This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

239th Sitting 18/03/2021

We had a Zoom meetup.

This week Liz was sitting in the séance room with the lights off and was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I started to tune in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘What is real evidence, what is it that really makes you believe. You live your life governed by beliefs and yet when you look for spiritual truths it is your beliefs that hold you back. If you were to let yourself go, take your mind out of physical life, give yourself a chance to experience a new beginning, a new life, a life that encompasses so much more, then you would truly begin to understand that evidence isn’t necessary to convince you, to convince you that you are consciousness. You are receiving information each day of your life and it is you who interprets that information. The physical world does not exist and yet your beliefs tell you it does. You haven’t the experience to take those beliefs out of your mind but within you there is a knowing that tells you there is so much more. You are being shown a small portion of life, part of life that is designed to test your abilities, to test your strengths and your weaknesses. A part of life designed to help you grow, to bring you more into tune with your true self, that what understands all. You are a fragment of something so much bigger but you are not separated from that larger self, that knowing self. You have been taken into a world suited for you, created by you each day as your mind develops, as your experience grows. You paint your own picture each day and you live your life in that picture not knowing that a greater picture exists within yourself. There is so much more to life but you as a personality must live your life in the physical world until you have understood all that is available to you. There is so much for you in your world, you have everything you need at this point in time but a time will come when you will understand so much more, you will not rely on your beliefs to guide you through life, you will only see the truth, you will only see a bigger picture’

‘Much has been written in your physical world throughout the years by those who have experienced the larger picture, the larger reality but they have had to explain what they have experienced with words when really it was merely feelings. See beyond the words, feel reality, feel life, feel living, understand your feelings and do not confuse them with beliefs. Trust your feelings for that is your truth and no beliefs can shield you from your own truth for it is you, it is what you have achieved up to this point and it is a glimpse into what you will achieve in the future, for you are all working towards a future existence, a future experience and you know that and that knowledge is what drives you forward. You cannot make mistakes for that what drives you is strong. What you see as mistakes are misunderstood beliefs. They are merely temporary, the real you is permanent, it is growing like every other human being in your physical world’

‘Rejoice that your world is evolving with you each day of your life. You play your part in that world, there is that love within yourself and you spread happiness, harmony and understandings throughout your world. Nothing negative can penetrate that love. Understand that and your life will change, your world will change and the picture you paint each day of your life will have more meaning, more sharpness, more colour, more love, thank you. Thank you my dear friend, it is always a pleasure to speak in these situations and we will continue to bring forward what we feel will benefit you in your search for complete understanding. Enjoy the journey, enjoy the opportunity and keep smiling, thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend, that was lovely’

Liz then tuned in...

‘Just got this really large man with me now with gingery hair, he feels a little bit like your garage colleague but I feel he drives a lorry, he’s sharing with me his experience as a lorry driver, this large vehicle and he’s at the wheel. Just a sense of great friendliness he brings with him, sandy hair. Feeling of a large, slightly cumbersome body and sandwiches. The feeling he’s giving me is he just wants you to know he’s on the road again. It's as if he’s looking through a clear windscreen. He’s giving me the impression of a little panda, like the sort of thing you put on a windscreen, black and white bear. I have a connection with fondness, expressing his fondness for you. He's giving me the impression he felt like an overgrown chubby schoolboy a lot of the time. Giving me the name Richard. When I asked him who Richard is he gave me the sense of a godfather. I'm getting another name Dillis, Dillis being a secretary’ 

This sounds like the man I used to work with who has come through before. Not sure about the panda or Richard. Dillis may have been a secretary at the garage but I can’t remember for sure.

‘I'm seeing sandals like those old Start-Rite sandals that people wore in the summer, that children wore, leather sandals with straps. That's making me feel I have somebody else here, I think it’s your dad. The Start-Rite sandals he used to buy, that you and your brother had. I'm seeing an eggcup with a painted egg in it, Easter egg type thing. I'm seeing the silver paper being torn off the egg as if that was a rather precious time, he enjoyed the whole thing of Easter eggs, or you enjoyed them, he’s bringing that to my attention, go on treat yourself. Then it’s the connection with the egg and spoon race, and sack races that kind of stuff’ 

Yes my brother and I wore sandals when we were young, I have the pictures to prove it. I think my dad had a trick with an egg cup and painted egg but I can’t be 100% sure.

‘That’s shifted, he’s now taking me to something that looks like pipes, something he’s making, a metal frame, a bit like a Zimmer frame, something he’s putting in a bathroom, feels a bit like a cage. Don't know if he’s giving me the sense that he had a Zimmer frame or something like that’

This is interesting. When dad was in a wheelchair, he wouldn’t use the foot rests when being pushed around the house and his feet kept getting caught under the chair. I bought a piece of wood with caster wheels on it and a man who did jobs around the house made a metal frame out of heating pipes like a Zimmer that attached to the wood so dad could put his feet on it and hold onto the frame when being pushed and he liked that.

‘He’s giving me a, it’s a bit like a trilby hat, or a Robin Hood type hat with a little feather in it’

I had just been watching a programme on TV with my wife and had commented on a bowler hat with a feather on it that someone was wearing.

‘Now he’s taking me into a green garden space, hedges around it, it feels like the grass needs mowing, lush grass and I can feel daffodils and plants’

When we started sitting, I saw the gardener for next door had just arrived with his lawn mower and I was worried he would start mowing the front lawn which would make a loud noise and yes it does have hedges, daffodils and plants around it. Luckily, he went round the back instead.

‘Just getting the name Tabitha, could be the name for a tabby cat. I'm seeing upturned flower pots, reminding me of the Flower Pot Men, weed, Bill and Ben’

I used to watch Bill and Ben the flowerpot men on the TV and Tabitha is a character in Bewitched which I also watched.

‘He's just taking me into a little lobby by the back door with coats hanging, old macs. I've come out of the garden and he's just taking me along memory lane. A bath, an old-fashioned bath, I see the taps on it, there’s an attached shower head like one of those rubber things on the taps. There’s a toilet in the bathroom, the other side of the bath and there’s a window, not frosted glass but a dimpled window that you can’t see through. Outside there’s a little bit of a court yard, just a bit of concrete, that window is backing onto a bit of concrete’

This could be a good description of my dad’s parent’s house but my memory isn’t good enough to know the details for sure. It also sounds like my bungalow except for the bath which isn’t old-fashioned and it’s a front door that leads into a porch with coats hanging.

‘Now he’s taking me to rabbits, I don’t know if there’s a live rabbit around or it’s to do with his tricks. Got a feeling he’s stroking it, it’s a grey rabbit, or is it a grey cat he’s calling a rabbit, he’s stroking something. I’m seeing a cage, an animal in a cage. Would he have kept mice in a cage?’

Me... ‘He didn’t but I had something similar myself’

‘I feel it’s a cage with an animal in it, an animal you can take out and stroke. He's giving me the feeling it was grey although he was showing me a white rabbit before but that might have been my imagination’

I used to keep gerbils in a cage when I was young. Dad never used live rabbits in his tricks but we did have a grey wild rabbit in our garden for a while a few years back.

‘Now he’s going to toffees, he seems to like toffees, I'm sure he’s brought me toffee apples before, someone’s bought him toffees. That takes me to banana splits but I think that’s because someone mentioned them yesterday. I see toffees wrapped in foil, individually wrapped. There was maybe a jar of them, reward toffees, I think he used them as treats or rewards’

Dad used to like toffees and we usually had tins of Quality Street in the house.

‘Now I'm getting crocuses and hyacinths. He's showing me all the lovely things associated with Easter time, makes me feel that was quite a favourite time of his, it’s important now’ 

‘He's taking me to a butcher’s boy bike, a bike somebody uses when they’re delivering things, a basket on the front, a delivery bike, old fashioned bike, it’s like seeing that Clive Dunn again in stripy clothes, it’s connecting back to leaning against a greenhouse or a wall’

‘Got a name Betty and sundew’

Not sure about this.

‘I think I must be with your grandfather now because he’s giving me tunnels, that’s your dad’s father. Sundew seems to be connected to him’

Me... ‘I think that’s melons isn’t it?’

‘He’s giving me a spider or spider’s web, it feels your granddad is connecting me with Halloween, witches hats and all that sort of stuff, imaginative palaver to do with occult, the slightly scary dark side but fun, wizardry, stars and glitter. Just said something funny like off cabbages and kings. He makes me feel that he would have been a mage if he could have done, your dad became the magician, did the magic but your granddad had that propensity. He's giving me that sense of the wizard with the gnarled stick, like a hazel rod but all gnarled. You wouldn’t have known that to look at him, he looked a very sensible man but a little bit quirky, there was a deeper side to him, I get that quiet quizzical nature’

Yes, granddad was very interested in magic and that’s where dad got his interest from. Granddad built some of dad’s tricks back in the 40s including a head guillotine which I now have at home.

‘I get a dog lead and I feel it’s hanging up in the garage, a metal chain, old fashioned dog lead’

Gran and granddad always had dogs.

‘The car, it’s making me feel he had the interest in old fashioned cars, doing them up’

I wouldn’t say he was interested in cars but they had an old Ford Popular which he serviced himself and it had lots of grease nipples underneath which granddad would grease regularly using his pit he had dug out in the garage. 

‘He's just going back to his newspaper, seeing him sitting behind a newspaper, he’s being king of the castle, an Englishman’s home is his castle. I don’t know if it’s him or your dad because I'm getting a pipe and I know there was a picture of him smoking a pipe so I think your dad is there too, they’re both there. Sorry I’m switching from one to the other I think, I'm feeling we’re all good friends on that side and this side, it’s like knights of the round table. And I'm getting those figurines from the fantasy roll playing games, like the wizards, I don’t know if you know what I mean the fantasy roll playing games...’

Me... 'Not really no, not heard of that’

‘Little figures like wizards and mages, you get the same things with war play, soldiers, just imaginative games’

‘They’re just telling me they’ve got loads in store for us, a lot of goodie bags but there’s no hurry because it’ll all keep, it’s like in an enormous fridge behind him, in cold storage. There's no hurry, just enjoy the garden, enjoy pottering, it’s all there and when we are ready, we’ll have a feast’

‘He’s taking me to the tunnels again, there’s something important about the tunnels. It's a dark place to go into but it’s safe. You can allow yourself to just melt and merge and you know that nothing can harm you or disturb you there. And you can stay there as long as you need and you know when you emerge, you’ll emerge to the light again. Tunnels have the same effect as pipes, I don’t know if he’s referring to pipes that you smoke? He’s saying everyone should have a tunnel in their garden, a dark place they can escape too, they can be safe, they can let go, undisturbed, for as long as they need, then emerge again when they’re ready. It feels important that the floor of the tunnel is earth, that connection with earth. It's a bit like birth, being reborn, it’s a womb-like state, so you can go back to the beginning, a safe place, before you emerge to all of the harsh lights, the turmoil and the conflicts, the rough guys which are dominant in the world, so we all need a place to be safe where you don’t hear the crashing and the hubbub and the bombs. When the lights go out you know you’re safe. He's saying don’t belittle the dark, dark is good, dark has a purpose’

There was a tunnel at the top of the garden where they would shelter during World War 2 air raids. Granddad hated loud noises like bombs going on as he suffered from shell shock from the First World War.

Liz later told me she had felt very emotional and felt like crying and a feeling like post-traumatic stress or shellshock.

‘He’s saying candyfloss and sweet things, there’s a lot of candyfloss around but it doesn't keep you safe, it melts and leaves a sweet taste on your tongue but it quickly gets cloying. Going back to square one, to the sightless, formless, soundless, to the ground of being, ground zero, and then you start again, new start, rebirth every day. Life's full of shocks and traumas, full of ups and downs so we all need a safe space to ground again, go back to ground zero. God bless you all, love from granddad, thank you’

Liz thanked everyone who had come forward.

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...