This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

72nd Sitting 30/06/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz found herself by a small red brick bridge with two apertures as if the river divided in two. She felt there were pools and lakes further down with kingfishers, herons and other birds like a place she had been to before, a spiritual community and Liz felt she wanted to go there so decided to cross the bridge. She climbed up some stone steps onto the top of the bridge where it was like a tunnel, covered over and she walked through it to the other side and into a beautiful meadow full of rainbow people wearing coloured clothes and garments. Some were children and they were all very welcoming. Liz found herself drawn towards a group who were singing and she was urged to sing along with them. There was a young woman with her hair in plaits and a daisy chain around her head. She had golden brown hair and Liz realized it was Hermione’s daughter Athene grown up. She was showing Liz beautiful flowers, primroses, heather and they were all for grief. She was talking to Liz about grief and that people grieve deeply with the loss of a child or anyone but the wonderful remedies for grief were flowers and there was a flower for every type of grief because flowers have this spiritual quality and can lift you up. It sounded to Liz a bit like the Bach Flower Remedies. She then took Liz to a laboratory where they were making these essences; they were working with heather and hazel as well as other plants. The first blossom she showed Liz was mock orange which had a beautiful smell and Liz felt this was what she was wearing in her hair. She then accompanied Liz back to the bridge and just wanted her mother to know that she’d always love her…

I started off standing in front of a grandfather clock. I looked up at the face and it seemed to be smiling at me. Then I looked at the swinging pendulum which made me feel light headed and dreamy. I felt myself moving towards the clock and then into the clock and becoming one with it. I got the impression I had become time. Then I found myself expanding, bigger and bigger, eventually encompassing the whole Earth and then the whole solar system. I had a vision of being in a tunnel. I was stationary but the tunnel was moving through me and I kept getting glimpses of scenes of events passing by. Some were horrific events like wars and buildings being blown up and others were more pleasant like people having tea or playing games in the park. I soon realised I was on a time loop as the same images kept returning and then it suddenly went black. I got the feeling I could see no further as beyond the blackness was the future. I asked the question, how can we make the world a better place in the future? And got a reply that we can’t change other people but we can change ourselves, we can grow spiritually and become more loving which will have a knock-on effect and influence the whole human race. We should also know that the healing we send out does have a positive effect on all. Never doubt what we can do…

I put the music back on.

I started to see a few misty waves come from right to left.
They felt very close to me.
Then it went darker to me with a few blobs moving about.

I got an image of a large lady and heard the words… ‘Forest of Dean’

Liz got the names… ‘Keith, Harari, Quintin and Guildus’

I had a fuzzy, pressure feeling around the right side of my head and ear.
This continued on and off throughout the session.
At one point I noticed a sound like wind rushing past my ear as I breathed out as if there was some connection between my mouth and ear.

Liz was getting very hot.
She had a high pitched ringing and pressure in her right ear which lasted a few minutes.

Liz got the name… ‘Margo, a connection with Forest Row, something German, Anthropologists, Rudolf Steiner’

Liz continued…

‘I’ve got a connection with a ship, the steering wheel… a boxer… mushrooms’

‘Marge or Marguerite … sense of a pearl, like a shell, mother of pearl… antique dealer’

‘Bing Crosby… it’s like a message’

‘Seem to have long strips of… looks like liquorish but they’re belts like you’d use in a car’

I asked… ‘A fan belt?’

‘Yes that sort of thing… looks like a workshop’

The music ended and Liz had a few more words to say.

‘I’m left with the final image of lily of the valley, lovely dark leaves, beautiful white flower, fragrant flower… I think that was for Hermione…’

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

We had both drifted off several times during the session…