This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

6th sitting 29/08/2013

We had the room set up as normal and kept the same music play list which seemed to work fine last week.
Liz had a bit of a headache but felt okay to sit.

At 8.30pm we kicked off with the ‘Rainbow Bridge Exercise’

Liz was met by a mixture of races including Tibetans, Egyptians and Westerners. She wanted to carry on to the other side but they wouldn’t let her and carried her back on a chair.

I met a bunch of Victorian looking boys all holding sparklers. They looked like the cast of Oliver.

Then I did the opening prayer and put on the music.

I had a fuzzy feeling on my forehead.
Then I felt a fuzzy feeling on my right leg for a few seconds which then switched to my left leg and I also felt a touch on my left foot.

Liz had tickles on her nose.

We both concurred that the atmosphere looked mottled with cotton wool type white wispy bits moving around.
Liz got the impression of butterflies in the room.

We both saw diagonal lines above the table, I saw them left top to right bottom and Liz saw them right top to left bottom so as we both sit opposite each other we were probably seeing the same thing.

We both started seeing dim flashes round the room.
Liz noticed a brighter flash near me.
I sensed someone to my right and felt cold to my right.
My legs were very cold.
I got a feeling in my stomach like I’d just gone over a hump back bridge.

Liz sensed moving figures in the room.
I could see movement in the room; it looked to me like net curtains waving in the breeze.

I still had the fuzzy feeling on my head. It remained for most of the sitting, at times feeling like a finger was being pressed into my scull.
I couldn’t stop yawning for most of the sitting.
Liz’s head felt itchy.

Liz had the feeling of patterning in the atmosphere a bit like doilies or snowflakes.
Liz then felt the atmosphere was being stirred, like we were in a big mixing bowl.
I got the impression it was slowly spinning anti-clockwise.
We both thought it was looking milky and we both felt light headed.

I was seeing a few blobs over the table.
I had a fleeting warm sensation on my face like something hot had come close to it and I noticed a burning wood smell that came and went.

Liz had a blocked nose.
She felt the sensation of something sliding over her head then noticed her head ache had gone.

I was now very cold on my legs and feet.
Liz was still warm but not as hot as last week.
I felt tickles round my right ear and a pressure on my eye brows.

We both thought the atmosphere now looked sparkly.
To me it looked like sparkly snowflakes raining down.

We were both feeling light headed again.
I drifted off for a few minutes and came back with a message in my head which I verbalised…

‘They are laying the foundations at the moment; something to build upon… two more people will be joining the group’

Later Liz got a slightly more poetic message…

‘It feels fluffy… the foundations are like a forest of feathers’

Liz saw a dim light in the centre of the room and I thought it looked lighter under the table.

Liz got a strong sense of squeezing oranges.
She also ‘saw’ a lacquered wooden box.
She got the name Michael.

I was now cold all over.
Liz had a strong pressure on her head.

The last tune ended and we did the healing exercise.
Liz gave the closing prayer and closed us both down.
I was feeling fine but Liz was still feeling a bit overshadowed. She felt like she only had half a head and her senses were heightened but she felt fine after we came out of the room…

5th Sitting 22/08/2013

We sat with the room set up as before in full blackout but Liz had made up a new ‘spirit inspired’ music mix.
It was a mixture of up-beat songs and classical pieces ranging from Pink Floyd to St Hildegard of Bingen!

As usual we started with the ‘Rainbow Bridge Visualization Exercise’
Liz saw three Chinese people who presented her with the three jewels. Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Then she met someone who looked like Confucius.
I met Tommy Cooper. He wasn’t wearing his fez but instead a kind of viking helmet with large antlers on it!?!

After that I did the opening prayer and put the music on.

We both reported the atmosphere going mottled as soon as the music began.
I had a pressure on my forehead.
Liz saw a few dim lights moving about and a few flashes which I saw too soon after she reported them.
We both thought it looked lighter by the ceiling.

I saw a few diagonal lines above the table.
Liz saw what she described as a tree in the centre of the room.
My legs were very cold and I had a tickle in my left ear.

Liz thought it was getting lighter to her right and felt someone there.
She saw vertical lines of light coming down to the table, like pleats of light.
I noticed it getting lighter to my right.

We both reported blobs and a marble effect in the room.
Then we saw fast moving pin-pricks like shooting stars.
Liz saw a torch light up by the ceiling.

Liz felt a cool breeze on her face.
The whole room now looked very light to me and I felt myself being drawn towards the dome.
Liz felt all the energies in the room were being mixed together.

I could see what looked like white flames in the room.
Liz saw a glow on the ceiling.
I had tightness round my ankles and a fuzzy feeling on my fingertips.

Liz was warm.
I was cold.

Liz saw a flash in the middle of the room.
I felt a touch in my hair.
Liz had what she described as a vortex of light to her right.

Liz was getting hotter.
I was getting colder.

I felt a fuzzy feeling down my right side which slowly moved through me.
Liz felt a cool breeze on her right side.
I felt a cool breeze over my feet.
Then I felt a tug on my trouser leg and felt tickles down the back of my leg.

A Native American tune was playing and Liz was feeling spaced out.
She felt like there was a big cavity in the centre of the room.
I felt the room was expanding.
We both noticed it getting lighter from the sides of the room moving towards the middle and forming a kind of dark conical shape over the table, a bit like a wigwam.

Liz felt a cool breeze over her hands and a tingling energy pouring from them.
She said it was misty and cloudy in front of her.
I felt a cool breeze in front of my legs.

I drifted off for a few minutes and came back with a big bright blob in front of my eyes. I could hardly see the luminous tabs on the table.
Then the blob cleared and I saw dim lights falling down towards the table.

When I drifted off I got a message that the team liked the new music selection and we shouldn’t change it now for a while. As I told this to Liz she got a tap on her forehead as if to confirm what they said.

We were both getting a fuzzy feeling on the left side of our heads and tickles on our face.
I could see a pulsating flashing to my left.

Liz was still hot and I was still cold.
I felt a pressure on my right arm.
As the last tune played we both thought the energy was becoming smooth.

The music ended and Liz did the healing exercise.
Then she closed including a closing exercise for both of us.

We both commented on how empty the room felt now the energy had gone…

4th Sitting 15/08/2013

We had the room setup as last week and as usual sat in full blackout throughout.
I’d made up a new CD with a variety of music from upbeat to slow tracks.

We started with the rainbow bridge exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz once again met many people in her visualization including a friendly smiling lady she felt could be Joan.
I also saw lots of people including an old lady with long grey hair I didn’t recognise who had children with her.

I then did the opening prayer and put the music on.

I quickly became cold round my legs.
I had a fuzzy feeling on my right side and noticed it looking lighter and misty to my right.

Liz reported blue blobs and flickering lights.

I saw several diagonal white lines above the table.
Then I saw large white blobs floating upwards to my left.
I felt a touch on my right hand.

Liz saw a few dim flashes over the table and near me.
I saw pin-pricks over the table.
I felt a feathery touch on my left hand and felt a pressure on the back of my head.
I was now freezing cold all over.

Liz was feeling overshadowed and drifted off for a while.
When she came back she had the words save, salvage and stop impressed on her.
She also got the word Silver which she recognised as an entity she knew who wanted to speak but wasn’t ready yet.
She had a feeling of cat’s whiskers and cream. A feeling of euphoria.

We both commented that the atmosphere had become very thick and dense.
Liz said it was like the whole room was solid and we were part of it which made sense to me.

I felt a vibration under my right foot and touches in my hair.
Liz was very hot.
I was still freezing cold.

Liz felt a fuzzy sensation on her finger tips and felt a pulling from her abdomen.
I saw a build-up of white blobs over the table then it went black all over the room.

My left hand went numb.
Liz had a pressure and prickly sensation on the left side and top of her head.

I saw a large blob in front of me with shapes moving within it.
Then I saw a bright flash like a touch light with a beam.
Liz noticed something flash on and off at the same time.   
We were both seeing clusters of pin-pricks.

I felt a tickle on my left foot and leg then my right side went cold and fuzzy.

The music ended.

Liz did the healing exercise followed by the closing prayer and a closing down exercise for both of us.

3rd Sitting 07/08/2013

We had the room set up as last week.

At 8.30pm we started with the ‘Rainbow Bridge Exercise’

We both had different experiences during our visualization.
Liz met a group of people on the bridge who she felt were all connected to the circle and would be working with us.
I met Freddie complete with crown and cape!!!
We had a chat and he gave me some personal advice on recent happenings which I found very helpful.

Then I did the opening prayer and put on the music.

Liz was already seeing shapes moving around the room as I opened.
She felt cool breezes around her head making her feel woozy and giddy.
She then had the impression of folds in a silk cloth coming close to her face.
She felt something pulling her hair.

I felt a pressure and tightness on the top of my head.
I could see white wispy movement around the top of the table in between all the luminous tabs.
I saw a red light flash on and off to my left.
I had tickles down the left side of my face.

Liz got the impression of clusters of pink sea anemones with long tentacles reaching out.
She commented that the music was good and as she said that I saw a flash near the music player.
Maybe the team agreed?

Liz got the name David followed by Florence.
(We wondered if she was getting Michelangelo’s David in Florence.)
Liz thought the atmosphere had gone red/brown and she saw dark waves/ripples moving through it.
I thought the whole room looked dark.

Liz felt a cool breeze coming from her right and noticed it was lighter that side of the room.
She had a pulling feeling in her head like it was being stretched.

Liz was picking up lots of names and images tonight. I suggested she verbalize whatever she gets even if it could just be wild imagination. We can always analyse stuff afterwards.
She then got the phrase ‘Feather on the breath of God’ which she knew was a quote from Saint Hildegard.

We both commented that the atmosphere felt and looked thicker.

It was making me feel light headed and I let myself drift off for a while.
There was no attempt at communication through me but my arms were moved around.
Just before I came back I felt my arm do the sign of the cross in front of my chest.
When I opened my eyes the room looked very sparkly.

Liz was getting more names and images that made her recall friends who had passed.
I felt tightness around my right ankle.
Liz felt a tight band around her head.
She was now seeing images of people floating past that she didn’t recognise.
She particularly noticed a blond haired lady in a blue dress she described as a kind of plainer version of Marilyn Monroe… more homely.

I was seeing pin-pricks over the table.
Then I saw a big light blob moving around close to my eyes.
I went very cold and fuzzy like something had moved through me.

Liz got the name Richard.
She was seeing a lot of sea creatures.
She had a strong impression of an octopus then got the word ‘Octopussy’ which made her smile.

I sensed someone standing to my right.
I felt a strange sensation on my legs like they were dissolving and disappearing!!!
Then I felt like I was either shrinking or the room was getting bigger.
I saw a flash to my right.

Liz got the phrase ‘We are being challenged’
I could see a moving white wave above the table as well as a dim white light moving around.

It felt to me like I was now surrounded by people checking me out.
I was very cold down my left side.
I felt a touch on the back of my head.
I saw moving blobs between me and the table and then I saw blue.

Liz felt something like a large spider crawling through her hair.
She was drifting in and out of it and her speech was slurred.

The music CD ended.
We both now felt like the room had expanded and the atmosphere felt very thick again.

Liz did the healing exercise followed by the closing prayer and a closing down exercise for both of us.

Liz felt there had been a lot of entities with us tonight trying to communicate in whatever way they could.
It had been an interesting and enjoyable evening with a plethora of random experiences for both of us.
We have no idea where this experimental group is heading at the moment but remain open minded and sceptical.
We’re in no hurry and totally trust our spirit team knowing they are experimenting on their side the best way they can with the conditions we’ve provided and look forward to future developments whatever they may be…

2nd Sitting 31/07/2013

During last week’s sitting I’d suddenly fallen asleep for a few seconds and woke up with ‘Phillip birthday’ in my head.
At the time it meant nothing to either of us but after some thought Liz remembered that during the MLC sit 17/06/2013 she saw a clear image of someone she knew years ago who is now in spirit. She didn’t tell me his name at the time but it was Phillip.

Out of curiosity she looked up his birthday which was July 3rd. Not quite right but the month is correct so there is a possibility he was communicating again. Liz won’t tell me anything about him just in case he comes through again with some evidence for her…

This week we had a bit more séance paraphernalia in the room. In fact we now have everything mentioned in the ‘Basic Guide’ so spirit lights, energy voices and full materializations will be along in no time!!!

Liz had brought along her quartz crystal which went on the table along with three ping-pong balls each with a luminous tab attached and we also had luminous tabs on the compass points of the table.  

I’d put some wind chimes up on Monday for the MLC which hang above the table and remain in the room for both circles.

Liz sat to the West of the table, I sat in the East and we left two empty chairs out North and South.

I turned out the red light at 8.30 and put a meditation tune on as we did the ‘rainbow bridge exercise’
Liz felt spirit moving in close as she did it giving her a tickly cough.
This week I met a biblical shepherd on the middle of the bridge holding a crook and a book. I think the book was some kind of instruction manual. He had dark curly hair and a beard and as far as I could tell didn’t have any sheep with him.
Liz met a Tibetan nun who took Liz over to the other side of the bridge.

I then did the opening prayer and put on the ‘Hooked on Classics’ CD.

Liz sensed lots of movement around her.
The atmosphere looked mottled.
The table looked like Blackpool illuminations with all the luminous tabs glowing on it!!!

Liz saw white wispy bits then thought the atmosphere looked like ripples in water.
She felt the room was crowded with entities.

I wasn’t feeling very much at all at the start.
Then after a few minutes I began to see light coming from behind me on each side.

Liz saw flashes in the middle of the room. She said they looked like streaks made by fast moving sparklers.
I couldn’t see them.

Liz had a pressure on the back of her neck.

I had a bright blob in front of me.
We both thought the atmosphere had gone misty.
Liz could see blue but I didn’t see any colours.
My legs went cold and fuzzy.

Liz got an impression of green making her think of angelica cake decoration and a birthday cake.
Could this be Phillip again?

I saw a pin-prick where the glass dome sat.
I became very cold to my right and it felt to me like someone was standing there.

Liz was beginning to feel overshadowed so she relaxed for a while.
She got an image of an elephant.
She reported some physical thumps on the back of her chair.

I heard a click to my left where the empty chair was.
Then I heard a click coming from my right where the other empty chair was.

Liz announced she was back after about 10 minutes with the name ‘Brenda’ on her mind.
I remained fully awake throughout this week.

Liz felt like a hand was pressing down on her head then she felt a creeping sensation down her left side.
She was very cold.
I was now warm.

About ten minutes later I was cold again.
I felt something on the top of my head which then moved down the left side of my face.

The music CD ended.

Liz did the healing exercise.
I drifted off while she was doing it and perceived a lot of white light.
Liz said she felt expanded.

Liz gave the closing prayer then a closing exercise for both of us.
We both now felt energised, totally back with it and ready for hot chocolate and cakes upstairs…