This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

247th Sitting 17/06/2021

We sat in semi dark conditions and I was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Before starting we did an experiment with the Mind Mirror EEG. I spoke normally just making stuff up as Liz asked questions. This was so that Liz could compare the results of me speaking normally against me being controlled.

Liz then did the opening prayer as I tuned in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘The perfect answer to every question comes from yourself, comes from within. You ask and you receive. Ask yourself and you will receive. There is so much information within yourself that you can feed from, you can use to help you, to guide you through your life. Do not think of yourself as separate, as one. You are many, you are everything, you are immortal. You seep into every part of your world and beyond. Nothing is beyond your reach. All that you do is a reflection of a larger reality. All that you understand, all that you truly understand is locked inside of you but you have the key, you have the ability to find that information within yourself. You do not need to look beyond yourself for you are the beginning, you are the beginning of your life and your life has moved on, has spread, has moved into multiple directions. Allow your mind to wander, allow your mind to understand yourself and the abilities that you have. See your world as a wonderful tool, something you can use to help yourself to develop. Look forward to every day, every situation. No situations are negative, they are all positive, they are all designed especially for you. Rejoice that you are given these opportunities. Do not think that you have failed, do not feel that you have made the wrong choice but rejoice that you have the ability to choose and that ability is growing within yourself. You are beginning to see the reactions of your world to your life, to your way of living. Your world will help you to change yourself, to become something more, to become something more beneficial to others. You share your lives, they too are looking for answers, they too are looking within themselves. You all share the ability to look back at yourself. You always ask questions expecting an answer, try not to expect an answer, try to answer that question yourself. The answer you give is more valuable to your growth, the answer from others is more valuable to their growth’

‘Wake up out of your slumber, become the real person that you have created. Look at yourself in a mirror. You see the physical form but you feel the spirit within, the connection to consciousness. You have just begun your life, your physical life, but your consciousness goes back beyond your thoughts. Keep hold of your memories in this physical world for they have formed you in this physical life, but also remember you are a part of consciousness, an evolving consciousness and you have been a part of that consciousness longer than you can imagine. Each physical lifetime adds its memories, shapes you, changes you, develops you. You are so much more and you are heading towards a new beginning. The physical world is a starting point, make the most of your life and know that you are adding to that greater part of yourself. All life is one life, all consciousness is one consciousness. Consciousness lives, consciousness evolves, you play your part. The world is only a world when you make it into a world. You each have your own world that you have created for yourselves. That world will change as you change and together you will all work as one’

‘How many thoughts does it take to make a world? How many dreams does it take to create a new life, a new adventure? There are no answers for the questions need to be experienced by you and by others before a new answer is created from within. You are creative beings and by creating you are reshaping yourselves, becoming something more, something more valuable, something more productive. Keep asking the questions for they will be answered, but not in the way that you expect. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your wonderful experiments. We are always here with you; we are always by your side. We know you can feel us and we know you can hear us. You may try to understand who we are or what we are. That is for you to create and understand in your mind for we cannot tell you. You have the ability within yourself to know who or what it is that speaks, that brings information, that tries to help you. Continue that what you do and the answers will come flooding to you, your understanding will become clear and you will walk with your head held high, knowing that you are part of the solution. All life is valuable, all beings are valuable, they all help, they all help with the evolution of life and consciousness, thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

Liz then tuned in...

‘I’ve got the name Cuthbert, Saint Cuthbert. Getting an image and sensation of sand castles, crenulated castle made of sand. I had the feeling that came with Cuthbert of a little boy wanting to put a Union Jack flag on the sand castle. I've got somebody with spectacles, it’s the spectacles that have come first. Feels like an older gentleman just making his presence felt, feels a bit like a head master, slightly stooped with quite a mop of grey hair, leaning over a lectern or a book, feels quite scholarly. Just a knowing he’s put in my mind as if he’s looking at an alchemical, magic text, fancies himself as a wizard, alchemist. He's got a grandfatherly feeling about him, showing himself in that sort of way. He's giving me the feeling of physics, like Sir Isaac Newton, not that he’s that, just gives me the feeling, physic. Feels quite old, wrinkled, got a kindly feeling about him, a feeling of intense curiosity, as if he’s holding up a monocle or lens, trying to look closely at things. Seeing bits of plants and things around. He’s giving me the feeling that he’s travelled the globe, getting a sense of a globe of the world, he held the whole world in his hand, it’s as if he’s saying, the words formed, I travelled a good deal, I want to say to the Americas. Showing me himself in his dotage, feel a velvet gown or velvet chair, colour purple. He comes with a feeling of your old father William, the young man said and your hair has become very white, and yet you incessantly stand on your head, do you think at your age it is right? Giving a sense that age isn’t an obstacle, curiosity and invention and exploration. A sense of incredible patience about scientific endeavour, about chronicling, investigating. Not so much taking measurements as watching, identifying, exploring, seeing what is there, what it is in itself. It's almost as if I'm looking at the constellations, the sky, the stars, so much pattern, so much complexity, wanting to measure and to map. It's that feeling you can look in the distance or you can look very closely, as above so below, the complexity is apparent at all levels. He's giving me the feeling of the mathematical constructs underpinning, but that’s belying the magic. It's the experiencing. Now he’s taking me to that notion as if he’s abandoned the idea of measuring and describing mathematically phenomena, but he wants to gaze into them, just wants to appreciate the enigma, the actual puzzle of the beingness, it’s the awe and the wonder and the magic and for all his astrolabe. There's only one level of measurements, they don’t contain what it is, they describe and define but those definitions bely the experience and that’s the added dimension, the experiential. He's making me feel as an old man, getting that craziness of the sorcerer's apprentice, where you jumble up all these laws and rules and combinations and spells and you throw them into a stew, you play around with them and see what happens and something you didn’t expect emerges. It's breaking up the patterns, we’ve become in love with patterns, with definitions and constructs and physical laws. The truth is something else, it goes beyond, in the mind, in the new explorers. You need to look into the mind, he’s giving me the feeling of going back to being like a child, like the sorcerer's apprentice, it plays. To see the world in a grain of sand, an eternity in an hour. Just making me feel of stirring a pot of porridge and the feeling of I would give anything for a pot of porridge, the taste, the sensation, to experience hunger, appetite. He's giving me the feeling he lived in a sort of ivory tower but there was a sterility about it, like dry crusts of bread that contrast with the pot of fresh porridge. It's like he’s saying I was a crusty old man, in my mind it’s contrasting with a picture I have of a Sufi poet Omah Kian, the astronomer, he doted on the grape, the wine. But this man wasn’t like that at all. Giving me the feeling his hands became like claws, crabs in the sea. Everything was fascinating, the tides. He's giving me the sense of a purse, don’t know if he’s telling me I’m making a purse out of a sow's ear or a sow’s ear out of a purse? Just showing me a purse, a bit like a velvet bag, held together with a tie, a leather throng, a stipend. Keep going back to the word astrolabe, the word significance, significance in all things, meaning in all things, signs in all things. It’s like an overload of interest, trying to make sense of everything. Don’t forget to delight, you can delight even in a frog. Enjoy. He's giving me the image of a pond with the ripples, somebody’s thrown a stone in and it’s taking me to the diamond for some reason. This man feels like the archetype of the scientist’s philosopher, his mind is expanding, so full of measurements and wonder. Keeps coming back to the astrolabe. Use the word divine curiosity. He's got that twinkle in his eye, it’s like he’s saying don’t give up, keep going, it’s an endless path, it’s like a pilgrimage, one small bag carried on a stick, setting off on a journey of exploration. I'm seeing him always with his white hair, not as a young man but monkish... I’ll say thank you to him, Meister Eckhart, Meister, he’s a guide of some sort, a wizard, thank you for your presence, your encouragement and sharing. Cuthbert, thank you...’

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...