We had another Zoom sitting.
Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did the opening prayer as I tuned in.
I was soon controlled and the communication began...
‘All worlds work as one world; all worlds connect and side by side they develop. Each world forms a home for consciousness. Each world provides a place in which consciousness can develop, in which consciousness can grow. Nothing is set in stone for you all have freedom of choice, you all carve your own pathways through life looking for truth, looking for answers, trying to understand yourself and the world you live in. There's nothing mysterious about life, it is something which you all are, you are life and as life you begin to create’
‘Life began with one thought, one question, and that created a platform on which life could grow, on which life could explore and discover the meaning, discover the motivation, the driving force, that what holds you, that what keeps you alive. You cannot die but you can become disinterested with life for there are times when your world seems to be fighting against you. You have created a belief that your world is where you live, where you are and you have to live your life in that world. And when situations pile up before you, you feel it is you that has to work your way through those situations unaware that it is you that has created those situations. What you create is what is correct for you. Nothing is forced on you; you live your life the way you want to live your life. Only you can complicate matters be believing, by creating fears in your mind, unnecessary fears, fears that are created from the reactions you give to the words of others and to the situations in which you find yourself. Face those people, face those situations with love in your heart and no fear will come, no fear will be created and your life will become so much more simple and unaffected by those who are living their lives. You are given opportunities; you are given tests. Each test is designed for you, you can only do your best. If you make a mistake then you will learn from that mistake, it does not matter for you will soon understand that you are testing yourself, you are pushing yourself a little bit further and in doing so you are growing, you are changing, you are becoming something new’
‘The human form becomes tired and the human form needs stimulation. It needs the opportunity to try new ways of living, new ways of thinking, broadening the horizons, meeting new people, seeing life from their perspective which in turn enrichens your own perspective of life. You can only do so much on your own, you mix with others, your life is enriched and you will see the beauty more clearly. The fog will clear and your eyes will open and you will recognise yourself as part of your world’
‘Reach out to others, be kind to others, allow them to live their lives in their own way for they too are creating a life that is suitable for them and together you can all work as one. There is always a common thread running through all relationships, all groups of people and that common thread holds you together, allows you to express yourself in your own way without fear of being rejected, without fear of being broken away from those who you love, those who share your life. Be a part of all situations, all experiences for they are there for you, created by you, lived by you in a way that suits how you are at this point in time’
‘The world is your friend and the world will help you whenever it can but you make the decisions you make the choices and those choices will change that world as it changes yourself, thank you’
Liz... ‘Friend, can I ask a question?’
‘Yes, you may’
Liz... ‘You use the term life; I'm asking whether life is the same as consciousness? Or are you referring to the evolutionary process of living creatures on the Earth?’
‘Life is the creation of consciousness. Consciousness has created life to express itself’
Liz... ‘Right so life is fundamental’
‘For consciousness to grow life has to exist. Consciousness is a developing system of information which needs a platform on which to express itself. Life has been created as an ongoing expression of consciousness. As it expresses itself it is able to change, and as it changes it becomes the next thought, the next step. Without life consciousness would not evolve, would not be able to grow. Life is movement, life is experience, life is feeling... does this answer your question?’
Liz... ‘I’m still finding it a little confusing. I think it’s a question of the wording, the horse and the cart, the chicken and the egg, which comes first consciousness or life? Or is life the same as consciousness?’
‘You have to use words to understand the physical world. Try to feel what you think, try to understand that feeling. Take the words away, allow your mind to understand how life feels and then try to understand the feeling of no life, a feeling of consciousness that is not living, is not experiencing, is not able to change. Look beyond the restrictions of the physical world. See yourself as a spark of light without something to reflect against; does that spark exist? Life is that platform on which that spark can reflect... Thank you my dear friend, please continue your experiment, think about the words that we have said and we will answer further questions when we speak again, thank you’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend’
I soon felt back with it and then Liz tuned in...
‘I think Nick, maybe your dad, somebody with a mop of white hair and reminding me of Clive Dunn and Mr Pastry, so a funny presence but that’s associations with your dad. He’s just making me feel like a spoon, taking out a big spoon of something, feels like a spoonful of malt, something that’s good for you. Looks like golden syrup but it could be cod liver oil or something. He's just giving me the image and the knowing of books and book shelves. I feel they’re underneath something, like old leather-bound copies of something, like a set of Dickins, old books’
Not sure about the spoon but a couple of days after the sitting I was at dad’s house clearing out the attic and found a box of desk diaries. They all looked new but I got them out and found two at the bottom which I could see were older and when I looked inside, I saw they were from the 1940s with lists of tricks and magic books so I kept them for the family archives.
‘He’s taking me to an idea of wallpaper, a trestle table with wallpaper and paste laid out, talking about decorating. He’s saying it’s a piece of cake. A cake with a piece cut out of it, I don’t think Mr Pastry found it was a piece of cake, he’d probably get himself wrapped up in the wallpaper’
Dad did a lot of decorating and enjoyed it. He would have wanted to redecorate the house before selling it to get the best price.
‘I’m getting a sense of elephant’s tusks; I don’t know if that’s Joan?’
‘I'm not getting a feeling that your dad’s nostalgic, I was asking him if the house is empty, how he feels about it but I don’t feel he’s expressing any nostalgia, just observation. I think he wants you to get a good price for it, perhaps that’s why he’s talking about decoration’
‘He’s taking me to bird feeders, birds on a bird feeder outside a window. Not sure if he’s suggesting this would be nice for Brenda to have outside her window’
Me... ‘I’ve a feeling there’s already bird feeders outside her window, I think I saw some’
I was wrong, there aren't any bird feeders but when I was round there Brenda told me she had been watching blue tits eating the bugs off the dead ivy on the wall outside her window.
‘Perhaps that’s what he’s drawing my attention to. He’s draping a satin flag around himself, yellow and blue, he’s giving me the sense of those colours, colours I associate with blue tits. I felt it like a large piece of fabric or a flag. He's making me think paint again, a pot of paint, perhaps he’s referring to the house. He's making me feel it’s in a shabby state, a bit neglected. He's showing me a cash till, I think it’s to do with getting the best price for it. He’s putting into my mind flower beds, I'm seeing the colours like wall flowers, bright orange and red, bronze colours, whether that’s outside Brenda’s window in the garden’
Interesting that Liz gets yellow and blue, an association with blue tits. There are orange and red wallflowers at dad's house.
‘Earlier I had a puppy dog on somebody's lap, fluffy white or cream coloured with curly hair’
Not sure about that.
‘Getting an image of egg boxes, takes me back to seeing a sound proofed room. What the significance of that is, whether there’s a problem with noise at Brenda’s. A need for sound proofing that she’s finding or something needs sound proofing’
This is interesting as when we were moving stuff into Brenda’s new place there were workmen working in the hall using electric drills and playing loud music. I thought this might cause a disturbance to Brenda but when her door was shut, we couldn’t hear a thing and I commented at the time that the place must be sound proofed.
‘Memory lane, a sense of looking at things through binoculars now from a distance. He's giving me the feeling of not being so attached to things now it’s like he’s just observing. I'm getting a feeling of green hedges around something, boundaries. Just enjoying things like ice cream cones at the sea side, just getting the feeling of whether this is memory lane, ice cream kiosks, Punch and Judy’
‘I've got a name Susan or Susanne’
Don’t know who this could be.
‘Somebody else is coming forward like a cleric, he’s got this ruff around his neck, somebody connected with the choir, a man with a bald head, round face, spectacles, almost like in a church procession, Christmas or something, walking with candles. I feel he had dark hair, bald on the top, quite a learned man, a kind man but a little bit distant, not particularly warm, in fact he gives me the feeling he could be a bit tetchy at times, he liked to do everything correctly. Just seeing a pile of hymn books, books you get in a church being piled up, all rather higgledy-piggledy, I think he’s tutting. I think he’s wishing he could be a bit more relaxed and patient. Is this someone you recognise at all?’
Me... ‘Not really no. I was in the choir but this isn’t a particular person I can put a finger on at the moment’
‘Okay... I've a feeling this is someone that regrets that they spent too much time worrying about perfection and details, things being higgledy-piggledy and felt a sense of responsibility and made things feel a bit gloomy somehow, didn’t enjoy things as much as he might because he was always concerned about things being ordered but they never seemed to be, he was so concerned with keeping chaos at bay. I think he just feels he didn’t create enough happiness around him because he’d get concerned about little things that didn’t really matter like the hymn books being all higgledy-piggledy, not piled up exactly right. He feels that he could have trod more gently on the Earth, taken it a bit more lightly, that might have created more joy, more fun’
‘I think I’ve got Joan here, a lady with blond hair, wavy. Just giving me a sense of using a duster, dusting cloth, cleaning a screen. I'm seeing an old-fashioned television, the old opaque green screen, it’s like she’s dusting that screen. Are you trying to tell me you’re stuck in an old reception set? She wants to say there’s a lot they could tell us but while we’re stuck in an old reception mode or set, we need to clean up our act. It's like we’ve got this bit of a fence, not much of a fence, a rope fence around what we think we should be doing, it’s limiting us. All the books in the world, it’s like they are very limited. But the actual information they can give us if we are able to receive it. We need to clean up our act, dust our screens, get a new TV set, a better aerial’
It looks like Joan is using televisions and aerials as metaphors for receiving information from spirit but interestingly at the same time I now have dad's television which is bigger and clearer than my old one but I still need to do something about my aerial as it is in the loft, not outside on the roof so reception is not so good at times.
‘She's giving me an image a bit like chimney pots, I'm not sure if they're chimney pots or flower pots, quite deep brick, cylindrical or rectangular structure that you can plant things in. Quite tall, they come up to chest height, planters but they remind me of chimney pots’
Sarah has several old chimney pots in our garden, some of which are planted with flowers.
‘It's like she’s taken an apron off but the apron she’s taken off is like one I had as a gift from an auntie, a friend of my mother's that I used to call auntie that came from China, it had Chinese ladies on it. I don’t know why she’s waving that apron around? It's like she’s waving me towards China and all that wisdom. The feeling as it’s coming through to me is taking off that apron and going to China, casting off the domestic fetters and taking that leap towards, not so much the esoteric as the wisdom, the ancient philosophies, the magic adventures because again that takes me to Rupert Bear and his Chinese friend, that journey, that travel, I always thought China was up in the air like heaven, the heavenly realms. To allow that connection to the heavenly realms, to spirit. Yes, the way Joan was throwing that apron away was quite joyful. I guess we have the opportunity to do that, to come closer to spirit, to allow that closer connection. It's like with your dad it’s the magic wand and with Joan it feels like the holy grail. It ties in with that spoon as well. A spoonful of your magic love. When we cast off the shackles of the physical world, we can feel that direct exposure to that spoonful of love, that ambrosia. It's the well of water that will never go dry, the holy grail, that challis. It's the fount of healing, it’s the fount of divine love, but to access it we have to allow ourselves that time to cast off the shackles’
‘She's taking me to a xylophone, a sense of a limited scale, a limited scale on a small xylophone, you want the full range. We need to open ourselves up to the full range of the keyboard, of the vibrational levels, of the octaves to be able to access all that information direct from spirit. So, you can get things second-hand but it’s the first-hand, receiving from spirit first-hand, that’s where the evidence is, that’s the first-hand experience of information that we need, that we ask for’
This again is metaphorical but at the same time I was thinking of bringing my dad’s electric organ home as it has more octaves than mine on the keyboard.
‘She just put in my mind the image of blisters, a blister pack, that padding you put in a package to protect something’
Me... ‘Like bubble wrap?’
‘Yes, blisters you can pop, full of air. I'm just getting you want to get to the nugget, the gold, the valuable thing it’s protecting. You want to have direct access to that. Getting rid of all the wrapping paper to get to the kernel. Straight from the horse's mouth’
‘Does the name Timothy mean anything?’
Me... ‘I know somebody on this side of life called Timothy’
‘Just feel as if I'm snatching at things. Shoe polish, seeing a tin of shoe polish’
‘Did Joan have a granddaughter?’
Me... ‘Yes she did’
‘I’m just seeing something to do with a new school, a uniform, maroon and black, maroon stripy tie, looks like a straw hat, from a rather good school, a girl’s school. I don’t know if this is a memory or something current? I was asking Joan if it is her, to give me some information that’s not in your mind but her daughter Cathryn might know. I’m just getting an image that the granddaughter seems to have long darkish hair, feels as though she’s in her teens, late teens. in a school uniform, red and black, could be some grey as well with a straw hat, a boater. She’s just put an image of something that looks like a green snake, don’t know if it’s a real snake or a toy snake, reminds me of one of those wooden things that children used to play with. She’s given me the sense that her granddaughter has a connection with zoology. She's putting an image of Bakewell tart into my mind. I keep getting connections with bus stops’
When I used to sit with Joan, we always had tea and cake afterwards, usually Bakewell tarts as these were everybody's favourite.
I’ve contacted Cathryn and got this reply...
‘There is nothing there that I can completely agree with and confirm but not completely out of the question.
Isabel has just turned nine, has long dark blonde hair and still goes to primary school. Her uniform is grey, white and red.
We are very keen to get her into a good secondary school so let’s see!
She definitely has an affinity with animals and we have talked of zoology.
Can’t take the snake, she likes Bakewell tart but she loves most cakes!’
‘It's the coming close, it’s as if you have to wear a gaberdine or something. Either I'm wearing a rain coat or she is, it’s to do with matching the energies. I'm getting the sense she’s saying we can make the adjustments, just have to be patient. We’re trying to get through, it’s like there’s such a lot to say, to communicate but you have to be prepared to spend the time. She’s giving me the sense it’s like in parallax, with lenses, with vision, to get something lined up exactly. It's like two different visual systems trying to align so that they’re seeing the same thing. Like choppy waters. She's saying we’ll get there in the end, this is just practise and we just have to be willing to let them work with us. I got a sense of doom with the world practise, like when you start playing the piano you want to be able to play concertos, beautiful music but you’ve got to start with chopsticks, little ditties and you just realise what a long climb it is, practise is daunting and I think it’s not like that, we’re just practising being receptive and it works both ways but it’s much more subtle. It's reminding me of the Alexander technique idea when what you’re actually doing to achieve posture, perfect physical alignment, is you’re actually inhibiting the old responses, the habits, you’re inhibiting the habits which have blocked the correct... which have made you wrongly aligned so when you inhibit those you allow the possibility of a new way of holding yourself, of being. To do with energy and blockages. That's why it’s so subtle because you’re not actually doing, you’re preventing the doing but opening the door for a new way of... the natural... it’s not doing anything just allowing the natural state to reassert itself. It's based on the fact that the current state is distorted because of bad habits. So, it’s a question of inhibiting habitual ways of responding, conducting, and allowing the natural state in relation to musculature, it’s the completely relaxed and free moving state which allows a natural responsiveness to the environment, to whatever task needs to be done, holding the body and the same applies to the subtle bodies, we have more than one body, we’ve got the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, in all of those we’re stuck with old habits, habitual modes that have inhibited, that make it difficult to be a clear and perfect channel which is our natural state, to be able to attune ourselves to whatever, go through the whole range and have that freedom to adjust, align ourselves correctly as we wish in whatever task we need to perform, our alignment is perfect for that task so there’s no damage, no resistance, perfect ease. So, it’s not a difficult thing to do, it’s the undoing of the difficult things that we’ve made, the knots, the habits, like the snake sheds its skin and there’s a new fresh body underneath, you can do that again and again. We fail to shed our skins; we hold on to them till they become like old leather’
‘So I’ll just say thank you to Joan, thank you to all our friends in spirit, thank you to Michael, thank you to everyone present and thank you Joan for trying to get through and I hope I've managed to convey something of what you were trying to say, and Michael, and I hope that we can achieve that lucidity, allow the proper flow of communication direct from the horse's mouth so we can learn from you how it is, what you are learning, that you can connect us with that source of wisdom, so thank you, God bless you all’
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...