This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

241st Sitting 01/04/2021

We had a Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and was sitting in the séance room with the lights off.

Liz did the opening prayer as I tuned in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘Love is always present in each situation. There is always the element of love present in that situation however fearful you may feel, however distressed you may feel, you are always connected to that love and that love is what binds you to your true self, binds you to all of life for you are life, you are living a life within a life, a life in a physical world cut off from the true life that is you. Realise this and you will become you, you will become all of you, you will become all of life, you will live all of life. There is nothing hidden from you, there is nothing stopping you from exploring, from experimenting, from trying new things, new ways of understanding, new ways of looking at things, at situations, at life. As life moves on you feel you are following, you feel there is something guiding you but you also feel it is you making those decisions, you guiding yourself but within you there is that driving force, that force that understands you, that force that knows you and that force that puts you in situations that will benefit your growth, that will give you the opportunities to grow. You have already created tools, tools to use in your life, in your day-to-day exchanges of information with one another and with that what surrounds you in your physical world. Those tools have been crafted by your experiences, experiences that have created knowledge, but beyond those tools there is that inner feeling that recognises the true you, the true connection with all things. You may be alone but you are also a part of something greater’

‘You all share your lives with one another in a physical world and at the same time your physical world is sharing its life with all of life. Your reflection is greater than yourself, you are a small part but an important part in the growth of all of life, all of consciousness and as you play your part you add to that growth. You are not restricted to life in a physical world, only you believe that you are restricted, that you are a part of a physical world. Let go of that belief and spread your wings, become a part of that what surrounds you and resides inside of you, a greater understanding, a truer knowledge, a part of you that wants to break free, a yearning for freedom, a yearning for knowledge, a yearning for understanding. Allow yourself to reach out, allow yourself to expand your awareness in every situation. See the love in that situation, that is the true meaning of the situation that you find yourself in, the situation itself is irrelevant. You are here to learn about love, you are here to use your own love by helping one another, by caring for one another, by caring for your world, your environment. Find peace within yourself, create harmony with those who you live with, who you react with. Do not allow troubled minds to affect you, see them for what they are, understand that they are on their own pathway and they too are creating something beautiful, a physical world where love is king and peace is the foundation on which that love is built, thank you, thank my dear friend, please continue with your interesting experiments’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then tuned in...

‘I’m feeling straight away I've got a lady here and I'm sure it’s your mother’s mother, your grandmother, I'm seeing her face. Whether I'm remembering it from a photograph but I know it’s her. I'm asking her why she’s come so definitely, so whether there’s an anniversary connected with that, that’s my mind thinking that, wondering. It is the first day of spring. But she’s feeling very happy, I'm feeling her. The word rejoicing comes to mind, she’s reminding me of little lambs, frisking. She's put an image of a boat, a sailing boat into my mind, and in reflecting on this she’s... and this may be my mind interpreting why she’s showing me that, there may have been something that you saw on the reservoir yesterday. No, I think it’s her image for setting sail, she’s started to travel, setting sail on the sea of spirit. She's giving me the sense of that greenhouse, which was like a focal point, it’s like she’s... I'm sensing she’s not afraid to move on, she’s not afraid anymore, she’s feeling confident, she’s blossoming from that love, all the love you were talking about, she’s feeling that. She's making me think of rings on fingers so whether it’s an anniversary thing? She’s taking me back to sheep and I’ve just got the nursery rhyme, Baa Baa Black Sheep. It's that feeling that the black sheep is the special one, the one that defies the normal rules, and the little boy down the lane gets some of the wool. And I’m sensing that she’s feeling that you’re very special because of what you’re doing’

‘She’s taking me back to the greenhouse again, I'm just feeling lettuces and things growing, just this sense of lovely warmth and sunshine’

This is quite interesting as I was thinking about what I remember about my mum’s mum and I thought of something she would always say when serving up lettuce, she called it ‘let us’ and would often say ‘let us pray’ as a joke. Then just after thinking about that Liz was taken back to the greenhouse and saw lettuces.

‘She’s saying things like I don’t mind dancing in the rain now, just get that feeling that things that were adverse to her, it’s now sort of equalled out, she’s feeling much more at peace. She's saying there’s a sense of completion’ 

‘Just popped a name into my head, Annie. She’s giving me the sense Annie was a little girl, I'm just seeing a doll’

My mum had a good friend called Ann. She knew her for as long as I can remember but I don’t know for sure if she knew her as a little girl. 

‘She’s just given me a sense of an army truck, looks like a Jeep. When my mind’s going back, I don’t know whether in the war she was connected with the land army or something but it’s a sort of... I'm sensing it’s connected with a happy memory for her, a sense of freedom. I keep getting what your dad would say, mop head, Mrs Mop Head, but I don’t know if he referred to his mother-in-law, your gran as Mrs Mop Head. I don’t know why she’s bringing that in or whether it’s something your dad said but it’s a sort of friendly thing for her, I'm certainly feeling her white hair. She's giving me another nursery rhyme now, Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, she shall have music wherever she goes... I’m also getting a feeling of a dog around, a rather shaggy dog, looks a bit like a sheep. I think she’s telling me this is the little big dog, it’s a pale coloured dog. Now I'm just getting tram lines, I don’t know if that’s a metaphor for crossed wires. Now I'm getting another old song, Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do, I'm half-crazy all for the love of you... something about a marriage, can’t afford a carriage, a bicycle made for two... she’s giving me several references to what feel like it must be a wedding anniversary, whether it’s hers or someone else in the family. She's making me feel, it’s like she’s saying we were very happy, saying I was happy as you can be with circumstances and all that. There was a lot of love but I became Mrs Pinafore, wearing the apron’

I didn’t know at the time but I’ve just found out my mum and dad were married April 2nd one day after this sitting. Liz mentioned anniversaries twice in the first paragraph and here gets a nursery rhyme and old song which suggest weddings and several references to wedding anniversaries. Liz afterwards said she felt my mum was there as well and Mrs Mop Head suggests my dad was also there which would make sense. I can't place the shaggy dog unless it's my dad's interest in shaggy dog stories.

‘Now she’s giving me the sense of a tennis racket, she played tennis at some point. She’s giving me the feeling of a girl's school but I get the feeling she would have liked to have been more educated, continued education'

This ties up with my mum; I have a picture of her with a tennis racket taken in the early 50s when she first met my dad. She went to Bexhill Grammar School which back then was split up into a girl's school and boy's school.

'There’s that Jeep there, war Jeep, army Jeep, that was all good experience, like fields of cabbages and things. She's put in my mind salt and pepper, and for some reason chips. She’s taking me with headscarves to the Queen, the Queen as a young woman, around about coronation time, that sort of era, the Queen’s waving from a car, seeing little union jack flags flying. I feel she was very much part of that and she felt it was a good secure time, it was like stability, you knew where you were, your place in the world. Despite all the changes all the things happening around there was that element of having your place, knowing your place and that felt very important, important to her but it’s like that’s an era that’s gone and she now can see herself separate from that it’s like looking back at it, feeling there are larger vistas now, more to explore. It's like taking the best of all of that. It's just a lovely image of sailing this yacht with white sails. She's just given me a sense of pearl earrings, single pearl, clip-on earrings. Just asking her what she wants to say to you and I'm just feeling she wants you to have her lovely memories of the good old times and there was a lot of love in those good old times. I'm not sure what was with the pearl earrings but it was like she was putting them on her ears, I don’t know if it was something that got passed on in the family but they might have been real pearl and valuable but it’s like that’s not the things that are of value, it is the love in the memories, she’s saying that’s our treasure, that’s what we treasure and that helps us to sail, to go forth, the things, the lovely heirlooms are not really important, they are things, we think at the time that they have value but the real value is the warmth of those memories, the times when we feel truly happy, we have that sense of love of wellbeing. For her stability was very important, the sense of knowing your place, hierarchy. So those were values that were important at the time, gave her a sense of well-being. Maybe not for everyone. I sense she liked the establishment; she’s making me feel that she was a royalist’

Not sure about the army Jeep. Salt and pepper have come up before with my mum’s mum which I connect to a person she used to do dinners for who always covered it in salt and pepper which upset her after she had cooked up something tasty. I think she was a royalist. I have an old book about the royal family which I think I got from her. I doubt she would have had pearl earrings as she didn’t have a lot of money.

‘She’s just popped a name Roger into my head. I'm just sensing it’s like Roger over and out. I'm going to say thank you to her, thank you grandma for your lovely presence, I'm glad you are happy and ready to branch out, enjoy that sense of freedom now. Lots of love to you, thank you for making your presence felt, God bless you’

I then did the healing prayer, thanked everyone for coming and did our closing down exercise...