This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

197th Sitting 13/06/2019

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz decide not to use the Mind Mirror EEG this week but we still had the Magnetometer working as usual outside the seance room.

I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge exercise then continued on into the session...

After 20 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘I’m feeling this presence with me... Naomi... It’s a very gentle feminine presence, she brings with her the memory of a grand piano, piano playing, dancing, very gentle feminine energy. But I have a sense she was blown up by a bomb, but her whole experiences of the feminine... she showed me a white shawl made of cream coloured silk, just a large white shawl, could have been like a head scarf... slim, very light... I see her like a shepherdess... she’s showing a line of cars, travelling with a convoy, nose to tail... she’s telling me there are schools now, places of learning, she’s teaching, she’s learning, going on a long journey... it’s quite beautiful, it’s like she can create whatever she wants, like lavender fields, it’s like she loves the creative arts, beautiful patterns, pictures... she’s talking about being sensitive to the needs of others... soft cushions... she’s trying to convey a sense of exquisite embroidery, the delicate nature of these arts and crafts, the delicate beauty of the perfection, the colours, the texture, all these wonderful facets of crafts to delight, they are the expression of a desire to bring beauty, to bring that spiritual beauty into the physical environment, into the environment of the home and the inhabited spaces in which we live, to grace them with the expressions of the inner seeing of the spiritual realms, the colours and the light and they are all art when it is a genuine expression of inspired spirit, the memory, the inner seeing, it’s a gift to help to stimulate the memory, the remembrance, the attunement to spirit. True art is shining with that light, a special subtle flavour, a taste of spirit. Divas, earth spirits have created the wonderful manifestations on the Earth plane, the flowers, the trees, the insects, the animals, the creatures, all exquisite, wonderful creations and for the human creations are as yet limited but they are the artistic creations of music, of theatre, of dance, of art, painting, sculpture, the crafts, the weaving, the sowing, the embroidery, the patterning, the decorating, the inventions, the architecture, the buildings, the furnishings, the gardens, the toys, all these, creations of the human mind and imagination are imbued with spirit. Now the beginning of the human being, learning to create, developing that ability to manifest. The humans are a manifestation of the creative power and as manifestations they too can manifest creation and as they grow in strength and wisdom and power, they too can become creators. The creative aspect permeates all manifestation and like an echo it continues, rebounds, getting weaker and weaker until the new impulse sounds again. Creation does not stop with the created but the created become creators, creation continues and continues to its endless permutations. We find ourselves like magicians with the magic wand practising creation but it’s only with the refinement of spirit that the finest creations can occur. You can turn from the very bold strident dominant creations imbued with power with the more delicate subtle intricate creations that have their own intents, intern power. These two different types of creations operate in much the way of the male and female, both are essential in the building blocks of life, where you see the great icebergs with their magnificent structure, form and shape like mountains but within the structure, the delicate crystalline formations such as you get in snowflakes, both are intricately involved in manifestation, both have their part to play. So, the female form and the female mind and way in creation is different and essential to the male way with its more powerful and dominant and outward display' 

'I Naomi celebrate the feminine but I recognise the beauty and the power of the masculine, and I celebrate the difference and enjoy the difference. I enjoy and embrace the feminine but respect the right of the male to enjoy and embrace the masculine. Both polarities have been woven into the manifestations of the physical world and both are intricately intertwined in each and every portion of the manifestations but just as the tree bears male and female so the whole of life manifests in proportion of male and female. This balance of the male and female manifests in the human consciousness, in the human form of the brain, the right and left sidedness of the brain so within each human is that capacity for a predominance of male and female. But though one proclivity may dominate, both aspects must be treasured, expressed and nurtured because to express and nurture within the one organism the two proclivities of the male and female this enables the respect and the understanding for the dominance of one form or the other in each individual, so a female can best understand a male by experiencing within herself that male component of the psyche and similarly the male can best understand the female by recognising within himself the feminine proclivity within his own psyche, so although the mental mechanism of the male may be dominant as male, the presence of the female within him allowing the expression and the sense of that will enable him to understand and respect the feminine in the female in whom feminine expression is dominant. When this becomes true for all human beings there will no longer be the inequality between the sexes, there will no longer be conflict between the sexes, there will be cooperation and heightened creativity and a far deeper spirituality in humanity in general. The mother-father god that is spoken of by mystics is a reality not to be ignored for the creator is a mother-father god and the true human will only become creator when the mother-father god is manifest in each and every one’

‘I Naomi, operating in the feminine principle have been blown up by bombs from a masculine force that was out of balance in the world at present. I celebrate the feminine and I urge the masculine to also celebrate the feminine, so there will be no more bombs, no more killing fields and the principle of the masculine will be transmuted from the blood bath of the stags fighting to the building of heaven on earth, to the building of temples, to the building of living things, to creation and the feminine principle will embrace this transmutation waving the wonderful white flag of peace and truth and surrender’

‘I have shone the mirror on my life and recognised how many incarnations I have had as male and female and the powerful lessons of the immaturity of those forms in me has begun to mature so my understanding has grown. We all have learned through millennia, through multitudinous lives, in one form or another of male and female, we have learned to begin to transcend from the animal form that dominates in us, in the physical memories of our DNA of our brain stem, we have learned to transmute, to transform, to transpose’

‘James Kicoldy... coming from the churches... the animals still manifested, the primeval forms still dominated the spirituality, latent within those structures but a new age is upon us so the form of the churches must change for the old spirituality dominated by the animal forces has to be surpassed. The churches have acted like rampant roe deer bucks, like dinosaurs, like walruses dominating, waring, fighting, claiming territory and that is the old animal way, and that is not the refined spirituality that was essential in the teaching of the masters and the saints, that is the corrupted version spelled out by the priests and teachers who did not have the refined understanding of the evolved human but were operating still from the animal which they projected on a demonic form called the devil. And the old religions are being replaced by a new spirituality and that is informed by the higher principles and in part is mediated by the deeper understanding of the male and the female elements in our psyche’

The music CD ended.

‘Ah, feel as if there’s many nuns and priests around me, they are all intoning to the mother-father god as if that breath is being breathed out over the world, a new understanding’

‘Thank you to Naomi and Iris who was there and Peter and James Kicoldy’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

Liz felt there was somebody overshadowing her quite strongly towards the later part of the communications. She felt a tingling over her head.

Liz thought Naomi could be someone she knew in Israel many years ago.

We recalled our Rainbow Bridge exercises...

Liz started off walking through large banks of irises towards an enormous river, fast flowing and wide. A long rainbow bridge spanned it and Liz began walking across reaching out to spirit, allowing them to come towards her. She became aware of a girl in a long dress who looked like her and Liz identified with her, a lovely feminine presence. She was dancing and had a beautiful shawl she had made and led Liz to a woodland where there were many more women and stags with antlers. Liz thought they might be men dressed up as stags, she couldn’t make head or tail of it. The women seemed to be very at ease with this space and had an incredible connection with nature. The stags we dancing and intertwining with the women, it was if it was a celebration of each other. Then Liz was aware of everybody in a separate rainbow bubble and they were all different, they were all dancing and creating within their own bubble but interconnected somehow. They were sharing the same world but each seeing it differently, creating it differently...

I started off walking down a tunnel like a mining tunnel with light bulbs hanging off wires. Then I saw a lady’s face, it was black and white like an actress in an old movie, she had blond curly hair. The mining tunnel was still there and it was as if I was swaying between the two images. Both images then disappeared and I was aware of curtains on a stage opening and the stage was full of white light and at the same time I saw black witches flying around on broom sticks in the dark then all that disappeared and I was a postman walking up a path to a house. I started posting letters through the door, some were black and some white and it felt like the house was eating the letters and I had to keep feeding it. Then I heard people talking and laughing behind the door so I opened it and saw Liz with her friend who had two babies in her arms which is what I saw when I had entered Liz’s house earlier...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...