This week we were back in Liz’s garage sitting in semi dark conditions and I was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Before starting we did an experiment with the Mind Mirror EEG. I spoke normally just making stuff up as Liz asked questions. This was so that Liz could compare the results with me speaking normally and with me being controlled.
Liz then did the opening prayer as I tuned in.
I was soon controlled and the communication began...
‘Always good to experiment, always good to setup experiments that help you to understand. We are able to help you but you must help yourself, you must create for yourself a scenario in which you can compare, in which you can see the difference for there are many developments behind the scenes when we speak. You hear the voice but you do not understand the mechanics behind the voice, you do not understand what it is that is speaking to you. You see a physical form speaking physical words but beyond that there are many connections, many states of existence, states of mind that are opened up. The physical mind is used to working in the physical world. When we come to speak, we use that mind. Valuable lessons are learnt each time we come through for we too are experimenting, we too have our own way of seeing how communication works for it is a delicate process and can easily be interrupted or distorted. There is a balance, a balance between the physical and the spiritual and when that balance is felt, then the words will flow freely but the balance is constantly changing. Look at yourself, see how you change the way you think as you live your life, how your mood can swing from one extreme to another. You have times of elation, of happiness, you have times of sadness and frustration. In those times of frustration living becomes difficult but at the times of happiness and elation living becomes a joy, becomes easy, becomes true, for that is your real state of being, you are love, you are giving love, receiving love, and in that state anything is possible. The physical world makes it difficult for you but you still have moments when you feel so joyous, nothing can upset you, you rise above all negativity, you see it for what it really is, you see it as a test on yourself and to pass that test is to stay in a joyous frame of mind, unaffected. Why should negativity affect you? It is coming from beyond you, you are still love, why should love be affected by negativity? You all fall into the same trap time after time, you fail to hold your head up high, you look down at your feet and you feel the impact of all the negative thoughts in your world. This is being human, this is being you, this is being that what you have created for yourself, a physical human being. You have picked up emotions throughout your life and allowed them to shape you. Would it not be easier if you were to shape yourself from within, from that love that guides you?’
‘You have come to the Earth plane to learn, you have come to the Earth plane to grow up, you have come to the Earth plane to sing. Listen to that song inside of yourself. Is it sweet music? Is it a song that suits the way you think or is it a song that brings you down? Is it a discord when it should be harmonious? Are you in tune with yourself, your real self? That is real, that is true music, that is true singing, singing with a choir in harmony with one another. Do not be that person who sings the wrong note, that sings out of tune. Listen to the birds, they all have their own tune, they all have their own notes, they rarely stray from that tune for together they form a choir, a backdrop to your life. Listen to the rain and the wind, listen to the sea. Is it in harmony or is it out of tune? Or is it you who makes it out of tune by the way you listen. Only you can interpret in your own way. Do not judge the music that you hear, let it play, listen to it, listen to all the music of your world then listen to yourself. Are you in harmony with your world? One note out of place will send ripples around your world, those ripples will affect all that they touch. Keep the harmony and the ripples will not be felt’
‘Do you have any questions on your mind?’
Liz... ‘Only the question of whether there’s a particular purpose in the creation of disharmony which causes catastrophic break up of a current pattern’
‘The only purpose of disharmony is to allow you to learn, is to put you in situations that will test your ability to love. It is to shake up your life; an easy life does not create growth. There are times when your life needs to change. Situations will be introduced that will cause disruption. You have the choice of how you deal with that disruption. You may not make the correct choice, that is not important, what is important is that you learn, what is important is that you do not repeat the wrong choice for you will see that you are adding to the disruption, you are adding to the disharmony. You will soon learn how to bring harmony back into your life and you will soon be faced with more challenges, more disruption, more disharmony. It is an ongoing process with no end in sight’
Liz... ‘It seems there is very large-scale disharmony in the Earth plane, in humanity at the present time. Is that a necessary pre-curser to a big shift in human consciousness, part of the growth of humanity?’
‘There are many individual minds that makeup the physical world. These minds are brought together, many different minds, and as different minds come together the balance of life is broken, disagreements will happen as each individual believes they are right, believes that what they do is right for they have yet to learn. As they disagree with one another they feel the ripples affecting them and they see how they affect others. This has an effect on their mind and can alter their choices. Evolution is a slow process, there will be no sudden shift in the level of consciousness, it will be a gradual one. One by one, each individual will begin to see the benefit of positivity. They in turn will affect others. Positivity will spread but there will be blips in this spread of positivity. The negative waves will come over and interact causing more negativity. The peaks and troughs of human development are always there but the overall feeling is gradually increasing, is gradually getting more harmonious, it just takes time, it just takes effort. Do your best and you will affect others for they will see their own hurt, their own misery and like you they will decide to change’
‘The state of your world reflects the state of the minds of all who live within it. It is perfectly suited to you and to everyone. Use each day of your life to become something better, something more. Seize the opportunity to live life to the full. Do not be put off by what you see or read in other parts of your world. They too are learning, they too are growing, they too are a part of you. Be happy, enjoy life, do not let anything upset you because you are made of love as is every living being in your world and as love you have no limits. Keep that smile upon your face for it will add one more piece of love to your world. Thank you, thank you my dear friend. We have come to the end of our communication this evening. Please continue your experiments whatever way you feel will benefit your world and help you to understand your world and understand yourself. It is a wonderful adventure, there are so many things to discover and remember there is no limit to your knowledge, thank you’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend’
Liz then tuned in...
‘Got a name Dorothy, I wonder if it’s Dorothy Kerrin, I saw quite a few little children around while you were talking, a red-haired girl’
‘Got another name Arleen or Aileen... This feels like a pioneer lady in America, see her high up in her wagon, quite a strong lady. I think she had red hair. It's more 19th century or early 20th century outfit, long skirt. Her head was wrapped in a head scarf very suntanned, felt she was half native American, a mixture. Sense of that pioneering spirit, very at home with the earth and elements, sense of exploration, staking out territory for herself in the earth, feel her with a fork in the soil, the worms, growing things, beans. It's like she’s saying to me when you have to create your own space, your own place, build your own home, you feel at one with the Earth, get a sense of belonging, that feeling that people have lost, that sense of naturalness, a form of freedom, to forge your own life. I think she’s marvelling at the current day slavery of people, that they don’t have that opportunity. They move into houses that are already built and to places they don’t really feel they belong to. It's like their homes and houses became more a sense of prison than something they create for many. She's saying that’s the discord, it was helping you sing your true song when your soul is enslaved, when you’re dislocated. Give people their acre of land. She's making me feel there has to be social upheaval to get the balance right, because the social model is not fit for purpose. She's overlapping now with that lineage of suffragettes, women fighters, the social pioneers. M’ lady, malady. In order to bring the dream of the new Earth, utopia, a happy Earth, there has to be change, there has to be remodelling, they have to be in instigators of change, they make people feel uncomfortable because in order to change you have to let go with the familiar and there’s many a slave who doesn’t want to risk his crust of bread for a freedom he doesn’t know, it will feed him. But behold the lilies of the field, they toil not neither do they spin yet Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed like one of these... We trust in the evolutionary arrow and the reality of the true state is the reality of the soul in the reality of the harmonious way of living. If you trust in the right way, letting go of the wrong way, the way of discord, letting go of that old familiar morass, transgressions and dissonance, your path will be made plain and your birth-right restored and your abundance will be released. The Earth’s abundance has been wrongly distributed, has been hidden, misaligned in myth of insufficiency has captured the human soul so that belief in dearth, in poverty, in suffering, in inequality is being perpetuated. The poor man in his hovel, the rich man in his castle the poor man at his gate, unequal distribution, unequal share of the world’s resources, insufficiency. There is always enough, your true needs are always met and there is nowhere to go to be outside the love of God. I want to thank Mrs Pankhurst, Emmeline Pankhurst’
‘Getting the name Henrietta’
‘All these strong women crowding around me. They were all little girls once, they came as little girls with your talk of songs, of harmony, the songs of the mothers and that is the lullaby that keeps ajar the window space of synthesis. Despite the disharmony in the world, it is that mother love, that experience of that special bond, that unconditional love of the mother for her child and the songs that she sings that keeps alive that memory of synthesis of abundance, of sufficiency, of love’
‘They were born free but everywhere they are in chains, that has to change and it will be the fight of the strong women and the song of the mothers that will affect that change, the wave of the feminine as a female warrior is arising in the Earth plane. It's the bluebird of happiness with that song that kept those poor foolish men fighting for an illusory freedom that kept their sanity intact. Not until the balance is restored will the true harmony be able to rain on Earth. There has been an imbalance for too long. Mother Mary weeps over the graves of her dead sons’
‘Getting the presence of Diana, she says though women are slashed down they rise up again from everywhere, broken, they know how to mend and repair, how to heal, how to blend that which was broken. When they say the stars are in our eyes, that is the truth. There is a sense that the tide of human suffering is turning, turned back on itself, too big to be ignored and the true cost of ignoring it will be seen. And there’s a time for everything, nothing can evert the tide when the tidal wave will come. We rejoice in the coming of the time when humanity will throw off its shackles and walk freely on the Earth. May all beings be well, may all beings be happy, may all beings be at peace’
‘I have the men here on my right, there’s Clive Dunn and others, they’re just very quiet... thank you’
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...