This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

226th Sitting 04/12/2020

We had a Zoom meetup and Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did an opening prayer then I went first.

After a few minutes I started to be controlled and the communication began...

‘Each day of your life is an open book. Fill that book with experience, for that book will develop into an open book of knowledge, knowledge gained from experience. That knowledge is required for without knowledge you have no means of interpreting information given to you. Each time you feel yourself developing within yourself you will know that you have gained more knowledge, more experience. Life is experience and you live that life day by day knowing that you are drawing closer to the true you, that what guides you, that what is inside of you trying to burst out. You are growing, you are becoming more and you are gathering experience and knowledge. As an individual in a world of physical matter you have nothing to fear. Your fears are created by yourself. Try to find those fears and extinguish those fears for they are not required, they are not a part of you. You have seen fears come and go but those that you cling to are not necessary. As you grow you will see how futile fears can be, they have no purpose other than to blind you to your true self. Your physical world was designed to give you the opportunity to rid yourself of those fears, but it is also the reason for those fears, for you feel alone, you do not feel that connection with all of life until you have developed more, until you have grown. You are all working on yourselves and together you are creating a vibration throughout your world which will help you to grow. As you grow your world grows and becomes an environment in which you will find no need for fears but fears still come and go. Try to understand the effect of fears on yourself, recognise that effect and try to understand why. You have all the time in the world to work on those fears and you will be helped but ultimately it is you who makes the choices, who chooses to change yourself or stay the same. You look back on your life and you see the mistakes you have made and yet at that time those mistakes were the choices that you made. See how you have grown; see how you have developed and be joyous in the knowledge that as you grow your life will become so much brighter’

‘You are being watched, you are watched by yourself, that part of you with one foot in the physical and one foot in the spiritual. It is a part of you and can be lived. You as an individual can access all of you, all that exists. Allow yourself to be receptive to that what connects you to the spiritual world for that is you. There is no break between the two worlds, they are one, you merely shield yourself from the spiritual world with your own beliefs. Allow your beliefs to crumble and allow your mind to expand and you will see the true makeup of yourself, of your consciousness and how it connects to all of life. Take yourself out of yourself and see the world in all of its true beauty, devoid of beliefs, devoid of expectations. Allow your world to present itself to you, do not present it to yourself from within, thank you my dear friend’

Then Liz tuned in to see what she could get...

‘I got a name Terry and I felt the presence of a red-haired boy, ginger haired, a bit like Dennis the Menace...’ 

My wife and I were talking about her uncle Terry today who died in his 50s. He had a childish character, a bit of a practical joker like Dennis the Menace and had ginger hair.

‘...but I’ve got a man with greyish hair, thinning on top. I'm seeing him with a roundish face and the hair is thin and smoothed on top, he’s reminding me of my Sunday School teacher, a very kind person but I think this is your grandfather on your mum’s side. He’s a bit fingers and thumbs today, that’s the feeling I'm getting, he’s around his greenhouse again. He wants to put gloves on, with holes, with the fingers cut out. A sense of snow coming’

Maybe just a coincidence but I wore my gloves for the first time this winter today but they don’t have holes for the fingers 

‘He’s giving me a sense of a robin, a round robin. A glass of sherry, something to warm you. A pearl earring or a pearl’

Robins and sherry are good but I can’t be sure about pearls or pearl earrings.

‘A bicycle, propped up against his greenhouse’

I remember finding an old bike propped up against the wall in his cellar which he let me have. It had an extra-large tyre on the back which I thought looked good and fitted it to my bike. I also cut off the front forks and had them welded to the front forks on my bike turning it into a ‘chopper’ bike.

‘Cabbages... reminds me of a boy I knew who had a deformed ear, a cauliflower ear. He’s saying there are some days when you’re feeling all fingers and thumbs, can’t get things quite right, fumbling, a feeling of being old, he felt that, trying to keep going, giving me a sense of himself shuffling in his carpet slippers’

‘He’s giving me a sense that he might have smoked cigarettes at some point, but he put them away in the dustbin, they deserved to go in the dustbin’

Yes, he smoked rollups, I used to be fascinated watching him roll cigarettes and he had loads of tobacco tins which he used to put odds and ends in. I can’t remember if he gave them up or not.

‘He’s polishing windows, maybe a metaphor for not clouding your vision. Seeing him inside the greenhouse cleaning the windows, they’re getting all misted up, everything’s getting misted up. He’s giving me a sense of warmth, warmth of the sun. I think he’s talking about the transition from when he was old and getting cloudy, his vision of the world was getting cloudy, impaired and it was like stepping out into the warm sunshine after a cold spell, that was what dying was like, a release into spring again, into the summer, being young again. He's saying that fear of terminal decline, getting stiffer, all fingers and thumbs with the vision clouding, it’s just part of the fading away and not to be afraid of that, not to fear that because sooner or later you step out of that, that is not an intrinsic part of you, that old age. Realise you can step out of that into the Summerland. He's showing me the bright coloured wall flowers and spring flowers, watering them. Getting a feeling of that Ford car of his again. He’s giving me the impression of planting again, new growth, new plants. I'm surprised to see him planting a new vegetable patch but it’s that feeling that if you don’t see the fruits as you decline you lose connection with the fruits of your labour. You don’t stop in the Summerland; you carry on where you left off in your prime. It's a letting go, there’s a necessary period before you die of letting go, you have to let go of the physical before you can enter into the new phase, this new field and then the work carries on, the things you really love like the car, the planting, the growing things, if that’s what you like, that’s what you do. It's like your gran is behind him with the tea towel, it’s almost like they’ve recreated their life in a way that they shared but it’s somehow got larger because the area he’s planting feels more like a field’ 

‘He's putting an image in my head of coils of rope, a sense of a boat, the coils of rope to tether it is a safety device when you set out on the sea, to make sure you can still get back to where you came from. I think that’s a fear that if you set out you might not be able to get back, you might get lost. That safety rope is a devise to keep you tethered. The coils of rope keep you tethered to the physical and they are there because of the fear of letting go, going free, risking the journey on the sea of spirit. Your grandfather is saying look at me I can come back, I passed over but I haven’t actually gone, I'm not lost’ 

‘I've got a lady, quite thin, large spectacles, dark rims. She’s got a darkish skin, slightly olive, Mediterranean feel. She was around in the 60s, maybe a little earlier. Might have been involved in spiritual work as a teacher, a piano, a waiting room like a school room or surgery. I feel this was a lady who was quite firm and strict and had clear boundaries, quite efficient but pleasant, stern but not someone to be afraid of. She could be very kind. Plum pudding. She’s got an auntie feeling about her. A dog with her, black scotty dog. I think she knew you when you were little, do you have an aunt that fits that description?’

Me... ‘No, I can’t place her at the moment’

‘Could have been a nursery teacher or an early teacher, I see toys around her but she has an auntie feeling about her, it’s almost like you were one of her little charges, maybe she treated all children like family? There’s Christmas parties, picture books, stories, things that stimulate children’s imagination. She’s showing me a particular story with a wolf in it like Little Red Riding Hood, scary stories that children have, children being magicked away and little boys with their heads chopped off, children being treated badly, wicked witches, the big bad wolf. But these are all offset by the gingerbread house, the plum pudding, the Christmas presents and the parties, all these are elements of the nursery school, the early learning. Early imagination is being fed with on the one hand the gingerbread house but the fears associated with it with the witch that tries to push the children in the oven. Hand in hand with the enchanted wood and the benevolence of Little Red Riding Hood taking goodies to her grandma is the deviousness of cunning human nature that wants to steal the life and the beauty, wants to seize it and corrupt it and take it away, wants to harm and distort. These are the elements that are built into the psyche, little children and then these are there in the world, the fairy stories prepare you for the real world where there is much good but also much evil, there are good intentions and bad intentions. I'm just seeing the word discernment, as you grow up you discern true intention to steer your course. But there’s always the fairy godmother. It's like Hansel and Gretel where they’re sensible and they have a coloured string so they can retrace their path so that they know where they are. Safety devises, knowing that you can outwit the evil intent when you recognise it but the real danger is in not recognising. And that was a teaching that there were so many strategies for overcoming the negative pull of the dark side, recognising it for what it is, like the wolf dressed up in the grandmother’s clothing has bad intention and so you are able to take action then and there is always help once you recognise. Red Riding Hood called for the woodcutter who rescued her from the wolf. Knowing that you can call on your guardian angel, your fairy godmother, your genie, your Jesus, your healer for help in every situation where you recognise there’s something not right, something wrong, some danger that you can solicit this help. The pathway for overcoming fears is actually written into that early learning but children often remember just the scary bits’ 

‘This lady keeps showing me herself at a piano, a keyboard. Corn or cornfield. Seeing a playground with games children used to play, hopscotch. She was connected with early schooling; she wants me to say the word joy, a joy in teaching those malleable minds. Feeding the sparrows. She looks like the mother of the Wooden Tops, showing me a train journey, I think she moved away, she was relatively young. I'm asking her to give me something you would definitely recognise and I get the word gloria, a word you sing in hymns and Christmas songs. She’s giving me a sense of a purring cat, a ginger and white cat. A school playground. She could even have been a dinner lady. I feel her blowing a whistle. Getting a sense of wrapping something up in cellophane, not like the clingfilm we have now but actual cellophane, slightly stiffer, I feel it’s sandwiches. She's reminding me of a lady who helped out with adults with learning disabilities, can’t remember if her name was Diane’

I still can’t place this lady. It doesn’t help that I can’t remember any teachers from my early years at school.

‘I'm sensing your father is around, I’m getting Father Christmas. A sense of yule log and advent calendars. He’s got an axe like a wood chopper. Do you have an open fire?’

Me... ‘No, we don’t’

‘I'm associating chopping wood with an open fire, he’s in a wood chopping small trees. Getting a sensation of corrugated iron, he’s got boots on, tramping around in a muddy patch. Drinking a glass of milk, I associate that with calcium. I'm asking why he’s drinking a glass of milk, it’s to do with bone building, maintaining strength, getting the right mineral balance, it’s cow’s milk, cows you milk by hand, an organic source. He’s got an accordion, a keyboard out. He’s gallivanting, singing and music is good for you, to do with expression, expressing. Let your voice free and rejoice. You can play the Christmas carols, the Holly and the Ivy’ 

‘I'm seeing candle sticks. Have you got candle sticks that belonged to your mum or dad?’

Me... ‘No’

‘Is Brenda alone for Christmas?’

Me... ‘We’ll be going round there’

‘Light a candle for him, and sing the Holly and the Ivy with Brenda and he’ll be joining in with you, have a little festival’

‘I'm seeing a Christmas tree with the number 4 on it. That’s the number of this house. Maybe this place is important? Yes, this is the place he made his presence felt in one of our séances. It's a large number 4 in silver. In his Father Christmas guise, he’s got this bag of presents, he’s got lots of goodies in store for us’

‘Just got a sense of Roy Rogers something you can connect with him, cowboy westerns’

Yes, dad was a great fan of Clint Eastwood. We have his DVD with all the Clint Eastward cowboy westerns and recently watched them all.

‘He’s taking me to the sacred, reminding me of my tradition, the Mezuzah, the things you put outside your house in the Jewish tradition, to remind you of God and Spirit, the Jewish prayer in the Shema. It's like it’s on the gate post of this house, number 4. It’s a place for spirit, a place that’s dedicated. He’s giving me tram lines again, interconnecting journeys, pathways, travel lines but with the signals and points you can divert the tracks one with the other, they all interconnect. Not sure if he’s being the signal man or the line switcher. We have to learn to be able to switch and that’s the secret of mediumship, you make this transition so you can share somebody else's journey and then switch back, change tracks’

‘He just gave me the word twiggy’

Not sure why he’s saying twiggy

‘He's dressing up as a magician now, he’s in a velvet gown, deep purple with a wizard’s hat on with the stars and moon, pointy hat and magic wand. Reminds me of the throws in our séance room and the conical hat is like the séance trumpet, the cone. I think he’s going to help us with physical mediumship, I think that’s what he’s showing in his bag of goodies, that’s what he wants to do, Travis and others are in on this. We've got to learn more to switch tracks, to facilitate that and the fear behind not doing that is that you won’t be able to get back on the right track or back to where we were. It could be taking us on a wild goose chase but there’s a controller of that switching mechanism. That’s having the trust in the spirit help we have to help us to get the connection and stay on that track for as long as it takes and then switch us back. Ha, ha, he’s giving us a Cadburys milk chocolate as a little treat, it’s like when you give dogs treats for performing tricks correctly, it’s his reward. He’s putting me in a silver chair, got that silver again, there’s silver behind all of this. Maybe it’s our spirit group, I'm seeing tree tops, maybe it’s time to say goodbye now’

‘Got the word Villiers, and he’s left me with that. And now a tractor’

I associate Villiers with old engines. When I was younger dad used to take me to vintage transport fairs where we would see Villiers tractors and stationary engines.

Liz thanked everyone for coming and did the closing, sending out healing and our closing down exercise...