This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

25th Sitting 06/03/2014

We didn’t sit last week as we had a ‘Liz in the cabinet’ sit instead.

We had the room set up as normal but for some reason I forgot to charge up the luminous tabs on the table and Ping-Pong balls and by the time I realised this it was too late. We could still just about see the luminous tabs but they were nowhere near as bright as usual. 

8.30pm and it was time to start with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz started off walking through slushy, weedy undergrowth to the river where there was a sandy and pebbly shore. She sat for a while on a rock bathing her feet. To her left was a wooden white bridge. It was long and straight disappearing into the distance. Liz could see some land and clouds in the distance full of rainbows. It was a land of rainbows and she wanted to go there as it looked magical. The edge of the bridge merged with the sandy shore and as Liz walked over it she passed a group of donkeys with panniers and a long train of people like Arabs or Moroccans. They all seemed friendly but carried on walking. There was then a long stretch with nobody on it and Liz started to run. She split into two people, an adult Liz continued walking on the bridge but her awareness was with a child Liz flying above her holding onto two children like Wendy and Peter Pan. When she reached the other side her awareness was back with her adult self on the bridge and she met a lady in a pale blue dress (this ties up with the message Liz got from Joan on Monday 03/03/2014) she had blonde hair and was a bit like Alice in Wonderland. There was a tea party going on with children round a table sitting on deck chairs including Rupert Bear and the Rabbit. The lady asked Liz to sit down with them and encouraged her to work with the children telling her she was welcome back any time. She gave Liz a pearl to keep like a large ball. Liz felt it was to do with communication. (Liz had another message in the Monday group some weeks ago about being a pearl on a beach under moonlight to help with communication) Liz now realised the tune was ending so quickly manufactured an umbrella in her mind to bring her swiftly back to her side…  

My visualization began with me lying in bed. It was like I was dreaming and another body came out from my physical body and floated down to the river bank. My awareness was in my dream body and I could see my physical body asleep in the bed. My dream body was translucent and my vision a bit blurred and everything seemed to be like a photo negative. As I started walking over the bridge my vision became clearer. The bridge was white and the sides were like halves of large spoked wheels. Then I noticed the bridge was made of a kind of foam/sponge material. As I walked across I passed a snake and a couple of lizards going the other way that ignored me or possibly didn’t see me. When I reached the other side there was a column of mist which morphed into a very tall biblical looking man in robes. His size made me realize I was a child and he put his hand on my head and mumbled a few words that I couldn’t understand. Then everything I could see faded and I found myself back in bed…  

Interestingly we both seemed to leave our bodies and become children in a second body this week.

Liz had felt prickles on her head and I had a pressure on my forehead.

I did the opening prayer and put the music back on.

To me it looked like the room was getting lighter.

Liz got the impression of something falling.
She saw light in her peripheral vision and lots of shapes moving round the room.

I saw misty light each side of me.

Liz was now seeing lights all around the room, mainly vertical and a moving marble effect that was a bluish colour.

I was seeing large wisps of light in the middle of the room with a pink tinge.
My legs were getting cold and feeling fuzzy.

Liz was cold all over.

Liz saw an oblong block of light which got her attention in the middle of the room and it moved to her right.
Then she saw a flash to her right.
She said the centre of the room was now a rose tint.

I could see blobs in the centre of the room and a few dim lights to my right moving towards the centre.
I felt tickles round my face.
There was a lot of pink light to my right, Liz saw it as well.

Liz felt a feathery touch on her face.

My nose felt like it was running.
I felt a light touch on the back of my right hand and tickles round both wrists.

Liz was seeing clouds of blackish grey smoke billowing up in front of her.
I had a bright blue colour in front of me that looked a bit like the surface of crinkled aluminium foil.

Liz felt touches in her hair; it felt like someone was putting a silk scarf on her head.
Then it felt more like a nun’s veil and Liz got a warm peaceful feeling.

I saw a vertical light come and go near the centre of the room. It looked just like curtains parting for a few seconds letting a little light in.

I had a tickle in my left ear.
I felt something in my hair and my nose now felt blocked.

Liz had the sensation of a tree made of light with concave branches dipping down and going out each side of the room. It looked like a negative photo.

I got a vision of a lemon being squeezed. In our other group we always put out half a lemon, salt and various minerals. I wondered if this was a message that we should now do the same in this group. We’ve been using these things since the original Mercury Circle and the idea is that the team can use them to replenish us in some way after our energies have been used during a sitting.

I was yawning a lot and it felt like a tear was running down the side of my nose. I try not to touch my face during a sitting but it was getting so itchy and I had to scratch the side of my nose but when I did so it felt dry.

Liz got a vision of crustacean shells, like crabs.

I felt a touch on my right foot then it suddenly got cold in front of me.

The American/Indian tune came on so we did our cross experiment again.

Liz built a cross out of stripped branches, white wood bound together with string so there was a big lump in the middle where the binding protruded.
Then she did the same thing with bones.
At the end she had a flat brass or gold cross with emeralds and rubies in each of the four ends.

I couldn’t keep my eyes open at the start so closed them and saw a Chinese man made from brass holding his hands together as if praying. He became animated and moved one of his hands to a horizontal position making a cross and he started laughing.
When I opened my eyes there was a bright blob in front of me and I saw a black cross form within the blob followed by a bright shining cross. Then I tried to manipulate the blob into a cross shape which I just about managed to do but couldn’t hold it like that and it sprung back into a blob shape.

I felt something running down my forehead.
Then I felt something running down my left cheek and had tickles in my hair and left ear.
There seemed to be a lot of light to my right.

Liz had the sensation of looking down at a bumpy surface like sand dunes as if she was a bird hovering above.

I drifted off during the last couple of tunes and got an image of vertical lines which changed into a book case full of books. One of them came flying out towards me and I could make out a date, 1930, on the spine. I tried to see the title but couldn’t read it.
My head felt very hot at the end.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…