This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

75th Sitting 21/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz found herself walking along stepping stones, one step at a time and entering into some green woods where she saw a little elfin figure dressed in green playing a flute who led her on into the woods and out the other side where Liz saw a hill ahead. She climbed it and at the top was a cross, a crucifix. She found herself standing in front of it with her arms outstretched and then she seemed to be at a water curtain cave with the monkeys and lots of rainbows dancing again. Inside the cave all the monkeys were sitting absolutely still in a semi-circle, entranced, looking into an incredibly deep pool. They were looking at the pure still water as if trying to see the substance of the water. They were contemplating the substance of being, of consciousness, of awareness. It was the same; it was as if they were in it but trying to be aware of it, to contemplate it. It was keeping this incredible stillness. Liz was being shown the need to hold and maintain that stillness of attention, that it was very important. Normally the monkeys are very active but this was holding on to this precious sense of presence, of awareness being aware of itself in the nature of water…  

I started off in a green tent or wigwam. My initial feeling was to come out of it but something stopped me. The tent then started to get bigger and bigger, either that or I was getting smaller. A rope ladder suddenly appeared hanging down in front of me so I decided to climb it. As I went up I felt filled with energy pushing me higher and higher. The atmosphere got darker and I started to see stars and planets as I went up into space. I kept thinking I was going to reach the end of the ladder but it kept on going with no ending. I thought about jumping off but I was afraid of letting go and hurtling back down to Earth so kept going. Then the ladder took me through a cloud like pink blancmange and I stepped off the ladder to find I could walk on it without going through. The cloud seemed to get bigger as I walked across it and I saw various animals looking like The Clangers dotted about. I then saw a tall thin house which I headed for and went in. Inside I met my gran and grandad. I asked them ‘Where am I?’ and they told me I wasn’t anywhere really, I’d created this place myself with my imagination and because they had linked into my thoughts they could share my creation and had come here to meet me. They went on to explain that it was very similar on the Earth. We all create our own realities but they are shared realities as we are all linked together but we interpret it in our own individual way. My gran then gave me a bowl of homemade porridge which I enjoyed as I pondered over what they had said…

I put the music back on.

I was getting cold round my legs, a bit like a breeze.
I saw a few flashes above me and the room looked misty and wavy.
I felt a tickle on the back of my right leg.
I had pressure on my right ear, then the left one and then I heard buzzing in both ears.
The room started to look blobby.

Liz drifted off for a while.

I had a sensation under my right ear like something was trickling down from it.

Liz sensed a little mouse scurrying.

I had an image of a wooden chest of draws being painted pale blue.
I felt a vibration on my right foot.

Liz then said…

‘I seem to be looking at the large walls of a ruin, I don’t know where it is but it’s like the ruins in Greece. It’s more like a modern wall; it’s got concrete in it’

Liz was getting images of bees, locusts and insects.
She got the song words…  Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.

I felt a pressure on my throat like a finger pressing on it.

Liz continued…

‘It’s this garden that I seem to be in, walled garden, green lettuce, lots of insects, bees especially, foxgloves, hollyhocks… I’ve got a feeling of Benedictine… like a monk, a white robe but it doesn’t have sleeves… Michael… Something prickly, like a needle and thread, they’re book binding, making books’

‘I’ve got Rupert… and Roy… it’s the feeding of the lambs, around the feet of this monk I saw sheep and lambs… I seem to be getting lots of images of people and some of the children I’ve worked with, it’s like I was being shown to light a lamp, illumination…’

‘I’m coming back to Michael as I want to know if he has anything particular to say, I do have this funny image of communications, tin cans and string between them like children make’

‘I don’t think we can judge anyone, many we think are maverick, they’re just shaking up the beliefs and establishment, playfully poking fun at beliefs and structures that are outmoded’

‘Seem to have gone from brother Michael to these old Zen monks of Japan in caves, they are quite crazy, their methods were, leading people to enlightenment, sometimes shock tactics, using paradoxes and imponderables turning the mind upside-down’

Liz had a pressure on the bridge of her nose.

She continued…

‘I’ve got Iris… Irene… pot of precious gems… black academic robe like grammar school teachers would wear’

‘Got the image of a butterfly, spots on it, a richness of environment, the pearl edged fritillary… So what’s the message? Prediction again… spaces… yes the children, keep the lamps alight…’

‘That gown again and the association with old desks and school rooms, dusty old school rooms, teaching. I see these bright gardens and bright spaces with butterflies and underneath it is love, that’s the barometer, the true teaching of richness of any experience if it puts you in touch with love, if it increases the love, if there is love there that’s a good lesson. It can appear in the most unlikely places’

The music ended.

It took Liz a while to come completely back as she still had a strong link with Brother Michael, someone she had known in the physical life.

I got a sudden image of blue flowers in a green hedge.
I had drifted off briefly a few times towards the end.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.