We had another Zoom Sitting.
Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did an opening prayer while I tuned in and was soon controlled.
The connection felt strong as the communication began...
‘Everything comes for a reason. You are developing a connection with a larger audience. Imagine them all seated around you waiting for their turn to speak. They have to rely on you to give them that mouthpiece, to allow them to say what they want to say. You have developed up to a point and you will continue to develop and as you develop each connection will grow stronger, you will let go and allow that what comes to you to burst forth, to bring through words, words that can be understood, can be recognised and words that will generate love in the hearts of those who receive them. All mediumship is a form of healing and in healing it reaches the hearts of those who feel confused and in their confusion they feel sadness for those who have left their physical world. Each form of mediumship plays its part in alleviating that sadness, in bringing joy into the hearts of those who feel they have been left behind. It gives them the understanding that those who have left their world are still very much a part of their lives. They begin to see the connection; they begin to feel the connection. As they hear the messages so it strengthens their own connection for they no longer believe that they are far away, they now have that truth in their mind that they are close and they can be contacted’
‘Mediumship is a wonderful tool throughout your world and as you reach a time in your world, a time where the science of your world begins to shake off its beliefs, begins to see a clearer model of a reality that contains more than just physical matter, a reality that can be sensed beyond the physical senses, a reality that is fundamental, fundamental in the production of life. They will see the small part they play in a physical world and the greater part they play in the spiritual vibrations. Mediumship contributes to the overall understanding, the development of understanding throughout your world. Those in search of answers tread many paths. They may tread the scientific path, they may tread the artistic path, they may not know where to look but within your world there are many pockets of development in many areas and as somebody begins to look for greater understanding they will be nudged into situations where they will hear, where they will see evidential communication, something which will widen their understanding, widen their perspective on the meaning of life. There are many beliefs in your world and each leads to a solid truth. Do not worry about the details, the details are not important. What is important is how you feel. You will know when you are facing the truth and you will understand the confusions that lead to that truth. For nothing is written in stone, everything is developing and as life develops you also develop and you find new answers to new questions. Keep asking those questions, keep questioning the answers, do not believe and you will know’
‘A brighter world awaits you; a stronger understanding awaits you; you are doing the work and you will reap the benefits in all that you do, thank you, thank you my dear friend and continue your wonderful experiment’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend, that’s very affirming’
I soon felt back with it then Liz began to tune in...
‘I seem to be getting a lesson in percussion, I got an accordion first of all which I connected with your dad, then I got an image of a banana boat and felt your dad behind me making some slightly ironic remark on a boat and then playing percussion with sticks, could be a xylophone, being noisy. Says he just wants a voice’
Dad had a habit of tapping the table with his fingers and hands at meal time. There was a particular beat he used to do with one hand turning over and then back again. He told me his grandad used to do it and I copied him and still do it now myself sometimes.
‘It’s almost like he’s wrapping me in a fur rug’
My dad came through to Liz earlier talking about being wrapped in cotton wool and this gave Liz a feeling of vertigo and she also felt this when he came through strongly during one of our Zoom sittings recently. The fur rug could symbolise a rug of protection for her.
‘He put an image of a bear in my head, like a bear hug’
‘He just put the image in my head of a tooth brush and a beaker, looks like a child’s toothbrush, the beaker is patterned. Could be connected with when you were little, a memory. It's to do with habits, you learned habits when you were little that last with you for life, you hope to keep your teeth for life. It makes me feel he lost his teeth’
Dad didn’t lose his teeth but teeth make me think of two things. Brenda told me she cleaned his teeth just after he died and the other thing is, I’ve had a couple of bits break off my teeth recently but don’t think I need a dentist as there’s no pain, maybe I should go?
‘Comfort, cold comfort. I think that was what he was telling me before, all the fussing and attention, wrapping in cotton wool, it’s cold comfort, what you are losing. I don’t think he could say how he was feeling, being an invalid, wrapped in cotton wool, needing all that care. It was a loss of self-respect I think, a loss of potency. I think that’s why he wants to shout and make a noise now. He's got his energy back, saying something like a radio broadcast that it’s not the end. I don’t think he wants to be remembered for that being in cotton wool, it’s undignified’
He never talked to me about how he was feeling towards the end but I could tell he was in a lot of pain. He was very frustrated about not being able to do the things he used to do but again hid his emotions and put on a brave face.
‘He’s giving me a sense of a zoo or animal park. I seem to be in front of the monkey cage feeding the monkeys. Maybe that’s where the banana boat came in?’
I have a memory of when we were young visiting Longleat Safari Park and the monkeys did some damage to the wipers on the car.
‘He’s taking me back to the Chatterjee and the feeling that the monkey mind can make a silk turban out of a sow's ear.
‘There's something forming in the back of my mind, it’s like a sign at a station, seeing it in green and white, connected with a railway, a station. I'm standing at a platform looking at this sign, I can’t read what’s on the sign. Into my head came the idea of Brighton. I’ve got paint brushes; he wants to paint something. With this big brush it’s like painting on a wall ‘pick of the day’ it’s like the highlights of the day, things that stand out’
One of dads specialities was being able to say the word Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and when in Wales on holiday we went to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch train station and dad bought a platform ticket which was extra-long. When Liz said Brighton and then got paint brushes I thought he was going to paint over the word Brighton as it was wrong. It was like he was playing a trick knowing that Liz probably wouldn’t get Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch and if she did she won’t be able to say it!!!
‘He's giving me the feeling of a cat, reminding me of a tortoiseshell cat we used to have. A feeling of a cat being very peaceful, very restful, very present. Feline. Serendipity. The moving finger writes and having written moves on... Chance encounters, chance happenings, spirit led. The idea that fate, you can’t change things, you can’t adjust, there is such a thing as serendipity which is like luck, which can shift things. But like the cat you have to be aware, you have to notice them, you have to be alert. Just minor adjustments can be made by these serendipitous events, things that come into your life, chance encounters, meetings that can cause a subtle change, help to change circumstances, change the way you think, the way you feel, the way you act. Getting a feeling like a village jumble sale, a fete, different stalls selling different things. You come across something you hadn’t expected to see, something unanticipated. You go along to an event like that and something seemingly random catches your attention and hooks you, could be a book, could be an object. He's showing me a train, a model train, quite large. That chance purchase can have long term unanticipated effects, serendipitous purchase’
‘I keep feeling him with the grandchildren, I think he had great affection, feeling that moulding of children, how the little things that you introduce into their lives with children can shape their futures in so many ways, their interests, their direction’
Yes, he loved the grandchildren and was pleased that one of them became interested in magic.
‘We don’t even remember how habits were formed, they start very early on, they shape our life, and I'm sensing they even shape your afterlife except things grow bigger, expand. As I said the word expand, I asked Michael to give me something and it turned into rubber band, stretching, there’s a lot about stretching and I think the idea is not to get tied up in the tricks, in the habits, keep stretching and going beyond because the habits lock you in even after death but you begin to see more of the opportunities’
‘I’m seeing a bar and a liquor store, it’s a limited scene but there’s so much more. Giving me that image of the sun, like it’s in the corner of the screen but it’s a prominent force, effect, that light’
‘Got the name Henry, John Henry’
Dad’s mother came through to me in a séance about 15 years ago and mentioned an Uncle Henry who I couldn’t place at the time but found him later on the family tree one generation above my gran so it was her uncle. Not sure about the John though.
‘Seeing a great big gate to a field, like a hurdle that has to be overcome, got over. Before you can leap over and go to the sun it’s like there’s something beyond and there’s a bit of a barrier before you can get to that, to the sun. Just seeing birds, magpies in the field, black and white birds. That’s interesting, the words earlier were going through my mind, a poem by Rumi... Out beyond ideas of rightdoing or wrongdoing there is a field, I'll meet you there... The black and white is the human judgment of negative and positive, good and bad, the way we categorise things’
‘He just put in my mind the idea of mustard, I don’t know if it’s like mustard and cress growing in the field or the word must, you must do this you must do that’
This could be a memory for me as I have never liked mustard but dad loved it and used it a lot.
‘I'm sensing the broadening out, the stretching is to do with going beyond the limitations of the confines of our thinking, our habits, good and bad, must and should, prerogatives’
‘Now he’s putting on his wizard’s hat. It's got suns and moons and stars on it. Saying I want a bit of magic. Sooty bear and Sweep. He’s wanting to go beyond; he’s seen the possibilities but still a little bit stuck with the habits of a lifetime and not quite over the effects of the last few years. Just showing me fences. A crust of bread, having to earn your crust of bread. Don’t worry about where the next morsel of food is coming from, the universe will provide. Perhaps he did in his life and that’s a habit. To realise you don’t have to worry about those things must be wonderful. I’m seeing all these fences and it’s like you still have to... these fences are connected to all these habits and conditioning. You don’t just drop them just like that, you do carry them with you’
‘He’s gone back to the toothpaste again, it’s like a plastic cup with flowers on it, might be a girl’s one, it’s got pink and yellow flowers on it, it’s pale blue and it’s for putting the toothpaste and toothbrush in. There's some significance, don’t know if it’s for you, Brenda or the grandchildren. He’s giving me the image of a pansy. And now an image of cowboys’
‘I sense he wanted you to be the masculine image of the male, all the things that men like doing and overlooked the more sensitive side, the female aspect, the emotional side, and he’s realising that. A side he suppressed in himself, it came out in different ways and maybe he urged you to suppress that other side of your nature. He can see that that in a way limited you. So he’s giving me the girlie images and then juxtaposing those with the cowboy, rough and ready blokey type. I think he had to keep that suppressed in himself, back then, during the war it was frowned on, effeminate men, nowadays it’s... He’s giving me the words systematic error... my feeling is it’s related to upbringing and training which subverts, causes malfunction. He’s giving me the word tearful, to cry. He says it makes you dull if you have to suppress those things, dulls you down’
Dad did suppress his sensitive side to me and my brother. Brenda told me that he got upset about trivial things during the last few years of his life and often cried.
‘Getting the diamond image’
‘I’m saying to him I know you are trying to not overwhelm my energy, putting that blanket round me but I’m asking him to come closer so I can feel more clearly what he’s trying to convey. The minute I said that I begin to feel, I get that tinge of vertigo, he just has to tread carefully, sorry... ha, ha, he’s giving me the image of a great big bear, ha, ha... he’s saying I'm much too delicate, like a porcelain doll’
‘Keep getting daisy, daisy, images of daisy so I don’t know if Travis is there in the background, working at it, trying to adjust, thank you Travis, we can all work together I'm sure. Just popped into my mind the image of Rupert Bear and his little friend, they always had adventures together. Now I've got the word Shen, that’s interesting, Shen is the name I have for one of my guides, Tibetan or Chinese. That’s interesting referring to Rupert and his little Chinese friend, female friend. I think he’s just there affirming that the adventures will take us to a higher place, a place in the clouds with the teachings and for Michael too, all of us, we have helpers’
‘I'm going to say now I think that’s enough, we have Shen, the Diamond and Travis, lots of helpers, all those fences are going to melt away and we will make it into the sun, into that great light, the spiritual journey we are all beginning on together and hopefully teaching and a lot more will come through’
Liz thanked all our friends and did a closing prayer.
We sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...