all our love to you, thank you for making your presence felt, thank you for allowing me to experience your memories’

I then did the healing exercise, thanked everyone for coming and did our closing down exercise...