This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

200th Sitting 23/07/2019

We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

I did the opening prayer at 7.55pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session.

After about 30 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I have somebody here... India Rubber Company... tall gentleman, tanned, in a grey suit... experiencing some pain in the bottom of the lungs, small intestine area, pancreas he’s saying... sugar, yes, his complexion is very yellow, he died of pancreatic cancer... he’s showing me spiders, webs, webs of confusion... just directing me to the spider, how they trap their prey and package it in those gossamer threads, spin round and round to entrap and that is part of the confusion. And so his miasma... was prevented from seeing the truth by these webs of lies, of confusion and obfuscation surrounding a mental world so that people become paralysed, unable to act, unable to even bring forth their own opinions, their thoughts. They've been parcelled and packaged, so completely caught in this web of untruths and confusion. This is how the Machiavellian world of commerce, of politics, of so much that dominates and rules the world at the moment, how it ensnares and paralyses the ordinary person from acting, from developing his true character, his true ability to make decisions, to act in the world, cushioned and cocooned in a web of lies that’s spun around him, half-truths, confusion’ 

‘So, what do we do to break this spell? To break out of the trap? To free ourselves? We see it, we feel it, we become aware of it. We feel the stickiness around us, we call out, we ask for help. Wriggling and panicking while trapped in this web only makes the spiders spin more lies around us, entrap us further. The art is to stay very still and within this cocoon of lies, this cocoon in which we’ve become trapped is to use the power of the mind and imagination to dissolve it, to free ourselves, to become aware and using the power of the mind and imagination to develop that dark inner space, that central core within the coffin in which we live, the blackness within. To recognise there the dazzling light, in this blackness is light and to hold on to that light which has the power, to dissolve, to penetrate, to cut through the strings and the ties that bind us, to cut through the sticky web of deceit, of lies, of half-truths, of confusion. This penetrating light in the darkness deep inside us has the wisdom and the power, the authenticity to dissolve the sticky web around us and set us free to fly again, to extricate ourselves and set a new course, a new path, an alternate reality that is truer to the light within us and is able to see and perceive the degradation in which we have been forced to live lives of confusion, deceit and half-truths'

‘Imoralove is the name...’

‘I lived a very ivory tower life, concerned with the manufacturing world, the chimneys, the industrial concern until I found my liberation in the foothills of India, the Himalayas and extricated myself from the miasma and misinformation and the misdeeds that surrounded me and entrapped me. I found a better way by going within the dark space deep inside. That existential core of being. The darkness filled with light and that light is the strength to deliver, the strength of our salvation, of our deliverance’

‘Yes, I had tea with Nero, at the sweet excesses of my life, poisoned with and led to my relatively early death. I was filled with the deep and bitter distress of the struggle to disengage from the sticky trap, of the life in which I found myself for the most part but deliverance was mine from the foothills of the Himalayas and I would recommend to each and every one to find a spiritual path, a teacher or a method to help you probe in the deep inner darkness in which is light, the deep depths of your consciousness in which other tools lead a better life. Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find’

‘No one need spend their life in a state of confinement and suffering and spiritual torment. There is a key to the locked door, there is a path to freedom. Seek and you will find. Ask and you will receive. It shall be given to you. Look within. Trust that he who laid the trap has the spring that will release you if you ask. Only know that you yourself are the creators of the trap in which you find yourself and you yourself have the key and the tool that will release you... thank you for listening’

‘I had a feeling someone called Michael Drury was here’

Me... ‘Is that somebody you know?’

‘Yes, in childhood’

‘I have the image of a man with a gun to his head... I just feel that the words that were spoken before, just for many people the life becomes so problematic and confused in a way that it feels impossible to resolve or extricate yourself from the material world and the problems, that an illness, death in a sense is the only way out. But I think the previous speaker, and I think Michael is concurring with this, was pointing to how there is a way out, the spiritual path helps to free you from this if you can trust sufficiently to engage with it, to look inside, to trust that there is a solution, a way to extricate yourself from the impossible situation that you find yourself in’

‘I’m being shown this image, lifting off the roof of the world like a scab, releasing all the puss, all the putrefaction, washing it out with this pure water and allowing the ultraviolet light of the sun to then heal the wound so it becomes good flesh again, becomes whole, becomes healthy. But it’s opening up and allowing the light in, a metaphor for healing, and to help with the wound, cleansing it, all these worms, snakes, healing snakes that cleanse, that digest all the indigestible, all the toxins, these are often things that are seen as dangerous or things that we despise but they are the tools to help us to cleanse and purify. Many of the tools that can help us to dissolve and get rid of the sticky mess that entraps us, the toxic environment in which we find ourselves, the poisons, many of those tools like the snakes and the maggots that you apply to wounds to heal them, to cleanse them, they are tools that we regard as dangerous, to be avoided, the psychological discipline, the spiritual discipline, spiritual tools that have been considered dangerous or unnatural, looking into those dark areas, using these particular exercises or tools, but like the snakes and the maggots and earth worms these are tools of deliverance, tools that will digest and dissolve those sticky threads, those toxic ties and binds and problems and dilemmas, those doubts and confusions, those fears and disgusts and shames, all the baggage of a lifetime, conditioned responses. But these tools that might seem disgusting are in fact allies, helpers, tools of deliverance’

The music CD ended.

‘Feels like there’s a lot of people here, just like to thank them’

Liz felt back with it.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself by a brown river, there were reflections of the sky and trees and rainbows in it. Liz decided to swim across and on the other side was a lady dressed in white who embraced her, a wonderful warm welcoming embrace. She took Liz to a pool of clear water which had the same reflections in it and there were the letter Ms in it for Munro or Mum and Liz became aware and felt the lady was her Mum which had an incredible emotional response. Liz had tears in her eyes as she felt the unconditional love of her mother and everything that goes with that and also the inter-generational problems that in many ways mothers haven’t always been allowed to express that love in the proper way and how that may lead to karmic stress...

I started off seeing a lot of white noise, speckles on an old TV set. I saw little bits of images come and go then it cleared to an image of a beautiful garden. I decided to walk into the TV set and into the garden where I felt the soft grass on my bare feet. I stood there enjoying all the colours and the sounds of the birds. The image kept blinking out and becoming white noise again then it changed to an image of a beach. I was standing on wet sand and then sat on a groyne with my feet in the sea as it ran up and down the beach. Next I was in a forest and I climbed a tree. I decided to jump to the ground as the scene changed back to the garden and I landed on the soft grass. I stood there for a while then backed out of the TV set as the white noise returned...

I then did our healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...