This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

242nd Sitting 08/04/2021

We had a zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and sat in her séance room with the light off.

She did the opening prayer as I tuned in and was soon controlled...

‘The clock ticks, the days go by, each day brings new opportunities, new horizons to which you turn your attention for you are living a life in a timeless world but your clocks tell you, you clocks give you something on which to measure your life, to gauge your life in the physical for you need structure, you need routine, you need familiar pastimes, you need that what you have built up for yourself, a pattern that you fit in with and into. You look back at the past and you remember some of what you have experienced but other times you do not remember for each experience brings with it a level of understanding and when that level is heightened it becomes a part of you, it becomes a memory. Day to day things come and go but when a memory is created it becomes a living object, something that connects to you, something which brings you into focus to your true self, that self that is constantly evolving and each memory is a step on the pathway to what you have become. It is always beneficial to look back at your memories. Sometimes they will be presented to you as you live your life, you will be reminded and these reminders help you to continue to have new experiences which will add to your growth’

‘You look at the clock on the wall and you see the time; that is understandable to you. But there is another clock within yourself, a clock that not only gives you the time but also records, records events and stores those events, events that are important to you, important to your growth, events that have helped you and they can still help you in your memories, for your memories help you make choices, help you to decide, and it is your choices that are important. They come from within, they are automatic, you do not stop and think for you are living a continuous life, situations are coming to you and you do not have time to think. And as you change yourself so the choices will change, the automatic choices, because they are you, they are what you have become and in the future you will become more, you will change and those automatic choices will also change with you’ 

‘Each choice you make creates a new reality for yourself. A positive choice will bring a truer reality to your mind whereas negative choices will cloud your reality, they will restrict your reality and they will restrict future choices’

‘The structure of your world was created for all who inhabit your world, each of you working as an individual rely on that structure to live your life but you are all living in a different way. You have all built up different levels of understanding and in doing that you are also creating for yourself your own reality. Even though you live together, mingle with each other, work with one another, you see it through your own eyes, you perceive it in your own way. All life in your world plays its part in the growth and development of consciousness, of each other. Understand one another as being different, as having their own point of view in each situation. Try not to judge their choices using your point of view for what they see is different, and what they see will change in the same way that you will change, but together as one human race you all complement one another for you give richness to life in your differences and that is the beauty of the physical world. Nothing stays the same, there is always new situations waiting to make themselves felt on each and every one of you. It does not matter at what stage you have reached in the quality of your consciousness; what matters is your willingness to change’

‘Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your wonderful experiments. We will re-join you in your next session, thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then tuned in...

‘It’s strange, I’ve got... first of all I got this sense of a great bear, somebody covered in a bear skin, an image but a comfortable image. Then I got an old rabbi, I don’t know that he was old, dressed in a black and white shawl with tefillin or things on his forehead. And he keeps coming back and he gives me a feeling that there was a way back connection with your family’

Me... ‘I don’t know about that?'

‘Or perhaps that’s where we are both connected? but I’m not sure why he is there. This is very much connected with rights and rituals. The fence around the law and keeping the commandments, keeping in mind all the spiritual laws, how they relate to society, but this is something that I've... when I saw a little girl connected with this rabbi, it may be connected with my childhood. The sense of the girl child is a suggestion that connected on the female side of your family. I’m seeing him unrolling a scroll, the letter of the law and it brings... are you someone who is with the letter of the law or the spirit of the law and is there a difference. Sensing the little girl feels there is a difference, the little child is the spirit of the law. The old man with the shawl and the phylacteries tied to his forehead and his wrists is the letter of the law, bound by rules and regulations and time. This was the fight that Jesus had with the Pharisees and the Sadducees when he said except you become as a little child, you shall in no way enter the kingdom of heaven. And the big brown bear, the bear skin is that creature of fears, that embodiment with the wild, a rather tame wild, the animal and all those laws and the written texts and the edicts and the urge to conformity was to supress the beast within, the wild animal, to domesticate, to make comfortable, to keep within bounds, to wear that animal as a comfortable coat. We clothed our spirit in the garment with the animal kingdom, with the bull, the taurus, with the animus. The hunter became the hunted, we consumed the flesh of wild beasts and we became like beasts. We sacrificed the beasts and we consumed them so we would adopt their characteristics. We likened ourselves to the beasts, we worshiped the beasts. Nature, bred in tooth and claw and the man became no different, killing, persecuting, tearing to pieces his foes. Creating golden image of a wrathful god who will destroy, will annihilate his foes. Lost touch with the spirit child within, clothing that child in a garment of straps and fetters and phylacteries and bear skins. Losing touch with our true nature we turned our heaven into hell. What we have many times created is the hell on earth and not the heaven on earth. We corrupted the animals; we corrupted the Earth. It is not enough to have one day of the year as a day of atonement, every day of the year should be a day of atonement, a day of recognition of our travesty of the life we have been given, of the light within, of our persecution of our own spiritual nature. Every day should be the day of reckoning, the day we recognise how we have erred from our true nature, how we have ceased to honour the spirit within, how we have imprisoned, enslaved, persecuted our own spirit in the interests of conformity. The sins of the fathers have followed the generations and now is the time of reckoning, the time for transformation, the time for atonement, the time to make good the promise that was in the beginning, there should be no half measures, there is no half heart, there is only the whole heart. The man that overturned the tables in the temple came to right the law of love into the heart of man, came to circumcise the heart. He says there shall be no half measures in the kingdom of god and these are the words, thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might and thy neighbour as thyself. And these words which I command thee this day shall be upon thy heart, thy whole heart and there shall be no half measures. Those who walk in my steps will follow my path, give 100% of themselves, no half measures’ 

‘I'm seeing the goats and the lambs and there will be a separation and there will be a sifting of souls. The Earth has called out for a reckoning and a refurbishment, spring cleaning on the Earth. The collective mind has become cancered, the surgeon's knife must excise the cancerous growth, the collective mind needs healing. There is one field for goats and there is one field for my lambs and in my field of lambs the lion will lie down, but in my field of goats where they frolic and play havoc, they will go their way, they will disappear in the mountains. They will be recycled and reformed. The wild places that they crave’

‘I think I’ve got somebody called Dorothy, Dorothy Kerin’

‘Feels like I’m surrounded by a circle of the elders. I think they are just saying that we’re heading towards the flames of Pentecost, a very Christian theme, after the resurrection when the disciples received the holy spirit and the power of healing directly. It's a direct transmission and it’s got converted into the cabalistic pathway. Just giving me the feeling that there’s a very strong impetus into the Earth at present, this is a pivotal turning point, a shaking up of the old order all over the world and that we must be prepared. It's making me feel it’s like the announcement of the second coming, the re-entry into the Earth plane, of the power, the Christos, the sun power to reclaim and make good. I’m getting a feeling of a snow, white noise, a white out, a high-level interference, high power interference, a re-boot, re-booting the fallacy taking place, it’s going to be a testing time. I see a returning to Mary, the mother, the mother goddess, for mercy, the miracles associated with Mary. As if many will be drawn to the shrines of Mary for healing because of the poisonous rain. This is where the turning of men’s hearts to the spirit will be so important, the preparation is now, I see the tongues of fire. I’m going to say thank you, this is a painful vision, the necessary purging. I understand we need to be more connected, to feel more presence with us in this time which is imminent, the times of sorrow, thank you, thank you, God bless you. Make your presences felt through us and through all who are working in this way, more powerful now needed. Thank you friends’

Liz found it difficult to come back, she said she felt like a skewer and it had been more like a trance control. 

Liz knew Dorothy Kerin who had founded a healing sanctuary called Burrswood in 1948. She had received a miraculous healing from Jesus as a child.

I then did the healing exercise, thanked our spirit friends and did our closing down exercise...