We had another Zoom meeting from our homes.
Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.
At 2pm Liz did an opening prayer then started to tune in.
This is what came through plus my notes that I did afterwards...
‘I feel I’ve got your dad here; he’s got a lawn mower. He’s dressed up as Father Christmas, prancing around with a white beard, larger than life. He’s wearing a flat cap, a tweed jacket’
I don’t recall dad dressing up as Father Christmas or wearing a flat cap or tweed jacket. But it does remind me of the band ‘Spike Jones and his City Slickers’ which was a favourite of my dad’s and he got me interested in them too.
‘He’s counting out something, dominos, adding things up, adding numbers together, doing accounts. He’s saying not to worry it’ll all add up, he’s bushing them aside saying got that one over’
I’ve recently been going through a pile of his accounts that he did when he was self-employed. I’ve been removing all the addresses before throwing them away but I kept a couple of books listing all the magic shows he had done.
‘He’s going on to a chess game, showing me a king, saying the quietest member is the most important one, he doesn't actually do much, make many moves, keeps still a lot of the time but is the most important one for him to endure. All the others move around a lot. He’s central, almost a passive figure but his being there is essential to the whole game and if he’s over looked, if he’s struck out, the game finishes quickly. It’s important for the other pieces to support him. It's the black and white game. He’s talking about polarising forces, connected with the time we’re living in, with the Covid. There’s a lot of opposing forces, which is why it's important, and why he wanted us to come together, to support those very important but passive players, that the spiritual friends are around them. We need to support each other because their ability to endure through this period is a prime importance, so the game won’t be lost, the game of the spiritual beings’
Interesting that he uses chess as a metaphor for this message as he loved playing chess and taught my brother and I to play it when we were young.
‘He’s putting a crown on his own head, he really does like galivanting around in different disguises, Tweedledum and Tweedledee’
Sounds like Spike Jones again.
‘He’s mentioning Corinthians... I think he’s brought that in because he knows several people recently have tried to tell me that dealing with spirits is wrong because it says so in the bible but there’s something in Corinthians which says it’s okay discerning spirits, especially when you recognise them... He’s put the image of a daisy just above my head which makes me think that Travis is around. I think he must be communicating with Travis somehow, or Travis is helping him, it’s like he’s holding a wheelbarrow and Travis has been helping him weeding the garden, cultivating the garden, getting things organised in his spirit garden’
The bit about Corinthians sounds more like something Travis would say, not my dad.
‘Betty or Betsy. He’s dragging a dog by the collar, a studded collar, he’s wanting him to come forward to show you but I’m not sure he was that fond of dogs, not so much affection on his part for dogs. A whitish dog, smooth, a studded red collar, sat on a cushion in a basket’
Don’t recognise the names or the dog but it’s true he wasn’t that fond of dogs.
‘Pigeons, birds, he preferred birds’
Yes, he liked birds. There were nesting seagulls each year on the chimney of the house at the bottom of his garden and he loved seeing the babies coming out the nest walking up and down the roof. He spent his last few days in a bed in the back room where he could see them as it was the time of year the babies were venturing out the nest.
‘He’s bringing through a lady, quite small in the background. Might be your mother. Hair quite short, close to head, straight. Quite slim, tiny, looks like your gran. She’s frying chips. I’m asking her to come closer but getting an image of banana skins, slippery, a bit difficult. He’s holding her hand and she’s wearing a thimble on her finger, she wants to darn something, like socks or holes in a pullover. Getting a sense of silver with her, a silvery energy around her. Your dad feels denser, she feels lighter’
Mum wasn’t slim or tiny and I wouldn’t say her hair was short or straight but the rest sounds like her.
‘A sense of flowers with her, she’s wearing something flowery like a dress. She’s giving me a sense of a silver bracelet; Sarah has it and she’s very pleased about that. She loves all the flowers that are around you’
Yes, mum loved flowers and we certainly do have lots of flowers around us both in the house and in the garden. We have mum’s charm bracelet; it’s not made of silver but is a silver metal. We keep it on top of a cabinet and a while ago noticed it had gone. Sarah has been looking for it and found it in a box recently.
‘I’m getting a word terrine, a dish of some sort... jellied eels, things in a jelly... a witch's hat, she was a witch to your dad’s wizard act on stage, although she wasn’t there, she was in a sense the witch part of it but she never showed that part of herself. She’s showing images of you growing up, Noddy, cars, sand castles... Camber Sands'
We used to have holidays at Pontins when I was young and there is a Pontins at Camber Sands.
‘Getting a sense of a van with you dad doing plumbing type jobs which coincides with a holiday’
Yes, dad had a van for work but not sure how it coincides with a holiday.
Don't recognise this name.
Sarah has been buying wallflowers recently.
‘Your mum gave me a message for you of sweeping everything clean. It’s something she had to do but it’s from moment to moment. Not talking about domestic things but about the mind, she’s developing a clarity, it’s so nice to be clear. It's not the physical clutter around you it’s the mental clutter, the worries, fears, concerns, that go round and round in your head and it’s just so nice to be free of all that, like it’s been washed through. Your dad is still arranging and planning things, he’s very committed to working still, but he’s also having fun. He's patting her hand, they had something that had to be reconciled and are working on it. They are recognising each other in spirit and want me to know that who you really are shines through, where there’s love that is what you fall in love with but other things get in the way, all the rubbish that fills your life but the spark that brings you together is the recognition of the real person. I think that’s what she meant by the putting on of the witches’ hat, she was an enchantress and he was an enchanter, I think she was his muse deep down’
Mum was very much a worrier and would be pleased to be free of that.
‘I have the feeling Travis is there in the background facilitating this, pleased to be able to do this and knows it’s important for you. He’s doing the orchestra thing again, creating a symphony for us, this is just the overture, he’s working on it, there’s more to this than you could ever believe, more possibilities’
‘I asked Travis if he can give me a clue, something that Daisy is doing at the moment, something we can check... I just got stripy trousers, vertical stripes, white and navy blue, a bit like clown’s trousers, baggy trousers... thank you, we can ask Daisy... He’s giving me a tankard, drinking beer with friends... He’s showing himself sitting in an office at a desk with a telephone saying something about a garden, a gardener, a pond with a duck. Seeing a long pipeline, he’s talking about flow, I need to get more flow’
Update... Daisy told us her mama and brother had bother passed this month. Drinking beer could be Travis celebrating with her brother and her mama was a keen gardener but she was clueless about the stripy trousers and thinks it could be a clue for the future.
‘Florid or Florence, connected with healing, Florence Nightingale... it’s like a flow of healing, a fountain of healing we can tap into and they can pour through us. The more we attune the more they can bring this through. He’s showing that the connections we have are going to enable us much more to be effective with healing in so many ways and it’s the light that’s like water. That's the importance of keeping the daily connection, the more we do that the easier it is to get the flow through. When we first start the pipe isn’t opened, the pressure hasn’t built up but as we relax more it becomes more flexible and can allow more water through, more light through. They have to help with controlling the energy because you can’t put too much through, you can actually burst if there are blockages, cause a rupture which is why you have to ease it through, adjust the flow and this is from the spirit side of the work. Don't expect big flows, don’t expect the miracles of Jesus straight away. We have to work on a little each day and that flow becomes easier and easier, we’re able to take more pressure, but miracles can still happen... this is going to be like the crescendo of his symphony, he’s seeing what’s possible. It's more than he imagined, his connection with The Diamond now has opened the floodgates for him. He knows that we know, that's why he wants to help us because he realised that we got it and he can see the value and because Daisy is involved in healing. He knows the truth of it and wants to be part of it, he’s walking the path, the path least trodden. It's a crazy path like crazy paving, he says that’s okay, you’ve got to be a bit crazy to do this stuff because it defies our reason, our human logic, you’ve got to be loony. Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle... He’s putting doves all around us’
Liz thanked those who had worked with us then it was my turn and after about a minute the communication began...
‘Take your time, do not rush, do not try to bring all that is there through for you as a singular instrument can only work with one frequency, one channel. There are many wires connecting you to spirit. Each wire is treated individually. Use your mind to focus on one wire, one input and rely on the others to build on that one input. You are tuned into many things at one time. It is your job to separate, it is your job to see through all of the inputs, find the appropriate input, that what will cause the others to build. Eventually you will be a part of all of those wires, all of those inputs, they will be connected to you and you will be reaching out to each individual, receiving messages, receiving words, interpreting those words, interpreting those messages. It is a wonderful opportunity to give to others, to bring through messages for others, a form of healing, a form of comfort, a form of reassurance. Each communication brings with it a voice, a hidden voice. You are discovering that voice, you are allowing that voice to be heard. See yourself as a conductor, each instrument in your orchestra can be brought through singularly or you can light up each instrument and beautiful music will be played. Each instrument is waiting for you to recognise it and when you do allow it to play do not let your own thoughts interfere with the music, allow the music to play through you and as it plays it will build in power and a new tune will be created in the minds of those who hear it, spreading the message that there is more, there is a larger reality, a place where memories can be shared and new thoughts can be created. Where everything is evolving, everything is drawing closer to perfect loving harmonious conditions. You play your part and we will react, we will become a part of you as you have become a part of us’
‘There is a greater message to be shared, you are playing your part in allowing that message to come through step by step in your own way. You are opening up the lifelines to a greater message... thank you’
Before the communication started Liz saw an old lady with grey hair on the computer screen next to me then she disappeared. She felt to Liz like a teacher or someone who had been connected with a circle. She felt she was there as an instructress, had a lovely feeling and reminded Liz of someone she’s always known.