This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

237th Sitting 02/03/2021

We had another Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I began to tune in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘All answers are followed by more questions, more enquiries, for there is never a satisfactory answer. Answers seem to partially answer the question, your question, for your question was created by you and you have already in your mind created an answer, an answer that has come to you. When you ask your questions you are really asking yourself, for you have all the answers if only you were to look inside of yourself, beyond your thoughts, beyond your beliefs, beyond your fears. At the core of your being there is available all the knowledge that you need, all the answers that you need but you as a physical form have been put in this world to experience for yourself, to work at discovering knowledge by experience, by your reactions to daily life and by how you interpret that life. You are a free spirit; you can go wherever you wish and your mind can take you to wherever you wish. A part of you is always looking for new experiences’ 

‘Try to change the way you think, try to change your life, change the way you act and your knowledge will grow. You have formed a habit in your life of looking at things in a particular way, of understanding things in a particular way but that habit can be broken. Listen to yourself as you live your life, see how you repeat, see how you stick to old ideas and then experiment with yourself, try something new. Do something that you would not normally wish to do. This will give you greater experience, this will widen your perception of life. It will help you to understand others for they have their own ideas, they have their own habits and like you they stick to those habits. You cannot change them but you can change yourself and in changing yourself you will understand those who are close to you, who live their lives with you and together more opportunities will develop’

‘There is only one thing holding you back and that is you yourself. Your whole physical life is an experiment and all experiments can be tweaked. You have nothing to lose and you have so much more to gain by changing yourself, tweaking your habits, bringing new ideas and a fresh approach to all situations. As you work with yourself to change yourself more opportunities will be presented to you to help, to help with this change. For as you change yourself your reality changes and your reality will be full of opportunities to help you widen your understanding without the restrictions of familiar habits’

‘Your world was created by minds the same as yours so you too can create, you too can do anything that you can think of, that you can imagine. Do not restrict yourself, live your life fully and all will benefit. Thank you, thank you my dear friend. Please continue your experiments, learn from your experiments, become something new, something positive, something that will help all of consciousness, all of life. Be the light in a dark world and you will attract other lights. Thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Then Liz tuned in...

‘I’ve got a young man, he feels like he is 19, early 20s, quite young, that’s how I’m seeing him. Dark curly hair, quite short, cropped, sticking up. He's reminding me of a French lad that I knew, but I'm also getting a sense of the war, planes, aeroplanes but with round marks on the end of the wings, biplanes, so rather ancient planes, makes me feel this lad was a pilot. I’m getting your name connected with it, Pettitt side of the family, feeling like great uncle, that type of relation’

‘This young man feels full of hope and energy and the plane feels very prominent, I feel he was at the beginning of his life, branching out and this plane was almost bigger than him. Don’t know why he’s giving me the Normandy feeling, that might be a red herring but I originally got a sense of camel, which makes me feel he had a connection with the East or some campaign that was in the East, in a desert, you don’t find camels in Europe. I’m getting a sense of a shovel, digging, sand bags’

I think ‘camel’ could be a reference to a Sopwith Camel which was a single seat fighter biplane used in the first world war and not Liz's interpretation connecting it with the East.

‘He’s giving me a sense of a trophy; I can’t tell if it’s a photograph or an enlarged version of a badge but it’s coloured, could be something you hang on a wall, a mark of honour, green and blue colour in it, like a shield. He says I was proud to fight. It’s taking me to that poem by Yates... an Irish airman foresees his death amongst the clouds... He’s giving me the sense of a school tie, black and white stripes, old school tie. I feel school and learning must have been important to him. I'm seeing waves of the sea, looking at the waves quite close but from above so I don’t know if he landed in the sea? Last ditch. He's giving me the sense of a parachute but I’m seeing it trailing, it wasn’t really open’

‘Saying something about home comforts. It just feels that he was still a lad, I don’t know if he’s been around you as I’ve got that sense of the Robinson's marmalade with the gollywog on it. It just makes me feel he was identifying with you somehow. He's just put in my mind the idea of a swan song. Lonely tumult of delight, it’s just bringing me to that poem of Yates... that I shall find my fate somewhere among the clouds above, those that I fight I do not hate but those that I serve I do not love but the end is a lonely tumult of delight drove this impulse, lonely impulse of delight drove to this tumult in the clouds... He’s just giving me this incredible sense of hope of opening out but there’s the trophy, there was a trophy connected with it. He feels a very optimistic and open young man. He wants to hold a candle up to you, something to do with a candle. He wants to pass this baton on to you, pass this impulse on to you, this feeling of optimism and I think he’s with you, that he gives you that. It's almost like he’s part of you but he’s taking me to an inkwell again, schooling things, he was interested in learning, would have gone to university but the universe is a university’

The Robinson’s marmalade/gollywog is a connection to my dad’s parents. My granddad was in the first world war but he didn’t fly aeroplanes and he lived into his 70s. He had one brother but he also lived into his 70s. Maybe this is someone my granddad knew at the time?

I've just asked my brother and like me he said granddad never mentioned anything about planes. He went on to say the only person with an interest in planes was dad and he built a model Sopwith Camel.

‘Getting a feeling of rhododendrons in my mind, very large bushes, reminds me of a large vicarage where we used to live, country estates and parks. I’m seeing black birds like rooks flying, I think he wants to get out his binoculars and watch. He gives me this sense of spaciousness and openness in everything he’s showing me and it’s now taking me to tents and it feels like the dessert again, dessert snakes in the sand. I'm thinking of the pyramids, don’t know if this is Egypt way? He’s making me feel something about the Nomadic life, the Nomads and Arabs appealed to him. I'm feeling he was actually there briefly. Now I'm seeing quite a lot of people with turbans and checked head gear. Khaki uniform and leather. He's taking me to an experience of the night sky, that incredible black sky with stars, it’s like he was in love with that landscape too, a richness, a complete contrast, very bright the light there’ 

‘I'm trying to find out why he’s there with you and it’s like a baton race, passing a baton down the ages and he’s passed it to you. It's this sense of wonder and exploration, it’s that that he shares with you, the opening out into invisible places. I get a sense from him, I was cut off before my time but that time carries on, it was very rich, a concentrated sweet experience of life, really sharp focus’

‘I'm just looking into a rhododendron flower again, and again it’s like sharp focus, I'm seeing like the bee in the flower. He's saying delight in everything in nature, every living thing around you in every opportunity, a bit like what you were saying, he’s affirming that, to rejoice, this narrow band of opportunity we have with sharp focus. To delight the senses, to delight the spirit, a bit like in Blake’s poem... to see the world in a grain of sand or eternity in an hour... To turn up the resolution in your seeing, in your being and you don’t need the binoculars to do that, you just need to be completely present with every opportunity, every incident that is offered to you, to be completely there, to take in and digest every facet that is incredibly intricate and a beautiful pageant, but you are exploring in every moment and that seeing, that delight, that intensity of experience and emotion coming together. It lasts because it’s obviously still with him, he’s able to convey it somehow, I can feel that freshness, it’s as if he can still live it, he can still reconnect with that experience because it’s almost like an artist who has painted something beautiful they see, and that immortalises it and other people can see it. So it is for him that that intensity of life, because he was open hearted in his experience of his life and full of optimism, full of all that incredible wonder and sense of intrepid exploration that it glazed itself on his inward eye, the imagination, on his spirit so it’s there like an everlasting picture’

‘I just get the feeling from this beautiful lad that a short life well lived can feel as eternal, as bright as a long life where you don’t experience, you just drudge along without experiencing anything intensely and that just dissolves like cotton wool into the grey sludge. It's like he’s waving but he gives me the impression it’s a red flag he’s waving. Red is for life, not danger. They say you wave a red flag to a bull to make it charge, so it’s like he’s daring, daring to live. I dare you he’s saying, and what do you risk losing when you know you don’t lose your life because you carry on and he discovered that’

‘Thank you so much for your presence and message, that’s beautiful that you’ve shared that and that sheer poetry of your being. It's very good to know that you’re around, love and blessings to you’

‘He's bringing my attention back to the medals or trophies, something that will help you connect to him. I'm seeing them smaller now but ornate and there's a silver cup amongst them with a marble base’

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...