This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

240th Sitting 25/03/2021

We had a Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I tuned in.

I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘All change is good; all change is beneficial. The physical world is a place in which to change yourself and in changing yourself you are changing your world. You develop within yourself a need for change but at the same time a part of you wishes to remain in familiar surroundings. Try to resist that wanting to remain in those familiar surroundings and allow yourself to change, for changing is a natural process and a part of evolution. You have nothing to fear, for by changing you become something new, something that hasn’t existed before. You have created a new personality, a new footprint in your journey of life. By changing you allow yourself to see situations in a new way, from a new perspective and it will add to your knowledge, add to your experience, add to the picture that you create for yourself. All change is for the better; let nothing stop you changing. You all came to this world to change, to become something more, to add to the growth of all of life, all of consciousness and to do that you need to change, you need to develop new skills, new understandings. New ideas will bubble up in your thoughts, do not reject those ideas for they have been created by you, for you’

‘Life is an adventure, life is to be explored, use all your powers within you to make it the most beneficial journey for you and for others. For you share your life with others and they react to you, they will see the changes in you and you also notice the changes in them. You all work together, you all change together and your world changes with you. Nothing can stop change except for your fears, your fear of change. Don't become rooted in familiarity for there is so much more to discover. At times you may feel boredom come over you, the feeling of boredom. This is a signal for you to change, this is a signal for you to try something new. You can always go back but to go back you must first take that step forwards and others will follow. There is nothing difficult in this, there is nothing to fear in this, it is a simple evolution process. Look around you at your world, see evolution taking place, see change taking place. The physical world is a world of change and the life that creates it changes with it. Each step on your journey is a new opportunity for change. Hold your head up high, be positive in your thoughts and see the opportunities for change each day of your life. That what resides inside of you is what is pushing you to change, it is the real you and the more you become familiar with the real you, the more you will change, the more you will want to change, thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your experiments, please continue with your thoughts of love for others, you are creating a wonderful atmosphere and that atmosphere follows you through life. Thank you’ 

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then tuned in...

‘I’ve got a gentleman with me Nick, he’s got quite a round pale face, either he’s got very short white hair or he’s bald. I thought at first it was your dad. I'm seeing him now with spectacles, he feels quite old, older than us, maybe in his late 70s, 80s or even early 90s. I'm feeling him as reading a book and eating toast at the same time. I think this is actually your dad, he’s giving me the sense of a keyboard and I always associate that with him. He's definitely family. He's giving me that sense of Sooty and Sweep the dog, like a glove puppet. He's feeling very relaxed, like he’s sitting in a kitchen chair, a wooden chair, medium high back, wooden with slats across it, at the kitchen table with a table cloth on it, eating toast and reading a book. There are letters on the table, post, he hasn’t opened it. He's taking me to the image of peas in a pod which makes me think of family. But it wasn’t two peas in a pod, that sense of we’re all swimming in the same sea, seeds, little kernels held in this safe container. It's to do with germinating. He's taking me on a journey like Crocodile Dundee, crocodile or alligator suddenly coming into view, connected with the TV. Something out of a wild life movie. Getting the sense he’s with you and around you in the house, just enjoying being present, it gives him a sense again of how it was. You were talking a lot about change and I think he’s feeling there is a lot of change, everything's all change in this new way of being which is why its lovely to come back to ground base, to earth as it were. Back to those gentle connections that tie in with the memories of what it was to feel in the physical world. It’s not that he’s not happy or adapting because he feels very centred and content as if he’s become quite peaceful in a sense of benign. Feeling he wants to fill lots of glasses with clean water. He's giving me Wendy and Peter Pan. Rummaging around the old garage. Someone looking for clothes pegs. He’s brought my attention back to tooth paste. I was getting drawn into Wendy and Peter Pan and the father being made to sleep in the dog kennel. He’s saying we’ve all moved on and it’s really quite funny. She’s quite a princess, don’t know who he’s referring to? I think he’s referring to Sarah? I'm getting the sense that he loves you both and he’s seeing you as Peter Pan and Wendy. He’s showing me loads of chrysanthemums, banks of chrysanthemums. Just seeing the dry tubers, you have to put them out now. Two a penny or tuppence ha'penny. It's like watching old films like having a cine camera or a projector watching old films but I can see the film is like an old film with the perforations at the edges, some of it is black and white and some of it is colour. He's brought in the idea of Mrs Mophead again Mrs Mop which keeps appearing with him. Now he’s showing me a car like a black Daimler, that’s a name that comes into my mind, not a taxi but a large bulbus car. Saying something like she goes like a bomb. Wooden panels in the car. Getting a sense of pipe smoke. I think I may have somebody else here, maybe his father. He’s giving me a sense of a mosaic or a jig-saw puzzle, it feels like tiling, I almost feel I want to place it at the bottom of a pond or swimming pool, that takes me to the willow patterned tea services’

At first I thought this was one of my dad’s brothers but there’s also bits that tie up with my dad, some of which have come though before. There’s also some stuff that I can’t place at all. 

Afterwards Liz said she was aware that there was more than one person but she couldn't differentiate or separate them and said this was a skill she still needs to learn. She felt the other person was smaller which if it was who I thought it was is correct. 

‘I've just got that owl again, the owl eyes, connected with that needle point on his wall, intricate needle point. I think he must be visiting a house he shared with Brenda and it’s still on the wall. I think maybe he wanted you to have it, no not if it’s still on the wall. He’s giving me a sense of a hose pipe, don’t know if Brenda’s been doing something outside? It's like somebody’s washing the patio or something, I can see a bucket’ 

The cross-stitch owl has come through before, last time I saw it in the house it was leaning against the wall but not attached to it. My brother and I are going to tidy up the garden soon. This may be what was coming through with the hose pipe.

‘Making me feel of an old-fashioned gramophone, radiogram in the room’

Can’t place this. 

‘I'm feeling this is his house he is in. I think he just wants to send Brenda his love, he’s showing me a pink letter with an envelope, like a love letter envelope, I think that’s just his symbol for a message of love of her and he’s in her house. I'm seeing a tortoiseshell cat or the tail is mottled. Did they have a tortoiseshell cat?’

Me... ‘They did have a cat but not that colour’

‘Has Brenda still got a cat?’

Me... ‘No it’s passed away now’

‘I wonder if it’s a cat that visits the garden? I feel I'm walking with him round this garden, there’s a little bit of a gate and a low fence and bushes, greenery but not a high fence or wall. Not a very big garden, but I'm feeling some rounded steps, like a patio, grey slabs, concrete around the house. My feeling as he’s walking around the garden is it’s a bit patchy, I can feel a bit of privet hedge but it’s low, not much coming up at the moment, there’s bear patches in it. He thinks it needs Sarah’s touch’

It is a small garden with a low wall but no rounded grey steps, slabs or concrete. I don’t think there’s a privet hedge but there are fir trees along the bottom of the garden forming a hedge which is a bit patchy. 

‘He’s showing me cartons of milk and groats and things, he’s concerned that Brenda’s not eating, he’s wanting to build her up. I don’t know what’s with groats, but that was the word, groats and milk. And a teaspoon of malt’

Yes, Brenda is not eating much at the moment. 

‘He wants to do some spring cleaning. I’m sensing a piece of furniture that looks like brown mahogany, quite shiny, I thought at first it was a piano but it’s a cabinet of some sort, it’s like he wants to go around and dust and polish everything. I’m feeling he’s putting bluebells in a small vase, a silver pot. He's giving me wooden coat hangers, taking me to a wardrobe and a feeling of the wardrobe being empty. Got a sense of mothballs, he’s saying where’s my slippers’ 

As well as the garden my brother and I are planning to clean through the whole house. There is an old wooden display cabinet with glass doors that’s been in the house for as long as I can remember. Brenda has given all dad’s clothes to charities and probably his slippers as well.

‘I’m asking if he gets nostalgic but he says I'm just dipping in and out, okay really, just get that sense of nostalgia, things have changed, not quite the same but concern is still there and a sense of love and still belonging. He's saying I haven’t actually gone anywhere and I'm very content and he gives me Michael rowed the boat ashore, that song, Michael row the boat ashore’

Me... ‘Hallelujah...’

‘Yes hallelujah, ha, ha... bless you Michael, thank you very much and it’s lovely that you’re around and noting the subtle changes, you would like Nick to have your needle point, that seems to be important, those owl eyes, yes it’s the wisdom, and the mosaic, the connection of many little points, many little pieces into one living thing, we’re all of many parts, many pieces and that was a creation and the eyes followed you, God bless you, all our love to you, thank you for making your presence felt, thank you for allowing me to experience your memories’

I then did the healing exercise, thanked everyone for coming and did our closing down exercise...

239th Sitting 18/03/2021

We had a Zoom meetup.

This week Liz was sitting in the séance room with the lights off and was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I started to tune in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘What is real evidence, what is it that really makes you believe. You live your life governed by beliefs and yet when you look for spiritual truths it is your beliefs that hold you back. If you were to let yourself go, take your mind out of physical life, give yourself a chance to experience a new beginning, a new life, a life that encompasses so much more, then you would truly begin to understand that evidence isn’t necessary to convince you, to convince you that you are consciousness. You are receiving information each day of your life and it is you who interprets that information. The physical world does not exist and yet your beliefs tell you it does. You haven’t the experience to take those beliefs out of your mind but within you there is a knowing that tells you there is so much more. You are being shown a small portion of life, part of life that is designed to test your abilities, to test your strengths and your weaknesses. A part of life designed to help you grow, to bring you more into tune with your true self, that what understands all. You are a fragment of something so much bigger but you are not separated from that larger self, that knowing self. You have been taken into a world suited for you, created by you each day as your mind develops, as your experience grows. You paint your own picture each day and you live your life in that picture not knowing that a greater picture exists within yourself. There is so much more to life but you as a personality must live your life in the physical world until you have understood all that is available to you. There is so much for you in your world, you have everything you need at this point in time but a time will come when you will understand so much more, you will not rely on your beliefs to guide you through life, you will only see the truth, you will only see a bigger picture’

‘Much has been written in your physical world throughout the years by those who have experienced the larger picture, the larger reality but they have had to explain what they have experienced with words when really it was merely feelings. See beyond the words, feel reality, feel life, feel living, understand your feelings and do not confuse them with beliefs. Trust your feelings for that is your truth and no beliefs can shield you from your own truth for it is you, it is what you have achieved up to this point and it is a glimpse into what you will achieve in the future, for you are all working towards a future existence, a future experience and you know that and that knowledge is what drives you forward. You cannot make mistakes for that what drives you is strong. What you see as mistakes are misunderstood beliefs. They are merely temporary, the real you is permanent, it is growing like every other human being in your physical world’

‘Rejoice that your world is evolving with you each day of your life. You play your part in that world, there is that love within yourself and you spread happiness, harmony and understandings throughout your world. Nothing negative can penetrate that love. Understand that and your life will change, your world will change and the picture you paint each day of your life will have more meaning, more sharpness, more colour, more love, thank you. Thank you my dear friend, it is always a pleasure to speak in these situations and we will continue to bring forward what we feel will benefit you in your search for complete understanding. Enjoy the journey, enjoy the opportunity and keep smiling, thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend, that was lovely’

Liz then tuned in...

‘Just got this really large man with me now with gingery hair, he feels a little bit like your garage colleague but I feel he drives a lorry, he’s sharing with me his experience as a lorry driver, this large vehicle and he’s at the wheel. Just a sense of great friendliness he brings with him, sandy hair. Feeling of a large, slightly cumbersome body and sandwiches. The feeling he’s giving me is he just wants you to know he’s on the road again. It's as if he’s looking through a clear windscreen. He’s giving me the impression of a little panda, like the sort of thing you put on a windscreen, black and white bear. I have a connection with fondness, expressing his fondness for you. He's giving me the impression he felt like an overgrown chubby schoolboy a lot of the time. Giving me the name Richard. When I asked him who Richard is he gave me the sense of a godfather. I'm getting another name Dillis, Dillis being a secretary’ 

This sounds like the man I used to work with who has come through before. Not sure about the panda or Richard. Dillis may have been a secretary at the garage but I can’t remember for sure.

‘I'm seeing sandals like those old Start-Rite sandals that people wore in the summer, that children wore, leather sandals with straps. That's making me feel I have somebody else here, I think it’s your dad. The Start-Rite sandals he used to buy, that you and your brother had. I'm seeing an eggcup with a painted egg in it, Easter egg type thing. I'm seeing the silver paper being torn off the egg as if that was a rather precious time, he enjoyed the whole thing of Easter eggs, or you enjoyed them, he’s bringing that to my attention, go on treat yourself. Then it’s the connection with the egg and spoon race, and sack races that kind of stuff’ 

Yes my brother and I wore sandals when we were young, I have the pictures to prove it. I think my dad had a trick with an egg cup and painted egg but I can’t be 100% sure.

‘That’s shifted, he’s now taking me to something that looks like pipes, something he’s making, a metal frame, a bit like a Zimmer frame, something he’s putting in a bathroom, feels a bit like a cage. Don't know if he’s giving me the sense that he had a Zimmer frame or something like that’

This is interesting. When dad was in a wheelchair, he wouldn’t use the foot rests when being pushed around the house and his feet kept getting caught under the chair. I bought a piece of wood with caster wheels on it and a man who did jobs around the house made a metal frame out of heating pipes like a Zimmer that attached to the wood so dad could put his feet on it and hold onto the frame when being pushed and he liked that.

‘He’s giving me a, it’s a bit like a trilby hat, or a Robin Hood type hat with a little feather in it’

I had just been watching a programme on TV with my wife and had commented on a bowler hat with a feather on it that someone was wearing.

‘Now he’s taking me into a green garden space, hedges around it, it feels like the grass needs mowing, lush grass and I can feel daffodils and plants’

When we started sitting, I saw the gardener for next door had just arrived with his lawn mower and I was worried he would start mowing the front lawn which would make a loud noise and yes it does have hedges, daffodils and plants around it. Luckily, he went round the back instead.

‘Just getting the name Tabitha, could be the name for a tabby cat. I'm seeing upturned flower pots, reminding me of the Flower Pot Men, weed, Bill and Ben’

I used to watch Bill and Ben the flowerpot men on the TV and Tabitha is a character in Bewitched which I also watched.

‘He's just taking me into a little lobby by the back door with coats hanging, old macs. I've come out of the garden and he's just taking me along memory lane. A bath, an old-fashioned bath, I see the taps on it, there’s an attached shower head like one of those rubber things on the taps. There’s a toilet in the bathroom, the other side of the bath and there’s a window, not frosted glass but a dimpled window that you can’t see through. Outside there’s a little bit of a court yard, just a bit of concrete, that window is backing onto a bit of concrete’

This could be a good description of my dad’s parent’s house but my memory isn’t good enough to know the details for sure. It also sounds like my bungalow except for the bath which isn’t old-fashioned and it’s a front door that leads into a porch with coats hanging.

‘Now he’s taking me to rabbits, I don’t know if there’s a live rabbit around or it’s to do with his tricks. Got a feeling he’s stroking it, it’s a grey rabbit, or is it a grey cat he’s calling a rabbit, he’s stroking something. I’m seeing a cage, an animal in a cage. Would he have kept mice in a cage?’

Me... ‘He didn’t but I had something similar myself’

‘I feel it’s a cage with an animal in it, an animal you can take out and stroke. He's giving me the feeling it was grey although he was showing me a white rabbit before but that might have been my imagination’

I used to keep gerbils in a cage when I was young. Dad never used live rabbits in his tricks but we did have a grey wild rabbit in our garden for a while a few years back.

‘Now he’s going to toffees, he seems to like toffees, I'm sure he’s brought me toffee apples before, someone’s bought him toffees. That takes me to banana splits but I think that’s because someone mentioned them yesterday. I see toffees wrapped in foil, individually wrapped. There was maybe a jar of them, reward toffees, I think he used them as treats or rewards’

Dad used to like toffees and we usually had tins of Quality Street in the house.

‘Now I'm getting crocuses and hyacinths. He's showing me all the lovely things associated with Easter time, makes me feel that was quite a favourite time of his, it’s important now’ 

‘He's taking me to a butcher’s boy bike, a bike somebody uses when they’re delivering things, a basket on the front, a delivery bike, old fashioned bike, it’s like seeing that Clive Dunn again in stripy clothes, it’s connecting back to leaning against a greenhouse or a wall’

‘Got a name Betty and sundew’

Not sure about this.

‘I think I must be with your grandfather now because he’s giving me tunnels, that’s your dad’s father. Sundew seems to be connected to him’

Me... ‘I think that’s melons isn’t it?’

‘He’s giving me a spider or spider’s web, it feels your granddad is connecting me with Halloween, witches hats and all that sort of stuff, imaginative palaver to do with occult, the slightly scary dark side but fun, wizardry, stars and glitter. Just said something funny like off cabbages and kings. He makes me feel that he would have been a mage if he could have done, your dad became the magician, did the magic but your granddad had that propensity. He's giving me that sense of the wizard with the gnarled stick, like a hazel rod but all gnarled. You wouldn’t have known that to look at him, he looked a very sensible man but a little bit quirky, there was a deeper side to him, I get that quiet quizzical nature’

Yes, granddad was very interested in magic and that’s where dad got his interest from. Granddad built some of dad’s tricks back in the 40s including a head guillotine which I now have at home.

‘I get a dog lead and I feel it’s hanging up in the garage, a metal chain, old fashioned dog lead’

Gran and granddad always had dogs.

‘The car, it’s making me feel he had the interest in old fashioned cars, doing them up’

I wouldn’t say he was interested in cars but they had an old Ford Popular which he serviced himself and it had lots of grease nipples underneath which granddad would grease regularly using his pit he had dug out in the garage. 

‘He's just going back to his newspaper, seeing him sitting behind a newspaper, he’s being king of the castle, an Englishman’s home is his castle. I don’t know if it’s him or your dad because I'm getting a pipe and I know there was a picture of him smoking a pipe so I think your dad is there too, they’re both there. Sorry I’m switching from one to the other I think, I'm feeling we’re all good friends on that side and this side, it’s like knights of the round table. And I'm getting those figurines from the fantasy roll playing games, like the wizards, I don’t know if you know what I mean the fantasy roll playing games...’

Me... 'Not really no, not heard of that’

‘Little figures like wizards and mages, you get the same things with war play, soldiers, just imaginative games’

‘They’re just telling me they’ve got loads in store for us, a lot of goodie bags but there’s no hurry because it’ll all keep, it’s like in an enormous fridge behind him, in cold storage. There's no hurry, just enjoy the garden, enjoy pottering, it’s all there and when we are ready, we’ll have a feast’

‘He’s taking me to the tunnels again, there’s something important about the tunnels. It's a dark place to go into but it’s safe. You can allow yourself to just melt and merge and you know that nothing can harm you or disturb you there. And you can stay there as long as you need and you know when you emerge, you’ll emerge to the light again. Tunnels have the same effect as pipes, I don’t know if he’s referring to pipes that you smoke? He’s saying everyone should have a tunnel in their garden, a dark place they can escape too, they can be safe, they can let go, undisturbed, for as long as they need, then emerge again when they’re ready. It feels important that the floor of the tunnel is earth, that connection with earth. It's a bit like birth, being reborn, it’s a womb-like state, so you can go back to the beginning, a safe place, before you emerge to all of the harsh lights, the turmoil and the conflicts, the rough guys which are dominant in the world, so we all need a place to be safe where you don’t hear the crashing and the hubbub and the bombs. When the lights go out you know you’re safe. He's saying don’t belittle the dark, dark is good, dark has a purpose’

There was a tunnel at the top of the garden where they would shelter during World War 2 air raids. Granddad hated loud noises like bombs going on as he suffered from shell shock from the First World War.

Liz later told me she had felt very emotional and felt like crying and a feeling like post-traumatic stress or shellshock.

‘He’s saying candyfloss and sweet things, there’s a lot of candyfloss around but it doesn't keep you safe, it melts and leaves a sweet taste on your tongue but it quickly gets cloying. Going back to square one, to the sightless, formless, soundless, to the ground of being, ground zero, and then you start again, new start, rebirth every day. Life's full of shocks and traumas, full of ups and downs so we all need a safe space to ground again, go back to ground zero. God bless you all, love from granddad, thank you’

Liz thanked everyone who had come forward.

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

238th Sitting 11/03/2021

We had a Zoom meeting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and I tuned in as Liz did the opening prayer.

I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘The way you think alters how you perceive, the way you understand alters how you perceive but you yourself have your way of understanding, your way of bringing information into your mind. Each person is unique, thousands, millions, billions of minds working together in a physical world, a physical landscape mapped out for each and every one of you. Some of you have recognised the importance of using your physical life to build up within yourself a better understanding of yourself, of your world and of life itself. Many still live blindly, go about their daily routines in a hap hazard way but they too are learning, they are experiencing life and by experiencing life you build up within yourself a certain knowledge, something that you can hold on to and develop. You do not need to know all the answers, you merely need to live. Life in a physical world has so much more opportunity. Part of you is living that physical life and part of you is watching yourself. You do not need to know this for your purpose is to live a physical life’

‘The moment you are born you begin to build up within yourself an understanding at your level. Nothing can alter that except for your living experience, you are teaching yourself by observing others and by observing life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Those that share your life, those that live with you, your friends, your relations, they too are living their lives, bringing life into the physical world that you all are a part of’

‘The older you get in a physical world the more tired you become for things have become familiar and you feel there is no more to discover. You see the young children of your world with fresh expressions on their faces for they are about to discover physical life in all its forms. You have much you can give to others, you can help others, you can help them to learn, you can help them to teach themselves. You may have lived your physical life and they may be beginning but you can help them, you can work with them and together a friendship will develop that will create more understanding. Reach out and touch each human being for they are also looking for answers, they have developed their own understanding. Each person in your world...’

For some reason the communication stopped and I lost the connection.

Liz then tuned in to see what she could get...

‘I saw a white-haired gentleman; it was the white hair that got to me, grandfather age and I immediately got Clive Dunn. It's that butchers shop image. Just connecting me with the war, with that period. Getting the name Charles. It's this profusion of white hair and I'm getting a connection with a commercial vehicle, I wanted to turn it into a milk cart or something. A vehicle that was being driven around but not just a car but for carrying things’

Me... ‘Is it a modern vehicle or an old vehicle?’

‘It’s got a cage around it and it’s painted. There's a car part at the front and this lorry part at the back. It's not very big, about the size of a milk cart. When I try to connect with a relationship, I get a knowing, a neighbour, a friend of the family. Something makes me think it’s your grandfather’s age but this feels more local, I get the feeling it’s connected with your mum’s father. Someone is showing me balloons and things connected with family parties, birthday parties, somebody who was present, seeing him wearing a paper hat. This person feels as though he was very humorous, very funny. He’s just giving me a sense of gin. He’s saying why can’t I just be an uncle. Just got a feeling of a tooth pick, he used a tooth pick and he had hearing aids in his ears. He's connected with a grocery store. I seeing old fashioned dust bins and lids, banging the lids down on these dustbins. He's giving me the sense of railway train lines or tram lines. He was around you when you were small, around the area where you lived’

Me... ‘I can’t place him at the moment’

‘Why he reminds me of Clive Dunn is the connection with Dad’s Army and the war, somebody connected with the home guard, that sort of period. He was there during the bombing of Eastbourne, this area’

‘Balloons seem to be important because he’s brought me back to balloons. I’ve got a sense of bee’s wax, furniture polishing, which takes me to church. I think this gentleman just wanted to be remembered, he’s given me the number 61, don’t know if that means anything’

Me... ‘It’s not ringing any bells at the moment’

‘For some reason when you said ringing bells it connected me with girls with pigtails, their hair in plats’

‘When I’m asking him to give you something you can recognise, he’s giving me a lime tree, one of those trees they plant, avenues of them. And an antique car, early old fashioned with a foldable hood and brass mountings, First World War type, really early vehicle. The sort they use for processions and bring out for special occasions. Reminds me of the things you saw at the Queen’s coronation. Got the word Daimler’

‘Just giving me the sense of a very normal life like you might have experienced when you were very little, crossing the road, zebra crossings, school crossings. I'm seeing him standing dressed up in the gear, holding a sign on a zebra crossing’

Me... ‘Like a lollypop man’

‘Yes... he’s giving me the sense that this was a man who liked being around small children, a sort of grandfatherly type, uncular, that was in the neighbourhood’

‘Just got a name, Mr Chapman’

Me... ‘Still none the wiser at the moment’

‘Okay, better say thank you’

‘Just got a sense of a lady coming forward with short dark hair, going grey, steely grey, in her 50s I think. She's wearing a flowery wrap over dress, like an old overall that people used to wear but could be a dress. She's quite thin and wiry, she’s wearing lipstick and showing me a smart black handbag. I feel this lady was a fastidious house-proud person, she liked to look smart when she went out to do the shopping, I don’t think she had a job as such. I feel she had trouble with her teeth. It's almost like there’s two sides to her, she was quite split somehow, two different people. There was some deep unhappiness, a sense of frustration, she didn’t feel fulfilled. She's saying the word Christian, she saw herself as being a Christian. She was raised a Christian. She smoked but she didn’t particularly like it, it was an unhappiness, it bred unhappiness in her, it made her feel that she was dirty somehow, that she wasn’t good enough. She's saying you don’t know what it’s like to have it constantly rubbed in your face and you can’t be just who you are, you’ve got to pretend to be someone else. She’s feeling she had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the world and she didn’t feel very comfortable, all these rules and everything. Got the name Sylvia. She’s mentioning fishes, fish pond. It's like she’s standing at a distance just watching, observing what’s going on. She’s saying this sort of stuff would make her cringe. I don’t know what stir crazy means?’

Me... ‘That’s something about being in prison, isn’t it?’

‘I’m not sure, it brought to my mind someone stirring a pot crazily, ha, ha... But that’s how she felt. It's like she’s worried about her hair, she wants to put slides in it or something to hold it back. She feels plain, not very beautiful. She tried to be a good girl but nothing was good enough, I don’t know why I wasted my life trying to be a good girl, it’s almost like there’s a bit of a hollow laugh there, she’s just coming to terms with it. I feel she would like to get out a cigarette and have a puff because it was that sort of nervous activity that would fill that nagging empty space, it made her feel mean, made her feel niggled, wanting to quibble about things, dissatisfaction, like wanting to nibble at biscuits, anything to take the edge off. She says I couldn’t stand being with myself, I knew there was love around me but I couldn’t really accept it, I couldn’t really open myself to it, I was just locked in. It was nice being able to go out and put a bright face on things, it would take the edge off for a bit. She enjoyed the park and nature but she always felt she had to do her duty but quite what her duty was, it was important to be terribly clean. It's almost like there was a scream inside her, sometimes all the lovely flowers and things she could have just torn them up, she just wanted to let out this big scream. I think she can see now, it’s like she’s just observing and she knows there are good people out there and she knows she’s alright. It's like she was two people and now she’s the person that she should be or can be, I’m going to say to her thank you’ 

‘She’s just put into my head the Rheidol Valley which is in Wales, a Welsh connection. I’m just seeing around my left wrist a gold bracelet, chain link bracelet. She’s taking me back to teeth, worried about teeth. I’m going to ask for healing for you. Another name popped into my head, Margery. I’m feeling this lady was a grandmother, there was some fondness for the grandchildren, seeing two girls. I’m going to say thank you to her, love and blessings to her and I hope you get that dark place in you filled with light now, we send you all of light and know there are healers in spirit, there’s plenty of help and support and I know you’re going to be fine and all that unhappiness can be shed, you can see it for what it was and be yourself again, love and blessing, thank you for making your appearance’

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

237th Sitting 02/03/2021

We had another Zoom sitting.

Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I began to tune in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘All answers are followed by more questions, more enquiries, for there is never a satisfactory answer. Answers seem to partially answer the question, your question, for your question was created by you and you have already in your mind created an answer, an answer that has come to you. When you ask your questions you are really asking yourself, for you have all the answers if only you were to look inside of yourself, beyond your thoughts, beyond your beliefs, beyond your fears. At the core of your being there is available all the knowledge that you need, all the answers that you need but you as a physical form have been put in this world to experience for yourself, to work at discovering knowledge by experience, by your reactions to daily life and by how you interpret that life. You are a free spirit; you can go wherever you wish and your mind can take you to wherever you wish. A part of you is always looking for new experiences’ 

‘Try to change the way you think, try to change your life, change the way you act and your knowledge will grow. You have formed a habit in your life of looking at things in a particular way, of understanding things in a particular way but that habit can be broken. Listen to yourself as you live your life, see how you repeat, see how you stick to old ideas and then experiment with yourself, try something new. Do something that you would not normally wish to do. This will give you greater experience, this will widen your perception of life. It will help you to understand others for they have their own ideas, they have their own habits and like you they stick to those habits. You cannot change them but you can change yourself and in changing yourself you will understand those who are close to you, who live their lives with you and together more opportunities will develop’

‘There is only one thing holding you back and that is you yourself. Your whole physical life is an experiment and all experiments can be tweaked. You have nothing to lose and you have so much more to gain by changing yourself, tweaking your habits, bringing new ideas and a fresh approach to all situations. As you work with yourself to change yourself more opportunities will be presented to you to help, to help with this change. For as you change yourself your reality changes and your reality will be full of opportunities to help you widen your understanding without the restrictions of familiar habits’

‘Your world was created by minds the same as yours so you too can create, you too can do anything that you can think of, that you can imagine. Do not restrict yourself, live your life fully and all will benefit. Thank you, thank you my dear friend. Please continue your experiments, learn from your experiments, become something new, something positive, something that will help all of consciousness, all of life. Be the light in a dark world and you will attract other lights. Thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Then Liz tuned in...

‘I’ve got a young man, he feels like he is 19, early 20s, quite young, that’s how I’m seeing him. Dark curly hair, quite short, cropped, sticking up. He's reminding me of a French lad that I knew, but I'm also getting a sense of the war, planes, aeroplanes but with round marks on the end of the wings, biplanes, so rather ancient planes, makes me feel this lad was a pilot. I’m getting your name connected with it, Pettitt side of the family, feeling like great uncle, that type of relation’

‘This young man feels full of hope and energy and the plane feels very prominent, I feel he was at the beginning of his life, branching out and this plane was almost bigger than him. Don’t know why he’s giving me the Normandy feeling, that might be a red herring but I originally got a sense of camel, which makes me feel he had a connection with the East or some campaign that was in the East, in a desert, you don’t find camels in Europe. I’m getting a sense of a shovel, digging, sand bags’

I think ‘camel’ could be a reference to a Sopwith Camel which was a single seat fighter biplane used in the first world war and not Liz's interpretation connecting it with the East.

‘He’s giving me a sense of a trophy; I can’t tell if it’s a photograph or an enlarged version of a badge but it’s coloured, could be something you hang on a wall, a mark of honour, green and blue colour in it, like a shield. He says I was proud to fight. It’s taking me to that poem by Yates... an Irish airman foresees his death amongst the clouds... He’s giving me the sense of a school tie, black and white stripes, old school tie. I feel school and learning must have been important to him. I'm seeing waves of the sea, looking at the waves quite close but from above so I don’t know if he landed in the sea? Last ditch. He's giving me the sense of a parachute but I’m seeing it trailing, it wasn’t really open’

‘Saying something about home comforts. It just feels that he was still a lad, I don’t know if he’s been around you as I’ve got that sense of the Robinson's marmalade with the gollywog on it. It just makes me feel he was identifying with you somehow. He's just put in my mind the idea of a swan song. Lonely tumult of delight, it’s just bringing me to that poem of Yates... that I shall find my fate somewhere among the clouds above, those that I fight I do not hate but those that I serve I do not love but the end is a lonely tumult of delight drove this impulse, lonely impulse of delight drove to this tumult in the clouds... He’s just giving me this incredible sense of hope of opening out but there’s the trophy, there was a trophy connected with it. He feels a very optimistic and open young man. He wants to hold a candle up to you, something to do with a candle. He wants to pass this baton on to you, pass this impulse on to you, this feeling of optimism and I think he’s with you, that he gives you that. It's almost like he’s part of you but he’s taking me to an inkwell again, schooling things, he was interested in learning, would have gone to university but the universe is a university’

The Robinson’s marmalade/gollywog is a connection to my dad’s parents. My granddad was in the first world war but he didn’t fly aeroplanes and he lived into his 70s. He had one brother but he also lived into his 70s. Maybe this is someone my granddad knew at the time?

I've just asked my brother and like me he said granddad never mentioned anything about planes. He went on to say the only person with an interest in planes was dad and he built a model Sopwith Camel.

‘Getting a feeling of rhododendrons in my mind, very large bushes, reminds me of a large vicarage where we used to live, country estates and parks. I’m seeing black birds like rooks flying, I think he wants to get out his binoculars and watch. He gives me this sense of spaciousness and openness in everything he’s showing me and it’s now taking me to tents and it feels like the dessert again, dessert snakes in the sand. I'm thinking of the pyramids, don’t know if this is Egypt way? He’s making me feel something about the Nomadic life, the Nomads and Arabs appealed to him. I'm feeling he was actually there briefly. Now I'm seeing quite a lot of people with turbans and checked head gear. Khaki uniform and leather. He's taking me to an experience of the night sky, that incredible black sky with stars, it’s like he was in love with that landscape too, a richness, a complete contrast, very bright the light there’ 

‘I'm trying to find out why he’s there with you and it’s like a baton race, passing a baton down the ages and he’s passed it to you. It's this sense of wonder and exploration, it’s that that he shares with you, the opening out into invisible places. I get a sense from him, I was cut off before my time but that time carries on, it was very rich, a concentrated sweet experience of life, really sharp focus’

‘I'm just looking into a rhododendron flower again, and again it’s like sharp focus, I'm seeing like the bee in the flower. He's saying delight in everything in nature, every living thing around you in every opportunity, a bit like what you were saying, he’s affirming that, to rejoice, this narrow band of opportunity we have with sharp focus. To delight the senses, to delight the spirit, a bit like in Blake’s poem... to see the world in a grain of sand or eternity in an hour... To turn up the resolution in your seeing, in your being and you don’t need the binoculars to do that, you just need to be completely present with every opportunity, every incident that is offered to you, to be completely there, to take in and digest every facet that is incredibly intricate and a beautiful pageant, but you are exploring in every moment and that seeing, that delight, that intensity of experience and emotion coming together. It lasts because it’s obviously still with him, he’s able to convey it somehow, I can feel that freshness, it’s as if he can still live it, he can still reconnect with that experience because it’s almost like an artist who has painted something beautiful they see, and that immortalises it and other people can see it. So it is for him that that intensity of life, because he was open hearted in his experience of his life and full of optimism, full of all that incredible wonder and sense of intrepid exploration that it glazed itself on his inward eye, the imagination, on his spirit so it’s there like an everlasting picture’

‘I just get the feeling from this beautiful lad that a short life well lived can feel as eternal, as bright as a long life where you don’t experience, you just drudge along without experiencing anything intensely and that just dissolves like cotton wool into the grey sludge. It's like he’s waving but he gives me the impression it’s a red flag he’s waving. Red is for life, not danger. They say you wave a red flag to a bull to make it charge, so it’s like he’s daring, daring to live. I dare you he’s saying, and what do you risk losing when you know you don’t lose your life because you carry on and he discovered that’

‘Thank you so much for your presence and message, that’s beautiful that you’ve shared that and that sheer poetry of your being. It's very good to know that you’re around, love and blessings to you’

‘He's bringing my attention back to the medals or trophies, something that will help you connect to him. I'm seeing them smaller now but ornate and there's a silver cup amongst them with a marble base’

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...