This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

13th Sitting 07/11/2013

We were back after missing last week.
The room was set up as usual.

At 8.30pm we started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz’s visualisation started with an awareness of lush green grass on the bank. The bridge is always on her left, a convex arch made of metal, trellis sides, open mesh floor. There was a rainbow mist everywhere and over the other side Liz could see spires, turrets and mountains with white horses galloping around like a fairy tale setting.
A young woman with tight platinum blond hair in curls was coming towards her. She looked like a school friend but Liz felt it was Joan as a young woman. She told Liz she was working with us and gave her a diamond asking her to keep it.

I also started with the lush green grass feeling but my bridge is always to my right. Like a few weeks back I had the feeling I was a giant then a dwarf before settling down to the correct size to walk over the bridge. There was a pinkie sunset. I was met by a black man with short hair dressed as a priest and dangling a smoking thurible. He walked with me to the centre of the bridge then communicated with me but without words. I got the feeling he was saying there’s a lot more for me to learn and discover but to carry on as I do. Then he sprouted two large white wings and morphed into a white bird that slowly flew back to his side.

I did the opening prayer and put on the music.

Liz sensed people in the room.
I was feeling warm at the start.

Liz reported mist building up in the room from her right. It was bluish.
I saw some white mist but it was mainly to my right.

I started yawning and carried on till about halfway through.

I was getting cold round my legs.
My right leg was tingly.

Liz said the mist had cleared but I could still see it to my right and it was now yellow.
I felt a pressure on my right ear.
I felt there was somebody to my right as I have done for the past few weeks.

Liz was seeing drifting shapes and dim lights in front of her.
I felt something running down the right side of my face.

Liz noticed dim flashes across the room and asked our friends if it was them to do it again.
15 seconds later she saw a falling light from the same direction.

The room was now looking darker to me then I saw a flash to my right at floor level.

We both drifted out of it slightly.

I was aware of a bright blob in front of me.
I felt a light touch on my right arm and pressure on my forehead.

Liz also reported pressure on her forehead and felt she had someone with her.
She felt a hand pushing down on her head and felt prickly all over.
She felt there was a tent or fir tree in the centre of the room.

I saw a few dim lights moving around over the table.

I felt a vibration under my foot and a touch in my hair.
Liz felt a juddering feeling all over.

Liz got some names, Larry, Lenny and Charlotte.

I felt another touch in my hair.

Liz and I both drifted off again.

Liz found herself keeled over sideways when she came back.
She got the words Yellowstone and yellow feather.
I saw three ladies kneeling in a circle outside somewhere and noticed one of them was glowing blue.

Liz was now very warm.
I was freezing cold and I still couldn’t stop yawning.

Liz saw a flash above her.
She then felt herself becoming overshadowed.
She got the name Terrence and the place Tavistock.
She had the impression of ticker tape and early computers.

I saw two faces one looking up and the other looking down.
I also saw a young girl with pony tails dancing around the room.

Liz saw a bluish light over the table.
The room looked very black to me.

Liz was feeling colder and felt a cold breeze which made her shudder.
I was now feeling warm again.

The last tune ended.

Liz did the healing exercise then the closing prayer and closing down exercise for us both.

It had felt a bit different to me tonight. I normally drift off a bit towards the end but this week had felt very awake at the end and had drifted off more at the start and middle of the session.
I have so far never felt like I’m going to be controlled when sitting in the Mercury Experiment but tend instead to experience more visualisations and dreams when I drift off…