This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
201st Sitting 01/08/2019
We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.
I did the opening prayer at 8.00pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
About 15 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak and I turned down the music...
‘I’ve got this image of a horse, Neddie, and before that I had Keith or Kevin and a dachshund dog... It’s a playful horse... it’s trying to say something like where I am you are... it’s like the horse in my Jackabo book, full of spaces like in a jig-saw puzzle, pieces that fit together, we’re made up of many pieces, like islands, they look separate but actually they’re all part of the main land and they could all fit back together again to make a whole... no man is an island’
‘Teddy... Teddy Vesapalis... Sophia... I can’t tell you how glad I am to be here... correspondence, it keeps the ball rolling... I asked what ball? The ball of wool, the thread to knit into the blanket, to make a pattern...’
‘I'm seeing holly, decorative holly, like holly on paper napkins, Christmas time... It’s like I want to dress up as Father Christmas and give everyone presents, drive a big sledge. I like to feel I'm like Father Christmas, I like to see people happy, enjoying themselves... saying don’t censor me, I was saying there’s nothing wrong with the gravy train, people like to enjoy themselves... someone just switched on the light... it feels as if I'm in a hair dressing salon, I've got a space helmet on like one of those hair dryers... Constantinople... seem to be flying in an airplane, I'm thinking I'm the pilot, I don’t want to crash... it’s costing quite a bit, it’s like the dominoes... no strings attached... wouldn’t it be wonderful’
‘Got a figure like Zebedee, see a sort of spring bouncing up and down, a bit like a Jack in a Box’
‘Someone’s saying I collapsed, no warning, systematic error, malfunction, cause unknown’
‘Seeing this little dachshund dog again, just resting... The Heaven on Earth is living au naturel, just being able to snooze like a dog, following the basic instincts, they’re usually good... getting an image of stiff shirts on an ironing board, stuffed shirts, stiff shirts, don’t need them... the way we are is how we’re meant to be’
‘Somebody wanted to get a message for Judy and I think Graham was bringing David... Graham from Cambridge is bringing David and he just said Judy, I think he just wanted to let her know he loved her... he’s showing me five fingers... something about the Bodleian, of being colour coded and he’s repeating systematic error’
‘Heaven on Earth or Hell on Earth... either is your choice. Your thinking, your thoughts determine the state you find yourself in. A flower garden or a pit of snakes. Stay sane, see through the miasma, see through the crowd of lies, seek truth, be prepared for every eventuality by keeping sane, keeping to the Occams razor of truth, how you really are, how things really are. You determine that with your thinking, with your thoughts. Know, observe what you are thinking, how you are seeing, how it is, how it really is. And you determine the direction, the flower garden or the pit of snakes. A candelabra light of reason, of sanity can help you to place your thoughts on the track that suits you best. You determine, you observe, you make the changes, the adjustments to keep on track. The flower garden or the pit of snakes, your choice. I see the starry sky; the night and I don’t know where I am anymore and all I have is myself without any beginning or end, without any signpost and then I have to have the reckoning. What do I want to hold onto of anything that was if I can remember it? What was truly important, what is important to me in this space which is me? Out of all I remember what do I choose to take with me, what would I choose, what would I conjure up in this space? I would choose the butterflies, I would choose the flowers, I would choose the bright things, I would choose what I love. Everything else fades to insignificance because the light of all those things that I have loved outshines the mistakes, the errors, the sad bits, the broken bits, the dark spaces, the mess, the confusion. Those bright points like the light reaching into my dark night, like the stars. Those things you love shine brightly in your soul, sing them, dance them, embroider them, paint them, delight in them, remember them, count them on your fingers, hold them in your heart. They contain the light that will shine in your darkness when all else fades, when all else is lost, when you are alone with just you. These are your lights, these constitute your Heaven on Earth in every moment and in every phase of every day, in every partition of your life wherever you are, and where you are is endless. These wonderful doves, these doves of delight, these dancing, passing faces, these butterflies, these flowers, these delights of your soul. These are those objects that keep you sane, that preserve your sanity, that deliver your Heaven on Earth, Heaven wherever you are. Nurture them as you would nurture your children, drink them, eat them, become them. We are the children of light and when we recognise the light in others, the light around us in the world we become who we truly are. That light expands, that light burns brightly. So, each of us becomes a sun, joining with our sun. We the suns of light belong to light. In our light all darkness is consumed, our light embraces all shadows, all shades, all shutters’
‘Got the name Sadie... send all blessings to Sadie... they say Sadie is beloved of the spirits because she has kept her head above the parapet... I sense Margret is here too and I say thank you to all these loved ones, all our dear friends, God bless you all’
The music CD ended.
Liz now felt back with it.
During the session I had drifted off momentarily and as I was waking up, I became aware of the music playing and talking to somebody saying that I had written this music and it was explaining where I was now in this dream world. It felt like I had just caught the tail end of a dream.
We then recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...
Liz started off with irises, a water garden. Then she found herself with a shape like large white butterfly wings, like two clouds joined together then it became two separate spheres and one faded away as the other became enormous and dominant. Then it transitioned into going up in a lift reminding Liz of a dream she’d had of going up in a lift towards this light and it was a meeting with God. But when Liz got out at the top, she found herself in a playroom with children who were deprived, they had no decent toys to play with and Liz wanted to help them, to give them all the benefits that other children have. It was an act of service and Liz realised the message she was being given was that in order to reunite the two halves, to join again with God that her pathway was service and particularly to children...
I started off amongst thick leafy shrubs and I was fighting to get out of them, to a clearing but they seemed to go on and on. Then I found myself above myself looking down a me in the shrubs. I found it funny because I knew the shrubs were not real, they were a creation of my mind and that I shouldn’t fight it. I then came down and brought that memory with me so I stopped struggling with the shrubs and just stood there accepting them for what they were and noticed the beauty in the leaves. As I did this they began to fade and I found myself in beautiful open countryside with a winding road running through it. A bike appeared and I got on it and rode along the path until I came up against a wall across the path. I stopped and accepted the wall and didn’t mind waiting thinking it was just another creation of my mind and then a door appeared and opened so I went through and into a castle where I found monks sitting round a table and joined them. They told me that life need not be rushed, to try and take everything in and if you are going too fast then something will slow you down of your own creation. Work with life, don’t fight it and things will open up for you...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...