We had another Zoom sitting.
Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and sat in the dark séance room.
She did the opening prayer as I tuned in.
I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...
‘Words... words of wisdom, words of encouragement, words of help, words that will help you to understand the true nature of life, all that surrounds you, all that is a part of you and that what you have yet to understand can be brought forward, can be presented to you. Your job is to recognise something in what you are given, recognise something that connects to you, something which will grow within you, for you as a physical being have so much more in your life than what you understand as the physical world, for you are constantly presented with many new ideas, many new ways of looking at life but a part of you holds you to the physical world for it was your choice, your choice to live a physical life, cut off from your true self. The benefit of a physical life is to give you situations that have consequences, give you a structure that you can see and work with in a way that helps you to understand. Nothing is hidden from you but your belief in the physical world shields that what lies beyond. To not believe allows you to let go but you will always return for whilst you live in a physical world that is your base, that is your connection to life while you are living that life, that physical life. And yet you can stretch out and see beyond, you can turn the clock back, you can see the history of your world and you can look forward, you can look into that what has not yet for you happened. You are doing this all the time; it is a natural experience. Only when you learn to quieten your beliefs will you notice, will you understand that information is always available, you can see into the future, you can understand that future and you can see how it helps you in your own life. Try to remember your dreams, try to understand your dreams for they are your connection to future events. When you are awake you are also dreaming. Some situations may feel like they have happened before and as you clear your mind, as you get rid of those beliefs, you will understand the connection with the physical world, the dream reality and that what has yet to happen’
‘There is an understanding that time can stand still and yet your physical world moves forward. Not all time is real time for time was a creation and the minds that created time saw how time can change, how it can be seen in different ways. The physical world has its own time but beyond that time can be seen differently, can be lived differently. The past and the future can become one but only if you let go of that strongly held belief in the physical world’
‘When a new idea comes to your mind remember that that idea has come from somewhere, has been used before, has been explored before. It is not so new and yet for you it is a new step in your learning, something which is helping you. Take note of all that helps, all that you feel helps you throughout your life. You are helping yourself; you are beginning to understand that a physical life is a fragile life’
Liz... ‘Can I ask a question friend?’
‘Yes, you may’
Liz... ‘You say that ideas come from somewhere else but does that... are there original ideas? As a human, can we create ideation, can we create ideas?’
‘As a human being in a physical world you are creating something that has been created before. You as a physical being are seeing it for the first time but you are tapping into ideas that have already been created’
Liz... ‘When an artist or a creative person produces something that is hailed as original and created, what does that mean then?’
‘It is original to the physical world. Beyond the physical is a reflection of that image, that picture. You are connected to all ideas, all thoughts and as a physical being you can be fed information that you will perceive as your own ideas’
Liz... ‘Can human beings become creators; can they create. For example, at the moment elementary technology is new, inventions, simple things that have never been seen before’
‘The physical human being does have the ability to create but what is creation? What is happening when something new comes to your mind. Does it come from yourself or does it come from beyond yourself? How do you know where that what you see in your mind, that what sparks in your mind, how do you know where it originates and whether it has existed before? There are many realities all working at the same time, side by side, all full of conscious beings. You as consciousness are connected to all of consciousness. Your life in the physical world is merely one experiment. You are here to grow, you are here to discover, you are here to use all of your abilities’
Liz... ‘When you speak of experiments there’s an element of unknown outcome and with the notion of free will there is again a notion of an unknown outcome to the evolutionary process of human beings given free will, so that’s why I'm wondering in the ability to create, whether there is an element of something unknown coming in, a wild card factor that can actually innovate, can create something that hasn’t been seen before, something novel. It may not be substantially different from other things but unique, something that hasn’t been seen before, that’s what I'm wondering when you talk of everything coming from somewhere else, that ideas for example all come from somewhere else. But it seems with the possibility of free will that there may be original ideation which leads to original creation’
‘You are interpreting an idea in your own unique way. You have received information and in receiving that information you are moulding that information into something which is unique to you’
Liz... ‘Ah, that makes sense’
‘In that way you are creating for yourself, and you can present that creation to others and they too will interpret it in their own way. The spark that generated that thought exists in all of consciousness, you have merely reached out and touched that spark, and that has set off in your mind a series of thoughts which have moulded that original thought into something new and you have taken that out, you have displayed it, you have placed it on the canvas of a painting or produced a series of words, poetic words, words of fiction, you have created something which will benefit your world for others will see this, it will help them too, and they also will reach out to the spark of consciousness and find their own ideas presented to then which they can also develop and turn into something new. In that sense there are always new ideas being created from one spark of life, of consciousness that you are all a part of’
Liz... ‘I understand’
‘Creation is an on-going process and you are all a part of that process. Rejoice that you are becoming something new each day of your life, as you change yourself. You are in effect creating yourself each day of your life by the choices that you make and the love that you give to others and that what you receive. Thank you, thank you my dear friend. We enjoyed your questions for they help in raising the vibration within these rooms and when the vibration increases, your connection with that spark is brighter, is stronger. Please continue with your own experiments and we will see and speak with you next time that we meet, thank you’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend’
Liz then tuned in...
‘Nick, a strange sensation as I tuned in, a gentleman with a very stiff white collar, almost clerical but not quite and he’s morphed into Francis, like Elizabethan with lace collar and a dark suit, somebody who’s come before, a very erudite person, I feel he wants to say he’s travelled round the whole globe and seen everything, he has the whole globe in his hand. He's giving me the sense he’s in the time of Henry VIII. I'm sensing because we were talking about ideas, this is a man of ideas and he’s interested in debate and ideas but he’s a pragmatist, that’s why he’s got the globe there. It's to do with the roundness the rotundity so I think he was part of that controversy to do with the Earth being round and not flat because he travelled right the way round it, he didn’t fall off’
‘Just get the name Boyle, I think he was connected with the rules of chemistry. This man has a scientific bent of mind, Boyle’s laws of gasses. And Coulon, he’s bringing in all these people to do with energy conversion, the idea of transmutation of substances, different states of matter, states of energetic vibration, changes of state. Energy is conserved but you have a finite amount of energy but it can’t be lost. That was the idea. Modern physics and astronomy has suggested that the universe is expanding and there’s some sense that even that idea is wrong, but stuff can be created, it isn’t a finite amount, endless creation. The new physics is leaning towards a change in those ideas. He wants to wave a magic wand, this is all magic, ideas are all magic, the whole thing is magic. There's an element to it we don’t understand, a trick, a conjurer, God the conjurer creating an illusion. We try to understand how the trick is done. There's an element of choice, we choose to see things a certain way that’s convenient for us, for our purposes, to help us to survive, to help us to live comfortably. But I'm getting a churning up feeling that creation isn’t comfortable, it’s not a comfortable process, it involves a churning up. Everything we’ve thought, everything we believed will be turned upside down, inside out, Jesus said that’
‘In order to grow, we have to break the mould, we have to emerged from our safe space, from our chrysalis, from our womb, from those safe spaces that hold us secure, comfortable, intact. In order to expand creation is a tumultuous purpose but after the storm comes peace, comes a stable equilibrium, and as you say that equilibrium, life is fragile, based on a knife edge because creation is a chaotic process as the mathematicians well know. Metastability, the smallest instigation, generation, stirring, something new, can rock the boat and then there’s that juddering increases and with resonance with more and more of these thoughts, these deviant ideas, these new generation of thinking. As it increases, as it gains momentum the juddering increases, increases, increases until suddenly whoosh, that calm peaceful picture, that serene and accepted version of reality, whoosh, breaks up, disintegrates. And this is felt by human beings when this happens, the shaking up of beliefs, internal turmoil, mental anguish, mental suffering. It is at this point that the grace of the one, the magician, can penetrate to those who are open, who call out in their anguish for help in understanding, in finding equilibrium, finding peace, in understanding the truth. Those who sincerely seek the truth will call out the magician, the great conjurer responds in kind, makes his presence felt, and when we see through the eyes of the conjurer, the great magician, the universal spirit, God, the original force, when we see through his eyes, through the eyes of that sublime being, being itself, we find a reality, a truth, a point of equilibrium, it is the crux of all creation, it is beyond all creation, the wellspring, the fount, the source of the spring life hidden in the deep ground of being. And it is an act of faith. Religions often call on those that believe and follow, to trust there is an axiom; that the magician, the conjurer hears and is there for each one of us. To be able to identify, to see through the eyes of the conjurer, the I am, the infinite, I am the source, to identify with, therein lies restoration of sanity, peace and understanding, the ability to ride the crests and the troughs, this creative process that is evolution, that is evolution and devolution because they go in hand in hand, side by side. The bubbles that have been blown by the great conjurer coalesce and burst. The great pageant that is creation in all its turmoil, with its suffering, with its joys, with its peaks and troughs will vanish in an eyeblink'
'The world is not what we think, the world thinks us, we are the world. This conundrum, the duality in unity is deep at the heart of creation with our divided brain it is difficult for us to conceive of this, we have to go beyond conception to experience being, joining with. The divided being uses conceptual thinking to join up the conceptions, to hold together the divided reality that is seen and experienced by the divided being but when we see through the eyes of the conjurer, the creator, the great magician, we see unity, we see one, we see undivided, we see absolute, we see as we are seen. Let go of your thinking, let go of your ideas, let go of your conceptions, your imaginings, see with the eyes of God, see with the eyes of the one. Way to this is necessary in this time, in the times that are coming, the times of turmoil. The times of the new heaven and the new Earth are approaching fast. Be aware of your role in all of this. We must teach our children to look at the sun, to see with the light of the sun, of the one, the source'
'I'm asking did I get your message right Francis? He’s holding a candle, a small candle, a small light in this great sailing boat, seven seas, sailing the seven seas. He's put into my mind a black Siamese cat'
'Just got the image in my mind of a golden dagger, golden knife'
'Just got the name Robert'
'Getting a sense of greyhound racing. I'm asking for some evidence that you will recognise'
Me... ‘Greyhound racing connects to somebody I know’
‘It’s coupled with a ticket, I'm seeing a top hat with a ticket in it, don’t know if it’s a winning ticket or just a ticket, travel ticket. It’s taking me to a lord mayor or some dignitary, somebody opening some function, May Day, seems to be a man. Stuck with the sense of a hot air balloon, thinking of throwing out the ballast and it goes free. It does need a flame to ignite it. I'm just wondering if Travis is around'
Me... ‘Yes that’s what I was thinking’
‘Just took me to Daisy and a didgeridoo, to do with Australia. Just asking Travis if there’s something that Daisy is doing at the moment that we could check on and he put the idea of a birthday cake in my mind, I got candles, I think it’s connected with the family, not sure if it’s one of her daughters. Something connected with a garage, a car in the garage, I'm seeing just the chassis of a car, the wheels, not even a whole car. I saw the words Flower Power, an old hippy idea. Someone's taking me to barrels of beer or wine making, wine making kits connected with the garage. Getting the name Henry, and John Henry. I think he’s just mucking around. Now he’s put in my mind Muffin the Mule. I'm just asking Travis who’s he with? And I immediately got Colin Fry and he said Dolly, Dolly Parton but I don’t know if she’s alive or dead? Maybe he was just joking? Another name Vera. He’s giving me a rosette, red, white and blue, made out of ribbon, like what somebody wins in a gymkhana. He's showing me that as a winning thing because I've got him right. I’m just thanking him for being with us and he’s saying he’s always around, he’s making me feel the old school tie thing, black and white tie. Perhaps he’s meaning we’re all part of the same school, the same group? That’s nice to know Travis. He’s singing Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do... he’s just sending his love to Daisy and of course to us too. He's giving me the sense of a snaky path, a winding path, I guess that’s life. He's holding up a book, feels like a Beano, one of those old comic books, annuals, something funny. He's letting us know a little bit of comic, lightness won’t do us any harm, take it all with a pinch of salt and have a bit of fun, bit of a laugh, childish fun, a few chuckles does you a world of good. I know we’re a bit on the serious side and I know you were less on the serious side Travis, you enjoyed a bit of fun and that’s good, I understand that, God bless you, thank you, make your presence felt again, bring us some evidence that we can confirm, that really helps and I will contact Daisy. Something’s got bent, I sense it’s a piece of metal or a pipe. I don’t know if she’s referring to the chassis in the garage?’
Liz thanked everyone for coming and I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
There are some good bits of evidence here. Liz got Greyhound Racing which connects to Travis. Liz couldn't remember his connection to greyhound racing when I questioned her after the sitting but she would have seen a picture of him with greyhounds in his funeral service leaflet a few years ago. Then she got ‘sense of a hot air balloon, thinking of throwing out the ballast and it goes free’ This is a good connection to Joan, the Mercury Circle medium. Joan had a thing about the song ‘Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon’ and liked to have it played when we sat as she felt it helped her get into a trance state. Then Liz got ‘Colin Fry and he said Dolly’ Dolly was one of Colin’s main guides and part of the Diamond Group. He was a very funny female impersonator on the Earth and brought that character through in the séances. Liz didn’t know about him and she interpreted it as Dolly Parton. At the end when Liz said she would contact Daisy she said ‘something’s got bent, I sense it’s a piece of metal or a pipe’ this is evidential as Daisy has been doing spoon bending. Daisy did mention this in an email to Liz and me a few years ago but when I told Liz about this after our sitting, she didn’t recall it. It will be interesting to see if any of the other bits of information Liz got can be confirmed by Daisy when she contacts her.
We've just got a reply from Daisy who tells us she has a didgeridoo hanging on her wall. This was the first thing Liz got in connection with Daisy so another bit of evidence.